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The Pictionary

Adriany Labour
Classroom 10
Unit. 6 9 to 5

Dog sled
 Dog: an animal with fur, four legs,
and a tail, often kept as a pet.
College life.  Sled: a vehicle that is used for
 Collage: a place where students study travelling on snow.
at a high level to get a qualification.
 Life: a place where students study at a 1. The dog sled is very functionality in
high level to get a qualification. the Winter.
2. I never used the dog sled.
1. My college life is very stressful.
2. The college life is the best part in the

 To make a picture with a pen or

1. I always loved draw.

2. My favorite hobby is draw, people,
Do the dishes animals, a places, and animation.
 Do: auxiliary verb
 The: used before nouns to mean
things or people.
 Dish: a plate that you eat from.

1. I hate do the dishes.

2. She does the dishes twice in the week. Foot
3. I am doing the dishes.
 One of the two flat parts on the ends
of your legs that you stand on.
1. My foot is very ugly.
2. John have only one foot.
Hard  Schedule a list of times when you do
 Firm and not easy to press or bend or things.
difficult to do or understand.
1. I need schedule my activities in the
1. Peter has the hands very hard. day.
2. Mario Car is a game very hard for 2. In the college, we have schudele the
me. menu in the week.

Match Ride
 A sports competition in which two  A journey riding a bicycle,
people or teams compete against each motorcycle, or horse.
1. Maria is a riding on an elephant.
1. Would you like go to the match 2. The ride on an elephant is very bumby
tomorrow? and uncomfortable.
2. Linda and Kin are the match.

Scared Rise
 To feel fear or worry.  To get bigger in level.
 To move up.
1. She is scared.
2. There are people brave and people 1. The balloon is rising.
2. The dog is rise its bed.

 The words of a movie, play, or Towns
speech.  A place where people live and work
 The text of a play, talk etc. that is larger than a village.

1. The script the movie ¨One day¨ is very 1. Telluride is a town in USA.
good. 2. The towns most beautiful of all words
2. Francis Ford making script is the best of is in India.
all world. 3. I usually go to a town in the weekend.

 One of the two parts that something Train
would divide into if you drew a line  A long, thin vehicle that travels along
down the middle. metal tracks and carries people or
1. I like sleep in the right side of the bed.
2. The brains has two side, the left is 1. The ride in train is very safe.
analytical and right is creative. 2. John go to the work every day in
2. The way of the life, are not easy.

 To practice a sport or exercise in
 Competing with someone or
order to prepare for a competition.
1. Silly is training for her competition.
1. I am against of the injustice.
2. I go to the training camp every day
2. Jean Carlos is against of Claudio
for practice.

 A weapon with a long metal blade and
a handle, used especially in the past.
 To make a journey. 1. I have a sword very big.
2. John cut tomatoes with his sword.
1. I go to travel for Brazil.
2. Maria’s family is traveling.

 A competition to find the best team or
player in a game or sport.

Way 1. The Monday is el championship of

 The route that you take to get from tennis.
one place to another. 2. Golden States is loser the
1. The way for arrive to USA is very
 To get things from different places
 To cook inside an oven, without using
and bring them together.
added liquid or fat.
 To get and keep things of one type,
such as stamps or coins, as a hobby.
1. I’d like some potatoes baked with
1. The kids are collect apples.
2. She eat chicken baked.
2. My father collect coins.

Unit. 7 What’s on the menu?

 A request for payment of money
owed, or the piece of paper on which
it is written.

Appetizer 1. Give me the bill

 A small amount of food eaten before a 2. This restaurant does not give the bill.

1. Jess is eating all the appetizers.

2. The appetizers are very expensive

 A pale yellow solid food containing a
lot of fat that is made from cream and
is spread on bread or used in cooking.

1. The cake has a little butter.

2. I hate break with only butter.

 One of a pair of narrow sticks that are
used for eating East Asian food.

1. In Asia usually eat with chopstick.

2. I don’t know as used the chopstick.

 A unit of money worth 0.01 of a
dollar, or a coin with this value.

1. I need hundred cents for a dollar.

2. The burger is very cheap, it cost 75


 A solid, grey substance that is burned

as a fuel, left after coal is heated and
the gas and tar removed.

1. You can’t drink coke.

2. What is the size your coke?

Chicken wings
 They are chicken sections that
correspond to the wings that are
remembered in special sauces.

1. I love the chicken wings with spicy.

2. The main course is chicken wings.
 Small, thin yellowish-orange pieces of
dry food made from crushed maize,
often eaten with milk and sugar in the

1. I usually have cornflakes for

 A person who buys goods or a
2. The cornflakes is grains.

1. The business doesn’t have customer.

2. She is my customer.

 A small, round container, often with a
handle, used for drinking tea, coffee,
etc. Cut
 To break the surface of something, or
1. I’d like a cup of caffee. to divide or make something smaller,
2. Two cup of milk, please. using a sharp tool, especially a knife.

1. This knife doesn't cut very well.

2. He cut the cake in six pieces.

Currency Dessert
 The money that is used in a particular  Sweet food eaten at the end of a meal.
country at a particular time.
1. I love dessert made home.
1. The currencies are false. 2. He doesn’t have a dessert.
2. I have two coins for traveling.
1. She used eat with fork and knife.
2. The restaurant doesn’t have a fork.

 An American or Canadian coin that
has the value of ten cents.

1. I don’t have a dime. Grilled

2. Ten dime is one dollar.  (Of food) cooked over fire or hot
coals, usually on a metal frame.

1. Do you want your fish grilled?

2. She hates meat grilled.

 A large area of land covered with
trees and plants, usually larger than a
wood, or the trees and plants
1. The forest is dark.  The condition of the body and the
2. The children go to the forest for a degree to which it is free from illness,
picnic. or the state of being well.

1. Regular exercise is good for your

2. I am good health.

 A small object with three or four
points and a handle, that you use to
pick up food and eat with.
Healthy Package
 Strong and well.  Parcel an object or set of objects
wrapped in paper, usually in order to
1. She is a normal, healthy child. be sent by post.
2. He eat healthy.
1. The messenger comes with a package
for me.
2. A package of cookies. .

 One of the flat, usually green parts of
a plant that are joined at one end to
the stem or branch.

1. This leaf is beautiful. Roast

2. The trees have a leaf.  To cook food in an oven or over a
1. I roast the vegetables with some olive
2. She roast chicken delicious.

 Something or someone that is a mess,
or is in a mess, looks dirty or untidy.

1. He makes a terrible mess when he's

2. My hair's a mess today!
 Animals from the sea that can be Unit. 8 What’s the weather
eaten, especially fish or sea creatures
with shells.

1. My favorite meal is seafood.

2. The seafood is exotic.

 The long part at each side of the
human body, ending in a hand.

Tub 1. She play with her arm.

 A small plastic container with a lid, 2. I am have an only arm.
used for storing food.

1. I want a tub of ice cream.

2. This is a cookie tub

 An area of sand or stones next to the

1. I like go to the beach.

2. The children are playing on the beach.
 A man whose job is to bring the foot
to customers at their tables in a

1. The waiters are very friendly.

2. He works as a waiters.
 A strip of leather or material worn
around the waist to support clothes or
for decoration.
1. I am use a belt around waist. 2. I go to the supermarket and I usually buy
2. She doesn’t use belt. brand own.

Blouse Carry
 A shirt for a woman or girl.  To hold something or someone with
your hands, arms, or on your back and
1. She has a new blouse. transport it, him, or her from one
2. I always use blouse on Friday. place to another.

1. She carry her bag.

2. We carry the car the garage.

 A type of shoe that covers the whole
foot and the lower part of the leg.
1. She walks with her new boot.  To say that something is wrong or not
2. I hate your boot. satisfactory.

1. The people is complain about the noise.

2. You're always complaining!

5. Brand
 A type of product made by a
particular company.

1. This isn't my usual brand of rice. Designer clothing

 Fashion design is the art of applying 3. This cake's a bit dry.
design, aesthetics and natural beauty
to clothing and its accessories. It is
influenced by cultural and social
attitudes, and has varied over time and

1. She wants to be a designer clothing.

2. My girlfriend studies designer clothing.
 Not interesting or exciting in any way.

1. She writes dull articles for the local

2. He's very dull.

 A piece of clothing for women or girls
that covers the top half of the body
and hangs down over the legs.

1. She buys new dresses.

2. My dress is very short. Warm
 Having or producing a comfortably
high temperature, although not hot.

1. I put my hands in my pockets to warm.

2. I don't have a warm winter coat.
3. Those cup chocolate is warm.

Used to describe something that has no
water or other liquid in, on, or around it.

1. I wash the pants, but they're not dry yet.

2. These plants grow well in dry soil.
Hat 2. He cut Marias’s leg.
 A covering for the head that is not
part of a piece of clothing.

1. She has a new hat.

2. My favorite hat is big and blue.

 Not modern; belonging to or typical
of a time in the past.

1. Your clothes is old-fashioned.

2. She has a dress very old-fashioned.
 (Especially of things, that are not
living) being a large distance from top
to bottom or a long way above the
ground, or having the stated distance
from top to bottom.

1. I live a high building. Rollerblading

2. My plants grew higher that your plants.  To move on a surface, using

1. I look they are rollerblading round the

2. Let's go rollerblading.

 One of the parts of the body of a
human or animal that is used for
standing or walking.

1. My legs is tired after so much walking.

Shrimp 2. My socks are blue with pink.
 A very small sea creature similar to a Unit. 9 what are your plants?
prawn but smaller, or its flesh eaten as

She hates the shrimps.

He is eat all time shrimps.

Best costome
 A set of clothes worn in order to look
like someone else, especially for a
party, or in a movie or play.

1. The children were dressed in

Halloween costumes.
2. I am going to use costume tomorrow.

 A piece of clothing for women and
girls that hangs from the waist and
does not have legs.

1. I have put on a blouse black and a skirt

blue with shoes black.
2. She has a skirt very short. Camping
 The activity staying in a tent for a

1. I am camping.
2. They are going to camping in holiday.

 A piece of clothing made from soft
material that covers your foot and the
lower part of your leg.

1. Your sock is very cute.

 A big wooden box for keeping things

1. She has a chest very big.

2. This chest is beautiful.

 To chase and kill wild animals.

1. The cat is hunting mice.

2. They are going to go to hunt.

 A show in which people and animals
perform in a large tent.

1. I was in the circus yesterday.

2. They are going to go to the circus.

 Very expensive and beautiful things.

1. They live in luxury in a fabulous

apartment in Paris.
2. This car is luxury.

 To touch something or someone
quickly and with force, usually
hurting or damaging something
1. The ball hit me on the head.
 Lost, or not in the usual place.
2. She hit her head with wall.
 Not included in something.

1. Her daughter was missing a week ago.

2. There are things missing from the list.

 Relating to a queen or king and their

1. The royal family

Parasailing 2. She is part the family royal.
 A sport in which you wear a
parachute and are pulled behind a
motor boat in order to sail through the

1. I am practice parasailing.
2. You are going to make parasailing.

 A jacket and trousers or a jacket and
skirt that are made from the same
 A set of clothes or a piece of clothing
to be worn in a particular situation or
while doing a particular activity.

1. She have a dark blue suit.

Ranch 2. He is buying a new suit.
 A large farm where animals are kept.

1. She is in the ranch.

2. This is Marias’ ranch.
 A sport using boats with sails
1. We're going to sailing next weekend.  A collection of gold, silver, jewellery,
2. She hates go to sailing. and valuable objects.

1. You are my treasure.

2. In this house there a big treasure.

 An official ceremony at which
two people get married.
 A structure for sleeping in, usually 1. We’re going to a wedding
made of cloth fixed to metal poles. on Saturday.
2. She is in the Saul’s wedding.
1. He cut the tent
2. This tent is broken

 Having a low temperature.
1. I am always cold.
2. The day is cold.

 Someone who comes to visit you.

1. We have some guests in the house.

2. I am guest in the wedding.
 A long, natural area of water that
flows across the land.

1. They were the river.

2. This river is very long.

Unit. 10 Long. long ago

Theme park Afford

 A park with different types of  To have/not have enough money to
entertainment, such as machines to buy something or enough time to do
ride on, that is often based on one something.
1. Can we afford a new car?
1. They are in the theme park. 2. I can't afford to wait.
2. I am going to go to the theme park.
Alive Beak
 Living, not dead.  The hard part of a bird’s mouth.

1. Are your grandparents alive? 1. The beak of the bird is small

2. The plant is alive. 2. The beak of the bird is broken

Ancient  The air that comes out of your lungs.
 From a very long time ago.  An amount of air that goes into or out
of your lungs.
1. That chest is very ancient.
2. My house is ancient. 1. His breath smells of garlic.
2. She took breath before she start.

 An act of washing your body when
sitting in water.
1. I'm going to have a take a bath.  A yellow and black insect that makes
2. The bath is huge. honey (= sweet, sticky food).

(Have a bee in your bonnet)

 To keep talking about something
again and again because you think it
is very important.

1. She have a bee in her bonnet.

2. There is a bee.

 A small house, usually in
the countryside.

1. She has a cottage in the field.

2. My cottage is very vintage.

 A brush with a long handle used for
cleaning the floor.

1. I have a new broom.

2. Your broom is broken.

 Very pleased.

1. They are delighted with their new car.

2. I am delighted with you.

A high area of rock with a very steep
side, often next to a coast.

1. She is near the cliff.

2. The cliff is at the end of the way.

 To break up and move soil using a
tool, a machine, or your hands.
 To make a hole in the ground by
moving some of the ground or soil

1. Digging in the garden is a good

2. They dig a huge hole in the floor.

 Finding something or someone for the
first time.

1. Scientists have made important

Dirt discoveries.
 A substance that makes something not 2. This discovery is about
clean. homosexuality.
1. You have a dirt in your pants.
2. My bedroom is dirty.

 A mat kept in front of
Disappointed the door for people to wipe their feet
 Sad because something is not as good on.
as you expected, or because  A piece of thick material on the floor
something did not happen. by a door used to clean your shoes
before entering a building.
1. I was very disappointed.
2. She is disappointed of me. 1. My bear is a doormat.
2. This is my doormat.
Kettle Engine
 A metal or plastic container with a lid,  The part of a vehicle that uses oil,
used for boiling water. electricity, or steam to make it move.

1. Is the kettle in the kitchen? 1. The engine is broken.

2. Charlotte put the kettle to make some 2. The engine is not mine.

Doorbell  A small, green animal with long back
 A button next to a door that you press legs for jumping, that lives in or near
to make a noise to let someone know water.
that you are there.
 A button near the front door of a 1. The frog is ugly.
house, which you press to make a 2. The Ana’s frog is yellow.
sound that tells the people inside that,
you are there.

1. I think I heard someone ring the
2. My house doorbell is new.

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