Active Communication English.: Plantel: Juchitàn CLAVE: 243

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Active communication English.


Enoc Jiménez Ruiz .
Use of quantifiers some-any-much- many-a lot- several-a lot of.
Use of demonstrative adjectives this- that – those – these.
Use of verbs for the expression of personal
Present continuos
Use of frequency adverbs –Always-Usually-Frequently-Often-Sometimes-Seldom-Rarely-
Hardly ever.
Using of modal verbs in a affirmative, negative and interrogative form ( Have to / Has to )





Some (algunos)
Uso: Nombres o sustantivos contables e incontables. Se usa en frases afirmativas e
interrogativas (Cuando se pregunta para ofrecer algo Would you like … ? o Para pedir
algo Can I have … ?). Significa una cantidad indefinida, pero limitada (algo de, unos,
Any (algunos)
Uso: Se utiliza en los mismos contextos que “some,” pero en frases negativas o interrogativas.
Much (mucho)
Uso: Frases negativas e interrogativas con nombres incontables en singular.
Many (mucho)
Uso: Frases negativas e interrogativas con el nombre contable en plural.

A LOT (OF) / LOTS (OF) (mucho/a/os/as)

Se utiliza para expresar un gran número de algo (nombres contables) o una gran cantidad
de algo (nombres incontables). Se utiliza generalmente en oraciones afirmativas
Several de otro lado describe una cantida desconocida de un sustantivo contable.

Realizar 5 oraciones propios de cada cuantificador (no sacar los ejemplos de


 Some

1.- My friends and I saw some cute boys at the party.

2- My dad invited some friends over to the house to eat.
3.- I will help you with some of your tasks so you can finish soon.
4.- My boyfriend and I have some plans for the future.
5.- My friend and I went for some cosmetics.

 Any
1.- I didn't have any piece of cake left
2.- I didn't have any homework to do today.
3.- there isn't any juice in the fridge
4.- there isn't any store near the house
5.- there isn't any nice park in the city.
 Much
1.- I don't have much time to do my homework
2.- I don't have much money to go shopping
3.- My house is much bigger than my neighbor's
4.- My friend and I don't see each other much
5.- we don't have much time to get there.

 Many
1.- I have many friends at school
2.- I have many cousins living in Mexico
3.- I have many things to do at home.
4.- I don't have many pets
5.- I don't have much patience with my little brother.

 Several
1. - There are several things I have to do at home tomorrow.
2. - I have several cute friends at school to
3. - I have several subjects at school
4. - I have several unread messages
5. - My mom has several photos of me when I was little.

1. - I like vegetables a lot
2. - I visit my family on weekends a lot.
3. - My room is a lot bigger than yours
4. - I have a lot clothes to wash.
5.- I have a lot omoney saved.

 A lot of
1.- My cousin and I have lot of things in common.
2.- My mom has a lot of plans for the following week
3.- I have a lot of homework
4.- I have a lot of problems at school
5.- I have a lot of friends.
 Colocar una actividad de este tema

Completa las oraciones con much, many, few, little, lots o, a lot of o enough.

1. The kids don’t get   pocket money.

2. The problem is that there are too   online banks, I only know two,
I need more options.
3. After my wallet was stolen I had   problems.
4. I always receive letters from my bank, it’s too   paperwork.
5. It’s not a lot but I have already saved a   money.
6. I can’t afford a new car, I don’t have   money yet.

Completa las oraciones siguientes con some o any.

1. I don’t have   change for my bus ticket.

2. Oh no, have you forgotten your wallet? Would you like to borrow   
3. I’m not sure - are there   nice restaurants in this area?
4. I’m sorry I don’t have   cash on me.
5. There are   great money saving apps online.
6. I haven’t got   cash for the carpark – do you have   coins I
can use?

Los adjetivos demostrativos ingleses son:

a.) This (este, esta)                    These (estos, estas)

b.) That ( aquel, aquella)             Those (aquellos, aquellas)

Los adjetivos demostrativos se utilizan para determinar la posición de las cosas. 

En español encontramos tres distintos grados de proximidad. Esto (para lo que está
más cerca del sujeto). Eso (situado a media distancia) y Aquello (lejano). 
En inglés, en cambio, solamente encontramos dos  grados de proximidad. This, que se
utiliza para designar las cosas o personas relativamente cercanas y that, para las más

Realizar 5 ejemplos por cada adjetivo demostrativo.

 This
1.-This task is mine.
2.- This task is difficult.
3.- this is the most boring day of the week
4.- this is my favorite subject
5.- this is the topic that interests me the most

 That 
1.-That task was easier
2.-That chair was more comfortable
3.-That table was bigger
4.-That room was not hot.
5.-That pencil was better.

 These
1.-These tasks are easy
2.-I cannot understand these words.
3.-These dictionaries are very helpful.
4.-These themes are great.
5.-These exercises will help me more.

 Those
1.-Those exercises were better
2.-Those teachers leave a lot of homework.
3.-Those examples that my sister gave me are very helpful.
4.-Those hours of study were worth it
5.-Those english studies helped me
 Colocar una actividad de este tema
Rewrite the sentences using the correct demostrative pronoun:

1. Those chair is broken

chair is broken.
2. That children are playing football.
children are playing football.
3. This are my sisters Alice and Sarah.
are my sisters Alice and Sarah.
4. These is my new house. 
is my new house.


Uso y diferencia de Do y MAKE

“Do” y “make” son dos verbos que se confunden frecuentemente en inglés. Ambos se pueden traducir
como “hacer”, pero hay algunas diferencias en su significado. En general, “do” considera más la acción,
mientras que utilizando “make” nos referimos más al resultado de la acción.


Se usa “do” para acciones, actividades y trabajos. Se utiliza en un sentido amplio, como de “realizar”.
En general, estas acciones y actividades no producen un objeto físico.

Se utiliza “make” en el sentido de “fabricar”, “elaborar” o “crear”. Se usa para actividades en que
se crea algo que se puede tocar, un objeto físico.

Ejemplos: Do Ejemplos Make

1.- She has to do the housework.

2.-. She has to do the cooking 1.- he has to make breakfast
3.- She has to do the washing up. 2.- She has to make lunch.
4.- She has to do the ironing. 3.-I would like to make a trip
5.- She has to do the washing 4.- She has to make dinner.
6.-do homework 5.- She has to make coffee
7.- do a job 6.- She has to make sure that the house is in order
 8.-do the dishes 7.- Some of his decisions don't make sense.
 9.-do housework 8.- He has to make decisions every day
 10.-do exercise

Ejercicios do y make

Escoge la opción adecuada en cada caso.

1. Have you ____ your housework today?

a) do b) make c) made d) done
2. I’m _____ breakfast.
a) doing b) making c) do d) make
3. Can she ____ me a favor?
a) do b) make c) made d) done
4. You need to ______ a decision as soon as possible.
a) doing b) making c) do d) make
5. My husband snores. He _______ a lot of noise.
a) do b) make c) makes d) does
6. If you _______ this exercise you will learn a lot.
a) do b) make c) makes d) does
7. After dinner, I usually ____ the dishes.
a) do b) make c) makes d) does
 Que es el presente continuo y su uso.

Presente continuo en inglés

El presente continuo o progresivo es el tiempo verbal que empleamos para expresar acciones que
se realizan en el momento en que se mencionan.
Cada vez que expresas una acción que estás realizando en el momento, utilizas el present
continuous / presente continuo, también conocido como present progressive / presente
Ten en cuenta que...
Este tiempo verbal se reconoce por finalizar el verbo principal de la oración con "ing". 
Para que tengas una mejor idea y puedas utilizar este tiempo de manera correcta, el "ing"
corresponde a lo que en español conocemos como los gerundios "ando - endo".

 Gramática ( afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo)

Affirmative form / Forma Afirmativa

Tal como lo vimos en la página anterior, aquí el verbo to be se utiliza como el auxiliar y el
verbo principal cambia gracias a su conjugación con el gerundio "-ing":

Negative form / Forma negativa

A diferencia del tiempo presente simple, a la hora de realizar negaciones en presente

continuo, no hay necesidad de utilizar el verbo auxiliar to do, ya que dicho lugar lo sigue
teniendo el verbo to be:
Interrogative form / Forma interrogativa

En este tipo de preguntas debes iniciar la oración con el verbo auxiliar to be:

Ten en cuenta que en inglés no es necesario abrir la oración con un signo de

interrogación.  Solo se utiliza el signo de interrogación de cierre.

Ejemplos Affirmative Ejemplos: Negative

1.- I'm doing my homework

2.- We are learning English together 1.- I am not doing the English homework
3.- I am watching TV right now
4.- . She is playing volleyball this afternoon. 2.- my cousins aren't playing with me
5.-  I am writing a poem now.
6.- He is playing in the park 3.- my grandfather isn't watching the TV right now
7.- He is buying some things.
8.- He is downloading some files. 4.- I am not cleaning my room right now

5.- I am not eating an ice cream at this moment

Ejemplos: Interrogative

1.- Are they playing in the park? 

2.- Is the boy crying because his toy is broken?
3.- Is she cleaning the room now? 
4.- Are we planning a party?
5.- Is he watching his favorite television program?
6.- Are they playing chess? 
7.- Is the telephone ringing?
8.- Is they buying a present for their teacher?
Aquellos adverbios que se utilizan para expresar la periodicidad con la que se realiza una
acción, es decir, cuando queremos hablar sobre la frecuencia con la que hacemos algo, o
la frecuencia con la que sucede algo. Uno de los principales problemas que los hablantes
de español encontramos para utilizar los adverbios de frecuencia en inglés correctamente,
tiene que ver con la posición en la que debemos colocarlos dentro de una oración.

Adverbio Frecuencia 
(% aproximado)
always (siempre) 100 % de las veces

usually (normalmente) 85 % de las veces

Frequently (Frecuentemente):  75 % de las veces

often (a menudo) 60  % de las veces

sometimes (a veces) 50 % de las veces
Seldom (Muy rara vez) 20 %. De las veces
Rarely (Raramente) 30% de las veces
Hardly ever 10 % de las veces

- Uso de los adverbioen el presente continuo

1.- You are always smiling.

2.- I usually playing soccer daily.
3.- Peter is always interrupting me
4.- I have never tried the cake
5.- I am always happy
6.- He isn’t usually bored
7.-Are you sometimes sad?
8.- I'm often doing my homework
9.- she rarely playing soccer
10.- She is always sleeping.
12.- she is always bothering
13.- she never works
14.- she often goes out
15.- she is always singing.



 Que es have to y sus usos

Have to es un verbo semi-modal que se usa muy frecuentemente en inglés
para expresar obligación. Decimos semi-modal porque no sigue las reglas de
los verbos modales 

 Gramatica

I have to wear, You have to wear, He/she/it has to wear, We have to wear, They have
to wear

I have to wear uniform at work (tengo que llevar uniforme en el trabajo) 

The doctor says she has to stop smoking (el médico dice que ella tiene que dejar de

I don't have to wear, you don't have to wear, he/she/it doesn't have to wear, we don't
have to wear, they don't have to wear

I don't have to pay this bill until November (no tengo que pagar esta factura hasta
She doesn't have to work on Saturdays (ella no tiene que trabajar los sábados)

Do I have to wear...? Do you have to wear...? Does he/she/it have to wear...? Do we
have to wear...? Do they have to wear...? 

Do they have to work everyday? (¿tienen ellos que trabajar todos los días?) 
Does she have to take an exam? (¿tiene que examinarse?)

Ejemplos de have to
1.- I have to work today.
2.- I have to go to school tomorrow.
3.- I have to stay at home to take care of my little brother.
4.- I have to do my homework.
5.- I have to study hard for my exam.
6.- I have to ask my mom for permission to go out.
7.- they have to help me with my homework.
8.- we have to send the work today.
9.- I have to get up early.
10.- I have to wash clothes tomorrow.

 Ejemplos de cada forma. Have to – has to

1.-You have to read this book.
2.- We have to take the next flight.
3.- She has to buy new clothes. 
4.- You have to make a decision
5.- He has to lend us the money which we need
6.- She has to take the children with her to Houston.
7.- She has to return later.
8.-My dad has to take care of my little brother in the afternoons

1.- I don’t have to work tonight.
2.- He doesn't have any time for me
3.- They don't have dresses
4.- You don’t have to see her tomorrow
5.- He hasn't got a sense of humor
6.- She hasn't got Facebook
7.- He hasn't got any friend
8.- She hasn't got a manzana 
1.- Do you have to see her tomorrow?
2.- Do they have to help you with your work?
3.- Does he have to spend more time on his homework?
4.- Do we have to be in the meeting next week?
5.-Did we have to study yesterday
6.- Does she have to return later? 
7.- Do I have to go to the dentist again next week?
8.- Does he have to take an earlier flight?

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