Banksy Graffiti Module 7

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The image I chose is “Season Greetings” by Banksy, which was created in December of 2018

hence, the name. Banksy is depicting a political and social issue protesting air pollution. A
former steel factory worker, Gary Owen who messaged Banksy about the dust pollution and the
effects it has on children. “The effects of such pollution on children – a problem that affects
over 90 per cent of under 18 year-olds worldwide according to the WHO”(Mara Budgen, 2018).
Banksy took the issue at hand and created “Season Greetings”.
Banksy used black, white and orange to create this artwork. The graffiti depict a garbage bin
burning emitting black smoke which is mixed into the snow the child is enjoying. He used
orange to depict the fire in the beat-up garbage bin which is the only use of vibrant colour. This
depict the issue he is trying to portray; that burning any form of material that is emitted into the
air is harmful. The child is wearing his winter clothes and has his snow sled next to him enjoying
the snow by sticking his arms up and his tongue out of his mouth without knowing how harmful
the air is. Most of Banksy art is black and white with little to no colour. There were thousands of
people who showed up at the location of the art piece in 2018. Banksy attracted his audience
using his inventiveness on the matter of air pollution.
Vandal is a person who deliberately destroys or damages public or private property whereas
Banksy street art conveys messages that resonates with people across the world. He does not
deliberately destroy properties; he simply just creates his art in places that can best convey the
meaning of his message. However, not everyone sees him in that way some people think he is a
vandal because they don’t understand or don’t want to understand his point of view of art. Most
of his street art is based on political and social issue highlighting the problems we face.
The artwork was originally was painted on two walls of a steelworker's garage in Port Talbot.
The owner of said garage was afraid the art would be vandalised, so they installed a plastic
screen to protect it which was funded by Michael Seen. However, the street art was still
vandalised by a drunk person. After the incident they drafted extra security guard to protect it
which was short lived because in 2019 the artwork was moved to a gallery in the town's Ty'r
Orsaf building.
I think “Season greetings” should have remained where the artist intended it to. Banksy place the
artwork on a steelworker garage because of the former steel factory worker who inform him
about the dust pollution. The graffiti was in public where anyone can visit it whenever they want
without an admission fee whereas when its in private viewing the artwork is showcased only at
certain time and require an admission. In a sense privatizing the graffiti takes away the message
and people monetize the artwork which is not Banksy intension of his work. However, in some
case it helps to protect the artwork from vandalization.

Mara Budgen (28 December 2018) Season’s greetings, the Banksy mural in Port Talbot transforms
snowflakes into air pollution. Retrieved on 2 November 2020 from

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