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Christian Roy R. Villacorte G-12 St.

Martin 11-30-20



1. B 6. A 11. C

2. B 7. C 12. A

3. A 8. A 13. D

4. B 9. A 14. B

5. B 10. D

Activity No. 1-Group discussion

1. We can practice control by channeling our desire through positive actions

appropriate to our shared life. To live with a chaste life we need to ask for help and
seek for forgiveness.

2. When you have gatherings and you need to have a leader and followers and there
needs to be behavior that is appropriate and other behaviors that are sanctioned. So
anybody can behave anyway they'd like but morally we're bound to the group and the
group is bound to us and therefore we're not free to do anything we'd like without

3. It is a distortion to regard reason and faith as alternatives. Reason is a necessary

coefficient of faith. Faith without explication by reason is mute, reason without faith is
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G-12 St. Martin 11-30-20


Activity No. 2-Check you Understanding

1. Yes, absolutely yes. Each of us are given life apart from all and land as survivors
each responsible for our own survival by contributing, giving value to the environment
returning as value we use to survive. 

2. In the film Hacksaw Ridge, I chose Andrew Garfield that plays the role of the main
character which is Desmond Doss. In this movie show the quality of being a hero for a
lifetime because in a particular scene in this movie where he rescued a lot of soldier
even though he has no rifle in the battlefield. I admire him because he wants to be a
soldier in the field without rifle and just help his team.

3. The statement means that FAITH is strong. The strength that I get from believing in
people, oneself and life — even if I have been betrayed a thousand times is like
purifying rationality in life, people and oneself all over again. Nothing will be right as
long as we do not make an effort to make things right. The process of thinking through
and executing the thought process has a thin line separated by FAITH. For me this word
holds a bigger value than anything else in my life.


Luke 6:39-40

Jesus then concluded by saying that if the people were being led by
religious authorities who were just as spiritually blind as the people whom they were
supposed to be leading and teaching, they would all be spiritually condemned in
God's eyes just as, if a physically blind man was being led by someone else who was
also blind, they would not be safe, but would both be in danger of falling off the
road into a ditch because of neither of them being able to see where they were
going. The ditch in the parable thus represents a condition of being spiritually
separated (temporally, eternally, or both) from God.
Christian Roy R. Villacorte G-12 St. Martin 11-30-20


Transfer Goals


So, when we say that the human person is an embodied spirit. We

specifically mean that the human person is the point of
convergence between the material and spiritual entities, that is,
between the body and soul. As an embodied spirit, it provides us
numerous opportunities to explore everything around us and even
within us. Though we enjoy a number of advantages compared to
other beings. Still there are number of things that we naturally
cannot do. As a person we are able to exercise our imagination
and reflection to go beyond our own thoughts and experiences.

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