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Topic: Community-action initiatives: Field practicum

1. Partnership with local communities and organizations

II. Time Frame: 60 minutes/1 meeting

III. Learning Outcomes:

Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the integration of social science perspective
and community action initiatives.

Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to synthesize the integrative experience of implementing
community-action initiatives applying social sciences’ ideas and methods.

Specific learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:
1. Identify organizations present in their own local communities,
2. Identify a problem or an issue existing in their community,
3. Formulate an action plan to answer the communities’ problem, and
4. Present the action plan to the local community.

Resources Needed: Metacards, pens, colored paper, manila paper, laptop, Television and


K to 12 Senior High School Humanities and Social Sciences Strand.(2014).

Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship. Available @

Community Tool Box. Community Change and Improvement.

Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship. Tagibao, et. Al Vibal Publishing House
page 63-65

IV. Lesson Outline

A. Morning Habit
(Teacher will facilitate the Morning Prayer, greet the learners and check the attendance.
1. Activities
a. Review cum unlocking difficulties (5 minutes)
Finding letters to complete the concept from the previous lesson.
b. Motivation (10 minutes)
The teacher will show a geo-political map of Santa Maria. Students will describe the map
following the guide questions.

Guide questions:
1. What place is presented in the map? (Santa Maria, Laguna)
2. What can you say about the location of the people’s houses? (Besides the river)
3. Is there a river in the map? (Yes)
4. What problem might arise if rainy season comes? (Flood)
5. Who/What possible organization we can communicate with during the calamities? (LGU)

c. Lesson proper (20 minutes)

Today we are going to explore and discuss the Partnership with local communities and
organizations. The class will be divided into groups. Each group then identifies their LGU
official and other organizations (i.e. MSWDO and MDRRMC). Describe the organizations
and individuals who are actively engaged in resolving the different problems and issues in
your community. The teacher will provide marker, ruler, and manila paper to create a graphic

Guide question for each group:

1. What problem or calamity have you experience in your local community?
2. What organization/s do you think will help you with your problem in no. 1

d. Analysis (7 minutes)
After the groups’ presentation, the teacher will show a short video clip on the achievement of
Angono Rizal in using bokashi balls to revive the dying river and learn about shared values in
community action.
Guide questions:
1. What are the plans and actions taken by the said organizations?
2. How the said organizations partner with the LGU?
3. Did their partnership solve or minimize the risk experience by the affected local
communities? How?

e. Abstraction (5 minutes)
The teacher shows a picture of different government agencies and organizations helping local
communities in response to its needs and problems.
Each group then presents their own generalization on the importance of partnership with local
communities and organizations.

f. Application (5 minutes)
The class will use a “Forum-based session” wherein a representative from each group will
present and explain action-plan that explicitly address the desires and needs of the
community. The following will be the criteria for the Forum-based session:
Communication 5
Clarity of ideas 5
Relevance 5
Feasibility 5
Total 20
The teacher will first compute the result of the group performance on the “Forum-based
session”.The teacher then gave his/her feedback on the groups’ performance.

g. Evaluation (8 minutes)
Make an illustrated map that best describes your local community. Include in your map
images that represent the organizations or department in your community. Draw arrows,
lines, and symbols to show the relationships between the organizations and people in your
community. Explain your work in class.

Prepared by:

CSC Teacher

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