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Rohan Joshi

Prof. Helgert
7 September 2020
George Walker
Boe, Dennis Leonard. “The Evolutionary Development of Compositional Technique and Style in
the Piano Sonatas of George Walker: A Study of the Sonata No. 4 and Analytical
Comparison of the Four Sonatas, Together with Three Recitals of Selected Works of F.J.
Haydn, L. V. Beethoven, F. Schubert, F. Chopin, F. Liszt, J. Brahms, C. Debussy, Z.
Kodály and F. Poulenc.” PhD diss., University of North Texas, 1995.
Dennis Leonard Boe, “The Evolutionary Development of Compositional Technique and Style in
the Piano Sonatas of George Walker: A Study of the Sonata No. 4 and Analytical Comparison of
the Four Sonatas, Together with Three Recitals of Selected Works of F.J. Haydn, L. V.
Beethoven, F. Schubert, F. Chopin, F. Liszt, J. Brahms, C. Debussy, Z. Kodály and F. Poulenc.”
(Phd diss., University of North Texas, 1995), 12.
Floyd, Samuel A, and Columbia College (Chicago, Ill.). Center for Black Music Research.
International Dictionary of Black Composers. Volume 1, Abrams -- Jenkins. Chicago:
Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999.
Samuel A Floyd and Columbia College (Chicago, Ill), “Center for Black Music Research.
International Dictionary of Black Composers. Volume 1, Abrams – Jenkins (Chicago: Fitzroy
Dearborn, 1999), 12.
Rebecca Clarke
Barkin, Elaine, Benjamin Boretz, and Lydia Hamessly. Audible Traces: Gender, Identity, and
Music. Zürich: Carciofoli Verl-Haus, 1999.
Elaine Barkin et al., Audible Traces: Gender, Identity, and Music. (Zurich: Carciofoli Verl-Haus,
1999), 12.
Kohnen, Daniela. Rebecca Clarke, Komponistin Und Bratschistin: Biographie. 2., Veränd.
Aufled. Deutsche Hochschulschriften, 1210. Frankfurt am Main: Hänsel-Hohenhausen,
Daniela Kohnen, Rebecca Clarke, Komponistin Und Bratschistin: Biographie. 2., Veränd.
Aufled. Deutsche Hochschulschriften, 1210 (Frankurt am Main: Hansel-Hohenhausen, 2002), 12.
Heinrich Biber
Sehnal, Jiři and Pešková Jitřenka, ed. Episcopi Olomucensis Operum Artis Musicae Collection
Cremsirii Reservata. Catalogus Artis Musicae in Bohemia et Moravia Cultae. Artis
Musicae Antiquioris Catalogorum Series, Vol. 5. Prague: Bibliotheca nationalis Rei
Publicae Bohemicae, 1998.
Pešková Jitřenka and Sehnal JiřI, Episcopi Olomucensis Operum Artis Musicae Collection
Cremsirii Reservata. Catalogus Artis Musicae in Bohemia et Moravia Cultae. Artis Musicae
Antiquioris Catalogorum Series, Vol. 5., (Prague: Bibliotheca nationalis Rei Publicae
Bohenimcae, 1998), 12.
Sehnal Jiří, Judith Fiehler, and Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. Pavel Vejvanovský and the
Kroměříž Music Collection 1st ed. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2009.
Jiří Sehnal, et al. Pavel Vejvanovský and the Kroměříž Music Collection 1st ed., (Olomouc:
Palacký University, 2009), 12.
Lillian Fuchs
Campbell, Michael. “Obituary.” The Independent, October 14, 1995.
Michael Cambell, “Obituary,” The Independent, October 14, 1995, 12.
Williams, Amédée Daryl, and Lillian Fuchs. Lillian Fuchs: First Lady of the Viola. 2nd revised
edition. New York: iUniverse, 2004.
Lillian Fuchs and Amédée Daryl Williams, Lillian Fuchs: First Lady of the Viola. 2nd revised
edition (New York: iUniverse, 2004), 12.

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