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McGavin’s Sixth Hour: Creative Writing

Unit Two: Fiction: Part 2

Good Afternoon, Creative Writers! This week, we will be focusing on the creation of more
fiction, and we will be going over the basic elements of fiction that were shown In the PowerPoint and
Video Lecture! We will be utilizing a Google Form to fill out the information.

Your assignment for this week is in two parts:


There will be a matching section, like the Poetry unit, where you will have to match the basic
elements of fiction to their definition. There will be 10 questions, where each will be (1) point.


On the Google Form, there will be some fill-in sections that you will tell me about.
After all, starting next week, we will begin focusing on writing our own short stories.
*Before starting this part of the assignment, I suggest that you take some time to go over last week’s
unit to look at Character Development. *

For the fill-in sections, you will tell me about:

Each section is worth (5) points, and the rubric below will describe how to get full points.

• The Setting for your potential story.

• This needs to be at least two-three full complete sentences of a setting. The

time and the place must be listed for full credit as a Setting.

• The Character(s) of your story.

• There needs to be a full description of what your character looks like. Aim
between 3-5 sentences of a description. Reference Fiction Unit Part 1 for
assistance in character development and creation.

• A Theme for your story.

• What “big ideas” do you want to draw out in your story? Please provide at least
one “big idea”, why it is an issue, and then please give a reason why that idea
would be best for your story within 3-5 sentences.

• A Plot type for your story.

• What kind of plot type do you think will be good for your story? Remember,
there is a list and descriptions of each within the PowerPoint and lecture. Please
provide at least one plot type, and then please give a reason why that idea
would be best for your story within 3-5 sentences.

• Two Types of Conflict for your story.

• What conflicts will your characters face in your story? Please list an internal
conflict that a character of yours will face, and then any of the external conflicts
your characters will face. You do not have to list all of them, just one per
category. Please provide at these two types of conflicts along with explanations
as to where and why those two would fit best for your story within 3-5


This assignment is worth a total of (35) points.

Fiction Unit 2 Assignment 2.2 Rubric

Criteria Exemplar (5) Developed (3) Limited (1)

The Setting provided has a The Setting provided has a
The Setting provided is
time for the story as well as time for the story as well as a
lacking a time for the
Setting location for the novel. The
length of the section has been
location for the novel but is
lacking in terms of length for
story, or a location for
the story.
met. this section.
Satisfactory idea development Unclear or limited idea
Exceptional idea development
with some supporting details development with lack
with supporting details
Character written about the character(s).
written about their character(s).
A full description has been
of details. The
description of the
The full description has been
s provided with the length
provided but did not meet the character doesn’t fit the
length requirement for the length requirement of
requirement met.
section. the section.
The information about the Information regarding the “Big Limited information
“Big Idea” of the story is Idea” of a story is provided, regarding the “Big
provided along with solid but there is limited, or unclear Idea”. There is limited
Theme evidence and a strong reason evidence linked to it as well as or no evidence linked
for the existence of it in the an unclear or lack of reason to it along with a lack
story. provided. of a reason provided.
Information regarding the plot Limited information
The information about the
of a story is provided, but there regarding the plot.
plot of the story is provided
is limited, or unclear evidence There is limited or no
Plot along with solid evidence and
a strong reason for the
linked to it as well as an evidence linked to it
unclear or lack of reason along with a lack of a
existence of it in the story.
provided. reason provided.
All content is represented Limited or no
with accurate information, The conflicts are provided with information regarding
interesting information, and satisfactory development; the conflicts was
excellent development. Both however, there is limited, provided. Content and
Conflict types of conflict have been unclear, or missing content and reasons are missing
listed, and the reasons for reasons from the overall from the descriptions.
each have been provided in description. The length requirement
full length. was not met.

Matching Grade: _________________/10 points

Description Grade: _________________/25 points

*Note: Plagiarism will result in a 0 for the assignment. *

Thank you all, and I am looking forward to your Fictional Character Creations!

This assignment is due on Friday, October 3rd at 12pm.

Mr. Lewis, Out!

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