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Programa Académico: Ingeniería Mecánica Asignatura: Tranf.

De Calor Fecha: 26 de febrero de 2020

Facultad: Ingenierías Semestre: I Nota:
Nombre del Estudiante: Código:
Nombre del Docente: Prof. Lisneider Sánchez Competencias a Evaluar:
Ascanio Prueba
Parcial 1 Define y reconoce los mecanismos de
Parcial 2 transferencia de calor (E-Conocer).
Ex. Final Aplica los conceptos de modos de
Quiz trasferencia de calor por medio de
circuitos térmicos (E-Hacer).
Taller x

1. An electric heater with the total surface area of 0.25 m2 and emissivity 0.75 is in a room where the air has a temperature of
20°C and the walls are at 10°C. When the heater consumes 500 W of electric power, its surface has a steady temperature
of 120°C. Determine the temperature of the heater surface when it consumes 700 W. Solve the problem (a) assuming
negligible radiation and (b) taking radiation into consideration. Based on your results, comment on the assumption made
in part (a).

2. A house has a composite wall of wood, fiberglass insulation, and plaster board, as indicated in the sketch. On a cold winter
day, the convection heat transfer coefficients are ho _ 60 W/m2 _ K and hi _ 30 W/m2 _ K. The total wall surface area is
350 m2.
(a) Determine a symbolic expression for the total thermal resistance of the wall, including inside and outside convection
effects for the prescribed conditions. (b) Determine the total heat loss through the wall. (c) If the wind were blowing
violently, raising ho to 300 W/m2 _ K, determine the percentage increase in the heat loss. (d) What is the controlling
resistance that determines the amount of heat flow through the wall?
3. Determine the heat transfer rate from A to F having into account that A presents convection and radiation, B, C,D,E
conduction, and F convection.

4. A 50 mm X 45 mm X 20 mm cell phone charger has a surface temperature of Ts = 33 °C when plugged into an electrical
wall outlet but not in use. The surface of the charger is of emissivity 𝜀 = 0.92 and is subject to a free convection heat
transfer coefficient of h = 4.5 W/m2 _ K. The room air and wall temperatures are T = 22 C and Tsurr = 20C,
respectively. If electricity costs C = $0.18/kW _ h, determine the daily cost of leaving the charger plugged in when not in

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