Nur 460 Capstone Practicum Experience 1

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NUR 460 Capstone

NUR 460 Capstone: Documentation of Practicum Experiences

Name: Crystal Parks

Practicum Agency: Saint Francis Hospital
Department or Division Location: House Supervisor
Preceptor: Fanta Cahba

Date of Practicum Hours: 10/22/2020

Hours of the experience: 12
Objectives: CCPO #3
Description: Rounded on each floor including ICU, Maternity, Labor and Delivery, Special Care
Nursery, ER, 7th Med Surg, 6th Surgical, and 4th CVU. Within our rounding, I observed the house
supervisor deal with many different personalities, circumstances, concerns, and situations. The
house supervisor found uncleaned rooms where patients were discharged. The HS had to
communicate to housekeeping to clean rooms giving her the ability to assign new admitted
patients. A nurse had fell ill during her shift leaving the HS to split her assignment between the
nurses currently working while the ill nurse was checked into the ER for evaluation.
Communication among staff was observed learning how to address and handle an acute situation
that called for staff to perform above and beyond. After observing the HS performing these tasks,
we discussed the importance of how to make the decisions instantaneously. She stated you have
to stick with your decisions and have strong reasons to back your decision. Do not go back and
forth trying to please everyone and always keep patient and staff safety first.
Objectives: CCPO #4 & #1
Description: During the evening, the House Supervisor was utilized by staff on the floors for IV
starts since there is no IV team. I observed the HS respond to a RRT (Rapid Response Team) call
on the 7th floor Med Surg Unit where she coordinated ICU, Lab, Security, and other medical staff
responding to the RRT call. The HS communicated with ICU for availability of a bed and which
bed number the patient potentially would be moved to. The HS is responsible for all call outs on
their shift and will begin to text and call staff to find a replacement. After our evening rounds
and responding to the RRT we discussed the importance to be well rounded with skills and
knowledge always looking ahead to help facilitate the best action plan for the patients. She also
showed me the technology she uses to assign patients to beds which is called Capacity
Management at the facility. We also reviewed the nurse to patient ratio's per floor and staffing
grids they look at for assignments. She taught me about the administrative reports that must be
filled out 4 times a day and list all the RRT's, call outs, falls, current patients per floor,
nurses/techs/secretaries working per floor, and any maintenance situations that may occur.
Objective: PGC # 4
Description: During my observation of the House Supervisor's responsibilities we reviewed some
of the technology she uses to assist in patient through put, staff call outs, patient bed
assignments, maintenance concerns, and a page which goes out to all administrative, directors,
and managers phone's called a zipit with the current census and any ER inpatient holds. The Zipit
technology will continuously buzz or beep on the designated phones until an OK response is
received. The HS uses an app called the Facility Dude, which allows the maintenance crew to
prioritize building needs and locations. All departments for staffing and documenting call outs,
cancelations, and additions to staff use Clairvia Client. The HS demonstrated how clairvia client
could run reports for managers of specific units to track individual employee call outs. Capacity
management app shows all possible beds to be utilized in the hospital, if the beds are clean or
dirty, if the bed is out of order, occupied and if occupied with a male or female. The HS uses the
app to communicate with house keeping, staff on the floor, and assign beds to admitted patients.

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