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NAME: Raymark G. Rivera_____________________________SCORE:___/100_

SECTION: STEM 12-F_______________________ DATE: October 22,2020

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: You are tasked to discuss the ways your school can help
address environmental problems by writing an essay about segregating waste,
saving resources through recycling, and avoiding harmful materials. In this
examination, you are going to plan your essay by writing a thesis statement, topic
outline and a sentence outline. Just follow the tasks that are given to you below.


To accomplish your task, fill out the table below. Write an initial draft of your
thesis statement from it.

Aspects of Response
Topic Ways to address environmental problems
Title of your essay Several ways in addressing environmental problems
Purpose Address environment problems
Audience Community members

Thesis Statement:

Through segregating waste, saving resources through recycling, and avoiding

harmful materials, we can address and reduce such environmental problems we
are facing.

Part 2. Write a topic outline by answering the questions below:

I. Introduction
A. What is the topic about?
B. What is the purpose of this essay?
C. What is covered in the essay?
D. What is the thesis statement?
II. Body
A. What is the first major topic?
1. What is the first supporting idea?
2. What is the second supporting idea?
B. What is the second major topic?
1. What is the first supporting idea?
2. What is the second supporting idea?
C. What is the third major topic?
1. What is the first supporting idea?
2. What is the second supporting idea?
III. Conclusion
A. What are the main points of my essay?
B. What course of action would I like my readers to take?
 Using the given questions above, write a topic outline of your essay below.

I. Introduction
A. Ways to address environmental problems
B. Aims to address environmental problems
C. Segregating waste, saving resources through recycling, and avoiding harmful
D. Through segregating waste, saving resources through recycling, and avoiding
harmful materials, we can address and reduce such environmental problems we are facing.

II. Body
A. Segregating waste
1. Reduce pollution
2. Can be attain through different ways
B. Saving resources through recycling
1. Produces new products
2. Improve economic stability
C. Avoiding harmful materials
1. Protects environment
2. Enhance safety of human beings and animals

III. Conclusion
A. Segregating waste, saving resources through recycling, and avoiding harmful
B. Should start doing actions to lessen environmental problems

Part 3. Transform your topic outline and make it a sentence outline using the
same ideas. Write it below.

I. Introduction
A. There are different ways to address environmental problems.
B. This essay aims to address environmental problems we are facing.
C. It covers the ways to address environmental problems through segregating
waste, saving resources through recycling, and avoiding harmful materials.
D. Through segregating waste, saving resources through recycling and avoiding
harmful materials, we can address and reduce such environmental problems we are

II. Body
A. Segregating waste is one of reducing environmental problems.
1. Segregating waste reduces air, water, and land pollution.
2. It can be attained through different ways such as recycling,
composting, etc.
B. Saving resources through recycling is also a big help in addressing
environmental problems.
1. Recycling is a process that enables to produce new products from
recovered materials.
2. Selling locally made products can help to improve the economic
stability of a certain area.
C. Avoiding harmful materials have great effects in minimizing environmental
1. Harmful materials such as chemical might lead to danger if not used
properly, avoiding it can help to protect the environment.
2. By avoiding harmful materials, you could already enhance safety
not just of human beings but also the safety of animals.

III. Conclusion
A. The focus of the essay are the ways to address environmental problems
segregating waste, saving resources through recycling, and avoiding harmful materials.
B. Community members should start doing actions to lessen environmental
problems we are facing. It may be simple actions but it could have great impacts to us,
living organisms.

**“Let your hard work propel you to a speed so fast that good luck has no choice but
to ride with a winner like you.”**

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