Bulletin - February 13, 2011

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(Saint Augustine Church, Barberton, OH)

(February 13, 2011)

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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s Gospel is from the “Sermon on the Mount.” Jesus gives strong and lofty ideals to inspire and
guide our living. Today we celebrate World Marriage Day and are reminded that ideal marriages are not
lived on lofty mountaintops, but in the nitty-gritty of everyday life. In their love, mutual sharing and
forgiveness, couples give us a glimpse of the Kingdom of Heaven.

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380 Holy Hour Adorers spent time before Lord in Eucharistic Adoration this past week. We have two
new hours which need adorers: Thursday morning 6-7am and Saturday morning 6-7am. This is an
excellent way to start your day. If you think that you can help cover this hour, please call Judy at 330-
212-0926. Please be present to the one who is present!

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Barberton Area Community Ministries item for the Month of February is Canned Meat; tuna, beef
stew or others. Please bring your donations when you come to Mass, together we can help those less
fortunate, a box has been placed in the vestibule for donations. Items will be delivered to BACM on

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The next Coffee and Donuts will be Sunday, February 20, following the 9:00 and 11:00 Masses. Hosts
will be Julie & Michael Harris, Barb Eikelberry and the Girl Scouts.

GENERATIONS OF FAITH – Join us on the Journey, Thursday, March 3 as we discover

Why we go to Mass. Registration forms are available on the bookrack. Sessions will be held at
Immaculate Conception Waldeisen Hall from 6-9pm, all are welcome to attend. Enjoy a meal from 6-
6:30pm followed by the session.

Pre-Cana days are offered on the following Sundays in 2011 February 20, March 13, April 3, May 15,
June 12, July 10, August 7, September 11 and October 9. The day will begin at 1:00 pm and conclude
at 7:00 pm. Classes are presented by Paul and Kathy Weber. The cost is $75.00 per couple, dinner
included. Please contact the retreat house at 330-896-2315 or 1-800-827-1416 or visit us on the web at:
www.loyolaretreathouse.com reservations.
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Early Childhood Religion Class has immediate openings for toddler’s potty trained to
kindergarten. If you have a child and would be interested in this program, please contact Renee
Barker at 330-745-1080.

LITURGICAL MINISTERS: The Ministry Night Dinner begins at 6:30 pm this Wednesday evening
(February 16) in the cafeteria. Fr. David, Fr. Jim and the parish staff look forward to sharing this evening
of fellowship with you. Your ministry to the parish through liturgical service is sincerely appreciated.
The Mass is the source and summit of our lives and your participation helps build the body of Christ.
Thank you.
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Men’s Fellowship will meet Saturday, February 19 in the School Cafeteria from 7:00-8:25am. We will
continue the Great Adventure Series Bible Study “The Bible Timeline”, with session 3 on the Patriarchs.
All men are invited to join us. For questions contact Gib Adolph at 330-848-1043 or e-mail
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Anyone wishing to have a child baptized at Saint Augustine Church must attend one pre-baptism class.
Classes will be held April 19 and October 18 at Immaculate Conception, or July 26 at Saint Augustine.
For more information, please contact the rectory at 330-745-0011.

Parish Directories are now for sale in the St. Monica Gift Shop as well as the rectory.
Directories are being sold for $20.00 each, please make checks payable to St. Augustine
Church, don’t miss out on your opportunity to own a piece of Saint Augustine history.

Many of our parishioners will receive a mailing from

Bishop Lennon regarding the 2011 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal. This year’s theme is from the
prophet Isaiah: “I will never forget you.” Who will remember those facing hard times, the effects of
poverty, or barriers to living a dignified life, if not the Catholic Church? Please read the letter carefully
and prayerfully consider an increase in your support of this very important appeal.

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Attention Youth Group members, today Sunday, February 13, from 6:30-8:00pm is Laser Quest day.
Participants will meet at Laser Quest in Fairlawn, permission slips are needed and will be available at the
door, the cost is $14.00 per person. See you there!

A gathering of religious leaders and congregation members interested in learning more about RELIGION
AND THE DEATH PENALTY will be held Tuesday, February 15 from 7pm-8:30pm at Fairlawn West United
Church of Christ, 2095 West Market Street, Akron. Karen Leith of the Catholic Commission of Summit
County will be included in the discussion. Please see the bulletin board for more information.
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Holy Hour for Priests will be held every Thursday beginning at 3:00pm in Saint Augustine Church. Help
us pray for priests everywhere, all are welcome to participate.

NFP Class for Married and Engaged Couples

You are invited to attend a series of classes on Natural Family Planning taught by the Couple to Couple
League to learn a method that is safe, highly effective, and morally acceptable. The series will be held at
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Wadsworth and the first class starts on Saturday, Feb. 19th. Class will
be from 4 - 6:30 p.m. and will be located in the Andes Room in the church's lower level. To register, go
to www.ccli.org and click on the Register for Class button. For more information, contact John and Julie
Roberts at 330-598-1858 or jroberts0118@gmail.com

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The Divorced, Separated and Widowed Catholics of Akron is sponsoring a talk on "Anti-Aging and
Cancer Prevention." Dr. Kelly Gallagher of Advanced Chiropractic and Wellness Center will be speaking.
It will be held on Monday, February 14 at 7:30 pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary, Convent Building, 1945
Portage Trail in Cuyahoga Falls. This event is open at no cost to single people of all faiths. Refreshments
will be served at 7:15 pm. For information call Frank 330-801-0527 or Sharon 330-612-3635.
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Michael Jerin Sr., Patrick Blasdel, Patricia Patterson, Jon Lombardi, Karl Bartel,
Frank Skraba, Jennifer Marco, Pat Mangan, Kenny Carpenter, Ruth Barker, Betty Herold,
Bernard Pramik, Abigail Shultz, Paul Kosuth, Betty Morlan, Gert Weaver & Mary Niehaus.


Julia A. Zahoran, RosAnn Schleis & Mark Lukic
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord!
Culture of Life: Due to the unusual inclement weather in January, Culture of Life was unable to keep
many of the candles donated to the ministry lit. Therefore, the candles have been put in storage and we
will light them in May for the month of Mary and Mother’s Day. Culture of Life meets in the rectory the
first Tuesday of every month following the 5:15 Mass and Benediction, all are welcome to attend. For
more information, please contact Lynn Willig at 330-658-2642.

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January 30, 2011
Envelopes Mailed 1647
Envelopes Used 383
Collection Amount (Envelopes) $ 7,854
Collection Amount (Loose) $ 624
Total Sunday Collection $ 8,478

Saint Vincent De Paul $ 158

Catholic University $ 28
School Support $ 70

February 6, 2011
Envelopes Mailed 1647
Envelopes Used 405
Collection Amount (Envelopes) $ 10,420
Collection Amount (Loose) $ 577
Total Sunday Collection $ 10,997

Saint Vincent De Paul $ 690

Church in Latin America $ 648
School Support $ 1,446

Comparative Figures
’10-’11 ’09-‘10
FY-to-date Income $ 907,192 $ 979,607
FY-to-date Expenses $ 957,828 $ 950,099
FY –to-date Difference $ - 50,636 $ + 29,508

Spent to Date $ 1,524,138
Amount on Deposit $ 50,168

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February 14-20
Monday, February 14 – Saint Cyril, Monk & Saint Methodius, Bishop
6:30 Craig Wilson
12:05 Bette Vera Milich
Tuesday, February 15 – Weekday
5:15 Rose Costanzo – Anniversary
Wednesday, February 16 – Weekday
6:30 Jean Hanley
12:05 Catherine Ferraro
Thursday, February 17 – Weekday
6:30 Margaret Burg
Friday, February 18 – Weekday
6:30 Frank Costanzo
12:05 Robert Schonover
Saturday, February 19 – Weekday
8:30 Bob Bartel – Anniversary
4:00 Donato Cornacchione
Sunday, February 20 – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 Gertrude Costanzo
9:00 Joseph Deibel – Anniversary
11:00 Michael Kallai Sr.
5:15 The people of Saint Augustine Parish
Readings for the Week of February 14
Monday Gn 4:1-15, 25, Ps 50:1 & 8, 16bc-17,20-21, Mk 8:11-13
Tuesday Gn 6:5-8,7:1-5,10, Ps 29:1a & 2,3ac-4,3b & 9c-10, Mk 8:14-21
Wednesday Gn 8:6-13,20-22, Ps 116:12-13,14-15,18-19, Mk 8:22-26
Thursday Gn 9:1-13, Ps 102:16-18,19-21,29 & 22-23, Mk 8:27-33
Friday Gn 11:1-9, Ps 33:10-11,12-13,14-15, Mk 8:34-9:1
Saturday Heb 11:1-7, Ps 145:2-3,4-5,10-11, Mk 9:2-13
Sunday Lv 19:1-2,17-18, Ps 103,1-2,3-4,8,10,12-13 (8a), 1 Cor 3:16-23, Mt 5:38-48

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Congratulations to the following Archbishop Hoban High School students from Saint Augustine who
received scholastic honors for the second quarter of the school year: Jacob Brown, Emily Conrad,
Kristopher Duer, Daniel Hinton, Logan Rogers, Anne Saxon and Paul Wischt.

Anyone 18 and older wishing to volunteer for Saint Augustine School/Church must attend a Virtus
Training Session. With Vacation Bible School, Volleyball and Coach recruiting just around the corner,
now would be a good time to find a training facility close to you, log onto www.virtus.org. to find
locations and to register. For questions, please contact Renee Barker at 330-745-1080.

Stewardship Corner: He who confers benefits will be amply enriched, and he who refreshes others will
himself be refreshed. Prv 11:25

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