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are those that present resources,

Its purpose is to persuade or

justifications and allegations with the
Definition convince the reader with
main objective of persuading the
valid arguments
reader of a certain point of view.

 - Different points of view are raised.

Characteristics  - The order of the arguments is hierarchical, starting from the
most important to the least important.

1. Introduction: This is where the thesis is

formulated (paragraph 1)

Argumentative texts are 2. Development: is the development of the

Structure usually divided into five thesis (paragraph 2 and 3) paragraph 4 is
paragraphs. used to counter-argue the previous

ARGUMENTATIVE 3. Conclusions: a logical reasoning is

expressed that gives meaning to all the
arguments mentioned.

- Authority: the opinion of a person of recognised standing

- Cause and effect: it relates to it because something happens, what

are the causes of the problem.

- Affective: It addresses the feelings of the audience, especially their

Types of arguments doubts, desires and fears in order to move and provoke a reaction of
sympathy or rejection.

- Personal experience: They are those who affirm or justify something

that happens only to the one who gives the information.

- Examples: we deduce a truth or general rule from a case that is

shown as an example or paradigm.

 Academic articles

 speeches of some authority or politician.

Examples of  ecological campaigns: against or in favour of

argumentative texts something

 Opinion articles, trial pleadings

 Essays by a particular writer or topic.

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