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10 years of Budgeting

Yiin Lai

Arizona State University


10 years of budgeting

This paper includes my education biography as well as the school narrative of Copper

Canyon High School, which is the high school I plan to teach in the future. Here I will

give a summary of my 10-day project, the project narrative calendar, a budget table for

the project and its narrative, as well as an inquiry-based lesson plan that I will be

focusing on day one of the project.

Applicant Narrative

My name is Yiin Lai and I got my Bachelor degree in Mathematics and Secondary

Education from Arizona State University. This is my 2nd year of teaching at Copper

Canyon High School, which is also the high school that I went to. I am currently teaching

Advanced Algebra and Pre-Calculus to Sophomores and Juniors. I was previously a

teacher assistant for my Math teacher here and as well as a math tutor at Glendale

Community College before I’m a teacher. I’m also a tennis coach here at Copper Canyon.

I believe that all students are genuinely learning and retaining information only when

they’re engaged with their teachers and peers. As an educator, I aim to create a safe

environment where students feel comfortable with sharing ideas and taking risks.

Students will work with their peers to solve problems, share ideas, ask questions, and

push each other to success. Teachers and administrators will work collaboratively to
ensure that students are learning in a classroom where they feel comfortable to interact

with their peers and students.

Technology will be integrated in class to aid students in having a better visualization of

math equations and graphs.Websites such as Kahoot, Quizlet, or Google Classroom could

be used to promote student engagement in the classroom. Students will use appropriate

and inclusive language in the classroom. They will also participate in class discussions

openly and respectfully.

School Narrative

Copper Canyon is a title 1 school and it serves a high percentage of students from low-

income families. Some of these students live in an unsafe and unpredictable environment,

which could have a serious impact on their physical and mental health, therefore affecting

their academic and cognitive performance in school negatively. Teachers should

understand the issues these students face, provide individualized instructions that fulfill

their unique needs, be flexible, and explore ways to motivate them to succeed.

There’s an average of 35 students per classroom Each student has their own unique needs

and we work hard to differentiate practices and assignments to promote a better learning

experience for them. At CCHS, our goal is to be committed to develop the potential of all

students, staff and community. Here we offer multiple programs such as Special

Education, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and Career and Technical
Education. The goals of these programs are to allow all students to have equal learning

opportunities, reduce high-risk student behaviors that present barriers to learning and

prepare students for a wide range of careers.

Summary of Project

As I mentioned before, there is a high percentage of students at Copper Canyon coming

from a low-income family. This project will help them develop budgeting skills, which is

one of the most important skills that will help them greatly in the future. Students will

envision how their life would be in 10 years, and how they will apply budgeting skills to

achieve that lifestyle. Students will also learn how to plan their life accordingly and

ensure that their career choice aligns with their passion. They will use their knowledge of

Algebra to create their budget equation that they will follow to help them achieve the

lifestyle that they envision. Once their project is completed, students will present it to a

financial advisor that I will have as a guest for the last 2 day of the project.

Student Impact

I’m currently teaching 4 classes of students and there’s an average of 35 students per

class. That is, 140 students will be directly impacted by this project. These students will

think about their future at an earlier age and be more prepared for it when they’re out of

high school. They will apply the budgeting skills, planning skills, and organization skills

that they learned from this project in real world situations.

Teacher Impact
This project will allow me to guide my students to become financially independent. I will

be giving feedback on how they could improve their strategy as well as learning

something from them. This is also a great opportunity for me to understand my students

better and build a stronger relationship with them as I will be able to engage with them.

Community Impact

At the end of this project, students will share their presentation of how they envision their

future to be and how they will use budgeting to achieve that lifestyle. I will invite a

financial advisor as my guest to watch their presentations, then he or she will provide

their professional feedback that might aid the students in achieving their goal.

Project Narrative

This goal of this project is for students to develop financial skills that will aid them in the

future when they graduate high school and are out in the real world. Students will do

research on what it means to be a financially stable adult and they will apply those

knowledge in planning the life that they want. Students will also learn the cost in buying

a car and a house, as well as the cost of other big steps they will be taking in their adult

life such as wedding and starting a family. The calendar and description of this project

will be provided in Table 2.

Sustaining The Project and Innovation

I will borrow a cart of laptops from the Copper Canyon High School library to ensure that

all my students have the options of working on this project on a laptop. Students will use

the laptop to do research and create a presentation for this project. They will then email

me their powerpoint the night before the presentation if they choose to do their

presentation on powerpoint. I will use the projector to put their powerpoint up on the

whiteboard on presentation day. Students will also be able to work on their powerpoint

outside of the classroom if they choose to.

After Proposal Period

After the presentation, students will answer the driving question, how much will they

have to make a year to live the life they want? Students will reflect on what they’ve learned from

this project and write it down on a piece of paper. This will serve as their exit ticket.


This project forces students to think about their future early so they can be more prepared

to become an adult. Students will be able to apply their knowledge in math to real life situations,

while learning time and money management.

Budget Narrative

Students will be able to have 2 options to present their project. They can either do their

presentation on a laptop or a poster board. Students that choose to do their presentation on a

poster board will need a poster board and coloring tools, and I will not require them to pay for it

on their own. I want my students to be able to do their presentation in their preferable way, it

would be unfair that they have to pay for the poster board and coloring tools because students
that are doing presentation on a powerpoint will not have to spend any money since i will be able

to borrow some laptops from the school. Doing presentations on a poster board allows students

to be creative with the project and therefore having more fun with it. I believe that these

materials can help spark students' interest in this project therefore having better results at the end

of the project. The budget table will be provided in Table 1.


Babauta, L. (2020). 10 Habits to Develop for Financial Stability and Success : zen habits.

Retrieved 4 December 2020, from

Hawkins, K. (2020). 10 Steps to Financial Security Before Age 30. Retrieved 4 December 2020,


Imafidon, C. (2020). 10 Habits Financially Stable People Have. Retrieved 4 December 2020,


Silva, D. (2020). 10 Steps to Reach Financial Stability - SmartAsset. Retrieved 4 December

2020, from


Table 1

Item # and Cost Where to purchase Funding Source

Color pencils 4 packs of 12, $10 Amazon Teacher Supply Lists

dollars per pack for Parents

Markers 3 packs of 7, $7 per Amazon Teacher Supply Lists

pack for Parents

Highlighter 3 packs of 6, $8 per Amazon Teacher Supply Lists

pack for Parents


Poster Boards 10 packs of 5, $14 per Amazon Teacher Supply Lists

pack for Parents

Table 2

Day Standards & Learning Activities Assessment Technolog

Learning y Used


Students will
1 Standards Describe briefly the Laptops,
brainstorm and share
(Content & formative projector
their perception of
Anchor): Day 1 assessment
what it means to be
will not have a strategies that you
financially secured,
math standard, will use to measure
then we will watch a
instead we will the learning
video on Simple Steps
focus on the objective and offer
to Financial Freedom.
driving question, students
After that, students will
“How to be a opportunity to
be put in groups of 4
financially measure daily
and they will be given
secured adult” success in reaching
4 different links to 4
the goal: I will have
Learning different articles on
students to share their
Objective(s): how to be financially
thinking on how to be

secured. Once they

Students will be a financially secured
have read the articles,
able to identify adult before and after
they will then share
what it means to viewing the video
what they’ve learned
be an adult and and articles that I
from reading their
learn how to be provided.
articles with each
other. Students will
then be given the

Essential direction of the project,

Question for which is how they want

Student their life to be 10 years

direction: What after high school and

does it mean to be how they’re going to

an adult? What manage their money to

responsibility get to where they want

does an adult to be in life. This is an

have? What is the individual project and

biggest concern they will make a

of an adult? What presentation on this

is your vision on project on a powerpoint

your adult life? or a poster board.


2 and Standards Students will have two Describe briefly the Laptops

3 (Content & options after high formative

Anchor): A2.A- school. They can either assessment

CED.A.1, A2.A- go to college or start strategies that you

REI.A.1 their career. They will will use to measure

be planning their first the learning

through fourth year objective and offer
after high school. students
Students will be
opportunity to
able to construct College route: Students
measure daily
an equation for will be answering the
success in reaching
their budget, and following prompts:
goal: Students will
explain what each What college are you
have to write down
variable stands going to and what is
their equation for
for. Students will your major? What
their budget as well
also learn how to career do you plan on
as how much they
manage their starting with your
will be saving each
money. degree? How much is
month on a piece of
their tuition, how
Essential paper. It will serve as
would you pay for it?
Question for their exit ticket.
Scholarship? List the
scholarships that you’ll
direction: What
be applying for and the
do you want to do

after high school? amount of it. If you

decide to take student

loans, how many years

do you expect to pay it

off and how would you

budget yourself to pay

it off in expected time?

Will you have a part

time job? How much

will you make? How

much will you spend?

Savings are important,

so make sure you have

a savings account and

tell me how much you

would save per month.

Come up with an

equation for your

budget and list what

each variable stands for

(food, transportation,

wants and needs. You

don’t need to include


rent, you will be living

with your parents to

save money).

Career route: Students

will be answering the

following prompts:

Describe the career that

you’ll be starting in,

this will be your career

for the next 10 years,

so choose wisely. Your

career must have a

connection to your

passion in life. How

much will you make?

Since you’re working

and making your

money now, you might

want to move out of

your parents house.

Find a place you would

like to live in and how


much does rent cost.

Make sure you’re able

to afford it. Savings are

important, so make

sure you have a savings

account and tell me

how much you would

save per month. Come

up with an equation for

your budget and list

what each variable

stands for (food,

housing, transportation,

wants and needs).

Students will plan their

4 Standards Describe briefly the Laptops
fifth year in life after
(Content & formative
high school.
Anchor): A2.A- assessment

CED.A.1, A2.A- strategies that you

REI.A.1 will use to measure
Students will be
the learning
Learning answering the
objective and offer
Objective(s): following prompts:

You’re done with

Students will be opportunity to
college and you found
able to construct measure daily
your dream job. You
an equation for success in reaching
want to buy a brand
their budget, and their goal: Students
new car. What car do
explain what each will have to write
you want and how
variable stands down their equation
much does it cost?
for. Students will for their budget on a
How do you expect to
also learn the cost piece of paper. They
pay it off? How much
and process of will also have to tell
money have you saved
buying a car. me how much they
up from College? How
have in their savings
Essential much is down
account now and how
Question for payment? How much is
much they will be
Student interest? If you were to
saving each
direction: What put down x amount of
month.That paper
is your dream money for down
will serve as their exit
car? Do you think payment, how much do
you’ll ever be you have to pay per

able to afford it? month? How much will

Why or why not? you pay in total

including interest?

How much is car

insurance? How much


do you predict gas and

maintenance will cost?

Now that you have a

new bill, you might

want to modify your

budget equation from

year 1-4.

Work route:

Students will be

answering the

following prompts:

You got a promotion

and your pay has now

increased by 20%. You

want to buy a brand

new car. What car do

you want and how

much does it cost?

How do you expect to

pay it off? How much

money have you saved

up? How much is down


payment? How much is

interest? If you were to

put down x amount of

money for down

payment, how much do

you have to pay per

month? How much will

you pay in total

including interest?

How much is car

insurance? How much

do you predict gas and

maintenance will cost?

Now that you have a

new bill, you might

want to modify your

budget equation from

year 1-4.

Students will plan their

5 Standards Describe briefly the Laptops
sixth year in life after
(Content & formative
high school. Both
Anchor): A2.A- assessment
students from College
CED.A.1, A2.A- strategies that you

and Work route are

REI.A.1 will use to measure
now working on the
the learning
Learning same prompts for the
objective and offer
Objective(s): rest of the days.
Students will be Students will be
opportunity to
able to construct answering the
measure daily
an equation for following prompts:
success in reaching
their budget, and You’ve worked hard,
their goal: Students
explain what each let’s plan a vacation!
will have to write
variable stands Pick any place you’d
down their equation
for. Students will like to visit for 3 days
for their budget on a
also learn time (make sure you can
piece of paper. They
and money afford it). What airline
will also have to tell
management. will you take and what
me how much they
hotel will you live in?
Essential have in their savings
How much do those
Question for account now and how
cost? How much will
Student much they will be
you spend on food?
direction: If you saving each
Tell me what your
can go to any month.That paper
budget for this trip will
country in this will serve as their exit
be and how would you
world, where ticket.
spend it. Come up with
would it be, and
an equation for your

budget and list what

each variable stands for

(food, transportation,

plane, hotel, etc).

Students will plan their

6 Standards Describe briefly the Laptops
seventh year in life
(Content & formative
after high school.
Anchor): A2.A- assessment
Students will be
CED.A.1, A2.A- strategies that you
answering the
REI.A.1 will use to measure
following prompts:
the learning
Learning You’re getting
objective and offer
Objective(s): married! Do research
Students will be on how much a
opportunity to
able to construct wedding cost and have
measure daily
an equation for a breakdown list
success in reaching
their budget, and (florist, dj, location,
their goal: Students
explain what each etc, don’t forget your
will have to write
variable stands ring!) Come up with an
down their equation
for. Students will equation for your
for their budget on a
also have a wedding budget and
piece of paper. They
deeper list what each variable
will also have to tell
understanding of stands for. Now that
me how much they
how a wedding you’re married, there is
have in their savings

more room for

works and what’s account now and how
budgeting since you
behind the scene much they will be
and your spouse’s
of a wedding. saving each
income are now
month.That paper
Essential combined. Assume
will serve as their exit
Question for your spouse makes the
Student same amount of money

direction: When as you do, you might

do you see want to modify your

yourself getting budget equation again.

married? Do you

think you’ll see

yourself getting


Students will plan their

7 Standards Describe briefly the Laptops
eighth year in life after
(Content & formative
high school. Students
Anchor): A2.A- assessment
will be answering the
CED.A.1, A2.A- strategies that you
following prompts:
REI.A.1 will use to measure
You’re buying a house!
the learning
Learning Use your previous
objective and offer

knowledge on
Students will be students
budgeting to buy your
able to construct opportunity to
car to buy your house
an equation for measure daily
(how much money
their budget, and success in reaching
have you saved up,
explain what each their goal: Students
down payments,
variable stands will have to write
interest, how much is
for. Students will down their equation
total, housing
also learn the cost for their budget on a
insurance, maintenance
and the process of piece of paper. They
etc). Now that you
buying a house. will also have to tell
have a new bill, you
me how much they
Essential might want to modify
have in their savings
Question for your budget equation.
account now and how
much they will be
direction: Do
saving each
you see yourself
month.That paper
staying in the
will serve as their exit
area you’re living
in right now in

the future? Why

and why not? If

not, where do you

see yourselves

moving to and


Students will plan their

8 Standards Describe briefly the Laptops
ninth and tenth year in
(Content & formative
life after high school.
Anchor): A2.A- assessment
Students will be
CED.A.1, A2.A- strategies that you
answering the
REI.A.1 will use to measure
following prompts:
the learning
Learning You’re planning to
objective and offer
Objective(s): have a kid. Do research
Students will be on how much does
opportunity to
able to construct having a kid cost on
measure daily
an equation for average. How many
success in reaching
their budget, and kids do you want?
their goal: Students
explain what each Come up with an
will have to write
variable stands equation that breaks
down their equation
for. Students will down all the expenses.
for their budget on a
also have a better Now that you have a
piece of paper. They
understanding of new bill, you might
will also have to tell
what it’s like to want to modify your
me how much they
be parents. budget equation as

Essential have in their savings

Question for account now and how

Student much they will be

direction: Do saving each

you see yourself month.That paper

having kids in the will serve as their exit

future? How ticket.

many kids do you

want? Boys or

girls and why?

Students will do a
9 and Day 9 and 10 Describe briefly the Laptops,
presentation on how
10 does not have a formative Projector
they want their life in
standard. assessment
the next 10 years to be
Students will strategies that you
like, to me and a
present their will use to measure
financial advisor that I
presentation the learning
will invite as a guest to
either on a objective and offer
my classroom.
powerpoint or a students

posterboard. I opportunity to

will have a measure daily


financial advisor success in reaching

as a guest in my their goal:Students

class to watch will reflect on what

their presentation they’ve learned from

and provide some this project and write

advice. it down on a piece of

paper. This will serve

as their exit ticket.

Students will

learn how to

manage their

money wisely and

be more prepared

to become an




To engage students at the beginning of a lesson, insert video,

image, quote, or another inspirational hook in this box.
The Goal: Reveal Pre-existing ideas, Beliefs, Preconceptions.
Pose questions that students will begin to answer in “Explore”
To get students engaged in the lesson, I will start by asking
students a driving question, “How to be a financially secured
adult”. Students will brainstorm and share their perception of
what it mean to be financially secured, then we will watch a
video on Simple Steps to Financial Freedom.

Curate a collection of resources (articles, videos, infographics,
text excerpts, etc.) for students to explore the topic.
The Goal: Students may be gathering data, sharing ideas,
looking for patterns, making conjectures, and developing
further questions and problem solving considerations with the
use of the information/activity provided
Students will be put in groups of 4 and be given the direction
of the 10 day project. Then, each student will pick an article
from below and read it. Note taking is not required but

10 Habits to Develop for Financial Stability and Success

10 Habits Financially Stable People Have
10 Steps to Financial Security Before 30
10 Steps to Reach Financial Stability

Use this section to allow students to explain their thinking and
move towards demonstrating mastery of the lesson’s objective.
The Goal: Provide opportunity for students to compare ideas,
construct explanations, justify in terms of observations and/or
data collected in a collaborative large group environment.
Students will share what they’ve learned from reading their
articles with each other.

Use this section for students to apply information from the
previous sections to new circumstances or elaborate on a
particular aspect at a deeper level usually coming in the form

of “What if” questions.

The Goal: Allowing students the opportunity to discuss how
their thinking has changed or been solidified.
Students will come up with their ideal life for the next 10 years
as an adult. (College? Car? House? Job?)

Include an opportunity for face-to-face or digital reflection to
guide students along their learning progression, evaluating
progress and setting new goals for continued exploration.
The Goal: Refine initial answer to the “driving question” and
reflect on ideas, goals and beliefs concerning their progress.
Students will share their ideal lifestyle to the whole class. Then
they will be asked to think about whether or not they’ll be able
to afford that lifestyle with the career that they plan to
pursue, or how much do they think they’ll have to make a year
to afford that lifestyle.

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