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Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication

1. Savant–fo} ku] cq
f¼eku 16. Castigate-Mk¡Vuk] i Q
Vd kj uk
• Syn–sage, master Ant ordianry, simple • Syn-reprimand, rebuke Ant-praise, extol.
2. Apogee–f' k[ kj 17. Bemoan-f' kd k; r d j uk] foy ki d j uk
• Syn–pinnacle, zenith Ant-nadir, base. • Syn-complain, bewail Ant-gloat, jublilate
3. Raunchy–?kfV; k] v ' y hy 18. Pauper-xj hc
• Syn–bawdy, filthy Ant-clean, decent • Syn-poor, destitute Ant-wealthy, affluent
• Use-a raunchy magazine 19. Fiasco-v l i Q
4. Cajole–pki y w
l h d j uk • Syn-kind, altruistic Ant-spiteful, malicious
• Syn-flatter, lure Ant dissuade, repel 20. Benevolent-n; ky q
5. Covenant–l e>kS
r k] v uq
/ • Syn-kind, altruistic Ant-spiteful, malicious.
• Syn–agreement, contract Ant-refusal, 21. Defile-nw
f"kr d j uk
disagreement. • Syn-debase, dirty Ant-upgrade, esteem
6. Capricious–cgq
r t Ynh cny usoky k 22. Abandon-Nks
M+nsuk ; k R
; kn nsuk
• Syn–fickle, changeable Ant-reasonable, • Syn-leave, renounce Ant-restraint, absti-
constant. nence.
7. Devious–?kq
ekonkj ; k pky d 23. Assay-ew
Y; ka
d u d j uk
• Syn–indirect, artful Ant-honest, direct. • Syn-exmination, evaluation Ant-ignorance,
• Use-a devious route from the airport. neglect.
8. Pensive–fopkj eXu 24. Detrimental-gkfud kj d

• Syn–deep, thinking. Ant-negligent uncaring • Syn-obnoxious, baleful Ant-favorable, profit-

• Use-a pensive mood
• Use-The policy will be detrimental to the
9. Pandemonium–d ks
y kgy i w
. kZokr koj . k
peace of process.
• Syn-ruckus, noise Ant-calm, silence
25. Necromancy-t knwVks
10. Tranquil-' kka
r • Syn-magic, blackmagic Ant-reality, verity.
• Syn-calm, cool Ant-pandemonium, chaos 26. Lavish-cgq
r v f/ d [ kphZ
11. Bellicose->xM+
ky w • Syn-wasteful, luxurious Ant-economical,
• Syn-quarrelsome, warlike Ant-pacific, scrimp.
peaceful. 27. Indigent-xj hc
12. Frail-d et ks
j • Syn-pauper, destitute Ant-affluent, wealthy.
• Syn-weak, fragile Ant unbreakable, firm 28. Largesse-mnkj r k] / u nku ns
13. Naive-l h/ k] fu"d i V • Syn-donation, beneficence Ant-meanness,
• Syn-candid, frank Ant-cheerful, pleasant. misery.
14. Grumpy-fpM+
k] r q
d fet kt 29. Canorous-e/ q
• Syn-surly, truculent Ant cheerful, pleasant • Syn-mellifluous, dulcet Ant-harsh, bitter
15. Extol-i z
lal k d j uk 30. Maim-v i a
x d j nsuk
• Syn-applaud, praise Ant-condemn, de- • Syn-incapacitate, damage Ant-heal, deco-
nounce rate

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 277

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
31. Miracle-peR
d kj ] v k' p; Z 10. Garner-l a
xzg d j uk] bd B~
Bk d j uk
• Syn-supernatural, wonder Ant-reality, • Syn-deposit, store Ant-distribute, scatter.
simple 11. Haggard-d et ks
j ] Fkd k gq
• Use-It's miracle nobody was killed in the • Syn- gaunt, weak Ant-plump, buxom.
12. Hollow-[ kks
[ ky k
32. Plummet-uhpsd h v ks
j r st h l sfxj uk
• Syn-Vacant, Unfilled Ant-rigid, solid.
• Syn-plunge, slump Ant-grow, ascend
• Use a hollow tube
• Use-share prices plummeted to an all-time
low. 13. Importunate-gBh] nq
j kxzgh
33. Reprisal-cny k] i z
fr • Syn-stubborn, firm Ant-carefree, causal.
• Syn-revenge, avenge Ant-pardon, forgive- 14. Immutable-fLFkj ] v i fj or Z
ness • Syn-constant] fixed Ant-dynamic, flexible.
• Use-They did not want to give evidence for • Use-This decision should not be seen as
fear of reprisal. immutable.
34. Dingy-/ q
/ y k]xa
a nk 15. Maldediction-v fHk' kki
• Syn-murky, dark or dirty Ant-clear, bright
• Syn-Curse, Anathema Ant-dedication,
• Use-dingy bedsheets blessing
35. Asinine-ew
[ kZ
] Hkksa
nw 16. Glee-i z
lUur k] [ kq
' kh
• Syn-dolt, foolish Ant-sensible, astute • Syn-Blithful, Mirth Ant-sorrow, worry
• Use-an asinine person 17. Replete-Hkj k gq
v k] i fj i w
. kZ
1. Candid-fu"d i V] l PPkk
• Syn-Abundant, filled Ant-vacant empty
• Syn-honest, truthful Ant-biased, tactful.
18. Persistent-n`<+
] y xkr kj
2. Capacious-cgq
r fo' kky ( t gk¡ i j Li s'k cgq
r gks)
• Syn-Determined, contiuous Ant-ceasing,
• Syn-roomy, spacious Ant-cramped, tiny unstable
3. Certitude-fuf' pr r k] fo' okl • Use-peristent try
• Syn-confidence, certainty Ant-distrust, 19. Heist-pks
• Syn-Theft, Larceny Ant-offering, bestow
4. Circumspect-l r Z
d ]l ko/ ku
• Use-a bank heist
• Syn-cautious, careful Ant-careless, foolish.
20. Meteorite-mYd kfi a
5. Circuitous-?kq
• Syn-Circular, Devious Ant-stright, linear.
• Syn-Comet, Falling Star
21. Applaud-i z
' ka
l k d j uk
6. Nonchalant-y ki j okg] cs
i j okg
• Syn-careless, remiss Ant-deliberate, careful • Syn-Praise, Laud Ant-Condemn, criticize

• Use-It'll be fine she replied, with a noncha- 22. Bowdlerize-' kks

/ u d j uk
lant shrug • Syn-Purify, Cleanse Ant-approve, authorize
7. Fester-d Vq
r k d j uk ; k l M+
uk Set-3
• Syn-irk, rotten Ant-heal, lessen. 1. Fritter away-O
; FkZesal e; ; k i S
l k xoka
8. Flamboyant-HkM+
d hy k] fn[ kkoVh • Syn-Squander, Lavish Ant-economical,
• Syn-showy, florid Ant-calm, moderate frugal
9. Flux-y xkr kj i fj or Z
u] i zokg • Use-he frittered away the millions his
• Syn-fluctuation, charge Ant-constancy, father had left him.
stability. 2. Disparage-uhpk fn[ kkuk
• Use-Our society is in a state of flux. • Syn-Lower, Belittle Ant-admire, respect.

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 278

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
3. Contraption-d y i q
j t s] e' khu 20. Arduous-d fBu d k; Z
• Syn-Apparatus,Tool • Syn-hardwork, onerous. Ant-facile, effort-
• Use-She showed us a strange contraption less
that looked like as satelite dish. 21. Rudimentary-v Yi fod fl r ] ' kq
#v kr h
4. Consternation-v k' p; Z
] ?kCkj kgV • Syn-Beginning, Immature Ant-Additional,
• Syn-wonder, anxiety Ant-glee, cheerfulness derivative
5. Celerity-r R
i jrk 22. Rattle-v kokt d j uk

• Syn-alacrity, haste Ant-delay, slowness • Syn-Sound, Shatter Ant- soothe, placate

6. disparate-v l eku] fHkU
u 23. Jeopardy-l a
d V] [ kr j k
• Syn-Dissimilar, Diverse Ant-equal, alike • Syn-Peril, Risk Ant-protection, assurance.
7. Accolade-i z
' ka
l ki q
#Ld kj 24. Incarnate-v or kj gks
• Syn-applaud, award Ant-condemn, castigate • Syn-Embodied, Humanform Ant-disembody,
8. Ardent-mR
l kgh] i zcy
25. Intimate-?kfU
• Syn-Eager, Desirous Ant-unexcited, calm
• Syn-Close friend, boson Ant-formal, impre-
9. Voracious-y ky ph] Hkw
[ kk cise
• Syn-Covetous, very hungry Ant-satisfied. 26. Idle-v ky l h
• Use voracious shark • Syn-Laze, Inactive Ant-effective, active
10. Foment-md l kuk] HkM+
d kuk 27. Innate-t U
et kr
• Syn-Incite, Stimulate Ant-lull, stop • Syn-inborn, inherent Ant-incidental, medi-
11. Stern-d Bks
j ated.
• Syn-hard, inflexible Ant-yield, flexable 28. Glean-l w
p uk, sa; k Kku d k l a
xzg d j uk
12. prevaricate-l p d gusl sd r j kuk] >w
B cksy uk • Syn-Accumulate, Garner Ant-spread, sepa-
• Syn-evade, shuck Ant-confront, encounter
29. Fetid-cncw
• Use-stop prevarication and come to the
• Syn-malodorous, stinking Ant-aromatic,
13. Mull-fopkj d j uk
• Use-fetidair
• Syn-Ponder, Medicate Ant- disregard, ig-
30. Temporize-Vky eVks
y d j uk
• Syn-Prevaricate, delay Ant-advance, fur-
14. Muse-fpa
r u d j uk ther.
• Syn-Ponder, Think Ant-neglact, ignore. 31. Thrifty-d a
twl ] fd i Q
k; r h
15. Nettle-ukj kt d j uk • Syn-miser, persimonious Ant-lavish, waste-
• Syn-annoy, irriate Ant-comfort, quiet ful.
16. Recluse-l U
; kl h] , d kU
r okl h 32. Mirth-i z
lUu] [ kq
• Syn-monk, ascetic Ant-extrovert, showboat • Syn-glee, cheer Ant-
17. Venial-{kek d j us; ks
X; 33. Aspersion-d y a
d ] cnukeh
• Syn-Forgivable, Allowable, Ant-abominable, • Syn-slander, defamation Ant-extravagant,
heinous. spendthrift
18. Brazen-v l H; ] fuy Z
Tt 34. Perspicacious-pr q
j ]gksf' k; kj
• Syn-audacious, bold Ant-humble, meek • Syn-prudent, astute Ant-ignorant, innocent
19. Altercation->xM+
k 35. Affluent-/ uh] l Ei U
• Syn-Bellicose, Quarrel Ant-harmony, accord. • Syn-wealthy, rich Ant-pauper, wealthy

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 279

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
1. Paradox-i j Li j foj ks
/h 20. Galore-v f/ d r k
• Syn-opposite, oddity Ant-same, usualness • Syn-abundant, ample Ant-scarcity, paucity.
2. Carp-v ky ks
p uk d j uk] xy fr ; k <w
auk 21. Cozen-Bxuk] i q
l y kuk
• Syn-criticise, cavil, Ant-praise, extol. • Syn-Beguile, deceit Ant- scarcity, paucity
3. Uproar-ga
xkek] ' kksjxq
y 22. Innocuous-gkfuj fgr ] v gkfud kj d
• Syn-furore, turmoil, Ant- peace, calm. • Syn-inobnoxious, harmless, Ant-harmful,
4. Seamy-v uS
fr d adverse
23. Rampage-mi æo] ' kks
j ' kj kck
• Syn-immoral, bad Ant- honorable, moral.
5. Towering-fo' kky ] ' kfDr ' kky h • Syn-uproar, furore Ant-pacify, calm
24. Subservient-t h gq
tqj h d j uk
• Syn-colossal, vast Ant- tiny, slender.
6. Tirade-d M+
h fua
nk • Syn-servile, obsequious Ant-bossy, assertive

• Syn-criticise, censure Ant-extol, apprise 25. Enervate-d et ks

j gksuk
7. Dainty-v kd "kz
d ] #fpd j • Syn-weak, jade Ant-strengthen, energize

• Syn-attractive, soft Ant-menial, underneath 26. Decease-( fMl hl ) eR̀

8. Lucrative-v kd "kZ
d ] y kHknk; d • Syn-death, demise Ant-nascency, birth
• Syn-dainty, fruitful Ant-unprofitable, homely 27. Deceit-/ ks
[ kk nsuk
9. Mendacious-ud y h]>q
Bk • Syn-humbug, fraud Ant-nascency, birth
• Syn-spurious, untrue Ant-rightous, genuine 28. Sue-v fHk; ks
x py kuk
10. Harangue-mxzHkk"k. k ns
uk • Syn-prosecute, file Ant-exonerate, free

Syn-speech, address Ant- panegyric, lauda- 29. Mercenary-fd j k; sd k l S
fud ; k y ky ph
• Syn-money-grubbing, covetous Ant-gener-
11. Upright-bZ
ekunkj ous, unselfish
• Syn-honest, rightous Ant-dishonor, deceitful 30. Veteran-v uq
12. Beguile-Bxuk] / ks
[ kk nsuk • Syn-skilled, expert Ant- novice, fresher
• Syn-mislead, deceive Ant-offer, proposal.
31. Wholesome-LokLFki z
13. Exasperate-xq
Ll k fny kuk] mÙksft r d j uk
• Syn-salubrious, hygienic Ant-indecent,
• Syn-annoy, agitate Ant-comfort, pacify impure
14. Humbug-/ ks
[ kk ; k / ks[ksckt ] Ny &d i V 32. Obsolete-v i z
p fy r ] i q
j kuk

Syn-pretense, dishonest Ant-honest, • Syn-out of date, archaic Ant-mordern, up-to-
rightous date
15. Smattering-v Yi Kku ; k v Yi ek=kk
33. Alimony-xq
t kj k&HkÙkk
• Syn-Modicum, little Ant-entirety, plenitude.
• Syn-sustenance, remittance Ant-neglect
16. Desolate-mnkl ] ohj ku
34. Epionage-t kl w
• Syn-sad, despair Ant-glee, bright
• Syn-spying, snooping Ant-ignore, neglect
17. Detention-fgj kl r ] d S
35. Submissiveness-nCcw

Syn-apprehesion, immurement Ant-free-
dom, release • Syn-meekness, tractableness Ant-discord,
18. Recalcitrant-gBh] ft n~
nh free
1. Hallowed-i fo=k

Syn-stubborn, addurate Ant-yielding,
humble • Syn-sacred, pious Ant-unsacred, irreligious
19. Sparse-fc[ kj k gq
v k] i Q
y k gq
S vk 2. Sabotage-fcxkM+
uk] r ksM+
&i Q
ksM+d j uk
• Syn-sporadic, dispersed Ant- abundant, • Syn-spoil, destruction Ant-maintenance,
plentiful overhaul

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 280

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
3. Revamp-ej Eer d j uk 21. Astound-v k' p; Zpfd r gkst kuk
• Syn-repair, overhaul Ant-Sabotage, spoil • Syn-astonish, divagate Ant-expect, clarify
4. Daredevil-l kgl h 22. Vaticinate-Hkfo"; ok. kh d j uk
• Syn-courageous, adventurer Ant- cowardly, • Syn-augure, portend Ant-hindsight, looking
craven back
5. Fastidious-l r d Z
rk ; k rq
d fet kt 23. Immure-d S
n d j uk
• Syn-meticulous, choosy Ant-indifferent, • Syn-Incarcerate, imprison Ant-release, free
uncareful 24. Assoil-nks
"k eq
Dr d j uk
6. Pine-nq
[ kh gksuk ; k y ky kf; r gksuk • Syn-exonerate, absolve Ant-sue, plead
• Syn-grieve, want Ant-despise, dislike 25. Apposite-mfpr ] mi ; q
7. Hassle-ck/ k] v oj ks
/ • Syn-suitable, appropriate Ant-inappropriate,
• Syn-hurdle, hinder Ant-help, aid irrelevant
8. Dire-Hk; kud ] [ kr j ukd 26. Hamstring-j ks
d uk] v oj ks/ mR
iUu d j uk
• Syn-critical, acute Ant-fortunate, trival • Syn-prevent, hurdle Ant-promote, assist
9. Tyranny-v R
; kpkj ] fuj a
dq'k 27. Hectic-O
; Lr r ki w
. kZ
• Syn-cruelty, autocracy Ant-democracy • Syn-restless, busy Ant-quiet peaceful
10. Tense-r uko 28. Snub-v i ekfur d j uk
• Syn-strain, rigid Ant-flexible, calm • Syn-affront, belittle Ant-regard, praise
11. Solace-v kj ke ns
uk] l ka
ouk nsuk 29. Torment-ekufl d os
nuk] ; kr uk nsuk
• Syn-comfort, relief Ant- irritate, upset
• Syn-anguish, agony Ant-blessing, delight.
12. Restive-cs
pSuh 30. Homage-J ¼ka
t y h] l Eeku
• Syn-restless, nervous Ant-disharmony,
• Syn-respect, reverence Ant-criticism,
13. Lambaste-v ky ks
p uk
31. Heed-è; ku ns
• Syn-criticize, revile Ant-praise, acclaim
• Syn-concern, notice Ant-ignore, neglect
14. Lacerate-R
opk ; k eka
l d ks/ kj nkj pht l sphj uk ; k
v ky ksp uk d j uk 32. Depredation-fouk' k

• Syn-criticize, puncture Ant-mend, repair • Syn-destruction, apocalypse Ant-construc-

tion, manufacture
15. Squander-v i usi S
l kso l e; d kscckZ
n d j uk
33. Palpable-Li "V] ft l sv kl kuh l segl w
l fd ; k t k l d sA

Syn-extravagant, prodigal Ant-accumulate,
assemble • Syn-clear, tangible Ant-ambiguous, dubious
16. Dissent-v l ger gks
uk 34. Spurious-ud y h] cukoVh

Syn-disagree, discord Ant-agreement, • Syn-duplicate, mendacious Ant-genuine
approve authentic
17. Combat-y M+
] la
?k"kZ 35. Suffrage-er d k v f/ d kj

Syn-fight, dispute • Syn-franchise, vote Ant-abstain, disenfran-
Ant-compromise, harmony chise
18. Famine-v d ky 1. Bestial-i ' kq
or ] Øw
• Syn-drought, starvation Ant-feast, plenty • Syn-cruel, disgusting Ant- admirable, kind
19. Lacuna-v a
r j ] nw
jh 2. Massive-fo' kky
• Syn-gap, distance Ant-closure, misfortune • Syn-colossal, vast Ant-tiny, puny
20. Defalcation-xcu] ?kks
Vky k 3. Gravitate-v kd f"kZ
r d j uk
• Syn-embezzle, fraudulent Ant-achievement • Syn-attract, move Ant-retreat, ascend

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 281

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
4. Perplex- pd j k t kuk 21. Stare-?kw
j uk] fd l h d h v ksj nsj r d ns[kuk
• Syn-baffle, daze Ant-untwist, soothe • Syn-glare, gawk Ant-look away, ignore
5. Pittance-/ u d h d e ek=kk] HkR
rk 22. Mesmerize-l Eeks
fgr d j uk
• Syn-modicum, trifle Ant-plenty, surfeit • Syn-enthrall, entice Ant-enliven, disgust
6. Philistine- , s
l k O;fDr ft l sd y k] l kfgR
;] l a
xhr d h 23. Animate-t ku Mky ns
uk] t hoU
r cuk nsuk
l e> u gks; k v l H; • Syn-vivify, living Ant- dead, shy
• Syn-uncouth, uncivilized Ant-educated, 24. Inordinate-v R
; f/ d
• Syn-surplus, excessive Ant- reasonable,
7. Timid- d et ks
j ] Mj i ksd shortage
• Syn-timorous, coy Ant-brave, bold 25. Morose-mnkl ] fpM+
8. Scorn- fr j Ld kj d j uk] Bq
d j k nsuk • Syn-sad, unhappy Ant-cheerful, gleeful
• Syn-dismiss, contempt Ant-affection accep- 26. Sobriety-xa
Hkhj r k] l a
• Syn-seriouness, stoic Ant-intemperance,
9. Magnificent- ' kkunkj wildness
• Syn-grandeur, splendid Ant- undignified, 27. Umpteen-d bZ
] cgq
r l kj s
• Syn-countless, zillion Ant- limited, count-
10. Pique-[ khpuk] fp<+
uk able
• Syn-irk, annoyance Ant-cheer, joy 28. Restitute-gt kZ
uk nsuk ; k uohud j . k d j uk
11. Dilapidated- t t Z
j v oLFkk esa • Syn-compensate, restore Ant- penalize,
• Syn-decrepit, dishevelled Ant-healthy, chastise
healed 29. Jingoistic-y M+
usd sfy , ges'kk r S
; kj j guk
12. Motley- fHkU
u i zd kj d s • Syn-warlike, belligerent Ant- peaceful, kind
• Syn-disparate, different Ant-bleached 30. Besmirch-bTt r i j d hpM+mNky uk
13. Berate- Mk¡Vuk] i Q
Vd kj uk • Syn-defile, dishonor Ant-honor, praise
• Syn-chide, scold Ant-praise, laud 31. Boisterous-d ks
y kgy i w
. kZ
14. Redound-c<+
uk] enn nsuk • Syn-uproar, vociferous Ant-peaceful, quiet
• Syn-advance, help Ant- hindrance, blockage 32. Berserk- xq
Ll sl si kxy
15. Primordial - i z
kj a
fHkd v oLFkk esa • Syn-crazy, mad Ant-reasonable, sane

• Syn-primeval, rudimentary Ant-subordi- 33. Hamper-ck/ k] v oj ks

nate, final • Syn-hurdle, hinder Ant-accelerate, allow
16. Conundrum - i gs
y h] j gL; 34. Esteem-fd l h d k cgq
r v f/ d l Eeku d j uk
• Syn-riddle, enigma Ant- comfort, illustrate •
Syn-respect, reverence Ant-disrespect,
17. Rejuvenate - fi Q
j l st oku cuk nsuk] u; k d j uk
35. Cynosure-v kd "kZ
. k d k d sU
• Syn-refresh, revitalize Ant-damage, destroy
•Syn-centre of attraction, luminary Ant-
18. Conciliation-l gefr ] l ek/ ku nonentity, unknown
• Syn-placation, reunion Ant-disagreement, 1. Wrangle->xM+k d j uk
animosity • Syn-brawl, quarrel, Ant-agreement, quiet
19. Imminent-t ks' kh/ z?kfVr gks
usoky k gks 2. Surreptitious-xq
• Syn-probable, coming Ant-avoidable, distant • Syn-furtive, secret, Ant-forthright, autho-
20. Corroborate-l k{; l fgr i z
Lr q
r d j uk rized
3. Bumptious-nq
j kxzgh] v D[ kM+
• Syn-confirm, authenticate Ant-invalidate,
disclaim • Syn-arrogant, egotistic Ant- humble, modest

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 282

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
4. Bereave-' kks
dl a
r Ìr gksuk] l soa
fpr gksuk 22. Aromatic - l q
f/ r
• Syn-divest, devoid, Ant- delight, cheer • Syn-fragrant, redolent Ant- stinking, acrid
5. Mercurial-i fj or Z
u' khy 23. Hedge - ?ks
j uk
• Syn-Changeable, volatile Ant- constant, • Syn-surround, encircle Ant-opening
stable 24. Banter - g¡l h et kd d j uk
6. Hone-l q
/ kj d j uk • Syn-joke, gossip Ant-praise, admire
• Syn-improve, whet Ant-blunt, edgeless 25. Penchant - #fp] y xko
7. Nostalgia-v r hr d h ckr ksd ks; kn d j uk • Syn- liking, fondness Ant-hate, dislike
• Syn-homesickness Ant- cheerful, gleeful 26. Scour - ckj hd h l s[ kks
t uk
8. Dumbfound-v k' p; Zpfd r d j ns
uk • Syn-search, rummage Ant- overlook, ignore
• Syn-surprised, divagate Ant- aware, calm 27. Spasmodic - #d &#d d j ] v fu; fer
9. Decipher - fd l h pht d sfNi sgq
, v FkZd k er y c • Syn-irregular, changeable Ant-sustained,
fud ky y suk regular
• Syn-deduce, solve Ant-hide abscure 28. Addle - xM~
M d j nsuk ; k l M+t kuk
10. Assuage - ' kka
r d j uk • Syn-mix up, rotten Ant-enlighten, clarify
• Syn-pacify, mollify Ant-aggravate, agitate 29. Banish - fuokZ
fl r d j uk] fud ky nsuk
11. Contemplative - fopkj eXu • Syn-oust, exile Ant-permit, welcome
• Syn- pensive, pondering Ant- ignorant, 30. Spur - i z
sfj r d j uk
negligent • Syn-motivate, incite Ant-disappointed,
12. Decry - fua
nk d j uk disgusted
• Syn-condemn, criticize Ant- praise, admire 31. Gimmick - pky ] gFkd a
13. Deed - d ke] d k; Z • Syn- trick, artifice Ant- reality, honesty

• Syn- act, plan Ant-idleness, rest 32. Myth - feFkd ]d kYi fud d Fkk

14. Barren - ca
tj • Syn-legend, fiction Ant-reality, certain

• Syn- Infertile, unproductive Ant-cultivated, 33. Strive - d q

N i kusd sfy , d M+
h esgur d j uk
fertile • Syn-hard work, struggle Ant- skip, neglect
15. Elongate - y a
ck d j uk] cM+
k d j uk 34. Strenuous - d fBu d k; Z
• Syn-lengthen, increase Ant- curtail, • Syn-arduous, uphill Ant- dissuade, relax
shorten 35. Quandary - v l ea
16. Deform - fcxkM+
uk] [ kj kc d j uk • Syn-dilemma, predicament Ant- assurance,
• Syn- spoil, damage Ant-repair, decorate confidence
17. Reiterate - nks
gj kuk 1. Queasy - t h fer y kuk] d et ks
j h egl w
l d j uk
• Syn-repeat, revise Ant-original, initial • Syn-sick, vomiting Ant- satisfied, healthy
18. Strident - d d Z
' k] r h{. k] d . kZ
Hksnh 2. Gracious - v kj kens
; ] n; ky q
• Syn- hoarse, vociferous Ant- soft, hushed • Syn-pleasing, kind Ant- impolite,uncivil
19. Sanguinary - [ kw
u d k I; kl k] j Dr i kr i w
. kZ 3. Rescue - cpkuk] Nq
• Syn-blood-soaked, crimson Ant-gentle, • Syn-save, salvage Ant- peril, danger
pleasant 4. Coronation - j kT; kfHk"ks
20. Nefarious - v uS
fr d ] i ki h • Syn-crowning, inauguration Ant-adjourn-
• Syn- immoral, sordid Ant-gentle, pleasant ment
21. Pervert - i FkHkz
"V d j nsuk 5. Elaborate - O
; k[ ; k d j uk
• Syn-corrupt, adulterate Ant-purified, honest • Syn-explain, discourse Ant-simple, normal

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 283

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
6. Iconoclast - ew
fr Z
t d ] / eZ
foj ks/ h 23. Mawkish - v fr Hkkoq
• Syn-image-breaker, sceptic Ant- conformist, • Syn-teary, sentimental Ant-unemotional,
orthodox serious
7. Paragon - v kn' kZmnkgj . k 24. Prolific - mi t kÅ
• Syn-epitome, standard Ant-demon, devil • Syn-fertile, productive Ant-barren, infertile
8. Wilt - eq
j >kuk] ' kfDr [ kksuk 25. Perchance - ' kk; n
• Syn-fade, weaken Ant- expand, grow • Syn-perhaps, can be Ant-absolutely, certain
9. Amnesia - Lef̀r y ks
i 26. Spark - HkM+
d t kuk] ped uk
• Syn-memory loss, blackout Ant-remem- • Syn-fire, sparkle Ant-calm, pacify
brance, heed 27. Faze - pd j k t kuk] gr ks
l kg gksuk
10. Truant - d ke pks
j ] d {kk l sHkkx t kusoky k • Syn-disconcert, addle Ant-assist, soothe
• Syn-Shirker, Ant-regular, aid 28. Nuisance - , s
l k O;fDr ; k oLr qt ksl eL; k d k d kj . k
11. Potable - i hus; ks
X; cusA
• Syn-drinkable, Ant-unsavory, brackish • Syn-trouble, problem Ant- comfort, delight
12. Scurrility - v ' y hy r k 29. Cognoscente - t ksfd l h fo' ks
"k {ks=k esan{k gks; k
• Syn-indecency, vulgarity Ant-decency, dy k&eeZ
modesty • Syn-connoisseur, expert Ant-dull, amateur
13. Chauvinistic - j k"Vªoknh] nfd ; kuw
l h fopkj ksaoky k 30. Daub - i ks
r uk
• Syn-narrow minded, jingoistic Ant-traitor, • Syn-spread, paint Ant-clean, purify
31. Stymie - d q
N ?kVusl sj ksd uk
14. Itinerant - , d LFkku l snw
l j sLFkku d ksHkze. k d j usoky k
• Syn-prevent, crab Ant-release, forward
• Syn-nomadic, vagabond Ant-settled, perma-
32. Obloquy - v ky ks
p uk
15. Lavatory - ' kkS
p ky ; ] ; k l koZ
t fud ' kkS
p ky ;
• Syn-criticism, reproach Ant-approval,
• Syn-toilet, washroom
33. Yummy - Lokfn"V
16. Axiom - Lor %i z
ekf. kr ] l w
fDr • Syn-delicious, sapid Ant-offensive, bland
• Syn-proverb, maxim Ant-paradox, ambiguity
34. Putrid - cncw
17. Appal - Hk; Hkhr d j uk] Mj kuk
• Syn-fetid, foul Ant-aromatic, perfumed
• Syn-fear, frighten Ant-reassure, encourage
35. Euphonic - e/ q
18. Anomaly - v fu; fer r k
• Syn-mellifluous, dulcet Ant-bitter, insipid
• Syn-inordinate, irregularity Ant- regularity,
1. Rapport - e/ q
j l Eca
19. Blaze - ped uk
• Syn-relationship, concord Ant-discord,
• Syn-burining, flame Ant-blackness, cloudi-
2. Reinstate - i q
u%LFkkfi r d j uk
20. Commiseration - l gkuq
fr • Syn-restore, revive Ant-destroy, demolish
3. Excruciate - i hM+
k nsuk] d "V nsuk
• Syn-sympathy, pity Ant-indifference, dis-
dain • Syn-harass, torture Ant-soothe, assist
21. Furlough - v od k' k 4. Derisive - fua
• Syn-leave, holiday Ant-employ, rehire • Syn-insulting, cocky Ant-polite, respectful
22. Gospel - i w
. kZl R
; 5. Hurdle - ck/ k] v oj ks
• Syn-truth, veracity Ant-doubt, disbelive • Syn-hamper, hinder Ant-assist, help

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 284

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
6. Trenchant - r hoz
] Li "V 23. Sanity - foos
d ] ekufl d l a
• Syn-forceful, incisive Ant-blunt, slow • Syn-acumen, commonsense Ant-ignorance,
7. Raze - u"V d j ns
uk inability
24. Bengin - l h/ k&l k/ k] n; ky q
• Syn-destroy, topple Ant- produce, build
8. Apropos - l a
xr ] mi ; q
Z • Syn-kind, largesse Ant-injurious, violent

• Syn-suitable, pertinent Ant-unsuitable, 25. Collusioin - fey h Hkxr ] l ka

B xka
irrelevant • Syn-complicity, craft Ant-honesty, morality
9. Trounce - i j kft r d j ns
uk 26. Defunct - er̀
• Syn-overcome, conquer Ant-fail, lose • Syn-dead, ananimate Ant-existent, alive
10. Trumpery - r q
PN] ?kfV; k 27. Pricey - ea
gxk] d her h
• Syn-menial, negatory Ant- sense, sensitiv- • Syn-costly, valuable Ant-cheap, reasonable
ity 28. Mayhem - fouk' k] [ ky cy h
11. Mannish - (having qualities that are thought
• Syn- havoc, destruction Ant- development,
of as typical of or suitable for a man) ej nkuk build
• Syn-male, masculine Ant-feminine, female 29. Aglow - ped uk] i z
12. Massacre - t ul a
gkj • Syn-brilliant, radiant Ant-defame, unexited
• Syn-carnage, genocide Ant-create, give 30. Caucus - cS
Bd ] LkHkk
birth • Syn-parley, meeting Ant-sepration, indi-
13. Ruffian - xq
k] cnek' k vidual
• Syn-goon, gangster Ant- uncorrupt, re- 31. Slander - fua
nk d j uk] cnuke d j uk
spected • Syn- criticise, tirade Ant-praise, admire
14. Perishable - ft l su"V fd ; k t k l d s 32. Dudgeon - xq
Ll k
• Syn-destructible, unstable Ant-protected, • Syn-angry, ire Ant-delight, calm
33. Florid - HkM+
d hy k
15. Utopia - j kej kT;

Syn-ostentatious, flamboyant Ant-natural,
• Syn-pardise, heaven Ant-anti utopia, hell inelaborate
16. Forthright - bZ
ekunkj 34. Parry - cpuk] Vky uk
• Syn-candid, direct Ant-cunning, charlatan • Syn- deflect, avoid Ant-confront, allow
17. Rout - i j kft r d j ns
uk 35. Barb - ' kC
nksad k i zgkj
• Syn-defeat, conquer Ant-win • Syn- critical remark Ant- kindness, praise
18. Spruce - l ki Q
&l q
Fkj k 1. Egalitarianism - l ekur kokn
• Syn-styligh, neat Ant-filthy, raunchy • Syn-equality Ant-injustice, bais
19. Recurrence - i q
u%?kVuk 2. Rife - O
; kIr ] i fj i w
. kZ
• Syn-repetition, return Ant- • Syn-common, general Ant-limited, scarce
irregularity,infrequency 3. Ribald - i Q
w ] v ' y hy
20. Tumble - fxj uk • Syn-lewd, bawdy Ant-decent, rfined
• Syn-plunge, topple Ant-ascend, escalate 4. Cadaver - ' ko] y k' k
21. Tussle - y M+
] la
?k"kZ • Syn-corpse, dead body Ant-human being
• Syn-scuffle, battle Ant-peace, pacific 5. Rant - fpYy kuk] funa
k d j uk
22. Shirker - d ke l st h pq
j kuk • Syn-harangue, vociferation Ant-quiet, calm

• Syn-quitter, avoider Ant-hard worker, 6. Ramshackle - t t Z

j ] f?kl k&fi Vk
industrious • Syn-rickety, decrepit Ant- sturdy, solid

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 285

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
7. Euthanasia - bPNk&eR̀
;q 24. Portend - Hkfo"; ok. kh d j uk
• Syn-assisted suicide Ant-existence, living • Syn-veticinate, forecast Ant-withold, hide
desire 25. Ponderous - uhj l ] Hkkj h&Hkj d e
8. Congregation - l Hkk] , d =khd j . k
• Syn- tedious, hefty Ant-delicate, buoyant
• Syn-gathering, meeting Ant- scattering, 26. Podium - ea
• Syn- stage, platform
9. Exodus - cgq
r cM+
hl a
[ ; k esay ksxksad k fud kl
27. Plunder - y w
• Syn-departure, evacuation Ant-arrival,
entracne • Syn-rob, maraud Ant-gift, charity
10. Comport - l gh r j hd sl sO
; ogkj d j uk] d sv uq
dwy gksuk 28. Perjury - >w
Bh xokgh] / ks[kk
• Syn-fit, accord Ant-fight, dissonance • Syn-false testimony, deception Ant-cerify,
11. Charisma - v kd "kZ
29. Peruse - è; kui w
d i <+
• Syn-attractive, dainty Ant- repulsion,
malice • Syn-anylize, scrutinize Ant-neglect, over-
12. Censorious - nw
l j ksd snks"k [ kkst uk
30. Malaise - O
; kd q
y r k] fpa
• Syn-captious, critical Ant-laudatory, encour-
aging • Syn- Unease, Distress Ant- healthiness,
well being
13. Pulchritude - l q
nj r k
31. Destruction - fouk' k
• Syn-beauty, attractive Ant-raunchy, malice
• Syn-Demolition, Devastation Ant-
14. Camaraderie - xgj h fe=kr k] l kS
• Syn-intimacy, companionship Ant-dislike, 32. Connoisseur - d q
' ky ] i zoh. k] n{k
bad blood
• Syn-Deft, Skilful Ant-amateur, novice
15. Callow - v uq
33. Inimical - gkfud kj d ] i z
fr d w
• Syn-immature, inexperienced Ant-experi-
enced, mature • Syn-harmful, ill Ant-friendly, hospitable
16. Calumny - fua
nk] cnukeh 34. Respite - v kj ke
• Syn-slander, tirade Ant-praise, admire • Syn-Relax, Comfort Ant-continuation,
17. Cadaverous - chekj h d sd kj . k i hy k gkst kuk regular
35. Garrulous - ckr w
• Syn-weak, feeble Ant-rouge, flushed
1. Nexus - l ka
B] xBt ksM+
18. Catholic - l oZ
• Syn-currency, universal Ant-specific,
• Syn-Union, Connection Ant-interrupt,
19. Carnal - l a
l kfj d 2. Nascent - Ikz
kj a
fHkd v oLFkk esa
• Syn-temporal, earthy Ant-spiritual, reverent • Syn-Beginning, Fresh Ant-end, finish

20. Catastrophe - v ki nk] fouk' k 3. Suavity - f' k"Vkpkj

• Syn-destruction, apocalypse Ant-miracle, • Syn-propriety, mildness Ant-misbehaviour,

blessing disruption
21. Prodigy - n{kr k] i z
fr Hkk 4. Tutelage - l a
j {k. k] v è; ki u
• Syn- skill] deftness Ant-simpletion, clumsy • Syn-guidance, narture Ant-ignor, neglect
22. Preposterous - gkL; ki n] ew
[ kZ
r ki w
. kZ 5. Aureate - l ks
ust S
l k ; k ' kkunkj
• Syn-silly, stupid Ant-reasonable, sensible • Syn-golden, splendid, Ant-humble, reserved
23. Posthumous - ej . kks
i j kU
r 6. Moribund - ej . kkl U
• Syn- after death Ant-early, • Syn- expiring, fading Ant-moral, benevolent

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 286

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
7. Puissance - ' kfDr ' kky h 27. Censure - v ky ks
p uk d j uk] fua
nk d j uk
• Syn-power, strength Ant-laziness, idle • Syn-Rebuke, Reprimand Ant-praise, admire
8. Gaunt - d et ks
j • Use- He was censured for leaking the
• Syn-weak, feeble Ant-brave, strengthen information to the press.
9. Incense - fd l h d sxq
Ll sd ksHkM+
d kuk ; k l q
/ 28. Apathy - mnkl hur k] v #fp

• Syn-Incite,, pleasant smell Ant-calm, putrid • Syn-Dullness, Lassitude Ant-interest, hobby

10. Penetrable - ft l sHks
nk t k l d s] i zos'; 29. Diligent - es
gur h] i fj J eh
• Syn-Accessible, previous Ant-impermeable • Syn-Assiduous, tireless Ant-lazy, lethargic
11. Inanimate - fut hZ
o 30. Apparent - Li "V] l ki Q
• Syn-lifeless, defunct Ant-alive, animate • Syn-Obvious, Certain Ant-lazy, lethargic
12. Esoteric - xw
] ft l sl e>uk d fBu gks 31. Surmount - t hr uk] ck/ k i kj d j uk
• Syn-arcane, occult Ant-familiar, obvious • Syn- Overcome, surpass Ant-give up, yeild
13. Felicity - i z
lUur k 32. Pinnacle - f' k[ kj ] t hou d k l oZ
J s"B l e;
• Syn-happiness, rapture Ant-grief, sorrow • Syn-Zenith, Apex Ant-nadir, beneath
14. Snare - t ky ; k t ky es
ai Q
¡l kuk 33. Corrode-to destroy slowly - ( {k; gks
• Syn-trap, bait Ant-liberation, freedom
• Syn-Decay, Eat away Ant-growth, improve-
15. Glut - v f/ d r k ment
• Syn-Surfeit, Copious Ant-scarcity, dearth 34. Maraud - y w
V&i kV d j uk
16. Confiscate - t C
r d j uk] v i usv / hu d j uk • Syn-ravage, loot Ant-gift, behave
• Syn-seize, Usurp Ant-offer, give
1. Shun - v y x d j uk] fud ky ns
17. Copious - i z
pqj ek=kk esa
• Syn-avoid, cut Ant-gather, assimilation
• Syn-Glut, Abundant, Ant-scarcity, dearth
2. Rob - Ykw
18. Segregate - v y x d j uk
• Syn-pillage, loot Ant-behave, present
• Syn-Sever, Divide Ant-gather, combine
3. Opprobrium - v ky ks
p uk] v i ekut ud
19. Admonish - ps
r kouh] l ko/ ku d j uk
• Syn-Warn, Notice Ant- extol, laud
• Syn-criticism, infamy Ant-praise, aloud

20. Bizarre - fofp=k] v t hc 4. Scourge - foi fÙk ; k d "V ns

• Syn-Weird, unsual, Ant-normal reasonable • Syn-misfortune, curse Ant-benefit, blessing
21. Furore - ga
xkek] d ksy kgy • Use-the scourge of poverty
• Syn-Commontion, Uproar Ant- calm, peace 5. Serene - ' kka
22. Teem - Hkj ekj gks
uk • Syn-tranquil, cool Ant-violent, aloud
• Syn-Abound, full Ant-scarcity, dearth 6. Amity - fe=kr k
23. Celibate - cz
á pkj h ; k d q
jk • Syn-freindliness, amicableness Ant-enmity,
• Syn-Virgin pure Ant-lustful, salacious hostility
24. Subjugate - t hr uk] v i usv / hu d j uk 7. Countermand - j í d j uk
• Syn-conquer, subdue Ant-surrender, fail •Syn-abortive, cancel Ant-
25. Deterrent - gr ks
l kfgr d j uk] Mj kd j j ksd uk continue,persevere

Syn-Disincentive, Discouragement, Ant- 8. Convoluted - my >k gq
v k] Vs<+
catalyst, incentive • Syn-Meandering, twist Ant-straight, linear
26. Grit - l a
d Yi ] / S
;Z 9. Temporal - l a
l kfj d
• Syn-Courage, Determination Ant-owardice, • Syn-earthy, physical Ant-spiritual, perma-
timidity nent

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 287

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
10. Strife - d y g] >xM+
k 27. Propitious-y kHknk; d ] v uq
• Syn-conflict, disagreement Ant-good, quiet • Syn- Advantageous, beneficial ant-fruitless,
11. Apocalyptic - l oZ
uk' k l sl EcfU
/ ] fouk' kd kj h unprofitable
28. Specious-Hkz
ked ] Ny kok
• Syn-Horrible, calamitous Ant-good, nice
12. Ravage - u"V d j uk] foèoa
l d j uk • Syn- Deceptive, Delusive Ant-genuine,
• Syn-demolish, shatter Ant-assist, protect
• Use- a specious argument
13. Asceticism - l a
; e] v i usv ki d ksHkkS
fr d l q
[ kksal sv y x
j [ kukA 29. Salubrious-LokLF; i z

Syn-Selfcontrol, abstaining Ant-sensualist, • Syp- Healthy, wholesome Ant-unhealthy,
voluptuary harmful
14. MVerisimilitude - (the quality of seeming to 30. Throng-HkhM+
be true or real) l R
; kHkkl • Sym- Crowed, Mob Ant-dispersal, scattering
• Syn-Realism, credibility Ant- falseness, 31. Trepidation-?kcj kgV] Mj
15. Vicissitude - i fj or Z
u] mr kj &p<+
• Sym- Alarm, shock Ant-calm, quiet
•Syn-fluctuation, uncertainty Ant-stability,
32. Ubiquitous-l oZ
O;kIr ] l ct xg
16. Affray-(a noisy fight) - ga
xkek] >xM+
k • Sym-everywhere, omnipresent Ant-rare,
• Syn-scuffle, skirmish Ant-peace, tranquil
33. Virtuous-l nkpkj h] i fo=k
17. Bewail - [ ks
n i zd V d j uk] foy ki d j uk

Syn-Complain, Bemoan Ant-be happy, be
• Syn- clean living, exemplary Ant-sinful,
18. Brisk - i q
r hZ
yk 34. Vengeance-cny k]i z
fr ' kks/
• Syn-Alert, Nimble Ant-inactive, sluggish • Sym- retribution, reprisal ant-forgiveness,
19. Volatile - i fj or Z
u' khy
1. Conspicuous-Li "V

Syn-capricious, changeable Ant-stability,
remain • Sym- apparent, Clear, Ant-hidden, invisible
20. Brace - d fBu l e; d sfy , v i usd ksr S
; kj d j uk] l gkj k 2. Amicable-nks
Lr kuk
nsuk • Sym- friendly, Harmonious Ant-hostile,
• Syn-Prepare, buttres Ant-ignore, neglect unfriendly
21. Embrace - xy sy xkuk 3. Corpulent-eks
Vk] Fkq
y Fkq
• Syn-hug, grab Ant-release, get free • Syn-Overweight, bulky Ant-thin, skinny
22. Burlesque - gkL; ki n] i z
gl u l a
/h 4. Delectation-i z
lUur k][ kq
' kh
• Syn-mocking, comic, Ant-serious, tragedy • Sym- Delight, Happyness Ant-sorrow, gloom
23. Amnesty - j kt {kek] eki Q
h 5. Accretion-t eko] l a

Syn-forgiveness, absolution Ant-sentence,
• Sym- Accumulation, Addition Ant-separa-
tion, detachment
24. Evanescent - Fkks
M+h nsj esaxk; c gkst kuk] {kf. kd
6. Ensconce-v i usv ki d ksv kj kenk; d fLFkfr es
aLFkkfi r
•Syn-Temporary, Ephemeral, Ant-stable, d j uk
• Sym- Install, establish Ant-uncover, unveil
25. Propensity - >q
d ko] i zof̀Ùk
7. Evince-fn[ kkuk] Li "V d j uk

Syn-inclination, Penchant Ant-antipathy,
disinclination • Syn- Disclose, Declare Ant-agree, comply
26. Overbearing - t cj nLr h d j usoky k] ?kea
Mh 8. Egregious-funa
uh; ] csgn [ kj kc
• Syn- Despotic, Autocratic Ant-voluntary, • Sym- deplorable, heinous Ant-admirable,
modest praise

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 288

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
9. Facsimile-i z
fr d f̀r ] i zfr : i 28. Impertinent-v l H;
• Syn- xerox, photocopy Ant-original, genuine • Syn-brazzen, brash Ant-polite, decent
10. Indolent-v ky l h 29. Infatuation-i z
sek/ a
r k] v fj ' k; v k' kfDr
• Syn-lazy, lackadaisical, Ant-industrious, • Syn- obsession, love Ant-hate, disgust
hardworking 30. Imbroglio-v O
; LFk] v oj ks/
11. Imbecile-ew
[ kZ • Syn- complexity, dispute Ant-harmony, ease
• Syn- asinine, ludicrous, Ant-delicate tactful 31. Scanty-d e ek=kk] v i ; kZ
12. Loathe-?k.̀ kk d j uk
• Syn-Inadequate, limited Ant-plenty, ample
• Syn- Detest, abhor Ant-like, love 32. Scarcity-d eh
13. Prudent-pr q
j • Syn- dearth, lack Ant-glut, plenty
• Syn- careful, circumspect, Ant asinine, 33. Parochial-l a
d h. kZfopkj / kj k
• Syn- narrow minded Ant-liberal, broad
14. Panacea-j keck. k
34. Proliferate-foLr kfj r d j uk
• Sym- cure, elixir Ant-disease, problem
• Syn- promulgate, spread Ant-decrease,
15. Parsimonious-d a
• Syn- niggard, miser Ant-lavish, extravagant
35. Rebut-[ ka
Mu d j uk
16. Ruck-f' kd uk i M+
• Syn- Refute, repudiate Ant-approve, con-
• Syn- bend, fold Ant-straight, outline cede]
17. Reticent-xS
j fey ul kj ] pq
Ii k 1. Jest-et kd ] v i gkl
• Syn- hesitate, reserved Ant-communica- • Syn-banter,jolly Ant-serious, tragedy
tive, talkative
2. Obnoxious-gkfud kj d
18. Redoubtable-Hk; kud ] cgknq
• Syn- Harmful, beneful Ant-profitable, whole-
• Syn- awesome, brave Ant-simple, timid
19. Supercilious-?kea
M+h 3. Fatal-?kkr d ] gkfud kj d
• Syn- arrogant, superior Ant-decent, modest
• Syn- baleful, destructive Ant-Profitable,
20. Succinct-l a
f{kIr fortunate
• Syn- laconic, terse Ant-explain, extended 4. Feeble-d et ks
j ] l h/ k&l k/ k
21. Vague-v Li "V • Syn-delicate, effete Ant-strong, frim
• Syn-ambiguous, dark Ant-clear, certain 5. Dismember-Vq
d M+
d M+
s d j uk
22. Voluble-ckr w
uh • Syn- sever, divide Ant-joint, unite
• Syn- garrulous, glib Ant-quiet, reticent 6. Delineate-fpf=kr d j uk] O
; k[ ; k d j uk
23. Placate-' kka
r d j uk • Syn- Describe, portrary Ant-distort, deform
• Syn- calm, pacify Ant-irritate, incite
7. Culpable-ft l nks
"kh bgj k; k t k l d sA
24. Incisive-r hoz
] pky d • Syn- guilty, blamable Ant-innocent, incul-
• Syn- acute, clever Ant-blunt, stupid pable
25. Remiss-y ki j okg 8. Tedium-uhj l r k] mckmQ
• Syn-careless, reckless Ant-careful, incisive •Syn- boredome, ennui Ant-interesting,
26. Ratification-v uq
eksnu excitement
• Syn-Confirmation, approval Ant-disapproval, 9. Terse-l a
{ ksi esa
refusal • Syn- brief, concise Ant-lengthy, extended
27. Reluctant-v fuPNq
d 10. Ponder-fpa
r u d j uk
• Syn-averse, diffident Ant-eager, desirable • Syn- consider, ruminate Ant-meglect, gnore

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 289

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
11. Gigantic-fo' kky 28. Enormous-cgq
r fo' kky
• Syn- Huge, colossal Ant-tiny, minuscule • Syn- colossal, Gigantic Ant-tiny, small
12. Grandeur-' kkunkj 29. Ascetic-l a
; eh
• Syn-majestic, brilliance Ant-ugly, raunchy • Syn- abstemious, austere, Ant-greedy,
13. Gruff-v l H; ] d Bks
j hungry
• Syn- churlish, rude Ant- polite, decent • Use- the monks lived a very ascetic life
14. Elegant-l q
nj ] v kd "kZ
d 30. Aesthetic-d y kR
• Syn- beautiful, graceful Ant-crude, ugly • Syn- artisitic, esthetic Ant-ugly, unattrac-
15. Entreat-i z
uk d j uk
•Syn- beseech, Implore Ant-demand, com- • Use- their furniture was more aesthetic
mand than functional
16. Filthy-xU
nk] cgq
r gh [ kj kc 31. Adulate-i z
' ka
l k d j uk
• Syn- black, nasty Ant-clean, decent • Syn-praise, worship Ant-blame, criticise
17. Affirm-n`<r k i w
d d guk 32. Adulterate-nw
f"kr d j uk
• Syn- certify, maintain Ant-deny, refute • Syn- contaminate, degrade Ant-refine,purify
18. Harmony-l nH̀kkouk 33. Baleful-[ kr j ukd ] gkfud kj d
• Syn- Concord, kinship Ant-clash, discord • Syn-deadly, threatening Ant-harmless,
• Use- Social harmony favourable

19. Intrepid-l kgl h • Use- a baleful look

• Syn- audacious, courageous Ant-coward, 34. Baneful-gkfud kj d ] fouk' kd kj h

meek • Syn- harmful, deleterious Ant-auspicious,
• Use- an intrepid explorer helping
20. Laconic-l a
f{kIr ] l kj xfHkZ
r 35. Capitulate-l ei Z
. k d j uk
• Syn- succinct, compact Ant-verbose, wordy • Syn- Give up, succumb Ant-defend, fight
21. Momentous-egR
oi w
. kZ 1. Recapitulate-i q
u%nksgj kuk
• Syn- pivotal, vital Ant-trivial, unimportant • Syn- review, reiterate Ant-take back
• Use- a momentous ocassion 2. Manacle-gFkd M+
h y xkuk
22. Occult-xw
<] ft l sl e>uk d fBu gks • Syn- fetter, shackly Ant-free, untie
• Syn- arcane, esoteric Ant-known, easy 3. Censor-i z
fr ca
f/ r d j nsuk
• Use- occult practices • Syn- Ban, forbid Ant-allow, approve
23. Pecuniary-/ u l s l Ecfu/ r 4. Frugal-d a
• Syn- monetary, fiscal Ant-noncommerical • Syn- canny, saving Ant-generous,lavish
24. Recrimination-v kj ks
i & i zR
; kj ksi 5. Complacent-v kR
e la
• Syn- Allegation, cesure Ant- praise, laud •Syn- Smug, Selfsatisfied Ant-dissatisfied,
25. Adverse-foi j hr ] gkfud kj d concerned
6. Apocryphal-ud y h
• Syn- contrary, Detrimental Ant-lucky,
propitious • Syn- untrue, fabricated Ant-pure, authentic
26. Averse-v fuPNq
d 7. Disparate-i F̀kd ] fHkU
u i zd kj d k
• Syn- reluctant, unwilling Ant-loving, liking • Syn- uneven, diverse Ant-alike, equal
• Use- he is averse to any change • Use-A disparate group of individuals
27. Antipathy-?k.̀ kk] fp<+ 8. Precarious-[ kr j ukd ; k v fLFkj
• Syn- Animosity, Abhorence Ant-love, like • Syn- danger, unstable Ant-certain, definite

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 290

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
9. Compendium-l kj : i es
] la
a { ksi esa 29. Tribulation-l eL; k, a
] i j s'kkfu; k¡
• Syn- succinct, concise Ant-wordy, lengthy • Syn-difficulty, burden Ant-fortune, luck
10. Sabbatical-v od k' k 30. Tenure-' kkl ud ky
• Syn- holiday, leave Ant-workday, nonholiday • Syn- regime, term Ant-misconception,
11. Despair-mnkl ] fuj k' k avoidance
• Syn- hopeless, sad Ant-glee, cheerful 31. Trite-l k/ kj . k] f?kl k&fi Vk

12. Canard->w
Bh [ kcj • Syn- banal, hackneyed Ant-splendid, impor-
• Syn- berate, condemn Ant-praise, laud
32. Thrifty-d a
13. Chide-Mk¡Vuk
• Syn- frugal, stinngy Ant-lavish, wasteful
• Syn-berate,condemn Ant-praise, laud
33. Vociferous-d ks
y kgy i w
. kZ
14. Deft-d q
' ky
• Syn-boisterous, clamorous Ant-peaceful,
• Syn-apt,dextrous Ant-unkilled, clumsy
15. Diminish-d e gks
34. Vapid-uhjl
• Syn- weaken, decrease Ant-grow, increase
• Syn- bland, insipid Ant-interestin, spicy
16. Gargantuan-fo' kky ] cgq
r cM+
35. Venal-cs
• Syn- cp;pssa;. enormous Ant-tiny, small
• Syn- dishonest, immoral Ant-upright,
17. Indispensable-v fuok; Z
] t : jh honest
• Syn- essential, imperative Ant-nonessen- 1. Indolence-v ky L;
tial, redundant
• Syn- idleness, disinclination Ant-action,
18. Laze-v ky l h
• Syn- idle, lazy Ant-active, industrious 2. Zealous-mR
l kg
19. Belittle-uhpk fn[ kkuk
• Syn- eager, fervent Ant-indifferent,lethargic
• Syn- abase, disparage Ant-upgrade, praise
3. Azure-uhy k
20. Disburse-for fj r d j uk
• Syn- blue Ant-cloudy
• Syn-distribute, dispense Ant-save,hoard
4. Insane-i kxy ] mU
21. Drowsy-funz
ky ] v ky L; i w
. kZ
• Syn- fatuous, frenzied Ant-blanced, healthy
• Syn- sleepy, asleep Ant-active, nimble
5. Marvel-v k' p; Z
] v pEHkk
22. Doctrine-er ] fl ¼ka
• Syn- wonder, miracle Ant- normality, simple
• Syn- tenet, dogma Ant-disbelief, skepticism
6. Dissipation-{k; ] v i O
23. Dogma-/ eZ
&fl ¼ka
• Syn- celebration, recreation Ant-virtue,
• Syn- doctrine, tenet Ant-disbelief, doubt unselfishness
24. Prosaic-l k/ kj . k] uhj l 7. Virgin-d q
W j k] funksZ
• Syn-banal,common Ant-creative, interesting • Syn- immaculate, innocent Ant-sullied used
25. Rescind-j í d j uk 8. Melee-/ Dd k&eq
Dd h
• Syn- cancel, abrogate Ant-allow, permit • Syn- brawl, skirmish Ant- harmony, peace
26. Slake-' kka
r d j uk] I; kl cq
> kuk 9. Mollify-' kkU
r d j uk
• Syn- allay, appease Ant-simulated, uplifted • Syn- appease, mitigte Ant- incite, agitage
27. Titanic-fo' kky 10. Mysterious-j gL; e; h
• Syn- gargantuan, immense Ant-tiny, small • Syn- arcane, furtive Ant-apparent, clear
28. Tenacious-v Vy ] V`<+ 11. Envious-bZ
"; kZ
• Syn- adamant, frim ant-yielding, caprecious • Syn- jealous, resentful Ant-kind, pleased

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 291

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
12. Discourse-Hk"k. k ns
uk 31. Pervade-l c t xg i Q
y t kuk
• Syn- speech, lecture Ant- quiet, silence • Syn- permeate, percolate Ant-deplete, drain
13. Cranky-l ud h 32. Pomp-/ w
e/ ke
• Syn- Grumpy, choleric Ant-amiable, cheerful • Syn-Pageantry, flourish Ant-modesty, simplic-
14. Bonhomie-fey ul kj ity

• Syn- friendliness, cordiality Ant-recluse, 33. Wrath-xq

Ll k
aloofness • Syn-temper,fury Ant-happiness, love
15. Adamant-ft í h] gBh 34. Wan-d et ks
• Syn- detemined, resolute Ant-fiexible,pliant • Syn-pale,feeble Ant-bright, strong
16. Abrogate-fuj Lr d j uk 35. Stingy-d a
• Syn- cancel, repeal Ant-approve, permit • Syn- parsimonious, miser Ant-lavish, extrava-
17. Restive- cs
pSuh gant
1. Dispel-nw
j d j uk
• Syn- restless, agitated Ant- patient, relaxed
18. Rely-fuHkZ
j j guk • Syn- expel, drive away Ant-welcome,permit
2. Revenous-y ky ph
• Syn- depend, need Ant-distrust, doubt
19. Referendum-t uer l a
xzg • Syn-covetous, greedy Ant-full,satisfied
3. Occasion-v ol j ] {k. k
• Syn- Mandate, poll Ant-prohibition, veto
20. Truculent->xM+
ky w
• Syn- Cjhance, moment Ant- untimeliness
4. Notable-[ ; kfr i z
kIr ] egR
oi w
. kZ
• Syn- bellicose, contentious Ant- gentle, mild
• Syn- celebrate, momentous Ant- ordinary,
21. Protean-i fj or Z
u' khy sunimportant
• Syn- mobile, adeptable Ant- constant, fixed 5. Lethal-?kkr d ] [ kr j ukd
22. Paucity-d eh] v Hkko • Syn- baleful, fatal Ant- beneficial, harmless,
• Syn-* lack scarcity Ant-ample, plenty 9. Ignoble-uhp] v / e
23. Profane-v uS
fr d ] v i fo=k • Syn- abject, despicable Ant-honorable, noble
• Syn- Immoral, sinful Ant-moral,sacred 10. Plethora-v f/ d r k
24. Pernicious-gkfud kj d • Syn- Excess, overflow Ant-lack, little
• Syn-baneful, harmful Ant-helpful, kind 11. Ferocious-mxz
25. Prvotal-egR
oi w
. kZ
] v k/ kj Hkw
r • Syn- fierce, violent Ant-kind, mild
• Syn- central, vital Ant-unimportant, unsub- 12. Sluggish-l q
stantial • Syn- inactive, indolent Ant-fast,lively
26. Foolery-ew
[ kZ
r ki w
. kZ 13. Outdated-v i z
p fy r
• Syn-sillyness, mistake Ant-carefulness, • Syn- archaic, obsolete Ant-current, vogue
14. Outlaw-ckxh] fu; e d ksu ekuusoky k
27. Onus-ft Ees
nkj h] d r Z

Syn- criminal, desperado Ant- legalize, per-
• Syn-charge, obligation Ant-benefit, help mit
28. Probity-bZ
ekunkj h 15. Augur-i w
p uk nsuk] Hkfo"; cr kuk
• Syn-honesty, Integrity Ant-deceit, dishonest • Syn- herald, prophet Ant- hid, withhold
29. Versatile-cgq
[ kh i zfr Hkk' kky h 16. Barbarian-v l H;
• Syn-dexetrous, adroit Ant-limited, simple • Syn- barbaric, boorish Ant-civilized, cultured
30. Pendantic- v kMEcj i w
. kZ
] ia
fMr kmQ 17. Culmination-f' k[ kj
• Syn- ostentatious, pedagogic Ant-simple, informal • Syn- Acme, apogee Ant- opening, start

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 292

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
18. Agile-i q
r hZ
y k] pky d 2. Debunk-j gL; [ kks
y nsuk
• Syn- Active, Clever Ant- clumsy, stiff • Syn- Discover, Unlock Ant-uphold, hide
19. Abominable-?kq
. k d j us; ksX; 3. Hanker-v fHky k"k
• Syn- Abhorrant, contemptible Ant-pleasant, • Syn- desire, ache Ant- averse, unwilling
sweet 4. Solicit-v uq
j ks/ d j uk
20. Refute-[ ka
Mu d j uk • Syn- entreat, ask Ant-refuse, reject
• Syn- contradict, confute Ant- endorse, prove 5. Scream-fpYy kuk
21. Proficient-fui q
. k] n{k • Syn- shriek, cry Ant- calm, peace
• Syn-Skilled competent Ant- incompetent, 6. Impede-ck/ k; s
• Syn- hinder, block Ant-aid, assist
22. Mitigate-d e d j uk] ' kkU
r d j uk
7. Exonerate-nks
Dr d j uk nsuk
• Syn- diminish, mollify Ant-aggravate, incite
• Syn- absolve, free Ant- accuse,blame
23. Lethargy-l q
Lr i u] <hy ki u
8. Repartee-gkft j t okch
• Syn-laziness, sluggishness Ant- energy, life
24. Luculent-LI"V] l ki Q
• Syn- Witticism, quip Ant- argument, fight
9. Ransom-fi Q
j kS
• Syn- clear, comprehensible Ant-
muddy,obscure • Syn- bribe, blackmail Ant-loss, penalty
25. Larceny-pks
jh 10. Mammoth-fo' kky ] cgq
r cM+
• Syn- theft, Steal Ant- compensation, pay • Syn- colossal, gargantuan Ant- small, tiny
26. Intercept-j ks
d uk] ckf/ r d j uk 11. Tractable-ft l i j v kl kuh l sfu; a
=k. k LFkkfi r fd ; k t k
• Syn- Hinder, interrupt Ant- abet, forward, l d sA
27. Conjure-t knwd j uk] v uq
j ks/ d j uk • Syn- manageable, docile Ant- stubborn,
• Syn- entreat, adjure Ant- disgust, give balky

28. Invasion-v kØe. k 12. Abound-Hkj k gq

• Syn-attack assault Ant- retreat, surrender • Syn- teem, full Ant-lack, need

29. contaminate-nw
f"kr d j uk 13. Glorious-' kkunkj ] y q
• Syn- defile,adulterate Ant-cure,heal • Syn- dilightful, Augst Ant- clear, staid
30. Asunder-v y x&v y x] fHkU
u 14. Groggy-y M+
[ kM+
kuk] d et ksjh
• Syn- divided, disjoined Ant- together, unite • Syn- dizzy, staggering Ant- clear, staid
31. Fickly-pa
p y ] v fLFkj 15. Accommodation-l gk; r k ; k j gusd k LFkku
• Syn- capricious, Changeabled Ant- stable, • Syn- help, abode Ant- refusal, fight
steady 16. Abscond-i Q
j kj gkst kuk
32. Sagacious-cq
f¼eku • Syn- run away, disappear Ant- remain, stay
• Syn- Acute, Astute Ant- foolish, ignorant 17. Demure-' kka
33. Disseminate-i z
l kfj r d j uk • Syn- calm. sedate Ant- aggressive, bold
• Syn-Distribute,Advertise Ant- collect, gather 18. Callous-funZ
; h] y ki j okg
34. Smirk-cukoVh g¡l h&g¡l uk • Syn- careless, heartless Ant- kind, nice
• Syn-sly, smile Ant-frown, scowl 19. Apprise-l w
fpr d j uk
35. Sycophant-pki y w
l • Syn- inform, notice Ant- falsify, hide
• Syn- adulator, Puppet Ant- leader, decent 20. Crux-fu. kkZ
; d fcU
] l kj
1. Enrage-v R
; f/ d Øksf/ r gksuk • Syn- decisive point, essence Ant-trivia,
• Syn- angry, infuriate Ant- pacify, placate simple

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 293

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
21. Despot-fuj a
dq' k] v R
; kpkj h 4. Immaculate-' kq
• Syn- tyrant, autocrat Ant-democrat, lawmaker • Syn- pristine, unspoiled Ant- dirty, filthy
22. Jittery-?kcj k; k gq
vk 5. Flee-i Q
j kj gkst kuk
• Syn- nervous, panicky Ant- calm, cool • Syn- abscond, decamp Ant- face, meet
23. Beseech-v uq
j ks/ d j uk 6. Bankrupt-fnokfy ; k
• Syn- implore, solicit Ant- refuse, reply • Syn- ruined, destitute Ant- rich, wealthy
24. Badinage-et kd 7. Blend-fey kuk ; k feJ . k
• Syn- joking, kidding Ant-sad, unhappy • Syn- Mixture, Amalgamation Ant- separation
25. Acme-l oks
Pp f' k[ kj
Z 8. Balmy-v kuna
nk; d ] v kj kenk; d
• Syn- zenith, topAnt- nadir, bottom • Syn- [;easamt. refeshing Ant- separation,
26. Badger-i j s
' kku d j uk divison
9. Demolition-fouk' k
• Syn- vex, harass Ant- help, please
27. Dement-i kxy cuuk] mU
eRr gksuk • Syn- destruction, annihilatiobn Ant- Produc-
tion, repair
• Syn- bewo;der. fremzy Ant-calm, soothe
10. Derogatory-fua
28. Baroque-l t k gq
vk • Syn- Aspersion, Scornful Ant- flattering,
• Syn- decorated, frippery Ant- undecorated, prasing
plain 11. Dotage-d et ks
j h] cq
k; k
29. Hail-i z
' ka
l k d j uk • Syn- feebleness, weekness Ant- strength
• Syn- praise, applaud Ant-blame, censure youngess
30. Pugnacious->xM+
ky w 12. Conjecture-v uq
eku y xkuk
• Syn- belligerent, cantakerous Ant- tender, • Syn- conclusion, guess Ant- fact, proof
unaggressive 13. Ramification-t fVy r k] i j s
' kkfu; ka
31. Perfidy-fo' okl ?kkr • Syn- complication, difficulty Ant- union,
• Syn- betray, treachery Ant- loyalty, honesty simnple
32. Compunction-i ' pkr ki 14. Relegate-v oufr d j uk ; k fu"d kl u
• Syn- regret, contrition Ant- no remorse, hap- • Syn- demotion, transfer Ant- hold, keep
piness 15. Reliable-fo' ol uhl
33. Compensate-gt kZ
uk nsuk • Syn- trustworth, faithful Ant-deceptive, un-
• Syn- repay, refund Ant- take, damage reliable
34. Brevity-l a
{ ksi esa 16. Renaissance-i q
ut kZ
xj . k
• Syn- shortness, brifness Ant- lengthiness, • Syn- rebirth, revival Ant-killing, suppression
longevity 17. Retrench-d VkS
r h d j uk
35. Ooze-fj l uk] Vi d uk
• Syn- curtail, reduce Ant- lengthen, prolong
• Syn-exude, fluid Ant- damming
18. Decimate-{k; gks
1. Grotesque-fod r̀ ] gl L; kl i n
• Syn- destroy, annihilate Ant-revive, save
• Syn- bizzare, absud Ant-nice, pretty
19. Enunciate-Li "V : i l sO
; k[ ; k d j uk
2. Hapless-nq
X; ' kky h • Syn- articulate, express Ant- mispronounce,
• Syn- unlucky, unfortunate Ant- fortunate, muffle
lucky 20. Efficacious-i z
Hkkod kj h
3. Ruckus-d ks
y kgy • Syn- productive, powerful Ant- inefficacious,
• Syn- commotion, uproar Ant- peace, truce inefficient

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 294

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
21. Expedite-' kh?kz
r k y kuk] t Ynckt h d j uk 4. Havoc-fouk' k] r ckgh
• Syn- Hasten, hurry Ant-slow, stop • Sy n- c lamity, catastrophy Ant-peac e,
22. Synergy-l kFk fey d j v i uh {ker k d k i w
j k mi ; ksx d j uk harmoney
5. Murky-/ q
/ y k] l a
nsgkLi n
• Syn- alliance, teamwork Ant- blockage, delay
23. Stampede-HkxnM+ • Syn- cloudy dark Ant- clean, bright

• Syn- panic, smash Ant- retreat, standing 6. Oversee-fuj h{k. k d j uk

24. Lenient-mnkj ] n; ky q • Syn-supervise, overlook Ant- ignore, neglect

7. Radiant-ped hy k
• Syn- charitable, amiable Ant- rigorous, severe
25. Novice-ukS
fl f[ k; k • Syn-brilliant, luminous Ant- dark, dim
8. Rectitude-bZ
ekunkj h
• Syn- beginner, neophyte Ant- expert, profes-
sional • Syn- uprightness, honesty Ant- dishonesty,
26. Varacity-l R
; rk infamy
9. Spate-ck<+; k cM+
hl a
[ ; k esa
• Syn-credibility, acuracy Ant- falsehood, falsity
27. Aftermath-i fj . ke • Syn- series, deluge Ant- lack, dearth
10. Sapid-Lokfn"V
• Syn- Consequence, result Ant- inception, ori-
gin • Syn- tasty, savory Ant- offensive,repulsive,
28. Musty-l hy unkj ; k l M+
k gq
vk 11. Abject-cgq
r gh n; uh; fLFkfr
• Syn- dank, old Ant- clean, clear • Syn- dejected, base Ant- exalted, excellent,
29. Assimilate-fey k y s
uk 12. Torpid-l q
• Syn- digest, understand Ant- reject, unlearn • Syn- lazy, dormant Ant-energetic, lively
30. Addicted-v kny ] fuHkZ
j 13. Avarice-y ky p] d a
• Syn- dependent, accustomed Ant- unaddicted, • Syn- covetousnes, Ant- generosity, philan-
independent thropy
31. Endorsement-v uq
eksnu] l eFkZ
u 14. Arrogant-?kea
• Syn- support, approval Ant- refusal, denial • Syn- egostistic, haughty Ant- meek, servile
32. Emissary-nw
r ] i zfr fuf/ 15. Animosity-nq
' euh
• Syn- ambassador, envoy Ant- receiver, sender • Syn- hatred, antipathy Ant-good will, love
33. Fiasco-v l i Q
yrk 16. Auspicious-ekz
xfy d ] ' kq
• Syn- failure, breakdown Ant- miracle, success • Syn- advantabgeous, favorable Ant- ominous,
34. Enmesh-i Q
¡l kuk] my >kuk unfortunate
17. Eccentric-l ud h
• Syn- Ensnare, Entangle Ant-exclude, leave out
35. Blase-mnkl hu] cs
i j okg • Syn- bizzare, unusual Ant-ordinary, plain

• Syn- nonchalant, apathetic Ant- enthusias- 18. Dexterity-n{kr k

tic, excited • Syn- adroitness, deftness Ant-clumsiness,
1. Capsize-my Vk t kuk inability
• Syn-overturn, upset Ant- stand, straighten 19. Sloth-v ky L;

2. Docile-l h/ k l k/ k] bZ
ekunkj • Syn- laziness, lethargy Ant- busyness, dili-
• Syn- compliant, meek Ant- determined, head-
20. Stalwart-cgknq
3. Gregarious-fey ul kj • Syn-Valiant, courageous Ant- meek, weak
21. Ambulatory– py uses
al {ke] py k; eku
• Syn- friendly, affable Ant- unfriendly, unso-
ciable • Syn- mobile, walking Ant-steady, stiff

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 295

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
22. Aptitude-ekufl d {ker k 5. Frippery- l t koV] r M+
d & HkM+
• Syn- mental ability, tendency Ant-inaptitude, • Syn- decoration, ornament Ant-plainness,
skillessness perspicuity
23. Discord->xM+
k dyg 6. Insidious-/ q
] gkfud kj d
• Syn- disagreement, arguing Ant-harmonious- • Syn- artful, cunning Ant-fair, honest
ness, harmony 7. Insipid-uhj l ] mckmQ
24. Divulge-Hks
n [ kksy uk • Syn- banal, unitresting Ant-exciting, inter-
• Syn- reveal, broadcast Ant- hide, keep esting
25. Dishevelled-xU
nk] v Lr &O;Lr 8. Imprudent-v foos
• Syn- untidy, unkempt Ant- neaten order • Syn-cl\areless, foolish Ant-discreet, prudent
26. Audacious-ft í h] gBh 9. Licentious-v uS
fr d
• Syn- resolute, dauntless Ant-mild, modest • Syn- immoral, lustful Ant-good, innocent
27. Acumen-pr q
j ] gksf' k; kj 10. Mellifluous-e/ q
• Syn- brilliance, perspicacious Ant- inability, • Syn- dulcet, resonant Ant- cacophonous, stri-
ineptness dent
28. Appropriate– l a
xr ] mfpr 11. Officious-fcuk eka
xsl y kg nsusoky k] Vka
x v Mk+usoky k
• Syn- suitable, congruous Ant- unsuitable, ir- • Syn- interfering, meddlesome Ant- modest, shy
relevant 12. Predicament-v l ea
29. Aloof-v y x&Fky x] nw
j • Syn- dilemma, hang up Ant-fix, good fortune
• Syn-Distant, reserved Ant-sociable, familiar 13. Revoke-j n~
n d j uk
30. Adjourn-LFkfxr d j uk
• Syn-abrogate, cancel Ant-approve, authorize
• Syn- Discontinue, postpone Ant-further, keep on 14. Negligent-y ki j okg
31. Astute-gks
f' k; kj ] pr q
j • Syn- careless, heedless Ant-attentive, care-
• Syn- Adroit, shrewd Ant- dumb, asinine ful
32. Augment–c<+
kuk] of̀¼ d j uk 15. Recondite-xq
Ir ] j gL;
• Syn- amplify, Enlarge Ant- lessen, decrease • Syn-arcane, occult Ant- obvious, plain
33. Preponderance-v f/ d r k 16. Spite-?k.̀ kk d j uk] v i eku d j uk
• Syn-Dominance, abundance Ant- scarcity, • Syn- hate, peeve Ant-love, liking
dearth 17. Stimulate– i z
sfj r d j uk
34. Prominent-fo[ ; kr ] i z
fl ¼ • Syn- excite, provoke Ant-depress, discourage
•Syn- noticeable, remarkable Ant-invisible,
18. Vicious-v uS
fr d ] Hkz"V
35. Prodigal-[ kphZ
yk • Syn- immoral, corrupt Ant-gentle, good
• Syn-extravagant,lavish Ant-miser,thrifty 19. Germane-i z
kl a
fxd ] v uq
1. Scuffle-/ Dd k&eq
Dd h] gka
Fkk&i kbZ • Syn- relevant, appropriate Ant-irrelevant,
• Syn- Brawl, strife Ant- covenant, peace improper

2. Sordid-v uS
fr d ] ?kfV; k 20. Glib-ckr w
• Syn- abject, degenerate Ant-good,honorable • Syn- garrulous, loquacious Ant- quiet, reticent
3. Corpulent-eks
Vk] Fkq
y Fkq
y 21. Supervene-v kd fLed : i l sd q
N gksuk] fud y uk
• Syn- Overweight, Bulky ant- tiny, slender • Syn- be subsequent to Ant-antecede
4. Fortitude-l kgl 22. Beneficial- y kHknk; d
• Syn- Determination, courage Ant-cowardice, • Syn-useful, wholesome Ant- harmful,
funk unfortunate

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 296

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
23. Nebulous-/ q
/ yk
a 6. Effete-d et ks
j] t t Z
• Syn- obscure, unclear Ant- apparent, trans- • Syn- decadent, decrepit Ant-capable, tireless
parent 7. Amenities-l q
fo/ k; s
24. Buttress-l gkj k ns
uk] et cw
r cuuk • Syn-comforts, luxuries Ant-trouble, problems
• Syn- support, reinforcem, ent Ant-weaken 8. Bleat-fefe; kuk
25. Bestow-v i Z
. k d j uk] nsuk • Syn- whine, maa Ant-bawl, yawp
• Syn- bequeath, confer Ant- deprive, refuse, 9. Patchy-v / w
j k] v fu; fer
26. Boon-oj nku • Syn- fitful, irregular Ant- continuous, regular
• Syn- blessing, gift Ant- curse, disadvantage 10. Slump-r s
t h l suhpsd h v ksj fxj ukA
27. Brood-fpr a
u d j uk • Syn- tank, collapse Ant- increase, success
• Syn- ponder, think Ant- ignore, neglect 11. Stigma-d y a
d ] cnukeh
28. Brook-l gu d j uk • Syn- blemish, scar Ant- credit, pride
• Syn- tolerate, bear Ant- withstand, forbid 12. Stately-' kkunkj
29. Churlish-v l H; • Syn- gracious, lofty Ant-ordinary, insignificant
• Syn-boorish, brusque Ant- pleasnat, gentle 13. Pusillanimous-d et ks
j ] Mj i ksd
30. Prognosis-Hkfo"; ok. kh d j uk • Syn- chicken, tame Ant- audacious, daredevil
• Syn-forecast, guess Ant-fact, reality 14. Pragamatic-O
; ogkfj d
31. Provocation-md l kuk] HkM+
d kuk •
Syn- practical, realistic, Ant-idealistic, unrea-
• Syn- Incitement, stimulus Ant- repression,
15. Trammel-v oj ks
/ ]ck/ k
32. Alien-fons
' kh • Syn-hamper, impede Ant- forward, allow
16. Tardy-l q
• Syn- exotic, foregin Ant-native, akin
• Syn-belated, slow Ant- prompt, punctual
33. Abrupt-v pkud ; k v l H;
17. Vandalism-t ku cw
> d j r ksM+
&i Q
ksM+d j uk
• Syn- brusque, impolite Ant- nice, gentle
• Syn- ruin, smashing Ant- advantage, benefit
34. Alert-pkS
dUuk] l ko/ ku 18. Vivify-t ku Mky ns
uk] r j ksrkt k gkst kuk
• Syn- Attentive, wary Ant- ignorant, neglect • Syn- invigorate, refresh Ant- discourage, kill
35. Advantageous-y kHknk; d 19. Desultory-v fu; fer
• Syn-auspicious, beneficial Ant-unfortunate, •
Syn- aimless, rambing Ant- pointed, purpose-
worthless ful
1. Auxilliary-l gk; d 20. Discursive-cs
r j r c r j d sl s
• Syn-accessary, supporting Ant- chief, main • Syn- erratic, unmethodical Ant- clear, direct
2. Abolition-v U
ewu 21. Distress-r uko] fpU
• Syn- annihilation, termination Ant- establish-
• Syn- anxiety, grief Ant-health, plesure
ment, restoration 22. Nimble-i Q
r hZ
q yk
3. Agitation-mi nz
o] v ' kkfU
r • Syn- active, agile ant- lumbering, slow
• Syn- commotion, turmoil Ant- calm, tranquil 23. Conceal-fNi kuk
4. Anticipate-v uq
eku y xkuk • Syn- hid, mask Ant- open, reveal
•Syn- assume, conjecture Ant- doubt, be sur- 24. Crass-cs
nk] Hkn~
prised • Syn- ribal, raunchy Ant-kind, nice
5. Eager-mRl kgh 25. Temptation-y q
• Syn- agog, desirous Ant- apathetic, inactive • Syn- lure, attraction Ant- dislike, repulsion

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 297

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
26. Hock-fxj ohj [ kuk 9. Rational-r kfd Z
• Syn- pawan, borrow Ant- aid, assist • Syn- realistic, judicious Ant- irrational,
27. Resume-fi Q
j l s' kq
: d j uk ridiculous
10. Resolute-V~
d Yi ] gBh
• Syn- recaptulate, restart Ant-document,
manuscript • Syn- adamant, intepid Ant- irresolute, weak
28. Hasty-t Ynckt h 11. Ratain-/ kj . k d j uk
• Syn- expedite, quick Ant- delayed, lazy • Syn- hold grasp Ant- release, free
29. Allegiance-fu"Bk 12. Despicable-?kf̀. kr
• Syn- adherence, fidelity Ant- apathy, disloy- • Syn- hateful, ignominious Ant- desirous,
alty 13. Prescription-l q
> ko] l y kg
30. Disclaim-Nks
M+nsuk • Syn- direction, regulation Ant-betrayal,
• Syn- abandon, renounce Ant- accept ac- deceit
knowledge 14. Zest-mR
l kg] v fHk: fp
31. Dent-uq
d l ku i gq
p kuk] [ kj ksa
q p y xkuk • Syn- interest, eager Ant- blandness, dull-
• Syn- scrape, hollow Ant- increase, bulge ness
32. Entrench-LFkkfi r d j uk 15. Vitriol-v i ' kC
n d guk
• Syn- install, plant Ant-stay off • Syn- disdain, bitternes Ant- applaud, praise
33. Hazy-/ a
/ yk
q 16. Boorish-v l H;
• Syn- murky, dingy Ant-transparent, lucid • Syn- awkward, churlish Ant- gentle, placide
34. Prosecute-v fHk; ks
x y xkuk 17. Contemptible-?kf̀. r ] f?kukS
• Syn- summon, sue Ant-liberate, pardon • Syn-abhorrent, ignoble Ant- admirable,
35. Persecute-ekufl d : i l sr a
x d j uk
18. Inseparable-ft l sv y x u fd ; k t k l d s
• Syn- torment, harass, Ant- reward, soothe
• Syn- integrated, united Ant- dividable,
1. Spurn-euk d j uk
• Syn- ignore, sneer, Ant- embrace, welcome
19. Leap-mNy uk
2. Stationary-fLFkj ] xfr ghu
• Syn- jump, vault Ant- creeping, skip
• Syn- mnotionless, stagnant Ant- dynamic,
20. Attire-d i M+
3. Taint-d y a
d y xkuk • Syn- clothes, uniform Ant- disrobe
21. Aggravate-fLFkfr d ksv kS
j [ kj kc d j nsuk
• Syn-blemish, stigma Ant- honor, pride
4. Traduce-fua
nk d j uk • Syn- worsen, exasperate Ant- appease,
• Syn- slander, smear Ant- praise, extol
22. Panic-Hk; ] O
; kd q
5. Vulgar-v ' y hy ] Hkí k
• Syn- trepidation, scare Ant- confidence,
• Sym- coarse, disgusting Ant- polite, gentle courage
6. Vendetta-nq
' euh 23. Crypic-xq
• Syn- feud, rivalry Ant- harmoney, peace • Syn-arcane, enigmatic Ant-certain, assured
7. Tidings-l ekpkj 24. Retort-i z
r; q
r t okc nsuk
• Syn- greetings, news Ant- misinformation • Syn-repartee, witticism Ant request, sympa-
8. Reprove-Mk¡Vuk thy
• Syn- rebuke, castigate Ant- applaud, ap- 25. Outset-i z
kj EHk] ' kq
: v kr
prove. • Syn- beginingn, start Ant-end, finish

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 298

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
26. meticulous-l r d Z
rk 10. Hoard-l a
p ; d j uk
• Syn- fastidious, thorough Ant- careless, neg- • Syn- accumulation, mass Ant- spender, waster
ligent 11. Liberal-mnkj
27. Prudent-gks
f' k; k • Syn- magnanimous, lenient Ant-conservative,
• Syn-deft, skillful Ant-foolish, unwise narrow
28. Colossal-fo' kky 12. Hoodwink-pky kd h d j uk] Ny d j uk
• Syn- Gigantic, Gargantuan Ant- tiny, minute • Syn- deceive, dupe Ant- honest, loyal
29. Currency-l oZ
; ] eq
nzk 13. Virile-t ks
' ki w
. kZ
] r kd r oj
• Syn- coin, accepted Ant- unaccepted, regional • Syn- energatic, potent Ant- impotent, unmanly
30. Trash-d w
k&d pM+
k 14. Fractious-fpM+
k] >xM+
ky w
• Syn- debrish, waste Ant- asets, valuables • Syn- irritable, captious Ant- happy, nice
31. Twiddle-v a
fy ; ksal sfd l h pht d ks?kq
ekuk 15. Flabby-Fkq
y Fkq
• Syn- fiddle, finger Ant- take seriosly • Syn- baggy, flaccid Ant- lean, slim
32. Tarry-foy Ec d j uk 16. Replenish-fi Q
j l sHkj uk] r kt k d j uk
• Syn- delay, procastinate Ant- complete, carry on • Syn-refill, refresh Ant- deplete, use up
33. Jink-v pkud fn' kk cny ns
uk ; k v kua
n] fouksn 17. Lull-' kka
r d j uk
• Syn- joke, change direction Ant-seriousness, • Syn- calm, soothe ant- disturbance, energy
straight 18. Taciturn-v Yi Hkk"kh
34. Truncate-d e d j uk] Nks
Vk d j uk • Syn- reticent, reserved Ant- fluent, talkastive
• Syn- curtail, trim Ant- lengthen, elongate 19. Limp-d et ks
j ] y phy k
35. Intimidate-Mj kuk] / ed kuk • Syn- weak, feeble Ant- hard, inflexible
• Syn- threaten, intimidate Ant- assist, help 20. Dud-cs
d kj ] fud Eek
1. Imprecation-v ea
xy d keuk • Syn-useless, flop Ant- success, useful
• Syn- malediction, blasphemy Ant-godliness, 21. Diffident-' ka
d ky w
d ksp h
piety • Syn- bashful, doubtful Ant-bold confident
2. Bifurcate-v y x d j uk 22. Vacillate-Mxexkuk
• Syn- separate, split Ant- unite, straight • Syn- fluctuage, stagger Ant- remain, stay
3. Covetous-y ky ph 23. Ornate-l t kuk
• Syn- avaricious, ravenous Ant- generous, giving • Syn-decorated, adorn Ant-plain, simple
4. Denounce-fua
nk d j uk 24. Petulant-r q
ud fet kt
•Syn- castigate, condemn Ant- compliment, • Syn- bad tempered, captious Ant- happy, pleas-
praise ant
5. Renounce-R
; kx nsuk 25. Keen-mR
• Syn- abdicate, abandon Ant- approve, condone • Syn- eager, ardent Ant- reluctant, unenthu-
6. Lissom-y phy k] y fy r ( v kd "kZ
d) siastic
• Syn- lithe, graceful Ant- fat, thick 26. Preclude-ck/ k Mky uk] j ks
d uk
7. Entice-y q
Hkuk] v kd f"kZ
r d j uk • Syn- avert, deter Ant- permit, support
• Syn- allure, persuade ant- repel, repulse 27. Purveyor-i z
8. Demise-eR̀
] fuokZ
.k • Syn- guardian, manager Ant- imperfect,
• Syn- death, end Ant- birth, incarnate uncharacteristc
9. Pristine-' kq
¼] funksZ
"k 28. Zephyr-' khy r gok
• Syn- Immaculate, zclean Ant-spoiled, untidy • Syn-breeze, wind Ant- quiet, tickle

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 299

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
29. Ecstasy-mR
l kg] i zl U
ur k 1. Gloat (v) & cM+
h pkg l sns[kuk ; k ?kw
j uk
• Syn- sprite, happinessk Ant- sorrow, torment • Syn-stare, gave Ant-be sad, commiserate
30. Reclaim-l q
/ kj uk] fuekZ
. k ; ksX; cukuk 2. Gnash (v) & xq
Ll k gksuk ; k nka
r i hl uk
• Syn- recover, recycle Ant- abandon, forfeit • Syn-anger, irritate Ant-laugh, joke
31. Ruth-n; k] d : . kk 3. Goad (v) & md l kuk ; k i z
sfj r d j uk
• Syn- kind, mercy ant- disdain, mercilessnes •Syn-incite, spur Anti-deterrent, discourage-
32. Haven-v kJ ; &LFky ] l q
j f{kr LFky ment
• Syn- shelter, asylum Ant- danger, open 4. Guise (n) & cgkuk] fNi kuk
33. Booty-y w
V ; kyw
V d k eky • Syn-cover, hide Ant-reality, fact
• Syn- goods, plunder Ant- gift, offering 5. Hades (n) & i kr ky y ks
d . v k' kkfoghu fLFkfr
34. Bully-/ ed kuk • Syn-hell, chasm Ant-heaven, solid
• Syn- threaten, antimidate Ant-allow, love 6. Hospitable (adj) & es
geku uokt
35. Vagrancy-v kokj kxnhZ • Sy n-cordial, f riendly Ant-alie nating,
• Syn- itinerancy, homelessness Ant-modesty disobliging
humility 7. Hubris (n) & ?kea
] v D[ kM+
1. Rigorous-d Bks
j • Syn-proud, adamant Ant-humility, meekness
• Syn-stern, hard Ant-losse, mild 8. Idolatry (n) & ew
fr Z
2. Drag-?kl hVuk ; k v oj ks
/ • Syn-worship, idiodism Ant-iconoclast, her-
• Syn- burden, pull Ant-rush, pleasure etic
3. Disgruntled-v l a
"V 9. Lineage (n) & oa
' kkoy h
• Syn- unhappy, dissatisfied Ant- happy, pleased • Syn-ancestry, descent Ant-end, result
4. Sine die-v fuf' pr d ky d sfy , 10. Mangle (v) & fcxkM+
uk] Vq
d M+
d M+
sd j nsuk
• Syn- forever, endlessly Ant- definitely, • Syn-deform, sever Ant-help, preserve
5. Rectify-l q
/ kj uk 11. Heyday (n) & t hou d k v PNk l e; ] l ef̀¼ d k mR
d "kZ
• Syn-hone, improve Ant-damage, ruin • Syn-acme, salad days Ant-nadir, low point
6. Agglomerate-<s
j] l a
xzg 12. Misconstrue (v) & xy r l e>uk
• Syn- accumulate, accrue Ant- spend, squander • Syn-miscount, misapprehension Ant-per-
7. Nullify-i z
Hkkoghu cuk nsuk] j n~
n d j nsuk ceive, understand
• Syn- rescind, cancel Ant- sanctify, validate 13. Miffed (adj) & xq
Ll k
8. Overt-[ kq
y s: i esa • Syn-annoyed, upset Ant-pleased, happy
• Syn- open, clear Ant- private, secret 14. Percolae (v) & i Q
y t kuk
9. Covert-xq
Ir : i esa • Syn-spread, expand Ant-cease, stop
• Syn- secret, clandstine Ant- open, overt, 15. Decorum (n) & f' k"Vkpkj ] Øe
10. Puppet-d Bi q
r y h] xq
;k •Syn-manners, morality Ant-indecency, rude-
• Syn- doll, toll Ant- being, entity ness
11. Dilate-i Q
y uk 16. Propriety (n) & e; kZ
nk] f' k"Vkpkj
• Syn- distend, widen Ant- constrict, contract • Syn-decorum, morality Ant-immorality, im-
12. Queer-fofp=k
17. Despoil (v) & y w
Vuk] r ksM+
• Syn- eccentric, crazy Ant-normal, regular
13. Vagabond-?kq
rw • Syn-pillage, rob Ant-build, cover

• Syn- itinerant, unsettled Ant- inhabiting 18. Ruminate (v) & fpa
r u d j uk
settled • Syn-muse, brood Ant-ignore, forget

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 300

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
19. Wry (adj) & O
;aX; i w
. kZ
] Vs<+
k 39. Concourse (n) & HkhM+
] gkW
• Syn-mocking, droll Ant-straight, mild • Syn-hall, mob Ant-scattering, separation
20. Shortcoming (m) & d eh] nks
"k 40. Conjugal (adj) & oS
• Syn-lack, bug Ant-advantage, strong point • Syn-married, bridal Ant-divorce
21. Wheedle (v) & pki y w
l h d j uk 41. Decoy (v) & i z
y ksHku nsuk] i Q
¡l kuk
• Syn-cajole, con Ant-force, repel • Syn-allure, snare Ant-truth, reality
22. Glower (v) & v k¡[ ks
ar j sj d j ns[kuk 42. Defamation (n) & ekugkfu
• Syn-look, glare, Ant-grin, smile • Syn-insult, denigration Ant-praise, exalta-
23. Avow (v) & ?kks
f"kr d j uk tion
43. Divest (v) & mr kj uk] oa
fpr d j uk
• Syn-confess, swear Ant-deny, disclaim
24. Inure (v) & v H; Lr gks
uk • Syn-denude, rob Ant-give, cover

• Syn-train, harden Ant-ignore, neglect 44. Knack (n) & d kS

' ky ] pr q
j kbZ
25. Defray (v) & v nk d j uk] fgl kc pq
d kuk • Syn-aptitude, skill Anti-lack, want
45. Exhume (v) & [ kks
n d j fud ky uk
• Syn-pay for, settle Ant-hoard, hold
• Syn-reveal, disclose Ant-bury, entomb
26. Whet (v) & r s
t d j uk] mÙksft r d j uk
46. Exiguous (adj) & v Yi ] Fkks
• Syn-hone, sharpen Anti-blunt, dull
• Syn-bare, little Ant-plenty, plethora
27. Carrion (n) & ej sgq
, t kuoj d k l M+
k gq
v k eka
47. Quest (n) & r y k' k
• Syn-decaying flesh, carcass Ant-flourishing,
• Syn-search, probe Ant-escape, retreat

28. Olfactory (adj) & l q

/ l sl a
/r 48. Recede (v) & ?kVuk] d e gks
• Syn-moldy, aromatic Ant-odorless, scentless
• Syn-decrease, abate Ant-increase, forward
49. Abate (v) & d e gks
29. Masticate (v) & pckuk
• Syn-grind, chew Ant-swallow, ingest
• Syn-reduce, decrease Ant-enlarge, extend
50. Phony (adj) & t ky h] i k[ k. Mh
30. Pernickety (adj) & d fBur k l si z
lUu gksusoky k] ukt q
• Syn-trick, fraudulent Ant-real, sincere
• Syn-finicky, fussy Ant-unfussy, open
51. Scepticla (adj) & l a
31. Comeuppance (n) & i ' pkr ki ] na
• Syn-sceptic, doubtful Ant-trusting, credulous
• Syn-due, retribution Ant-boon, boost
52. Sulky (adj) & ukj kt
32. Expiate (v) & i z
k; f' pr d j uk
• Syn-sullen, gloomy Ant-content, happy
• Syn-atone, correct Ant-hold, keep
53. Pejorative (adj) & fua
33. Felicitous (adj) & i j e v kuU
n] mi ; q
• Syn-debasing, derisive Ant-positive, praising
• Syn-bliss, happy Ant-sad, inappropriate
54. Gaudy (adj) & HkM+
d hy k
34. Bonanza (n) & v i z
; kf' kr y kHk
• Syn-garish, florid Ant-plain, refined
• Syn-cash cow, windfall Ant-loss, fall
55. Dreary (adj) & fuj k' kkt ud ] uhj l
35. Broach (v) & ppkZd j uk] v kj EHk d j uk
• Syn-tedious, bleak Ant-light, pleasant
• Syn-talk of, converse Ant-close, stop
56. Chagrin (v) & [ kh>uk
36. Burp (v) & Md kj y s
uk • Syn-vex, annoyance Ant-joy, pleasure
• Syn-belch, eruct Ant-take in,
57. Jejune (adj) & uhj l ; k cgq
r l h/ k
37. Braggart (v) & ' ks
[ kh c?kkj uk • Syn-dull, naive Ant-experienced, mature
• Syn-brag, boast Ant-introvert, hide 58. Ravish (v) & cy kR
d kj d j uk] ea
X/ d j uk
38. Convene (v) & cq
y kuk] bd V~
Bk gksuk • Syn-rape, draw attention Anti-disenchant,
• Syn-call, gather Ant-cancel, disperse repulse

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 301

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
59. Noisome (adj) & cgq
r xa
nk] cncw
nkj 77. Starve (v) & Hkw
[ ksj guk
• Syn-unpleasant, stinky Ant-pleasant, aro- • Syn- hungry, starve Ant-indulge, glutton
matic 78. Etiquette (n) & f' k"Vpkj ] l H; r k
60. Extant (adj) & v fLr R
o] fo| eku • Syn-suavity, behaviour Ant-rudeness, immo-
• Syn-actual, living Ant-dead, extinct rality
61. Koot (adj) & l ud h] i kxy 79. Cemetery (n) & ' ke' kku
• Syn-crazy, crank Ant-sane, prudent • Syn-tomb, graveyard Ant-asylum, sanitarium
62. Vilify (v) & cnuke d j uk 80. Nymph (n) & [ kw
cl w
jr ; q
or h
• Syn-abuse, disparage Ant-compliment, • Syn-fairy, comely, Ant-giant, demon
praise 81. Breach (v) & nj kj i S
nk d j uk
63. Efface (v) & feVkuk • Syn-rift, chasm Ant-bridge, connection
• Syn-delete, eliminate Ant-keep, restore 82. Rueful (n) & i ' pkr ki ] mnkl
64. Lessen (v) & d e gks
uk • Syn-morose, regret Ant-defying, happy
• Syn-abate, recede Ant-increase, raise 83. Rebate (n) & Nw
V] d VkS
65. Mockery (n) & mi gkl ] ga
lh • Syn- concession, discount Ant-add, increase
• Syn-ridicule, jeering Ant-seriousness, so- 84. Wallow (v) & v kua
n eukuk ; k d hpM+esay ksVuk
lemnity • Syn-rollick, revel Ant-neglect, dislike
66. Obstreperous (n) & d ks
y kgy 85. Convivial (adj) & fey ul kj
• Syn-turbulant, noisy Ant-tranquil, peace • Syn-sociable, hearty Ant-dull, serious
67. Overrule (v) & fu. kZ
; d kscny nsuk ; k j n~
n d j nsuk 86. Husbandry (adj) & fd i Q
k; r h ; k fd l kuh
• Syn-cancel, annul Ant-yield, surrender • Syn-frugality, parsimony Ant-spending,
68. Paramour (n) & v oS
/ i zseh ; k i zsfed k
87. Peer (adj) & gemez
] fe=k l ew
• Syn-lover, sweetheart Ant-enemy
• Syn-equal, companion Ant-enemy, opponent
69. Prowess (n) & d kS
' ky
88. Accomplice (n) & l g v i j k/ h
• Syn-ability, skill Ant-inability, weakness
• Syn-aide, conspirator Ant-adversary, enemy
70. Objurgation (n) & MkW
V] i Q
Vd kj 89. Bucolic (n) & v l H; ] ns
gkr h
• Syn-castigation, reprimand Ant-applause, • Syn-coarse, rude Ant-rough, stormy
90. Tramp (v) & i S
ny py uk] b/ j &m/ j ?kw
71. Treacherous (adj) & fo' okl ?kkr h] t ks
f[ ke Hkj k
• Syn-vagrant, wanderer Ant-run, tiptoeing
• Syn-chicanery, fraud Ant-honest, loyal
91. Discretion (n) & bZ
ekunkj h] fopkj ' khy r k
72. Eradicate (v) & mU
y u d j uk] l ekIr d j nsuk •Syn-sense, prudence Ant-carelessness, in-
• Syn-obliterate, annihilate Ant-assist, estab- discretion
lish 92. Mournful (adj) & ' kks
d kd q
y ] mnkl
73. Austere (adj) & d Bks
j ] d M+
k • Syn-desolate, sad Ant-hopeful, optimistic
• Syn-caustic, harse Ant-flexible, bland 93. Panicky (adj) & ?kcj k; k gq
74. Anathema (n) & v fHk' kki • Syn-malaise, perturbed Ant-courageous, dar-
• Syn-accurse, maledict Ant-boon, benefical ing
94. Grim (adj) & d Bks
j ] fu"Bq
75. Abattoir (n) & d l kbZ
[ kkuk
• Syn-cruel, fierce Ant-happy, hopeful,
• Syn-butchery, shambles Ant-sanitarium
95. Stammer (v) & gd y kuk
76. Turbulence (n) & d ks
y kgy ] gy py
• Syn-stumble, stutter Ant-enunciate, pro-
• Syn-tumult, boistrous Ant-quietness, calm nounce

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 302

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
96. Deviate (v) & fopfy r gks
uk 114. Contumacy (n) & gB] ft n
• Syn-vary, deflect Ant-stay, static • Syn-stubborn, recalcitrance Ant-obedience,
97. Sovereign (adj) & l Ei z
] Lor a
=k adherence
115. Abrade (v) & f?kl uk] l ki Qd j uk
• Syn-autonomous, ruling Ant-submissive,
subservient • Syn-scrape, efface Ant-soothe, rebuild
98. Negotiation (n) & l e>kS
rk 116. Adage (n) & d gkor
• Syn-agreement, conference Ant-rudeness, • Syn-maxiom, tenet Ant-paradox, absurdity
rudeness 117. Adherent (n) & l eFkZ
d ] v uq
; k; h
99. Nadir (n) & fuEur e Lr j
• Syn-follower, supporter Ant-opponent, opposer
• Syn-bottom, low point Ant-zenith, top 118. Appraisal (n) & ew
Y; ka
100. Delirious (adj) & v ps
r ] mU
eknh • Syn-assay, valuation Ant-guess, opinion
• Syn-demented, insane Ant-reasonable, sane 119. Bumpy (adj) & v l er y ] [ kq
j nq
101. Gourmet (n) & Hkks
t u i kj [ kh • Syn-uneven, rough Ant-smooth, creamy
• Syn-epicure, connoisseur star Ant-ignora- 120. Calm (adj) & ' kka
mus, unknowing
• Syn-cool, serene Ant-excited, fierce
102. Semblance (n) & gkfud kj d ] cnuke d j uk
121. Chary (adj) & l r d Z
• Syn-alikeness, analogy Ant-disparity, con-
trast • Syn-cautious, wary Ant-careless, sloppy
103. Malign (n) & gkfud kj d ] cnuke d j uk 122. Analogy (n) & l e: i r k

• Syn-harmful, inimical Ant-benign, help

Syn-similarity, equality Ant-disagreement,
104. Coercion (n) & t ks
j &t cj nLr h 123. Anonymous (adj) & xq
euke] v Kkr
• Syn-duress, menace Ant-subordination, free- • Syn-unknown, unnamed Ant-known, famous
124. Encroach (v) & v fr Øe. k d j uk
105. Eschew (v) & cp fud y uk
• Syn-intrude, invade Ant-keep off, surrender
• Syn-evade, abstain Ant-embrace, meet
125. Endeavor (v) & i z
; kl d j uk
106. Cache (n) & xq
Ir LFkku] [ kt kuk • Syn-Effort, attempt Ant-idleness, laziness
• Syn-repository, treasury Ant-open, uncovered 126. Flagitious (adj) & nq
"V] v i j k/ h
107. Drab (adj) & uhj l ] v : fpd j • Syn-wicked, criminal Ant-noble, decent
• Syn-banal, dismal Ant-cheerful, interested 127. Forlorn (adj) & v d s
y k] v l gk;
108. Baulk (v) & ck/ k Mky uk] j ks
d uk •
Syn-dejected, abandoned Ant-cheerful, com-
• Syn-hinder, hurdle Ant-free, allow forted
128. Fortify (v) & et cw
r cukuk
109. Rough (adj) & v l H; ] Hkn~

Syn-Strengthen, reinforce Ant-weaken, de-
• Syn-coarse, harsh Ant-gentle, polite
110. Rash (adj) & y ki j okg 129. Forbearance (n) & l gu' khy r k
• Syn-careless, reckless Ant-careful, alert •
Syn-Tolerance, patience Ant-involvement,
111. Quell (v) & ' kka
r d j uk continuation
• Sy n-douse, extinguish Ant-aggr avate, 130. Fulminate (v) & fua
nk d j uk
inrritate • Syn-criticize, condemn Ant-defend, flatter
112. Moronic (adj) & cs
od w
h Hkj k 131. Garnish (v) & l t kuk
• Syn-stupid, asinine Ant-sensible, brainy • Syn-decorate, adorn Ant-plainness, foul
113. Absurd (adj) & cs
od w
iQ 132. Gambit (n) & pky ] t q
• Syn-silly, foolish Ant-reasonable, sensible • Syn-gimmick, trick Ant-frankness, honesty

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 303

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
133. Gallop (v) & l j i V nkS
uk 152. Epigram (n) & pq
Vd q
y k] l w
• Syn-frisk, sprint Ant-slow, linger • Syn-witticism, joke Ant-large, lengthy,
134. Premeditated (adj) & i w
oZfopkfj r 153. Diffuse (v) & i Q
y t kuk
• Syn-planned, intended, Ant-accidental, • Syn-diluted, scattered Ant-compact, abridge
causal 154. Dictat (v) & v kns
' k nsuk
135. Prejudice (adj) & i {ki kr i w
. kZ • Syn-command, rule Ant-advice, request
• Syn-bisa, blind Ant-fairness, regard 155. Dictum (n) & d gkor
136. Prim (adj) & v kS
i pkfj d ] fu; ekuq
dwy • Syn-axiom, tenet Ant-absurdity, paradox
• Syn-particular, fussy Ant-informal, rumpled 156. Din (n) & d ks
y kgy
137. Propound (v) & fopkj kFkZl keusj [ kuk
• Syn-destroy, scatter Ant-assimilation, as-
• Syn-solicite, urge Ant-conceal, keep secret semble
138. Shout () & i q
d kj d j uk] fpYy kuk 157. Dissemble (v) & i k[ ka
M d j uk
• Syn-derision, catcall Ant-whimper, object • Syn-disguise, pretend Ant-expose, disclose
139. Cataclysm () & fouk' k] i kuh d h ck<+ 158. Drivel (v) & cd okl d j uk
• Syn-disaste r, dilug e Ant-g ood fortune, • Syn-greek, rubbish Ant-sense, truth
miracle 159. Abortive (adj) & v l i Q
140. Inchoate () & v fod fl r ] i z
kj a
fHkd • Syn-failed, worthless Ant-successful, produc-
• Syn-undeveloped, beginning Ant-mature, tive
developed 160. Stygian (adj) & / q
/ y k gksusd sd kj . k Mj kouk
141. Pry () & Hks
n y suk ; k cy i w
d [ kksy uk • Syn-dark, dingy Ant-transparent, clean
• Syn-inquire, meddle Ant-leave alone, aloof 161. Sear (v) & >q
y l k nsuk
142. Pucker () & fl d ks
M+uk • Syn-dry, parched Ant-leading, preceding
• Syn-wrinkle, furrow Ant-smoothness, soft 162. Palm (n) & gFks
y h] ekj uk
143. Impeach () & v fHk; ks
x y xkuk • Syn-touch, stroke Ant-drop, release
• Syn-censure, charge Ant-absolve, approve 163. Vice (n) & cq
j kbZ
] v oxq
144. Purgatory () & uj d ] ; kr uk
• Syn-evil, wrong Ant-propriety, virtue
• Syn-hell, limbo Ant-happyness, delight 164. Mendicant (n) & fHk{kq
145. Chivalrous (adj) & n; ky q
] l H; • Syn-beggar, monk Ant-rich, wealthy
• Syn-benevolent, courtly Ant-afraid, cowardly 165. Acquit (v) & nks
"k eq
Dr d j nsuk
146. Cleft (n) & nj kj ] l q
j k[ k • Syn-absolve, discharge Ant-condemn, convict
• Syn-rift, aperture Ant-join, meld, unite 166. Bedizen (v) & HkM+
d hy sd i M+
si guuk
147. Citadel (n) & nq
] fd y k • Syn-attire, swathe Ant-unclothe, uncover
• Syn-castle, fort Ant-weak spot, weakness 167. Peccadillo (adj) & egR
oghu] ekew
y h xy r h
148. Crave (n) & bPNk] t : j r
• Syn-nugatory, small fault Ant-firmness,
• Syn-desire, need Ant-dislike, hate strength
149. Contempt (n) & v i eku] fr j Ld kj 168. Pip (v) & cq
j h r j g l sgj k nsuk
• Syn-disdain, disrespect Ant-praise, admire • Syn-champion, winner Ant-secret, looser
150. Coy (adj) & l h/ k&l k/ k] Hkks
y k Hkky k 169. Pluck (v) & l kgl ; k r ks
• Syn-modest, humble Ant-immodest, aggressive • Syn-courage, grit Ant-frightened, scared
151. Cynical (adj) & nks
"kn' khZ
] nw
l j ksd snks"k <w
a 170. Gaol (n) & t s
• Syn-sceptical, doubtful Ant-trustful, optimistic • Syn-jail, prison Ant-free, pardon

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 304

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
171. Gape (v) & v k' p; Zd sd kj . k eq
g [ kq
a y k j g t kuk 190. Parole (v) & v PNsv kpj . k d sv k/ kj i j t s
y l sfj gkbZ
• Syn-surprised, astonished Ant-ignore, close fey ukA
172. Habitual (adj) & v H; Lr • Syn-pardon, free Ant-prison, detain
• Syn-usual, addicted Ant-temporar, rare 191. Ameliorate (v) & l q
/ kj uk] csgr j d j uk
173. Halcyon (adj) & ' kka
r ] i zl U
u • Syn-improve, upgrade Ant-worsen, degrade
• Syn-calm, peaceful Ant-excited, upset 192. Tangible (adj) & Li "V] ft l sLi ' kZfd ; k t k l d s
174. Quash (v) & j í d j uk] nckuk • Syn-Obvious, touchable Ant-intangible, un-
• Syn- cancel, rescind Ant-continue, ramain
193. Laud (v) & i z
' ka
l k d j uk
175. Scrimp (v) & fd i Q
k; r l sj guk
• Syn-praise, applaud Ant-castigate, criticize
• Syn-husbandry, miser Ant-squander, spend-
thrift 194. Rowdy (adj) & >xM+
ky w
176. Blithe (v) & i z
lUu • Syn-cantankerous, bellicose Ant-calm, mod-
• Syn-happy, glee Ant-sad, morose
195. Allege (v) & v kj ks
i y xkuk] d guk
177. Flaunt (adj) & fn[ kkoVh
• Syn-assert, claim Ant-deny, disagree
• Syn-Show off, expose Ant-reality, truth
196. Divagate (v) & v k' p; Zpfd r gkst kuk
178. Abstain (v) & i j gs
t d j uk] nw
j j guk
• Syn-surprise, wander Ant-keep, calm
• Syn-avert, avoid Ant-embrace, continue
197. Parley (n) & cS
Bd ] l a
179. Deluge (n) & ck<+
• Syn-conference, palaver Ant-let ride
• Syn-inundation, overflowing Ant-scarcity,
dryness 198. Enamoured (adj) & v fr ' k; v kl fDr
180. Assault (v) & v kØe. k d j uk • Syn-d evoted, fond Ant-dis enchante d,
• Syn-attack, aggression Ant-protect, resist
199. Douse (v) & cq
> kuk] ' kka
r d j uk
181. Calamity (n) & l a
• Syn-quench, staurate Ant-dry, incite
• Syn-catastrophe, collapse Ant-comfort, fortune
200. Abecedarian (n) & t ksv Hkho. kZ
ekykl h[ kj gkgks] ukS
fl f[ k; k
182. Lucidity (n) & Li "Vr k
• Syn-novice, learner Ant-professional, expert
• Syn-clear, obvious Ant-dirtiness, obscurity
201. Penance (n) & i z
k; f' pr
183. Narrative (adj) & fooj . kkR
• Syn-regret, remorse Ant-happiness, glee
• Syn-historical, storylike Ant-abridge, brief
• Use-an act of penance
184. Commotion (n) & ga
202. Obese (adj) & eks
Vk] Fkq
y Fkq
• Syn-furore, agitation Ant-peace, quiet
• Syn-corpulant, fat Ant-thin, slim
185. Decadent (adj) & {k; ks
203. Incessant (adj) & y xkr kj
• Syn-decimate, debased Ant-kind, moral
• Syn-perpetual, endless Ant-ending, intermittent,
186. Brag (v) & ' ks
[ kh c?kkj uk
• Use-incessant noise
• Syn-flaunt, swank Ant-be quiet, deprecate
204. Malice (n) & d i V] nq
187. Supine (adj) & v ky l h ; k i hB d scy y s
Vk gq
• Syn-ill-will, bitterness Ant-honest, candid
• Syn-languor, idle Ant-alert, active
205. Tumult (n) & d ks
y kgy
188. Deterrent (adj) & gr ks
l kfgr d j uk] Mj kd j j ksd uk
• Syn-disincentive, discouragement Ant-cata-
• Syn-turmoil, pandemonium Ant-peace, calm
lyst, incentive 206. Revitalize (v) & i q
ut hZ
ou gksuk
189. Gawk (v) & ?kw
j uk • Syn-rejuvenate, enliven Ant-vex, annoy
• Syn-stare, gaze Ant-grin, smile • Use-the local economy has been revitalize

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 305

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
207. Manky (adj) & xa
nk] ?kfV; k 228. Exgratia (adj) & mi gkj Lo: i ] v uq
xzg i w
• Syn-untidy, dirty Ant-neat, fresh • Syn-optional, gift Ant-Obligatory
208. Revile (v) & v ky ks
p uk d j uk 229. Ransack (v) & y w
V y suk] xa
nk d j uk
• Syn-criticize, censure Ant-praise, extoll • Syn-ravage, spoil Ant-neat, tidy
• Use-he always revile her work 230. Assailant (n) & v kØe. kd kj h
209. Rollick (v) & ' kks
j xq
y d j r sgq
, v kua
n eukuk • Syn-attacker, invader Ant-assistant, confi-
• Syn-cavort, revel Ant-sad, gloomy dante
231. Undercut (v) & d e nke es
210. Niggle (v) & r a
x d j uk] cky d h [ kky fud ky uk
• Syn-rile, nag Ant-help, please
• Syn-excavate, cut, Ant-reinforce, strengthen
232. Outrage (n) & mi æo ; k ukj kt gks
211. Decrepit (adj) & t t Z
j ] d et ksj
• Syn-frail, feeble Ant-fit, healthy
• Syn-commotion, rapine Ant-peace, tranquil
233. Stout (adj) & cy oku] eks
212. Scowl (v) & fd l h d h r j i Q?kw
j uk
• Syn-evil eye, grimance Ant-smile, grin
• Syn-overweight, corpulent Ant-tiny, under-
213. Despise (v) & ?k.̀ kk d j uk
234. Antecedent (n) & i w
or hZ
• Syn-hate, detest Ant-like, love
• Syn-prior, former Ant-after, following
• Use-she despised gossip in any form
235. Oration (n) & Hkk"k. k
214. Obdurate (adj) & ft n~
nh] d Bksj
• Syn-speech, address Ant-verbal, writting
• Syn-adamant, firm Ant-modest, soft
236. Skirmish (n) & >xM+
• Use-and obdurate attitude
• Syn-fight, altercation Ant-protection, retreat
215. Dour (adj) & d Bks
j 237. Profound (adj) & fui q
. k] xEHkhj
• Syn-severe, hard Ant-solf, flexible
• Syn-intellectual, thoughtful Ant-ignorant,
216. Fluke (n) & v i z
; kf' kr y kHk stupid
• Syn-windfall, fortune Ant-loss, bad luck 238. Dither (v) & ?kcj kgV
• Use-they are determined to show that their • Syn-panic, upset Ant-calm, calmness
last win was no fluke 239. Envisage (v) & v uq
eku y xkuk
217. Deleterious (adj) & gkfud kj d • Syn-consider, visualize Ant-ignore, neglect
• Syn-harmful, pernicious Ant-profitable 240. Stultify (v) & cs
od w
i Qcukuk
218. Scamper (v) & Hkkx t kuk • Syn-ridicule, mock Ant-excite, rouse
• Syn-run, abscond Ant-stroll, amble 241. Frills (v) & >ky j y xkuk] l t kuk
219. Improvise (v) & d kepy kÅ i z
ca/ d j uk • Syn-decoration, frippery Ant-untidy, compli-
• Syn-make up, coin Ant-devise, plan cate
220. Reconnaissance (n) & l os
{ k. k
Z 242. Propitiation (v) & l a
• Syn-inspection, survey Ant-abstention, lazi- • Syn-satisfaction, pacification Ant-annoy-
ness ance, irritation
225. Purport (v) & v k' k; ] v FkZ 243. Toil (v) & d fBu i fj J e d j uk
• Syn-meaning, implication Ant-meaningless- • Syn-hard work, labor Ant-entertainment, fun
ness, surface 244. Exhort (v) & i z
sfj r d j uk
226. Cauldron (n) & d M+
kgh • Syn-encourage, incite Ant-discourage
• Syn-can, box 245. Holistic (adj) & l exz: i l s
227. Strew (v) & i Q
y kuk
S • Syn-complete, whole Ant-unhealthy, incom-
• Syn-spread, scatter Ant-quiet, secret plete

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 306

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
246. Gloom (v) & mnkl gks
uk 265. Lugubrious (adj) & d k: f. kd ] fo"kkne;
• Syn-melancholy, depression Ant-animation, • Syn-dismal, gloomy Ant-cheerful, joyful
cheer 266. Nonplus (v) & pd j k t kuk
247. Destitute (adj) & xj hc
• Syn-confuse, perplex Ant-clear up, explain
• Syn-indigent, bereft Ant-affluent, wealthy 267. Satiate (v) & l a
"V d j uk
248. Consider (v) & fopkj d j uk • Syn-gratify, satisfy Ant-deprive, dissatisfy
• Syn-thought, pooder Ant-discard, dismiss 268. Plaintive (adj) & ' kks
di w
. kZ
249. Minute (n) & l w
{e • Syn-pathetic, doleful Ant-cheerful, happy
• Syn-very small, tiny Ant-giant, gigantic 269. Suborn (v) & xy r d ke d j usd sfy , md l kuk
250. Intend (v) & bj knk d j uk
• Syn-incite, instigate Ant-dignify, purify
• Syn-determime, try Ant-denote, announce 270. Tortuous (adj) & Vs
251. Approach (v) & i gq
¡p uk] fud V v kuk • Syn-twisted, zigzag Ant-straight, horizon
• Syn-access, gate Ant-departure, distanching 271. Atone (v) & i z
k; f' pr d j uk
252. Obtain (v) & i z
kIr d j uk • Syn-compensate, redeem Ant-defy, confront
• Syn-get, acquire Ant-forsake, sacrifice 272. Complaisance (n) & mi d kfj r k
253. Instance (n) & mnkgj . k
• Syn-compliance, kindness Ant-dissatisfac-
• Syn-case, situation Ant-hide, obscure tion, obstinancy
254. Render (v) & ns
uk] i zLr q
r d j uk 273. Fawn (v) & pki y w
l h d j uk
• Syn-contribute, give Ant-remove, take • Syn-flatter, cajole Ant-ignore, neglect
255. Confer (v) & ckr phr d j uk] ns
uk 274. Abscission (n) & v y xko
• Syn-discuss, deliberate Ant-dishonor, taking • Syn-resection, distribute Ant-hoard, assimi-
256. Yield (v) & >q
d uk] l ei Z
. k d j uk lation
275. Foible (n) & v oxq
. k] d et ksjh
• Syn-surrendar Ant-disallow, withhold
257. Convince (v) & j kt h d j uk • Sy n-vice, weak point Ant-s ucce ssuf ul,
• Syn-persuade, prevail Ant-aviod, give up
276. Slew (n) & cM+
hl a
[ ; k esa
258. Persist (v) & MVsj guk
• Syn-abundance, heap Ant-shortage, paucity
• Syn-continue, resolute Ant-cease, give up
277. Today (n) & pki y w
259. Contend (v) & fookn d j uk
• Syn-sycophant, bootlicker Ant-come out, ig-
• Syn-compete, fight Ant-desert, give up nore
260. Bent (adj) & >q
d k gq
v k] eq
k gq
vk 278. Pertian (v) & l EcfU
/ r] t q
k gq
• Syn-curved, twisted Ant-straight, linear • Syn-relev ent, associate Ant-d issociate,
261. Abysmal (adj) & v x/ ] cgq
r gh [ kj kc alienate
• Syn-deep, bottomless Ant-low, superficial 279. Torrid (adj) & xeZ
262. Pastiche (n) & feJ j puk • Syn-scorching, sultry Ant-arctic, cold
• Syn-mishmosh, collection Ant-order, organi- 280. Asperity (n) & d Bks
zation • Syn-harshness, badtemper Ant-calmness,
263. Arboreal (adj) & ouLi fr l sl Eca
f/ r happiness
• Sy n-re lating to a tree , ec olog y Ant- 281. Sedulous (adj) & i fj J eh
nonarboreal • Syn-dilligent, hardworker Ant-lazy, torpid
264. Cloister (v) & , d kU
r okl d j uk 282. Denigrate (v) & v i ekfur d j uk
• Syn-secluded, recluse Ant-free, open • Syn-belitle, malign Ant-cherish, compliment

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 307

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
283. Empirical (adj) & i z
k; ksfxd 301. Moist (adj) & xhy k
• Syn-practical, pragmatic Ant-impractical, • Syn-wet, dank Ant-dry
theoretical 302. Fecund (adj) & mi t kÅ
284. Sere (n) & eq
j >k; k gq
vk • Syn-fertile, productive Ant-unproductive,
• Syn-dry, sear Ant-fresh, unused barren.
285. Exact (n) & , d ne l gh 303. Demon (n) & j k{kl
• Syn-accurate, precise Ant-approximate, in- • Syn-goblin, vampire Ant-angel, god
definite 304. Vanquish (v) & t hr uk] gj k ns
286. Placid (adj) & ' kka
r • Syn-win, defeat Ant-lose, surrender
• Syn-calm, mild Ant-agitated, excited 305. Belie (v) & >w
Bk l kfcr d j nsuk
287. Remuneration (n) & es
gur kuk • Syn-disprove, deny Ant-attest, prove
• Syn-payment, wage Ant-damage, deprivation 306. Comic (adj) & gkL; i z
288. Talisman (n) & r kcht ] t knw
• Syn-droll, wag Ant-tragedian, dramatist
• Syn-charm, juju Ant-natural, real 307. Baggy (adj) & <hy k&<ky k] i Q
y k gq
w vk
289. Bilk (v) & / ks
[ kk nsuk • Syn-flabby, loose Ant-fitting, tight
• Syn-cheat, deceive Ant-assist, help 308. Evacuate (v) & [ kky h d j kuk] fj Dr d j uk
290. Abrasive (adj) & d d Z
'kl [r • Syn-vacate, empty Ant-load, occupy
• Syn-nasty, rough Ant-likeable, pleasant 309. Acquisitive (adj) & ft Kkl q
291. Knotty (adj) & t fVy ] i s
p hnk • Syn-covetous, desirous Ant-benevolent, gen-
• Syn-abstruse, complicated Ant-simple, un- erous
complicated 310. Condense (v) & ?kuk d j uk
292. Renown (n) & i z
fl ¼ • Syn-abridge, compress Ant-enlarge, expand
• Syn-fame, acclaim Ant-anonymity, obscurity 311. Eclipse (v) & v a
/ sjk d j nsuk] i zHkkoghu d j nsuk
293. Cower (v) & Mj d j nq
cd uk • Syn-darkening, veil Ant-clear, explain
• Syn- 312. Wreck (v) & cckZ
n gksuk] u"V gksuk
294. Absolution (n) & {kek] eki Q
h • Syn-debris, crash Ant-creation, manufacture
• Syn-forgiveness, release Ant-censure, con- 313. Impound (v) & cU
n d j uk] ?ksjuk
• Syn-confine, seize Ant-free, release
295. Blantant (adj) & Li "V] [ kq
314. Languid (adj) & fuLr s
t ] d et ksj
• Syn-obvious, strident Ant-moderate, unclear
• Syn-dull, listless Ant-animated, energetic
296. Plausible (adj) & fo' ol uh; y xusoky k] i z
' ka
l uh;
315. Comply (v) & Lohd kj d j uk] i ky u d j uk
• Syn-reasonable, believable Ant-improbable,
unbelievable • Syn-accede, follow Ant-prevent, stop
297. Lachrymose (adj) & ' kks
di w
. kZ 316. Debauchee (n) & foy kl h] y Ei V
• Syn-sad, tearful Ant-calm, happy • Syn-profligate, voluptuary Ant-ascetic, re-
298. Tentative (adj) & i z
k; sfxd cluse
317. Goblin (n) & j k{kl
• Syn-conditional, experimental Ant-certain,
decisive • Syn-demon, spirit Ant-angel, god
299. Tenuous (adj) & nq
cy k i r y k 318. Holy (adj) & i fo=k
• Syn-weak, thin Ant-healthy, significant • Syn-sacred, innocent Ant-sinful, impure
300. Dissuade (v) & j ks
d uk] xy r l y kg nsuk 319. Flaccid (adj) & <hy k] f' kfFky
• Syn-divert, deter Ant-healthy, significant • Syn-drooping, loose Ant-taut, tight

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 308

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
320. Jeer (v) & g¡l h mM+
kuk 337. Redolent (adj) & [ kq
' kcw
• Syn-heckle, ridicule Ant-commend, compli- • Syn-aromatic, scented Ant-acrid, unsavory
ment 338. Propel (v) & i z
sfj r d j uk] v kxsc<+
321. Prohibit (v) & j ks
d uk • Syn-push, drive Ant-hinder, hold
• Syn-block, prevent Ant-favor, permit 339. Devout (adj) & / eZ
322. Wonder (v) & v k' p; Zpfd r gks
uk • Syn-faithful, sincere Ant-insincere, irreli-
• Syn-amazement, surprise Ant-expectation, gious
intention 340. Gather (v) & , d =k d j uk
323. Contented (adj) & l a
"V • Syn-collect, assemble Ant-disperse, distrib-
• Syn-satisfied, happy Ant-dissatisfied, unsat- ute
isfied 341. Jocose (adj) & gkL; i z
324. Seldom (adv) & ; nk&d nk • Syn-humorous, witty Ant-formal, grave
• Syn-occasionally, infrequently Ant-usually, 342. Slur (n) & cnukeh
• Syn-insult, blemish Ant-compliment, praise
325. Vigour (n) & r kd r ] t ks
343. Mask (v) & fNi kuk
• Syn-energy, power Ant-weakness, weak spot
• Syn-cover, cloak Ant-uncover, unmask
326. Sanctify (v) & nks
Dr d j uk] i fo=k d j uk 344. Scintillating (adj) & ped r k gq
• Syn-consecrate, anoint Ant-desecrate, dis- • Syn-bright, dazzling Ant-blah, dull
345. Seethe (v) & xq
Ll sl smcy uk
327. Chaffing (v) & et kd
• Syn-boil, flair Ant-be happy
• Syn-joke, ridicule Ant-considerate, deferen-
tia 346. Simulate (v) & ud y d j uk] cgkuk cukuk

328. Rig (v) & oL=k i gukuk] l a

okj uk • Syn-imitate, pretend Ant-be real, truth

• Syn-dress, arm Ant-not give, unfurnish 347. Smear (n) & nkx] d y a
329. Tragic (adj) & foi fÙk] l a
dV • Syn-taint, besmirch Ant-honor, upgrade
348. Span (n) & v of/ ] nw
• Syn-catastrophic, pathetic Ant-advanta-
geous, blessed • Syn-distance, duration Ant-short, in reach
330. Edification (n) & l q
/ kj 349. Sprightly (adj) & t hoa
• Syn-elevation, improvement Ant-ignorance, • Syn-fun, vivacious Ant-spiritless, dejected
disregard 350. Sterling (adj) & ' kkunkj
331. Podgy (adj) & Fkq
y Fkq
y • Syn-excellent, splendid Ant-dishonorable,
• Syn-chunky, stout Ant-skinny, slim inestimable

332. Deplete (v) & [ kky h d j uk] d e d j uk 351. Synthetic (adj) & cukoVh
• Syn-artificial, phony Ant-genuine, natural
• Syn-empty, diminish Ant-add, augment
352. Tenacity (n) & ft n~
333. Paternity (n) & fi r R̀
• Syn-stubbornness, resolution Ant-indiffer-
• Syn-family, heritage Ant-effect, result ence, irresolution
334. Amplify (v) & c<+
kuk 353. Transcend (v) & l sc<+
• Syn-augment, boost Ant-abridge, compress • Syn-surpass, excel Ant-fail, lose
335. Explicit (v) & Li "V 354. Umbrage (n) & xq
Ll k
• Syn-clear, abvious Ant-ambiguous, confused • Syn-anger, wrath Ant-happiness, pleasure
336. Deficit (n) & d eh 355. Vaunt (v) & fn[ kkok d j uk
• Syn-shortage, paucity Ant-excess, plenty • Syn-boast, exhibit Ant-deprecation, modesty

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 309

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
356. Luxuriant (adj) & i z
pqj ek=kk esa 374. Haggle (v) & >xM+
k d j uk] eksy &r ksy d j uk
• Syn-abundance, ample Ant-paucity, scarcity • Syn-quarrel, bicker Ant-agree, comply
357. Linger (v) & ns
u d j uk 375. Dorsal (n) & i z
• Syn-delay, loiter Ant-hurry, leave • Syn-last, back Ant-anterior, fron
358. Vestige (n) & fpU
g] fu' kku 376. De facto (adv) & okLr fod
• Syn-sign, indication Ant-misinformation • Syn-reality, actual Ant-dishonest, fake
359. Vituperate (v) & v ky ks
p uk d j uk 377. Defiation (v) & gok fud ky uk] v i Li Q
• Syn-criticise, condemn Ant-compliment, • Syn-letdown, blow Ant-ascent, boon
praise 378. Commemorate (v) & fd l h d s; kn es
l o eukuk
360. Yokel (n) & ns
gkr h • Syn-honor, observe Ant-dishonor, neglect
• Syn-rustic, boor Ant-urban, gentleman 379. Obligatory (adj) & v ko' ; d
361. Warlike (adj) & >xM+
ky w • Syn-essential, required Ant-nonessential,
• Syn-hostile, truculent Ant-harmonizing, optional,
peaceful 380. Impetuous (adj) & r s
t ] i zp . M
362. Morbid (adj) & v LoLFk
• Syn-ardent, rash Ant-circumspect, consid-
• Syn-nasty, sick Ant-cheerful, happy, healthy, erate
363. Mettle (n) & l kgl 381. Exorbitant (adj) & v R
; f/ d ] cgq
r T; knk
• Syn-bravery, spunk Ant-weakness, weak link • Syn-extravagant, excessive ant-inexpensive,
364. Masquerade (v) & Loka
x d j uk moderate
382. Obverse (n) & ps
gj k] eq
• Syn-disguise, cloak Ant-revela, ummask
365. Lurid (adj) & HkM+
d hy k • Syn-opposite, face Ant-back, rear

• Syn-shocking, gruesome Ant-humble, modest 383. Sanguine (adj) & v k' kkoknh

366. Ken (n) & l e> • Syn-hopeful, optimistic Ant-depressed, pes-

• Syn-perception, acumen Ant-ignorance,
strangeness 384. Distinguish (v) & i Q
d Zcr kuk] v y x d j uk
367. Jolt (v) & >Vd k ns
uk • Syn-discriminate, classify Ant-allow, join
• Syn-setback, jerk Ant-good fortune, luck 385. Gratify (v) & i z
lUu d j uk
368. Junction (n) & l a
xe] fey ki • Syn-enchnat, delight Ant-annoy, disappoint
• Syn-terminal, junture Ant-disjunction, start- 386. Dank (adj) & xhy k] ue
ing • Syn-damp, humid Ant-dry, parched
369. Knavery (n) & / ks
[ ksckt h 387. Barter (v) & , d oLr qns
d j nw
l j h oLr qy suk
• Syn-wrong, badness Ant-goodness, morality • Syn-haggle, swap Ant-allow, keep
370. Intense (adj) & r hoz 388. Bash (v) & i z
gkj d j uk
• Syn-forceful, severe Ant-mild, moderate • Syn-attack, insult Ant-acclaim, adulate
371. Hoist (v) & Åi j mBkuk 389. Abstruse (adj) & d ke] y {;
• Syn-lift, elevate Ant-drop, fall • Syn-esoteric, complex Ant-clear, concrete
372. Heterogeneous (adj) & fofo/ 390. Errand (n) & d ke] y {;
• Syn-miscellaneous Ant-homogeneous • Syn-duty, task Ant-complimentary, fun
373. Hegemony (n) & us
r R̀
o] i zHkko 391. Portray (v) & fpf=kr d j uk
• Syn-power, command Ant-surrender, yield- • Syn-represent, image Ant-obscure, be origi-
ing nal

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 310

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
392. Invidious (adj) & cq
jk 411. Superannuate (v) & i q
j kuk gkst kuk] l sokfuoÙ̀k gkst kuk
• Syn-hateful, jealous Ant-delightful, likeable • Syn-Obsolete, outdate Ant-discontinue, ir-
393. Artifact (n) & cukoVh regular
412. Demit (v) & bLr hi Q
k nsuk
• Syn-handlycraft, fabrication Ant-truth, origi-
nal • Syn-quit, release Ant-assert, assume
394. Ogle (v) & fr j Nh ut j l sns
[ kuk 413. Counsel (v) & l y kg ns
• Syn-stare, focus Ant-look away, ignore • Syn-advice, guidance Ant-applaud, approve
395. Pilfer (v) & pq
j kuk 414. Sloppy (adj) & y ki j okg
• Syn-steal, embezzle Ant-give, receive • Syn-careless, messy Ant-clean, neat
396. Triumph (n) & t hr ] fot ; 415. Accentuate (v) & t ks
j nsuk
• Syn-victory, achievement Ant-sadness, sorrow, • Syn-emphasize, stress Ant-divert attention
397. Fade (v) & / q
y k gksuk from, maks
416. Sumptuous (adj) & v ky h' kku] cgq
• Syn-dim, dull Ant-brighten, sharpen
398. Fad (n) & l ud
• Syn-splendid, luxurious Ant-mean, poor
417. Disrupt (v) & v Lr &O
; Lr d j uk
• Syn-craze, innovation Ant-standard, tradition
• Syn-disturb, upset Ant-arrange, organize
399. Ferry (v) & , d LFkku l snw
l j sLFkku i j i gq
¡p kuk
418. Nauseate (v) & ?k.̀ kk d j uk
• Syn-transportation, carry Ant-refuse, take
• Syn-hate, disgust Ant-please, soothe
400. Elude (v) & cp fud y uk
419. Aver (v) & ?kks
"k. kk d j uk
• Syn-avoid, escape Ant-confront, encounter
• Syn-claim, maintain Ant-approve, like
401. Kid (v) & et kd d j uk
420. Yaw (v) & eks
M+] fopy u
• Syn-fool, ridicule Ant-adult, serious
• Syn-swerve, curve Ant-stright, horizon
402. Mystique (n) & j gL; i w
. kZ
421. Feign (v) & cgkuk cukuk
• Syn-complex, mistery Ant-simple
• Syn-pretend, act Ant-be true, honest
403. Genre (n) & i z
d kj
422. Iniquitous & v U
; k; i w
. kZ
• Syn-type, brand Ant-single, alike
• Syn-unfair, unjust Ant-fair, justice
404. Cavil (v) & cs
d kj d h f' kd k; r d j uk
423. Indigence (n) & xj hch
• Syn-quibble, carp Ant-agree, concede
• Syn-poorness, destitution Ant-wealth, prop-
405. Infernal (adj) & i j s
' kku d j usoky k] ukj d h; erty
• Sy n-damned , de monic Ant-he avenly, 424. Overstrung (adj) & r ukoxz
• Syn-nervous, excited Ant-peace, calm
406. Festal (adj) & i z
425. Nugget (n) & v a
' k] Vq
d M+
• Syn-cheerful, jolly Ant-serious, solemn
• Syn-lump, piece Ant-full, complete
407. Bluster (v) & / ed kuk] ' ks
[ kh ekj uk 426. Gooey (adj) & fpi fpi k
• Syn-bombast, bully Ant-bumility, meekness
• Syn-sticky, gummy Ant-dry, arid
408. Brash (adj) & <hB] HkM+
d hy k 427. Ally (adj) & l gk; d
• Syn-fribale, fragment Ant-rigid, tough • Syn-partner, friend Ant-adaxially
409. Retribution (n) & cny k 428. Befuddle (v) & pd j k t kuk
• Syn-reward, revenge Ant-forgiveness, padon • Syn-confuse, puzzle Ant-clear up, explain
410. Gadfly (v) & nw
l j ksd ksr a
x d j usoky k 429. Absolute (adj) & l a
. kZ
] iw
• Syn-Goad, nuisance Ant-pleasantry, pleasure • Syn-without limit, full Ant-limited, restricted

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 311

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
430. Alienate (v) & v y x d j uk 449. Cellar (n) & r g[ kkuk
• Syn-part, break off Ant-be friendly, disarm • Syn-appartment, basement Ant-attic, garret
431. Absurd (adj) & cs
d k] Hkn~
nk 450. Cliche (n) & py u l sckgj gq
v k eq
gkoj k
• Syn-senseless, crazy Ant-rational, reason- • Syn-overused, adage Ant-coinage, mintage
able 451. Colloquial (adj) & cks
y pky l a
432. Acclaim (v) & ?kks
"k. kk d j uk • Syn-particular, informal Ant-standard, stilted
• Syn-clapping, applause Ant-beratement, criti- 452. Concur (v) & l ger gks
• Syn-agree, approve Ant-disagree, oppose
433. Behest (n) & v kKk] v kns
453. Chronic (adj) & LFkk; h] nh?kZ
d ky hu
• Syn-order, instruction Ant-answered, replied
• Syn-constant, never ending Ant-curable,
434. Brasserie (n) & ' kj kc[ kkuk] Hkks
t uky ;
• Syn-restaurant Ant- 454. Citev (v) & i z
ek. k nsuk] n`"Vka
r gksuk
435. Browse (v) & l j l j h r kS
j i j ns[kuk
• Syn-note, quote Ant-absolve, exonerate
• Syn-look around, scan Ant-ignore, neglect
455. Collude (v) & l k¡B&xk¡B d j uk
436. Allure (v) & y q
• Syn-conspire, connive Ant-disagree, oppose
• Syn-appeal, attraction Ant-dissuade, prevent
456. Competence (n) & {ker k
437. Access (n) & i gq

Syn-ability, capacity Ant-inability, inad-
• Syn-approch, contact Ant-egress, outlet equacy
438. Cadge (n) & i Q
sjh y xkuk] Hkh[ k eka
xuk 457. Convearge (v) & , d fca
nqd h v ksj t kuk
• Syn-beg, hawk Ant-give, grant • Syn-gather, assemble Ant-inability, inad-
439. Casket (n) & fl a
xkj nku] v kHkw
"k. kksad k fMCck equacy
• Syn-box, case 458. Jeremiad (n) & foy ki ] nq
[ kM+
440. Angst (n) & i hM+
k] nq
[k • Syn-tirade, censure Ant-applause, approval

• Syn-agony, dread Ant-glee, happiness 459. Consummation (n) & v a

r] i w
fr Z
441. Cavalcade (n) & ' kks
Hkk; k=kk] t q
ywl • Syn-end, achievement Ant-failure, unfulfill-
• Syn-parade, array Ant-individual, aloof
460. Numinous (adj) & v y S
fd d
442. Catty (n) & nq
• Syn-spiritual, holy Ant-material, objective
• Syn-nasty, malicious Ant-kind, pleasant
461. Vie (v) & Li / kZd j uk
443. Accost (v) & l a
cks/ u d j uk
• Syn-compete, challenge Ant-abandon, desert
• Syn-address, solicitation Ant-ignore, scorn
462. Console (v) & fny kl k ns
444. Acolyte (n) & l gk; d ] ps
• Syn-relieve, comfort Ant-agitate, annoy
• Syn-attendant, assistant Ant-enemy, owner
463. Sultry (adj) & mel nkj ] xj e
445. Agony (n) & ekufl d i hM+
• Syn-hot, scorching Ant-cool, dry
• Syn-suffering, pain Ant-health, peace
464. Countervail (v) & cj kcj d j uk
446. Alibi (v) & cgkuk cukukfd eS
a?kVuk LFky i j ekS
n ughaFkkA • Syn-balance, equal Ant-damage, deprive
• Syn-excuse, justification Ant-decision, sen-
465. Grubby (adj) & xa
447. Ceremonious (adj) & v kS
i pkfj d • Syn-filthy, dirty Ant-clean, neat
466. Lug (v) & [ kha
p uk
• Syn-ritual, formal Ant-informal, relaxed
448. Catalogue (n) & l w
p hi =k • Syn-drag, pull Ant-refuse, deny
467. Genesis (n) & v kj a
Hk fca
• Syn-document, directory Ant-disorganize,
unsystematize • Syn-beginning, origine Ant-conclusion, final

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 312

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
468. Erotic (adj) & mÙks
td 488. Anguish (n) & ekufl d os
• Syn-amorous, sexual Ant-dull, frigid • Syn-sorrow, pain Ant-comfort, contentment
469. Dodge (v) & >ka
l k nsuk] gV t kuk 489. Blackguard (n) & cnek' k
• Syn-trick, feint Ant-confront, face • Syn-scoundrel, villain Ant-gentle, noble
470. Benefactor (adj) & mi d kj h 490. Blister (v) & i Q
iQksy si M+t kuk
• Syn-helper, donor Ant-antagonist, opponent • Syn-swelling, pimple
471. Fiddle (v) & gs
j k&i Q
sjh d j uk 491. Blizzard (n) & ci Q
Zd k r w
• Syn-mess, tinker Ant-enlighten, explain • Syn-snow storm, gale Ant-calm, clearness
472. Emanate (v) & fud y uk 492. Daunt (v) & / ed kuk
• Syn-exude, exit Ant-conceal, keep • Syn-discourage, threaten Ant-assist, encourage
473. Elope (v) & Hkkx t kuk 493. Declivity (n) & <ky
• Syn-decamp, flee Ant-capture, remain • Syn-slope, declination Ant-ascent, increase
474. Embark (v) & i z
kj a
Hk d j uk 494. Defiant (adj) & v oKkd kj h
• Syn-commence, launch Ant-disembark, stay • Syn-disobedient, disregardful Ant-obedient,
475. Errant (adj) & xq
ej kg] i FkHkz"V respectful,
495. Bane (n) & ' kz
• Syn-wrong, deviate Ant-correct, righteous
476. Espouse (v) & l eFkZ
u d j uk • Syn-curse, affliction Ant-blessing, fortune
496. Annotate (v) & fVIi M+
h fy [ kuk
• Syn-support, advocate Ant-forsake, reject
477. Eunuch (n) & ui q
l d ] d et ksj
a • Syn-comment, define Ant-keep quiet, refrain
497. Begrudge (v) & bZ
"; kZd j uk
• Syn-without pwoer Ant-strong, powerful
478. Daft (n) & ew
[ kZ • Syn-resent, envy Ant-abjure, be generous
498. Buckle (v) & >q
d uk
• Syn-dolt, fool Ant-intelligent, smart
479. Damsel (n) & l q
nj ; q
or h • Syn-clamp, yield Ant-flatten, straight
499. Butcher (n) & d l kbZ
] gR
; kj k
• Syn-lady, colleen Ant-boy, male
480. Ablution (v) & ' kq
¼hd j . k • Syn-meat killer, seller Ant-victim, prey

• Syn-purification, washing Ant-dirtying, slosh 500. Cabal (n) & "kM~

481. Dally (v) & l e; x¡okuk • Syn-plot, intrigue Ant-dissolution, disunion
501. Cahoot (adj) & fey hHkxr
• Syn-delay, loiter Ant-take seriously, saving
482. Beeline (n) & l h/ k j kLr k • Syn-conspiracy, collustion Ant-dissolution,
• Syn-direct root Ant-intermittent, interrupted
502. Carcass (n) & ' ko ' kj hj
483. Abstract (n) & l kj ka
' k] r R
• Syn-dead body, corpse Ant-soul, spirit
• Syn-conceptual, ideal Ant-factual, material,
503. Cardinal (adj) & egR
oi w
. kZ
484. Babble (v) & cd okl d j uk
• Syn-important, key Ant-inessential, insig-
• Syn-gabble, chatter Ant-quiet, sense nificant
485. August (adj) & ' kkunkj 504. Careen (v) & Mxexkuk
• Syn-lofty, grand Ant-undignified • Syn-tilt, lurch Ant-straighten, strongness
486. Beget (v) & mR
iUu d j uk] i S
nk d j uk 505. Coddle (v) & ns
[ kHkky d j uk
• Syn-engender, breed Ant-barren, infertile • Syn-indulge, pamper Ant-ignore, neglect
487. Adapt (v) & v uq
dwy cukuk 506. Eerie (adj) & Mj kouk] Hk; kud
• Syn-acclimate, fit Ant-disarrange, dislocate • Syn-spooky, creepy Ant-funny, normal

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 313

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
507. Edict (n) & v kKki =k 526. Flog (v) & d ks
M+sekj uk
• Syn-order, precept Ant-request, exhort • Syn-whip, lash Ant-assist, guard
508. Corpse (n) & er̀ ' kj hj 527. Draconian (adj) & d Bks
• Syn-dead body, carcass Ant-alive, animated • Syn-harsh, cruel Ant-kind, merciful
509. Cramp (v) & d l d j cka
/ uk 528. Drizzle (v) & ca
nk cka
w nh gksuk
• Syn-catch, clamp Ant-loose, sloopy • Syn-fine rain, spray Ant-downpour, deluge
510. Cloak (v) & v koj . k Mky uk] fNi kuk 529. Egress (v) & fud y uk] fuxZ
• Syn-cover, coat Ant-reveal, uncloak • Syn-exit, departure Ant-entrance, access
511. Collate (v) & fey ku d j uk ; k l w
p uk , d =k d j uk 530. Elated (v) & i z
• Syn-collect, bracket, Ant-disproportion, over- • Syn-happy, joyful Ant-modesty, shame
531. Effrontery (n) & / `"Vr k] xq
Lr k[ kh
512. Condolence (n) & l a
• Syn-nerve, boldness Ant-modesty, sham
• Syn-sympathy, consolation Ant-cruelty,
532. Casanova (n) & b' d ckt
513. Conversant (adj) & n{k] d q
' ky • Syn-ladies man, lover Ant-enemy
• Syn-experienced, skilled Ant-quiet, silent 533. Feral (adj) & t a
xy h] v l H;
514. Curb (v) & ck/ k] j ks
d uk • Syn-untamed, ferocious Ant-nice, superior
• Syn-ledge, barrier Ant-encouragement, open- 534. Flout (v) & fuj knj d j uk
ing • Syn-insult, disregard Ant-honor, respect
515. Dab hand (n) & d q
' ky 535. Fraught (adj) & Hkj k gq
• Syn-expert, master Ant-novice, unskilled • Syn-full of, beset with Ant-empty, blank
516. Dapper (adj) & l ki Q 536. Frown (v) & Øks
/ d j uk] R
; kS
j h p<+
• Syn-neat, clean Ant-dirty, sloppy • Syn-scowl, glare Ant-grin, smile
517. Crook (n) & / ks
[ ksckt 537. Gag (v) & eq
g cU
a n d j nsuk
• Syn-criminal, thief Ant-law, police • Syn-quip, wile Ant-constant, dependability
518. Dabble (v) & Åi j h r kS
j i j fny pLi h y suk 538. Gallantry (n) & cgknq
• Syn-tinker, dally Ant-take seriously • Syn-bravery, civility Ant-cowardliness, fear
519. Debonair (adj) & fey ul kj ] [ kq
' kfet kt 539. Glare (v) & ped uk
• Syn-charming, elegant Ant-clumsy, inel-
• Syn-blaze, glow Ant-dullness, dark
540. Glimmer (v) & fVefVekuk
520. Dolorous (adj) & ' kks
di w
. kZ
• Syn-miserable, anguished Ant-cheery, happy • Syn-flash, sparkle Ant-inactive, flopy

521. Effluvioum (n) & nq

E/ 541. Glum (adj) & mnkl

• Syn-emanation, smell Ant-clearness, purity • Syn-gloomy, dismal Ant-glee, pleasure

522. Farce (n) & r ek' kk] Loka

x 542. Grapple (v) & i d M+
• Syn-nonsense, satrie Ant-sobriety, tragedy • Syn-grab, wrestle Ant-let go, release
523. Felony (n) & v i j k/ 543. Grumble (v) & f' kd k; r d j uk
• Syn-crime, arson Ant-reveal, uncloak, • Syn-complain, carp Ant-compliment, praise
524. Flabbergast (v) & fofLer d j uk 544. Guffaw (v) & Bgkd k y xkuk
• Syn-surprise, amaze Ant-expectation • Syn-laughter, howling Ant-cry, weep
525. Flex (v) & eks
M+uk 545. Hailstorm (n) & v ks
y kof̀"V
• Syn-bend, curve Ant-extend, straighten • Syn-torrent, storm Ant-dryness, drought

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 314

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
546. Harrowing (adj) & [ kkS
iQukd 565. Jack (n) & eYy kg
• Syn-dangerous, frightening Ant-calming, • Syn-sailor, diver Ant-bill, dollar
pleasant 566. Incision (n) & ?kko] phj k
547. Hatch (v) & mi k; d j uk] l ks
p uk • Syn-cut, slit Ant-screw up, bulge
• Syn-create, plan Ant-dissuade, discourage 567. Yawn (v) & t EgkbZy s
548. Heckle (v) & i z
' uksal sr a
x d j uk • Syn-open mouth wide, sleep Ant-exiter, plea-
• Syn-jeer, badger Ant-encourage, help, sure
549. Heir (n) & okfj l 568. Wizard (n) & t knw
• Syn-beneficiary, scion Ant-heiress, • Syn-astrologer, diviner Ant-amateur, rookie
550. Horrendous (adj) & Hk; kud 569. Wanderlust (n) & Hkz
e. k&y ky l k
• Syn-terrible, abhorrent Ant-beautiful, good • Syn-Journey, driving Ant-repress, retard
551. Indelible (adj) & t ksfeV u l d s 570. Vow (v) & i z
fr Kk d j uk
•Syn-indestructible, lasting Ant-delible, de- • Syn-promise, oath Ant-breach, break
structible 571. Yearn (v) & bPNk d j uk
552. Inducement (n) & y ky p
• Syn-desire strongly, hunger Ant-dislike, hate
• Syn-incentive, motive Ant-repulsion, dislike
572. Verily (adv) & okLr o es
553. Indulge (v) & i z
lUu d j uk
• Syn-really, actually Ant-doubtfully

Syn-entertain, nourish Ant-disappoint, dis-
573. Victimize (v) & Bxuk] v R
; kpkj d j uk
554. Hermetic (adj) & ok; q
: ¼] ca
n • Syn-cheat, fool Ant-help, protect
574. Valediction (n) & fonkbZHkk"k. k
• Syn-shut, imervious Ant-ignorant, shallow
555. Hobble (v) & y a
k d j py uk • Syn-parting, break Ant-greeting, hello
575. Unruly (n) & mi æoh
• Syn-limp, falter Ant-move, run
556. Hulk (adj) & Hkhed k; oLr q
• Syn-disobedient, reckless Ant-compliant,
• Syn-mass, large piece Ant-tiny, small
576. Upbeat (adj) & i z
557. Immolate (v) & d q
uh nsuk] cfy nsuk
• Syn-cheerful, happy Ant-depressed, down
• Syn-sacrifice, suffer Ant-bear, create
577. Twitch (v) & [ kha
p uk
558. Jamboree (n) & mR
• Syn-blink, flutter Ant-relax, rest
• Syn-festival Ant-negligence, unobservance
578. Treason (n) & fo' okl ?kkr
559. Knead (v) & xa
• Syn-disloyalty, crime Ant-allegiance, devo-
• Syn-blend, rub Ant-remove, separate tion
560. Lanky (adj) & y a
ck] nq
cy k i r y k 579. Trail (n) & ekxZ
] j kLr k
• Syn-gangly, angular Ant-squat, colossal • Syn-disloyalty, crime Ant-allegiance, devo-
561. Impairment (n) & nq
y r k] {kfr tion
• Syn-breakage, damage Ant-profit, advantage 580. Tormentor (n) & mR
i hM+
562. Incur (v) & mÙkj nk; h gks
uk • Syn-bug, bother Ant-advantage, comfort

• Syn-resposible Ant-be immune 581. Tiptoe (v) & i a

t ksd scy py uk
563. Inhibition (n) & fuj ks
/ ] v oj ks/ • Syn-
• Syn-restriction, hindrance Ant-assistance, 582. Tenement (n) & ?kj
freedom • Syn-apartment house, home Ant-office
564. Intertwine (v) & y i s
Vuk] xa
w 583. Tempestuous (adj) & r w
• Syn-twist, tangle Ant-untwine, untwist • Syn-wild, stormy Ant-gentle, moderate

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 315

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
584. Tawdry (adj) & l Lr k] ?kfV; k 602. Volte face (n) & i {k&i fj or Z
• Syn-cheap, tasteless Ant-sophisticated, • Syn-position change, contraposition Ant-
tasteful maintain, stay
585. Temerity (n) & nq
Ll kgl ] v foosd 603. Proscenium (n) & v xz
• Syn-nerve, audacity Ant-cowardice, fore- • Syn-forward, top Ant-back, rear
thought 604. Extravaganza (n) & euks
t u d k; Z
586. Succor (n) & l gk; r k
• Syn-spectacle, pageant Ant-seriousness, so-
• Syn-assistance, help Ant-handicap, harm lemnity
587. Subterfuge (n) & / ks
[ kk 605. Maniac (adj) & l ud h
• Syn-cheating, deception Ant-honesty, Integrity, • Syn-crazy, kook Ant-liberal, tolerator
588. Squirm (v) & r M+
i uk] NVi Vkuk 606. Maze () & gS
j ku d j uk
• Syn-wiggle, fidget Ant-sit still, rest • Syn-labyrinth, confusion Ant-expectation,
589. Mendacity (n) & feF; kokfnr k] / ks
[ kk understanding
607. Miscreant (n) & cnek' k
• Syn-insincerity, deceit Ant-sincerity, reality
590. Minuscule (adj) & l w
{e • Syn-offender, immoral Ant-moral, nice
608. Monstrous (adj) & l j kl j xy r ] Hk; kud
• Syn-very small, tiny Ant-tuge, colosal
591. Paladin (n) & l keU
r ] ' kw
j ohj • Syn-horrible, shocking Ant-average, common
609. Moron (n) & cs
od w
• Syn-hero, champion Ant-loser, failure
592. Parvenu (n) & u; k l s
B • Syn-stupid person, idiot Ant-intelligent, wise
610. Mythology (n) & i kS
j kf. kd d Fkk] fo' okl
• Syn-newly rich, upstart Ant-poor, destitute
593. Puerile (adj) & cpi uk • Syn-folklore, stories, Ant-reality, actuality
• Syn-childish, callow Ant-adult, mature 611. Flummox (v) & gS
j ku d j nsuk
594. Raiment (n) & d i M+
s • Syn-confuse, puzzle Ant-succeed, win
• Syn-attire, clothes, Ant-unclothe, uncover 612. Lassitude (n) & Fkd ku
595. Kudos (n) & r kj hi Q
] i z'ka
lk • Syn-lethargy, apathy Ant-concern, passion
• Syn-praise, acclaim Ant-dishonor, vituperate 613. Shambles (n) & d l kbZ
[ kkuk ; k [ ka
596. Odoriferous (adj) & [ kq
' kcw
nkj • Syn-overpowering force, barrage Ant-weak,
• Syn-distinctivesmelling, perfumed Ant-bland, simple
unsavory 614. Lackadaisical (adj) & è; kueXu] fpU
r keXu] y ki j okg
597. Posterity (n) & oa
' kt • Syn-careless, indifferent Ant-active, careful

Syn-future generations, family Ant-past par- 615. Resuscitate (v) & i q
ut hZ
for d j uk
ents • Syn-revive, resurge Ant-harm, hurt
598. Skullduggery (n) & pky ckt h
616. Sanctimonious (v) & cxq
y kHkxr ] <ksa
x d j uk

Syn-tricky behavior, trickery Ant-honesty,
• Syn-self-righteous, hypocritical Ant-humble,
599. Turpitude (adj) & uhpr k
617. Sully (v) & xa
nk d j uk

Syn-depravity, baseness Ant-decency, good-
• Syn-defile, stain Ant-enhance, praise
600. Drudgery (adj) & uhj l d ke 618. Enrapture (v) & ea
X/ gksuk
• Syn-hard, tedious work Ant-entertainment, fun • Syn-captivate, begulie Ant-disgust, displease
601. Detente (v) & uj eh] nksns
' kksad schp l a
c/ l q
/ j uk 619. Finicky (n) & r q
ud fet kt
• Syn-passivity, policy Ant-disagreement, • Syn-overparticular, choosy Ant-uncritical,
trouble unfussy

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 316

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
620. Homespun (adj) & ?kj d k cq
uk 638. Apiary (n) & t gk¡ e/ q
eD[ kh d k i ky u fd ; k t kr k gS
• Syn-spun from home, rustic Ant-delicate, • Syn-bee home, beehive
refined 639. Apprehensive (v) & gM+
i y suk] fey k y suk
621. Discerning (n) & foos
d h] Kkuh • Syn-anxious, fearful Ant-quiet, unafraid
• Syn-erudite, astute Ant-disregardful, neglectful 640. Annex (v) & gM+
i y suk] fey k y suk
622. Delirium (n) & cs
gks'kh] mU
ekn • Syn-occupy, attachment Ant-leave off, leave
• Syn-madness, dementia Ant-balance, calmness out
623. Falter (v) & y M+
[ kM+
kuk 641. Ape (v) & ud y h d j uk
• Syn-stumble, stagger Ant-maintain, persist • Syn-mimic, imitate Ant-original, real
624. Fancier (n) & ekS
t h] i z'ka
ld 642. Anesthetic (n) & ps
r uk' kw
; d j usoky h v kS
• Syn-admirer, fan Ant-detractor, enemy • Syn-sleep-inducer, opiate Ant-impulse,
625. Hord (n) & >q
.M stimulant
643. Animadversion (n) & v ky ks
p uk] fVIi . kh
• Syn-gang, pack Ant-individual, single
626. Lopsided (adj) & v l a
fy r ] , d r j i Q
k • Syn-blame, criticise Ant-calmenss, happi-
• Syn-leaning, falling to one side Ant-traight,
644. Annuity (n) & okf"kZ
d HkÙkk
627. Magnitude (n) & i fj ek. k] egR
o • Syn-obtained, wages Ant-debt, payment

Syn-importance, degree Ant-insignificance, 645. Annual (adj) & l ky kuk
unimportance • Syn-yearly, anniversary Ant-intermittent,
628. Malady (n) & j ks
x interrupted
• Syn-disease, cancer Ant-health, salubrity 646. Animated (adj) & t ks
' ki w
. kZ
] t hoa
629. Malcontent (adj) & v l a
"V •
Syn-lively, elated Ant-deadpan, serenity,
647. Anodyne (adj) & i hM+
k uk' kd

Syn-dissatisfied, unsatisfied Ant-patient,
pleased •
Syn-painkiller, anesthetic Ant-inciteful, in-
630. Mount (v) & p<+
uk] v k; ksft r d j uk spiring
648. Antagonism (n) & foj ks
/ ] ' k=kq
• Syn-climb, rise Ant-decrease, disomount

Syn-opposition, rancor Ant-accord, agree-
631. Mutilate (v) & cq
j h r j g u"V d j nsuk ment
• Syn-maim, damage Ant-mend, repair 649. Anthem (n) & xku] j k"Vªxku
632. Ancillary (n) & l gk; d • Syn-song, chant

Syn-extra, supplementary Ant-necessary, 650. Antiquated (adj) & i q
j kuk
needed •
Syn-obsolete, ancient Ant-looking-forward,
633. Anecdote (n) & y ?kq
d Fkk modern

Syn-interesting short story, tale Ant-non-fic- 651. Antiseptic (adj) & j ks
xk. kqj ks/ d
tion, truth •
Syn-uncontaminated, clean Ant-polluted,
634. Angular (adj) & uq
d hy k unclean
• Syn-bent, slanted Ant-straight, thick 652. Aphasiac (v) & cks
y usd h {ker k [ kR
e gksuk
635. Animus (n) & v k' k; ] oS
j &Hkko •
Syn-unable to speak, silent Ant-articulate,
• Syn-hostility, bile Ant-good will, love
653. Antediluvian (adj) & i q
j kuk
636. Anomalous (adj) & v fu; fer •
Syn-out-of-date, primitive Ant-looking-for-
• Syn-unusual, divergent Ant-regular, standard ward, modern
637. Anticlimax (n) & nq
[ kkU
r 654. Anthology (n) & l a
d y u] i | l a
• Syn-letdown, disappointement Ant-climax, • Syn-literary collection, album Ant-single,
glee separation

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 317

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
655. Aphorism (n) & l w
fDr ] d gkor 675. Uncouth (adj) & v l H; ] v f' k"V
• Syn-adage, maxim Ant-absurdity, ambiguity • Syn-clumsy, uncultivated Ant-cultivated,
656. Appellation (n) & mi kf/ polished
676. Evident (n) & l k{;
• Syn-title, moniker Ant-disjoin, subtract
657. Appurtenance (adj) & v uq
y Xu] v fr fj Dr • Syn-apparent, visible Ant-disputable, hidden

• Syn-accessory, addition Ant-principal, main 677. Vivid (adj) & t hoa

r ] pa
658. Aquiline (adj) & oØ] eq
k gq
vk • Syn-intense, powerful Ant-dull, weak
678. Indignation (n) & j ks
"k] ukj kt xh
• Syn-hooked, curved Ant-standard, usual
659. Aria (n) & r ku] y ; • Syn-anger, anumus Ant-glee, happiness
679. Glossy (adj) & ped nkj
• Syn-descant, hymn Ant-cacophony, dishar-
mony • Syn-shiny, luminous Ant-drab, dull
660. Arraign (v) & eq
d nesd sfy , v nky r esat kuk 680. Seductive (adj) & v kd "kZ
• Syn-accuse, indict Ant-discharge, exonerate • Syn-alluring, sexy Ant-distasteful, ugly
661. Array (v) & r ;Skj d j uk] O
; ofLFkr d j uk 681. Discreet (adj) & gks
f' k; kj
• Syn-align, organize Ant-hurt, leave plain • Syn-cautious, sensible Ant-careless, foolish
662. Arrears (n) & cd k; k] ' ks
"k 682. Monotony (n) & uhj l r k
• Syn-debt, deficit Ant-gain, obtain • Syn-boredom, samenes Ant-excitement, live-
663. Arroyo (n) & uky k] Nks
Vh unh liness
683. Shrill (adj) & r s
t ] pq
Hkr h gq
• Syn-waterway, flume Ant-junction, juncture
664. Artifice (n) & d kS
' ky ] pky kd h • Syn-harsh in sound, acute Ant-low, soft
684. Diabolical (n) & i S
' kkfpd ] nq
• Syn-con, hoax Ant-frankness, honesty
665. Arsenal (n) & ' kL=kkxj • Syn-devilish, cruel Ant-gentle, placid
685. Abridge (v) & Nks
Vk d j uk
• Syn-armory, storehouse
667. Artisan (n) & nLr d kj ] f' kYi h • Syn-shorten, digest Ant-enlarge, expand
686. Camouflage (v) & Ny koj . k] v i us okLr fod : i d ks
• Syn-craftsperson, master Ant-scientist
fNi kuk
668. Ascrible (v) & J s
; nsuk] d sfy , mÙkj nk; h Bgj kuk
• Syn-disguise, cover Ant-reveal, uncover
• Syn-assign to source, impute Ant-applaud,
commend 687. Frugality (adj) & fd i Q
k; r
669. Aseptic (adj) & d hVk. kq
ghu • Syn-economizing, miserliness Ant-generos-
ity, lavishness
• Syn-lifeless, sterile Ant-unsanitary, unsterile
688. Obscure (adj) & / q
¡/ y k] ft l sl e>uk d fBu gks
670. Ashen (adj) & i hy k] j Dr ghu
• Syn-not easily understood, ambiguous Ant-
• Syn-gray, anemic Ant-rosy, ruddy apparent, clear
671. Detain (v) & j ks
d uk] fgj kl r esay suk 689. Wild (adj) & v l H; ] t a
xy h
• Syn-hold, keep back Ant-liberate, release • Syn-untamed, barbarian Ant-civilized, deli-
672. Perceive (v) & l e> y s
uk] l gl w
l d j uk cate,
• Syn-notice, see Ant-neglect, overlook 690. Babel (n) & d ks
y kgy ] xM+
673. Purge (v) & l ki Qd j uk] funkZ
s"k l kfcr d j uk • Syn-confusion, commotion Ant-quiet, silence

• Sy n-elimination, r emov al Ant-k eeping, 691. Urbane (adj) & l H;

maintenace • Syn-civilzed, affable Ant-untamed, barbarian
674. Demote (v) & i n ?kVkuk 692. Confess (v) & Lohd kj d j uk
• Syn-downgrade, bump Ant-improve, promote • Syn-admit, confirm Ant-disavow, disown

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 318

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
693. Infringement (n) & mYy a
?ku 712. Quiescent (adj) & ' kka
r] l q
• Syn-breach, transgree Ant-obedience • Syn-inactive, still Ant-active, effectual
694. Peevish (adj) & fpM+
k 713. Recuperate (v) & i q
u%LoLFk nsuk
• Syn-irritable, testy Ant-accepting, friendly • Syn-recover, heal Ant-decline, deteriorate
695. Servility (n) & pki y w
lh 714. Reign (n) & ' kkl u] i z
• Syn-slavery, flattery Ant-abuse, insolence • Syn-rule, dominion Ant-serve, submit
696. Modesty (n) & uez
rk 715. Rein (n) & y xke] j ks
d uk
• Syn-shyness, virtue Ant-boldness, braveness • Syn-restraint, control
697. Prosperous (adj) & l Ei U
u] / uh 716. Repercussion (n) & v i z
; {k i fj . kke
• Syn-successful, thriving Ant-bankrupt, in- • Syn-consequence, effect Ant-cause, motive
solvent 717. Sadist (n) & nw
l j ksd ksnq
[ k nsd j v kua
n y susoky k
698. Impulsive (n) & v kos
x] i zsjd • Syn-barbarian, beast Ant-gentlemam, hu-
• Syn-abrupt, rash Ant-cautious, considering manitarian
699. Cringe (v) & Mj l snq
cd uk 718. Scrap (v) & fud ky ns
• Syn-flinch, recoil from danger Ant-come for- • Syn-
ward, braveness 719. Sepctre (n) & Hkw
r ] i zsr
700. Vanity (n) & ?ke. M
• Syn-ghost, demon Ant-angle, god
• Syn-conceit, egotism Ant-modesty, humility 720. Spouse (n) & t houl kFkh
701. Askew (adj) & fr j Nk
• Syn-life partner Ant-enemy, opponent
• Syn-croked, bent Ant-straight, outright 721. Strangle (v) & xy k ?kks
702. Mow (v) & d kVuk
• Syn-choke, stifle Ant-free, loose
• Syn-cut, shear Ant-lengthen, increase 722. Acquaint (v) & i fj p; gks
703. Occlude (v) & cU
n d j uk • Syn-notify, introduce Ant-conceal, deceive
• Syn-block, prevent Ant-help, permit 723. Subtle (adj) & l w
704. Ordain () & v kns
' k nsuk • Syn-puny, tiny Ant-colossal, huge
• Syn-enjoin, order Ant-disallow, retract 724. Thumping (adj) & Hkkj h] / ekd k
705. Overestimate () & v f/ d ew
Y; v ka
d uk • Syn-dull crash, heavy Ant-slight, tiny

Syn-blow up, enhance Ant-depreciate, mini- 725. Resurrect (v) & nq
ckj k ' kq
: d j uk
• Syn-revive, animate Ant-bury, immerse
706. Palatial (adj) & v ky h' kku] HkO
726. Resurgence (n) & i q
u: R
• Syn-grand, opulent Ant-minor, tiny
• Syn-revival, return Ant-failure, stumble
707. Perturb (v) & ?kcj k ns
727. Nurture (v) & fod fl r d j uk
• Syn-upset, unsettle Ant-please, soothe
• Syn-growth, boost Ant-ignorance, neglect,
708. Perverse (adj) & foÑr ] fpM+
728. Resentment (n) & ukj kt xh
• Syn-irritable, ornery Ant-reasonable, willing
• Syn-hate, anger Ant-delight, gless
709. Plight (v) & n' kk ; k i z
fr Kk d j uk ; k xa
Hkhj fLFkfr
729. Reprieve (v) & v LFkk; h : i l sgVkuk

Syn-condition, difficulty Ant-blessing, good
fortune • Syn-stay, postpone Ant-accuse, blame
710. Populace (n) & t u l k/ kj . k 730. Fetter (v) & j ks
d uk
• Syn-people, demos Ant-nobody, no one • Syn-tie up, hold Ant-loose, release
711. Proclivity (n) & >q
d ko 731. Dilettante (n) & d y kuq
xkj h] v / d pj k
• Syn-inclination, tendency Ant-disinclina- • Syn-amateurish, dabbling Ant-professional,
tion, reluctance, vocational

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 319

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
732. Sacrosanct (adj) & i fo=k 750. Severance (n) & i F̀kDd j . k] ca
Vokj k
• Syn-sacred, divine Ant-condemned, cursed • Syn-division, parting
733. Maudlin (adj) & Hkkoq
d 751. Quaint (adj) & v t hc] v uks
[ kk
• Syn-teary, overemotional Ant-calm, matter- • Syn-strang, odd Ant-common, conventional
of-fact 752. Perdition (v) & uj d okl
734. Arable (adj) & Ñf"k ; ks
X; • Syn-hell, pit Ant-heaven, paradise
• Syn-farmable, cultivable Ant-barren, Infertile, 753. Impermeable (adj) & v Hks
735. Infinitestimal (adj) & v fr l w
{e • Syn-impenetrable, dense Ant-penetrable,
• Syn-small, tiny Ant-huge, immense permeable
736. Precept (n) & uhfr opu 754. Hyperbole (n) & v fr ' k; ks
• Syn-law, axiom Ant-nonsense, paradox • Syn-exaggeration, hype Ant-understatement
737. Opulent (adj) & nkS
y r ea
n 755. Incantation (v) & ea
=k] t knw
• Syn-rich, luxurious Ant-depressed, destitute • Syn-spell, magic Ant-reality, truth
738. Ignominy (n) & v i ; ' k 756. Culinary (adj) & [ kkuk cukusl sl a
f/ r
• Syn-offensive behavior, lowness Ant-regard, • Syn-related to food, Ant-inedible, undelicious
757. Lible (n) & ekugkfu
739. Idyllic (adj) & euks
gj ] j e. kh;
• Syn-aspersion, calumny Ant-compliment,
• Sy n-pe rfec t, e xtre mely ple asant Ant- praise
disagreeble, flawed
758. Maverick (adj) & Lo=ka
r fopkj ksaoky k
740. Idiosyncrasy (adj) & v uks
[ kki u] fofp=kr k
• Syn-radical, bohemian Ant-blarney, cajole
• Syn-oddity, quirk Ant-abnormal, unusual
759. Wail (v) & foy ki d j uk
741. Malleable (adj) & uj e] y phy k
• Syn-cry loudly, sob Ant-whimper
• Syn-pliable, ductile Ant-firm, rigid
760. Vacuity (n) & ew
[ kZ
r k] ' kw
; rk
742. Injunction (n) & v kKk] v kns
• Syn-emptiness, void Ant-bulge, convexity
• Syn-decree, order Ant-reply, answer
761. Beset (v) & f?kj k gks
uk] i j s'kku d j uk
743. Elicit (v) & i z
d V d j uk] ckgj fud ky uk
• Syn-plague, hem in Ant-aid, comfort
• Syn-draw out, extract Ant-cover, hide
762. Frenetic (adj) & v fr mÙks
ft r
744. Proscribe (v) & euk d j uk
• Syn-maniacal, frantic Ant-balanced, calm
• Syn-condemn, exclude Ant-admit, allow
763. Ideate (v) & fopkj d j uk
745. Magnate (n) & v ehj ] i w
t hi fr
• Syn-contemplate, consider Ant-ignore, ne-
• Syn-leader, lion Ant-insolvent, bankrupt
746. Polemic (n) & fookn
764. Environs (n) & i M+
• Syn-argumentative, salty Ant-accord, agree-
ment • Syn-neighborhood, suburb Ant-distance re-
747. Eclectic (adj) & cgq
r l kj ht xg d sfopkj ksv kS
j r j hd ksd k
dyu 765. Unflagging (adj) & v foj r ] fcuk Fkd sgq
• Syn-comprehensive, gather Ant-narrow, par- • Syn-persistent, staunch Ant-variable, waver-
ticular ing
748. Denizen (n) & fuokl h 766. Chasm (n) & nj kj
• Syn-resident, native Ant-alien, foreigner • Syn-gap, abyss Ant-junction, juncture
749. Refectory () & Hkks
t uky ; 767. Vernacular (adj) & ns
' kh Hkk"kk
• Syn-eatery, restaurant • Syn-native, colloquial Ant-standard

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 320

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
768. Erstwhile (adj) & i w
oZ 785. Intrinsic (n) & ew
y Hkw
r ] i zkÑfr d
• Syn-former, late Ant-modern, recent • Syn-basic, inborn Ant-extrinsic, incidental
769. Stint (v) & d a
twl h d j uk 786. Clique (n) & fxj ks
g] xq
• Syn-miser, skimp Ant-expensive, lavish • Syn-mob, cabal Ant-sisterhood
770. Emulate (v) & ud y d j uk 787. Effusion (n) & cgko] fj l ko
• Syn-copy, mimic Ant-abandon, desert • Syn-outpouring, efflux Ant-taking, withdrawal
771. Quitter (n) & d kepks
j 788. Contingent (n) & fuHkZ
j] l a
• Syn-studious, Industrious • Syn-possible, chance Ant-certain, definite
772. Premonition (n) & i w
p uk 789. Utilitarian (n) & mi ; ks
fxr koknh
• Syn-feeling, hunch Ant-amazement, aston- • Syn-practical, sensible
ishment 790. Discreet (adj) & gks
f' k; kj ] pr q
j ] foosd
773. Impoverish (v) & xj hc d j uk • Syn-cautious, sensible Ant-foolish, incau-
• Syn-make poor, deplete Ant-enrich, affluent, tious
774. Epitome (n) & l kj &l a
xzg 791. Skylight (n) & j ks
' kunku
• Syn-perfect example, essence Ant-extension, • Syn-Ventilater Ant-closure
increase 792. Hurtle (v) & r s
t h l spy uk
775. Husky (adj) & ' kq
"d ] : [ kk • Syn-plunge, scurry Ant-slow, gently
• Syn-deep, scratchy in sound Ant-dry, drought 793. Salutary (adj) & LokLFki z
776. Nascence (n) & u; ki u] r kt xh • Syn-hurting, unfortunate, Ant-hurting, un-
• Syn-birth, onset Ant-destruction, annihila- fortunate,
tion 794. Macerate (v) & xy kuk
777. Trickster (n) & pky ckt ] pky kd
• Syn-assist, facilitate, Ant-assist, facilitate
• Syn-fraud, cheat Ant-honest, upright 795. Fiat (n) & v kns
778. Waive (v) & Nks
M+uk • Syn-order, proclamation Ant-question, re-
• Syn-abandon, put off Ant-demand, claim quest
779. Earmark (v) & fu/ kZ
fj r d j uk 796. Supplant (v) & d k LFkku y s
• Syn-marking, tag Ant-throw away, waste • Syn-displace, replace Ant-add, include
780. Longevity (n) & nh?kkZ
;q 797. Backfire (v) & mYVh i z
fr fØ; k gksuk] O;FkZgksuk
• Syn-ending, finish • Syn-fail, flop Ant-accomplish, achieve
781. Whooping (v) & ph[ kuk] fpYy kuk 798. Dalliance (n) & ekS
t eLr h
• Syn-shouting, hooting Ant-mourn, grieve • Syn-dawdling, merriment Ant-hastening,
782. Perforce (adv) & foo' kr ki w
d hurrying
• Syn-helplessly, feebly Ant-independent, ma- 799. Caricature (adj) & gkL; i z
n fp=k
ture • Syn-irony, satire Ant-depreciate, minimize
783. Gabble (v) & cM+
kuk 800. Sentient (adj) & l a
osnu' khy
• Syn-talk a lot, babble Ant-sense, wisdom • Syn-conscious, alert Ant-ignorant, insensi-
784. Entourage (n) & v uq
xkeh] egR
oi w
. kZy ksxksd sl kFk py us tive
oky s 801. Exemplify (v) & mnkgj . k ns
• Syn-followers, escort Ant-leader, pioneer • Syn-typify, cite Ant-confuse, distort

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 321

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Vocabulary with Fun 11. Veneer – fn[ kkok

1. Orison – i z
uk d j uk • Use-Her veneer of politeness is revealed.
• Syn- facade, gloss
• Use-My orison to God, please help the poor.
• Ant- inside, interior
• Syn- prayer, devotion
• Ant- reply, demand 12. Grisly – Mj kouk

2. Schism – foPNs
n] i Q
w • Use-A grisly crime
• Syn- awful, ghastly
• Use-The threat of a schism within he
church • Ant- nice, beautiful
• Syn- separation, division 13. Bleak – mnkl ] mt kM+
• Ant- unity, acrrod • Use-The medical prognosis was bleak.
3. Browbeat – / ed kuk • Syn- barren, desert
• Use-He have browbeaten me. • Ant- bright, nice
• Syn- castigate, nag 14. Irascible – fpM+
• Ant- help, assist • Use-His nature is irascible
4. Pontificate – fl ¼ka
r oknh ckr d j uk • Syn- cranky, ogre
• Use-Katju always pontificates on religious • Ant- cool, happy
matter. 15. Tacit – fcuk d gs
• Syn- sermonize • Use-Tacit approval has been given.
• Ant- praise • Syn- unsaid, silent
5. Rampant – mxz
] v fu; a
f=kr • Ant- express, stated
• Use-Rampant inflation in India. 16. Gullible – l h/ k&l knk
• Syn- uncontrolled, violent • Use-Ram is gullible boy.
• Ant- gentle, mild • Syn- naive, credulous
6. Betoken – l a
d sr nsuk • Ant- astute, wise
• Use-a clear blue sky betokening a fine day. 17. Ingenious – pr q
• Syn- indicate, show • Use-She is very ingenious.
• Ant- deny, staid • Syn- clever, prudent
7. Bolster – l gkj k ns
uk • Ant- dull, inept
18. Miserable – n; uh;
• Use-New start-up may help to bolster the
economy. • Use-Don't look so miserable
• Syn- help, support • Syn- pathetic, dejected
• Ant- block, hinder • Ant- happy, elated
8. Carouse – nkor d j uk 19. Agitate – mÙks
ft r d j uk
• Use-Political groups agitating for social
• Use-You carouse your friend in a month.
• Syn- revel, fun
• Syn- rouse, stir
• Ant- sad, grieve
• Ant- calm, lull
9. Contrite – i ' pkr ki 20. Disgrace – v i eku
• Use-Her expression was contrite. • Use-There is no disgrace in being poor.
• Syn- regretful, sorry • Syn- abuse, slur
• Ant- joy, happy • Ant- esteem, slur
10. Stentorian – cq
yan] mPp 21. Striking – v l k/ kj . k
• Use-He spoke in stentorian tones • Use-A striking feature in samsung mobile
• Syn- loud, blaring • Syn- extraordinary, dazzling
• Ant- gentle, soft • Ant- bad, ordinary

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22. Elation – i z
kr k 33. Ascription – J s
; ] v kj ksi. k
• Use-He felt elation as he selected in SSC. • Use-The ascription of meaning to objects
• Syn- glee, joy and events.
• Ant- sorrow, upset • Syn- credit, assignment
• Ant- dishonor, disclaimer
23. Condone – {kek d j uk
34. Kiosk – cw
• Use-Terrorism can never be condoned.
• Use-Recharge facility is available in kiosk.
• Syn- excuse, pardon
• Syn- booth, stall
• Ant- deny, prevent
• Ant- mansion, fort
24. Mingle – fey kuk
35. Onslaugh – v kØe. k
• Use-Sugar was mingled with water.
• Use-The enemy onslaught on military
• Syn- blend, mix forces.
• Ant- divide, unmix • Syn- attack, assult
25. Reverence – v knj ] l Eeku • Ant- retreat, defence
• Use-I have deep reverence for you. 36. Fervent – t ks
' khy k
• Syn- piety, esteem • Use-Modi has lots of fervent supporters.
• Ant- hate, disdain • Syn- ardent, zealous
26. Salacity – v ' y hy r k] d keq
drk • Ant- dull, cool
• Use-Salacity is spreading rapidily. 37. Scrupulous – l r d Z
] gksf' k; kj
• Syn- lust, love • Use-Modi is scrupulous in all campaign.
• Ant- apathy, hate • Syn- heedful, precise
27. Commensurate – cj kcj gks
uk] v uq
:i • Ant- careless, false
• Use-Salary will be commensurate with 38. Stringent – d Bks
j] l [ r
experience. • Use-India is not stringent country.
• Syn- proportionate, sufficients • Syn- rigid, tight
• Ant- inappropriate • Ant- mild, soft
28. Conjurer – t knw
xj 39. Perilous – [ kr j ukd
• Use-I am famous conjurer. • Use-A perilous adventure/journey.
• Syn- magician, wizard • Syn- dangerous, risky
• Ant- simple, naive • Ant- calm, easy
29. Wither – eq
j >kuk 40. Imply – l a
d sr nsuk
• Use-His face had withered in the warm sun. • Use-Are you implying that I am wrong?
• Syn- wilt, wane • Syn- indicate, hint
• Ant- build, expand • Ant- define, express
41. Vain – ?ke. M
30. Avert – Vky uk] j ks
d nsuk
• Use-She's too vain to wear glasses.
• Use-A disaster was averted.
• Syn- arrogant, egoistic
• Syn- avoid, preclude
• Ant- humble, shy
• Ant- aid, assist
42. Bona fide – i z
ekf. kd ] okLr fod
31. Odious – ?k.̀ kkLi n
• Use-A bona fide reason
• Use-What an odious man!
• Syn- genuine, actual
• Syn- hateful, loathsome
• Ant- fake, unrealistic
• Ant- nice, good
43. Meandering – ?kq
32. Alight – i z
d k' ke; ; k i zl U
Ukr k
• Use-Meandering rivers flow at vastly differ-
• Use-Her face was alight in the fire. ent rates.
• Syn- light, perch • Syn- wandering, circular
• Ant- dark, gloom • Ant- direct, straight

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44. Derision – mi gkl 55. Scepticism – l a
• Use-My stories were greeted with derision • Use-Many person have scepticism about god
and disbelief. • Syn- doubtness
• Syn- disdain, scorn • Ant- clearness
• Ant- love, respect 56. Stratagem – d i V] ; q
45. Relish – v kua
n y suk • Use-A series of devious stratagems
• Use-He was relishing his moment of glory. • Syn- trick, con
• Syn- love, fancy • Ant- truth, reality
• Ant- apathy, hate 57. Cessation – v a
r ] foj ke
46. Acute – r hoz • Use-The cessation of hostilities.
• Use-An acute sense of smell • Syn- ending, cease
• Syn- intense, keen • Ant- action, start
• Ant- stupid, blunt 58. Procrastinate – foy Ec d j uk
47. Garish – HkM+
d hy k • Use-Your project is procrastinated.
• Use-Garish clothes/colours • Syn- delay, lag
• Syn- gaudy, showy • Ant- hurry, rush
• Ant- normal, simple 59. Lousy – cgq
r [ kj kc
48. Vagary – mr kj &p<+
ko • Use-The service is usually lousy
• Use-The vagaries of the weather • Syn- awful, terrible
• Syn- quirk, inconstancy • Ant- good, pleasant
• Ant- patience,, calm 60. Infuriate – xq
Ll k fny kuk
49. Insurgent – fonz
ksgh • Use-Her silence infuriated me even more.
• Use-Insurgent groups • Syn- enrage, irritate
• Syn- rebellious, disobedient • Ant- appease, calm
• Ant- obedient, subordinate
61. Bequeath – ol h; r d j uk
50. Reparation – {kfr i w
fr Z
• Use-He bequeathed his art collection to the
• Use-The victim gets full reparation. town.
• Syn- compensation, restitution • Syn- bestow, endow
• Ant- sympathy, penalty • Ant- take, keep
51. Gingerly – l r d Z
r k] l ko/ kuh 62. In toto – i w
. kZ
• Use- a gingerly pace • Use-The proposal was accepted in toto.
• Syn- careless, fastidious • Syn- whole, everything
• Ant- careless, rough • Ant- incompletely, partly
52. Foster – i ky u&i ks
"k. k d j uk ; k i zsfj r d j uk 63. Predilection – >q
d ko
• Use-The teacher's task is to foster learning • Use-I have strong predilection for songs.
• Syn- cultivate, further • Syn- fondness, love
• Ant- block, halt • Ant- hate, dislike
53. Outrageous – mi nz
oh 64. Hallucination – Hkze
• Use-Outrageous behaviour • Use-To have hallucination
• Syn- wicked, flagrant • Syn- delusion, illusion
• Ant- moral, good • Ant- reality, fact
54. Persuade – j kt h d j uk 65. Lunacy – i kxy i u
• Use-Please try and persuade her • Use-Lunacy for driving in such weather.
• Syn- convince, urge • Syn- folly, silliness
• Ant- prevent, repel • Ant- sense, wisdom

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66. Perpetual – y xkr kj 77. Savour – Lokn
• Use-The perpetual noise of traffic. • Use-The subtle savour of wood smoke
• Syn- continual, lasting • Syn- taste, flavour
• Ant- ending, fleeting • Ant- dullness, insipid
67. Mourn – foy ki d j uk 78. Pester – r a
x d j uk
• Use-Publishers mourned declining sales of • Use-He always pesters me.
books. • Syn- bother, harass
• Syn- bewail, bemoan
• Ant- calm, soothe
• Ant- delight, praise
79. Benediction – v k' khokZ
68. Deflate – gok fud ky uk ; k d et ks
j i M+
• Use-He said the benediction
• Use-He deflated one of the tyres.
• Syn- invocation, blessing
• Syn- decrease, diminish
• Ant- grow, develop • Ant- condemnation, disapproval
69. Chas – v O; oLFkk 80. Belligerent – >xM+
ky w
• Use-Political chaos • Use-A belligerent attitude.
• Syn- pandemonium, tumult • Syn- aggressive, bellicose
• Ant- order, peace • Ant- friendly, agreeable
70. Protrude – i Q
ySkuk 81. Troth – opu
• Use-Something like a fin protruded from the • Use-A token of troth
water. • Syn- betrothal, engagement.
• Syn- extend, start • Ant- break, schism
• Ant- keep, depress 82. Extricate – eq
Ýr d j uk
71. Tinsel – r M+
d &HkM+
d • Use-He extricated himself from slavery.
• Use-A room bedecked with tinsel and fairy • Syn- rescue, free
lights. • Ant- attach, hold
• Syn- flourish, design 83. Quip – pV l st okc ns
• Ant- simple, plainness
• Use-Flattery will get you nowhere, she
72. Acquaint – i fj fpr d j kuk quipped.
• Use-I did not acquaint with you. • Syn- banter, repartee
• Syn- present, notify • Ant- flattery, seriousness
• Ant- conceal, hide 84. Pettifog – cky d h [ kky fud ky uk
73. Tetchy – fpM+fpM+
k • Use-My girlfriend always pettifogs with me.
• Use-He has tetchy nature • Syn- altercate, argufy
• Syn- choleric, iracsible • Ant- agree, face
• Ant- calm, cool 85. Prattle – xi ' ki d j uk
74. Profligate – pfj =kghu • Use-I do not want to prattle with you.
• Use-He is a drunkard and a profligate • Syn- drivel, gossip
• Syn- immoral, corrupt • Ant- sense
• Ant- gentle, nice 86. Gripe – f' kd k; r d j uk ; k i d M+
75. Supple – y phy k • Use-He is always gripping about the people
• Use-Her supple fingers at work.
• Syn- ductile, bendable • Syn- objection, ache
• Ant- rigid, stiff • Ant- comfort, happiness
76. Wintry – ' khr d ky hu 87. Inebriate – er oky k] u' k es
• Use-A wintry landscape • Use-I got mildly inebriated.
• Syn- cold, snowy • Syn- exhilarate, stimulate
• Ant- hot, warm • Ant- depress, discourage

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88. Effigy – i q
ryk 99. Misnomer – xy r >w
Bk uke
• Use-Stone effigies in the church • Use-to call this "james bond" would be a
• Syn- image, figure misnomer
• Ant- being, entity • Syn- nickname, hosier
89. Welsh – / ks
[ kk nsuk • Ant- right
• Use-He welshed me. 100. Parlance – cks
y h] mPPkkj . k
• Syn- bilk, cheat • Use-A common parlance.
• Ant- honest, face • Syn- diction, locution
90. Incoherent – v l a
xr • Ant- standard, silence
• Use-An incoherent policy. 101. Alleviate – d e d j uk
• Syn- disjointed, uneven • Use-To alleviate suffering
• Ant- connected, understandable • Syn- mitigate, pacify
91. Preen – l t kuk • Ant- agitate, depress
• Use-Preen yourself in the front of mirror. 102. Carnage – t ul a
• Syn- pretty, beautify • Use-The carnage of First World War.
• Ant- dirty • Syn- rapine, destroy
92. Combustible – ngu' khy • Ant- peace, calm
• Use-Comubustible materials/gases 103. Guerrilla – Nki kekj
• Syn- fiery, flammable • Use-Guerrilla war
• Ant- noncombustible, nonexplosive • Syn- commando, irregular
• Ant- Open attacker, air attacker
93. Disaffected – ukj kt
104. Harbinger – v xz
• Use-some disaffected members left to form a
new party. • Use-Witch hazels are the harbiners of
• Syn- rebellious, discontend
• Syn- omen, signal
• Ant- contended, pleased
• Ant- behind
94. Meritorious – xq
. koku 105. Inane– ew
[ kZ
• Use-She is a meritorious student. • Use-A inane remark
• Syn- exemplary, creditable • Syn- foolish, daft
• Ant- corrupt, immoral • Ant- bright, smart
95. Rote – j Vd j ; kn d j uk 106. Inaugurate– ' kq
Hkkj a
Hk d j uk
• Use-A poem learnt by rote in childhood. • Use-He inaugurated a new policy of trade
• Syn- memorization, repetition and exploration
• Ant- concept, understand • Syn- invest, bow
96. Vicarious – i z
fr fuf/ • Ant- finish, adjourn
107. Obsequies– v afr e l a
Ld kj
• Use-A vicarious atonement
• Use-state obsequies
• Syn- commissioned, delegated
• Syn- ceremony
• Ant- self authority
• Ant- inauguration
97. Hackeneyed – f?kl k&fi Vk
108. Punctilious– l e; fu"B] i kca
• Use-Hackneyed old sayings.
• Use-A punctilious host.
• Syn- banal, corny
• Syn- heedful, exact
• Ant- fresh, original • Ant- careless, informal
98. Homily – mi ns
'k 109. Sententious– eq [ ; pkj
• Use-her homily always impulses me. • Use-Sententious remark
• Syn- sermon, doctrine • Syn- concise, pithy
• Ant- abuse • Ant- superficial, verbose

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110. Abeyance– l q
Ir v oLFkk esa 120. Igneous– i z
Tofy r
• Use-Legal proceeding are in abeyance. • Use-Igneous activity in volcano
• Syn- remission, waiting • Syn- alight, burning
• Ant- action, renewal • Ant- dull, mild
111. Arbiter– U
; k; d r kZ 121. Invective– v kj ks
i y xkuk
• Use-The Secretary of State is the final • Use-He let out a stream of invective
arbiter. • Syn- epithet, blame
• Syn- empire, judge • Ant- praise, flattery
• Ant- common, ordinary 122. Liaison– v oS
/ l Eca
112. Imbue– O
; kIr gksuk • Use-She was liaison with many others.
• Use-He was imbued with a desire for social • Syn- interface, link
justice. • Ant- fair, honest
• Syn- steep, diffuse
123. Rapprochement– nks
Lr h] esy fey ki
• Ant- take out, drain
• Use-These is no rapprochment between us.
113. Mutter– cM+
c M+
• Syn- harmony, agreement
• Use-He muttered something under his
• Ant- trouble, upset
124. Stereotyped– f?kl k&fi Vk
• Syn- sputter, grouch
• Ant- speak clearly • Use-The stereotype of the woman as the
114. Limpid– Li "V] i kj n' khZ
• Syn- stale, banal
• Use-Limpid water
• Ant- dissimilar
• Syn- lucid, filmy
• Ant- obscure, vague 125. Topography– fd l h LFkku d h HkkS
xksfy d fLFkfr
115. Aqueous– t y h; t ho • Use-A map showing the topography of island.
• Syn- domain, form
• Use-Chemicals dissolved in an aqeous
solution. • Ant- sky
• Syn- runnig, juicy 126. Evasive– d i V i w
. kZ
] Vky usoky k
• Ant- solid, stable • Use-they decided to take evasive action.
116. Contumely– fr j Ld kj • Syn- sly, ambiguous
• Use-The Church should not be exposed to • Ant- honest, ready
gossip and contumely 127. Travesty– gkL; t ud cukuk
• Syn- abuse, scorn • Use-His claim is a travesty of the facts.
• Ant- respect, flattery • Syn- mockery, satire
117. Defame– cnuke d j uk • Ant- seriousness, solemnity
• Use-He claimed that the article defamed his 128. Unwitting– v ut kus es
family • Use-An unwitting accomplice
• Syn- vilify, disgrace • Syn- chance, innocent
• Ant- flatter, laud • Ant- attentive, witting
118. Embroil– >xM+ k d j uk 129. Behove– ; ks
X; gksuk
• Use-I was reluctant to embroil myself in his • Use-It will behaves her to criticize her
problem. colleagues.
• Syn- enmesh, tangle • Syn- befit, beseem
• Ant- free, aid • Ant- unqualified, unfit.
119. Fortuitous– v kd fLed 130. Commute– fu; fer ; k=kk ; k cny uk
• Use-A fortuitous meeting • Use-He comuted from Delhi to Kanpur.
• Syn- random, happy • Syn- drive, go back and forth
• Ant- deliberabe, planned • Ant- keep, increase

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131. Gauche– Hkn~
nk 142. Detonation– foLi Q
• Use-A gauche manner. • Use-A series of deafening detonations was
• Syn- crude, halting heard.
• Ant- graceful, polished • Syn- boom, bang
132. Imbibe– v kR
el kr d j uk 143. Sporadic– Nq
V&i q
• Use-If one does not imbibe the culture one • Use-Sporadic fighting broke out
cannot succeed. • Syn- fitful, rare
• Syn- absorb, sip • Ant- common, usual
• Ant- abstain, fast 144. Squeamish– v fr l a
osnu' khy
133. Implicate– b' kkj k d j uk • Use-This movie is not for the squeamish.
• Use-He implicated me to see there. • Syn- fussy, dizzy
• Syn- frame, hint • Ant- ready, unpicky
• Ant- guard, hide 145. Farcical– gkL; i z
134. Ineffable– ft l d k o. kZ
u uk fd ; k t k l d s • Use-It was a farcical trial.
• Use-Ineffable joy • Syn- campy, comical
• Syn- ideal, divine • Ant- sad, serious
• Ant- definable, utterable 146. Gala– mR
l o] R
; kS
135. Rapacopis– y ky ph • Use-A charity gala
• Use-Rapacious landlords • Syn- festive, joyful
• Syn- greedy, furious • Ant- ordinary, sadness
• Ant- satisfied, calm 147. Traits– fo' ks
"kr k
136. Reverberate– i z
fr èofu • Use-Personality traits
• Use-Her voice reverberated around hall. • Syn- virtue, attribute
• Syn- echo, react • Ant- dislike, hate
• Ant- quieten, calm 148. Advent– v kxeu
137. Roseate– xq
y kch • Use-The advent of television
• Use-the reseate glow of dawn • Syn- arrival, onset
• Syn- bright, hopeful • Ant- departure, end
• Ant- dark, gloom 149. Permeate– O
; kIr gksuk
138. Vertebrate– gM~Mh oky k ( t kuoj ) • Use-Rainwater permeating through the
• Use-lots of vertebrate are living here. ground.
• Syn- pet, beast • Syn- imube, seep
• Ant- mineral, plant • Ant- dry, dehydrate
139. Abjure– ' ki Fki w
d R
; kx d j uk 150. Proletariat– et nw
j oxZ
• Use-he abured all the relationship • Use-The growth of the industrial proletariat
• Syn- recant, retract • Syn- commoners, peasant
• Ant- allow, emphasize 151. Vitiate– [ kj kc d j uk] nw
f"kr d j uk
140. Centrifugal– v i d s
Unzh • Use-Don't vitiate your image.
• Use-Centrifugal force • Syn- abate, abolish
• Syn- eccentric, radial • Ant- allow, help
• Ant- centripetal 152. Stimuli– i z
sj. kk
141. Condiment– Lokn c<+kusd sfy , el ky k Mky uk • Use-Areas of the brain which respond to
( r M+
d k) auditory stimuli.
• Use-Hot condiment made from chili peppers. • Syn- motive, kick
• Syn- relish, pepper • Ant- block, hindrance

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153. Vamp– ej Eej d j uk ; k l q
/ kj uk 163. Harness– mi ; ks
x d j uk] d ke esay kuk
• Use-The production values have been • Use-Attempts to harness solar energy.
vamped up. • Syn- use, strap
• Syn- repair, improve • Ant- waste, destroy
• Ant- break, spoil 164. Raging– i z
cy ] cgq
r r hoz
154. Canons– d kuw
u • Use-A raging headache.
• Use-the appointment violated the canons of • Syn- stormy, furious
fair play and equal opportunity. • Ant- mild, calm
• Syn- precept, tenet
165. Conflict– l a
• Ant- law lessness, unbelief
• Use-Parent's and childrens' interest some-
155. Manipulation– / ks
[ ksc kt h times conflict
• Use-Data manipulation • Syn- strife, rivarly
• Syn- control, handling • Ant- peace, agreement
• Ant- honesty, virtue 166. Humdrum– uhj l
156. Disruptive– ck/ kd kj h • Use-Humdrum routine work.
• Use-disruptive pupils • Syn- drab, mundane
• Syn- rowdy, unruly • Ant- bright, abnormal
• Ant- calming, settling 167. Stature– egkur k] mPpr k
157. Obstructive– v oj ks
/d • Use-An architect of internationl stature.
• Use-Obstructive rules • Syn- caliber, capacity.
• Syn- anti, antipodal • Ant- decrease, inability
• Ant- similar, equal 168. Adversary– ' k=kq
158. Quarry– f' kd kj • Use-His old political adversary
• Use-The hunter lost sight of their quarry in • Syn- enemy, rival
the forest. • Ant- ally, friend
• Syn- aim, hunt 169. Ovious– Li "V
• Ant- aimless, huntless • Use-He agreed with abvious pleasure
159. Moulded– l ka
p sesa<ky uk • Syn- overt, palpable
• Use-Mould the figure from white fondant. • Ant- ambiguous, fuzzy
• Syn- divide, slice 170. Repulsive– ?k.̀ kkLi n
• Ant- combine, join • Use-A repulsive smell
• Syn- veil, offensive
160. Conducive– l gk; d
• Ant- friendly, kind
• Use-My book is very conducive for competi-
171. Misery– nq
• Use-Fame brought her nothing but misery.
• Syn- helpful, useful
• Syn- pain, agony
• Ant- useless, wothless
• Ant- cheer, joy
161. Legend– na
r d Fk] i zfl ¼ d Fkk
172. Conservation– l a
j {k. k
• Use-the legend of robin hood.
• Use-Energy conservation
• Syn- fable, fiction • Syn- economy, control
• Ant- non-fiction, truth • Ant- neglect, waste
162. Tremendous– cgq
r cM+
k] Mj kouk 173. Invariable– fLFkj
• Use-A tremendous explosion • Use-Her routine was invariable
• Syn- massive, vast • Syn- constant, static
• Ant- bad, common • Ant- different, irregular

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174. Dubious– l a
fnX/ 185. Periphery– i fj f/ ] ?ks
• Use-Dubious talk • Use-Periphery of the town
• Syn- arguable, debatable • Syn- brink, rim
• Ant- certain, honest • Ant- center, interior
175. Infirm– d et ks
j 186. Hindrance– ck/ k, ¡] v oj ks
• Use-To grow old and infirm • Use-Cheating is a mazor hindrance to get
• Syn- feeble, decrepit success in SSC.
• Ant- strong, healthy • Syn- deterrant, impediment
176. Sole– v d s
yk • Ant- advantage, benefit
• Use-The sole owner 187. Preamble– i z
Lr kouk
• Syn- lone, particular • Use-Preamble of my book is adorable.
• Ant- combined, mixed • Syn- introduction, preface
177. Vigilance– l r d Z
rk • Ant- conclusion
• Use-Vigilance should be developed. 188. Vary– fHkU
u gksuk
• Syn- caution, alertness • Use-The menu varies with the season
• Ant- indifference, neglect • Syn- differ, alter
178. Foremost– l oZJ s"B • Ant- agree, conform
• Use-One of the foremost art collectors of his 189. Instinctive– LoHkkfod
• Use-instinctive knowledge
• Syn- arch, front
• Syn- relex, automatic
• Ant- inferior, least
• Ant- acquired, learned
179. Reveal– mt kxj d j uk
190. Liberty– Lor a
=kr k
• Use-To reveal a secret
• Use-Liberty is my brithright
• Syn- declare, affirm
• Syn- autonomy, choice
• Ant- dispute, reject
• Ant- denial, refusal
180. Ingenuous– fu"d i V
191. Foreboding– i wokZ
• Use-An ingenuous smile.
• Use-a sense of foreboding
• Syn- honest, trustful
• Syn- dread, premonition
• Ant- dishonest, sly
• Ant- luck, providence
181. Contradiction– fooknkLi n
192. Genial– fey ul kj
• Use-My statement created new contradic-
tion. • Use-A genial person
• Syn- conflict, dispute • Syn- amiable, affable
• Ant- accord, agreement • Ant- rude, gloomy
182. Relinquish– R ; kx nsuk 193. Demolish– èoLr d j uk
• Use-He reilnguished his family. • Use-He demolished all the bulilding of this
• Syn- abandon, abdicate street.
• Ant- allow, assert • Syn- crush, decimate
• Ant- build, create
183. Deference– l Eeku
194. Reprimand– MkVuk] i Q
Vd kj uk
• Use-His deference is very high in our
society. • Use-Officials were reprimanded for poor
• Syn- obedience, compliance work.
• Ant- fight, dishonor • Syn- admonition, censure
184. Abstinence– l a ;e • Ant- compliment, praise
195. Blunt– d a
n] HkksFkj k
• Use-Abstinence is the only way to get
success. • Use-A blunt boy
• Syn- fasting, frugality • Syn- dull, obtuse
• Ant- revelry, excess • Ant- polite, sharp

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 330

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
196. Loquacious– ckr w
uh 208. Surfeit – v f/ d r k
• Use-Ram is a loquacious boy. • Use-A surfeit of voilence on television.
• Syn- chatty, garrulous • Syn- glut, excess
• Ant- chatty, garrulous • Ant- lack, need
197. Vindictive – i z
fr ' kks/ h] cny k y susoky k 209. Trimming – l t koV
• Use-A vindictive comment. • Use-A white blouse with blue trimming
• Syn- cruel, malicious • Syn- decoration, frill
• Ant- gentle, merciful • Ant- achievement, success
198. Trivial – d e] ekew
yh 210. Stale – i q
j kuk] ckl h
• Use-A trivial detail. • Use-Stale sweat
• Syn- minor, pitty • Syn- musty, sour
• Ant- major, meaningful • Ant- damp, wet
199. Inclement – funZ
; h] v : fpd j 211. Vacate – eq
Dr d j uk] [ kky h d j uk
• Use-Inclement weather • Use-Room must be vacated by noon
• Syn- bitter, nasty • Syn- leave, empty
• Ant- kind, mild • Ant- allow, approve
200. Infirmity – d et ks
jh 212. Sorcery – t knwVks
• Use-The infirmties of old age. • Use-Sorcery and witchcraft
• Syn- weakness, sickness • Syn- witchcraft, spell
• Ant- ability, health • Ant- reality
202. Humility – uez
rk 213. Pious – i fo=k
• Use-An act of genuine humility • Use-Pious acts
• Syn- shyness, docility • Syn- dedicated, religious
• Ant- boldness, confidence • Ant- bad, atheist
203. Circumscribe – l hfer d j uk 214. Differ – er Hks
n gksuk
• Use-Your power is circumscribed by ew law. • Use-Indian differs from american in this
• Syn- delimit, delineate spect.
• Syn- distinct, alter
• Ant- allow, assist
• Ant- accept, concur
204. Fictional – d kYi fud
215. Tireless – fcuk Fkd sgq
• Use-He was written a fictional story.
• Use-To have tireless energy.
• Syn- fabricate, fanciful
• Syn- determined, resolute
• Ant- real, true
• Ant- idle, inactive
205. Impudent – fuy Z
216. Solitary – , d ka
• Use-An impudent young fellow.
• Use-He led a solitary life.
• Syn- bold, shameless
• Syn- alone, sigular
• Ant- humble, polite
• Ant- together, common
206. Pompous – v kMEcj i w
. kZ 217. Glue – fpi d kuk
• Use-Pompous life • Use-She glued the label onto the box.
• Syn- arrogant, etotistic • Syn- cement, plaster
• Ant- humble, modest • Ant- inadhesive
207. Cultivate – l q
/ kj uk 218. Repression – ncko] fu; a
=k. k
• Use-You must cultivate your habits. • Use-Government repression
• Syn- breed, fertilize • Syn- constraint, suppression
• Ant- destroy, ignore • Ant- freedom, liberty

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Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
219. Habitation – fuokl LFkku 230. Obtrude – gl r {ks
i d j uk
• Use-Signs of human habitation. • Use-I felt unable to obtrude my private
• Syn- abode, residence sorrow upon anyone.
• Ant- office, business • Syn- imose, interfer
220. Downtrodden – l r k; sgq
, ] ncsgq
, • Ant- free, open
• Use-A downtrodden minority. 231. Candour – fu"d i Vr k
• Syn- afflicted, abused • Use-A man of refreshing candour.
• Ant- rich, happy • Syn- honesty,frankness
221. Spadework – d fBu i fj J e • Ant- cunning, wily
• Use-Spadework is the key to success. 232. Discretion – foos
• Syn- • Use-His discretion is very good.
• Ant- • Syn- caution, judgment
222. Impel – i z
sfj r d j uk • Ant- carelesssness, ignorance
• Use-He impelled me to do this. 233. Squeeze – foo' k gks
uk] nckd j fud ky uk
• Syn- prompt, incite • Use-Sarah squeezed in beside her.
• Ant- hinder, calm • Syn- Pressure. crushing.
223. Dilema – v l ea
tl • Ant- Powerlessness, weakness.
• Use-To be in a dilemma 234. Distort – fcxkMuk
• Syn- impasse, crisis • Use-A grimace distorted her fine mouth
• Ant- solution, benefit • Syn- deform; falsify
224. Upheaval – mFky &i q
Fky • Ant- improve,build
• Use-The latest upheavals in the education 235. Fring – >ky j
system. • Use-A rich robe of gold, fringed with black
• Syn- disorder, disruption velve.
• Ant- calm, miracle • Syn- border, trimming
225. Lamentable – ' kks
d t ud • Ant- center, inside
• Use-Lamentable state 236. Reorient – v i uh fLFkfr d kscny uk
• Syn- upsetting, miserable • Use-He again reorient his position.
• Ant- cheerful, glad • Syn- overhaul, reorganize
226. Wherewithal – l k/ u] mi k; • Ant- damage, break
• Use-They lacked the wherewithal to pay 237. Gauge – eki d
• Syn- funds, ability • Use-a fuel gauge
• Ant- dept • Syn- measure, standard
227. Crest – f' k[ kj • Ant- extreme,estimate.
• Use-She reached the crest of the hill. 238. Vesture – i ks
' kkd
• Syn- height, peak • Use-A man garbed in ancient vesture.
• Ant- bottom, base • Syn- costume, garb
228. Conceive – v uq
eku y xkuk 239. Reservoir – t y k' k;
• Use-God is often conceived of as male • Use-There is many reservoir in my village
• Syn- accept, understand • Syn- basin, certain
• Ant- neglect, avoid • Ant- lack, zilch
229. Obtrude – gLr {ks
i d j uk 240. Stumble – y M+ [ kM+
• Use-I felt unable to obtrude my private • Use-Her foot caught in the rug and she
sorrow upon anyone. stumbled.
• Syn- impose, interfer • Syn- slip, stagger
• Ant- free, open • Ant- continue, fix

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Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
241. Hardy – l kgl h 252. Rarefy – fi ?ky uk
• Use-A hardy breed of cattle • Use - Air rarefies and degrunds the physical
• Syn- strong, tough body
• Ant- sick, soft • Syn- attenute, thin
• Ant- develop increase
242. Staunchly – fu"Bki w
253. Diaphanous – i kj n' khZ
• Use-He always stands staunchly with us
• Use-A diaphanous dress of pale gold
• Syn- strictly, persistently
• Syn- fine clear
• Ant- flexibly, weakly.
• Ant- opaque. thick
243. Requisite – v ko' ; d 254. Tout – ny ky h d j uk
• Use-requisite column • Use-Sanjay was touting his wares
• Syn- need, precondition • Syn- loud,praise
• Ant- nonessential • Ant- blame, conceal
244. Venture – l kgfl d d k; Z
] mi Øe 255. Gaffe – xy r i Q
• Use-new venture • Use-In my first few months at work I made
• Syn- gamble,attempt some real gaffes
• Ant- idleness, fact • Syn- mistake, goof
• Ant- correction
245. Fillip – i z
l kfgr d j uk
256. Hortatory – i z
sj. kkR
• Use-You fillip me to do may best
• Use-Hortatory speech
• Syn- boost, stimulate
• Syn- exhortatory, didactice
• Ant- discourage
• Ant- negative,discourage
246. Phenomena – ?kVuk 257. Occlude – j ks
d y suk
• Use-Glaciers are interesting natural phe- • Use-Thick make-up can occlude the pores
nomena. • Syn- block, privent
• Syn- development, experience • Ant- Advaznce, assist
• Ant- unex perience 258. Forward – ft n~nh]gfBy k
247. Prone – >q
d k gq
vk • Use-Froward nature
• Use-I was lying prone on a foam mattress. • Syn- adverse,ornery
• Syn- reclining, supin • Ant- advsance,assist
• Ant- unlikely, upright 259. Blowhard – ' ks
[ khckt
248. Ferment – mR
r sft r d j uk • Use-Shahrukh is a blowhard actor.
• Use-His speech fermented the audience. • Syn- braggart, boaster
• Ant- modest, decent
• Syn- ripen, fester
• Ant- cool,dull 260. Presage – i gy scr kuk
• Use-The fever was a sombre presage of his
249. Cope – l Egky uk
final illness.
• Use-His ability to cope with stress • Syn- Prediction, indication
• Syn- handle, manage • Ant- ignorace, hindsight.
• Ant- hold,refuse 261. Withstand – l gu d j uk
250. Stances – v kl u • Use-We can withstand winds of more than
• Use-she altered her stance every hour. 100 mph.
• Syn- position,posture • Syn- endure, bear
• Ant- refuse, reject.
251. Sneak – pks
j h fNi sy st kuk
262. Forsake – R ; kx nsuk
• Use-I sneaked out by the back exit. • Use-He would never forsake Tara.
• Syn- cheater, dastard • Syn- forgo, abandon,
• Ant- truth, frankness • Ant- allow, approve

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Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
263. Repel – i hNsgVkuk 274. Abnormal – v kl k/ kj . k
• Use-Government units dought to repel the • Use-The equivocal nature of her remarks.
rebels. • Syn- aberant, iregular
• Syn- repulse, confront • Ant- common, familiar.
• Ant- agree, assist 275. Invoice – fcy ]pky ku
264. Dissolution – r ks
M+uk] {k; • Use-your invoice is here.
• Use-The dissolution of their marrige
• Syn- account, check
• Syn- separation,rupture
• Ant- quiet
• Ant- connection,start.
276. Amorphous – v kd kj foghu
265. Jettison – i Q
sd nsuk
• Use-amorphous bacteria
• Use-Six aircraft jettisoned their loads in the
sea. • Syn- vague, character
• Syn- eject, junk • Ant- definite, shaped
• Ant- assert, maintain 278. Adulteration – fey koV
266. Scowl – xq
Ll sl sns[kuk • Use-Act was passed against adulteration of
• Use-She scowled at him defiantly milk.
• Syn- grimace,frown • Syn- contamination,corruption
• Ant- grin, smile • Ant- Purification.
267. Repercussion – i z
fr èofu 279. Detest – ?k.̀ kk d j uk
• Use-repercussion of voice • Use-I detest you.
• Syn- consequence, effect
• Syn- hate; abhor
• Ant- cause
• Ant- admire, like
268. Absolve – nks
"k eq
Dr d j nsuk
280. Charlatan – / ks
[ ksckt
• Use-The pardon absoleved them of any
crimes. • Use-A self-confessed con artist and charla-
• Syn- acquit, duty. tan
• Ant- blame, damn • Syn- Syn- swindler,fake
269. Brittle – Hka
j ] t Ynh Vw
Vusoky k • Ant- honesty
• Use-Her bones became fragile and brittle 281. Convey – i gq
¡p uk
• Syn- fragile, crisp • Use-Pipes were laid to convey water to the
• Ant- rerlaxed,supple house.
270. Predominact – i z cy , i zHkkoh • Syn- carry, trancsport
• Use-The predominant colour was white • Ant- deny, take
• Syn- dominant, ruling 282. Deduct – ?kVkuk
• Ant- inferior, minor • Use-Tax has been deducted from the pay-
271. Annexure – l a y Xud ments.
• Use-please attach important annexure • Syn- allow, reduce
• Syn- append. afix • Ant- ecnlarge, hold
• Ant- detach, deunite 283. Deem – fopkuk] l e>uk
272. Reproof – fua
• Use-The event was deemed a great success.
• Use-I can not tolerate my reproof.
• Syn- regard, consider
• Syn- censure, blame
• Ant- ignore, forget
• Ant- agreement, approval
284. Denote – l a
d sr d j uk
273. Equivocal – v fuf' pr
• Use-The equivocal nature of her remarks • Use-This marks denotes purity and quality.
• Syn- doubtful, uncertain • Syn- designate, mean
• Ant- certain,clear • Ant- conceal, deny

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285. Disfigure – d q
: i d j uk 295. Enlist – Hkr hZgks
• Use-Litter disfigures the country side • Use-they both enlisted in 1915.
• Syn- deform, maim • Syn- admit, enroll
• Ant- cure, repair • Ant- divide, discharge
286. Dismay – gr k' k d j uk 296. Clout – ?kw
l k ekj uk
• Use-they were dismayed by the U-turn in • Use-I clouted him round the head.
policy. • Syn- power,sway
• Syn- dread, distress • Ant- -
• Ant- beauty, calm 297. Confide – fo' okl gks
uk] cr kuk
287. Dock – ca
nj xkg • Use-He confided all her secret to her best
• Use-The boaty nosed up to a dock friend.
• Syn- confess, impart
• Syn- berth,waterfront
• Ant- hide,secrete
288. Ejaculate – fud ky i Q
sd uk
298. Circumcise – [ kr uk d j uk, i fj ' kq
¼ d j uk
• Use-He ejaculated all the waste material
• Use-When he was born, he had circumcised
from his stomach.
• Syn- -
• Syn- eject,spurt
• Ant- -
• Ant- include,
299. Confront – eq
d kcy k d j uk
289. Embargo – i z
fr ca
• Use-We have confronted with many difficul-
• Use- An embargo on grain sales ties.
• Syn- Prohibition, restriction • Syn- challenge, resist
• Ant- aid,help • Ant- avoid, yield
290. Enact – fu; e cukuk 300. Consecutive – Øekuqxr ] Øe' k%
• Use-Legislation was enacted to attract • Use-She was absent for inine consecutive
international companis. dates.
• Syn- achieve, execute • Syn- ensuing, successive
• Ant- broken,inserrupted.
• Ant- fail,miss
301. Compile – , d =k d j uk
291. Empower – v f/ d kj ns
• Use-Compile a list
• Use- Movements to empower the poor.
• Syn- assemble, accumulate
• Syn- authorize, enable
• Ant- scatter,destroy
• Ant- deny, disallow.
302. Concerted – l fEefy r d j uk
292. Envialble – oka
Nuh; ] i kusd h y ky l k • Use-concerted effort
• Use- The firm is in the enviable position os • Syn- coordinated, joint
having a full order book • Ant- disordered, sparate
• Syn- desired,blessed 303. Homely – l k/ kj . k
• Ant- bad,poor • Use-homely cooking
293. Engulf – fuxy y s
uk] f?kj t kuk • Syn- ordinary, comfortable
• Use- He was engulfed by a crowed of report- • Ant- attractive, beautiful
ers 304. Intrigue – "kM~
=k d j uk
• Syn- absorb, overwhelm • Use-The idea intrigued her
• Ant- neglect, uncover • Syn- scheme, artifice
294. Encapsulate – d e ' kC
[ ; l kj cr kuk, ?ksjuk • Ant- Honesty, truth fulness.
• Use-The conclusion is encapsulated in one 305. Irate – Øks
f/ r
sentence. • Use-Irate customer
• Syn- encase,enclose • Syn- angry furious
• Ant- free, uncover • Ant- cheerful, calm

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Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
306. Laurels – ; ' k 317. Purgation – ' kq
f¼d j . k
• Use-She won laurels for her first novel. • Use-The purgation by ritual violence of
• Syn- credit. praise morbid social emotions.
• Ant- blame, lowliness. • Syn- elimination, ejection
• Ant- inclusion, acceptance.
307. Remunerate – es
gur kuk nsuk
318. Bristle – xq
Ll sl sHkj uk
• Use-They should be remunerated fairly for
their work. • Use-Bristle with rage
• Syn- barb, rage
• Syn- compensate, reward
• Ant- calm,peace
• Ant- deny, refuse.
319. Ruffled – >ky j nkj
308. Profuse – i z
• Use-A blouse with a high ruffled neck.
• Use-profuse apologies.
• Syn- dishevel, frills
• Syn- abundant, excessive • Ant- smooth, soothe
• Ant- lacking, sparse 320. Supplicant – fuosnd
309. Interstate – v a
r j &i zns'kh; • Use-Are you supplicant.
• Use-inerstate commerce • Syn- beggar, suppliant Ant
• Syn- freeway, turnpike 321. Albeit – r Fkkfi
• Ant- - • Use-He finally agreed, albeit reluctantly, to
310. Intricate – t fVy help us.
• Use-Intricate patterns • Syn- admitting, although
• Ant- c
• Syn- complicated, elaborate
322. Bait – i Q
l kuk
• Ant- clear,easy
• Use-He baited the trap with a peace of meat.
311. Instant – r q
• Syn- enticement, bribe
• Use-Instant pattrerns • Ant- repulsion.
• Syn- complicated, elaborate 323. Compliance – LohÑfr
• Ant- clear, easy • Use-Procedures that must be followed to
312. Integration – , d hd j . k ensure full compliance with law.
• Use-Racial integrationin school • Syn- assent, agreement
• Syn- assimilation, unification • Ant- difference.disagreement.
• Ant- division,divorce 324. Iterate – nks
gj kuk
313. Intensive – r hoz • Use-The bird's call is a monotonously iter-
ated single note.
• Use-Intensive investigation • Syn- repeat, emphasize
• Syn- exhaustive, deep • Ant- once
• Ant- superficial,surface. 325. Repository – xks nku] d ks"k
314. Pawn – fxj oh j [ kuk • Use-A deep repository for nuclear waste
• Use-All her jewellery was in pawn • Syn- archieve, warehouse
• Syn- bond,gage • Ant- -
• Ant- break 326. Jubilation – mYy kl
315. Pudgy – Fkq
y Fkq
y • Use-There were scenes of jubilation among
her supporters.
• Use-He is very pudgy
• Syn- celebration joy
• Syn- fatty • Ant- sadness, sorrow.
• Ant- slim 327. Atrocity – Øw
j r k] v R
; kpkj
316. Prescient – Hkfo"; Kkuh • Use-A textbook which detailed war atrocities
• Use-Prescient warnings • Syn- barbarity, horror
• Syn- perceptive, judicious • Ant- kindness

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Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
328. Titan – fo' kky ] v kl k/ kj . k O
; fDr 338. Temper – LoHkko] xq
Ll k
• Use-A battle between the titan of Amercian • Use-He must learn to control his temper.
footbaal. • Syn- attitude, climate
• Syn- behemoth, bulk • Ant- body, upset
• Ant- simple, coomon 339. Swindler – Bx
329. Riddle – i gs
yh • Use-An insurance swindler
• Use-The riddle of how the baby died. • Syn- cheater, forger
• Syn- enigma, puzzle • Ant- honest, innocent
• Ant- solution, simplicity 340. Moodiness – fpM+
ki u] mnkl hi u
330. Monetary – foÙkh; • Use-You must overcome your moodiness
• Use-Monetary policy • Syn- gloom, dpression
• Syn- fiscal, cash • Ant- cheer, joy
331. Orientation – fLFkfr fu/ kZ
j . k] v uq
dwyu 341. Libido – d keokl uk
• Use-Studies of locational awareness and • Use-loss of libido
orientation in yound children • Syn- lust, passion
• Syn- introduction, adjustment • Ant- stoic, abstenmious
• Ant- mix up 342. Invert – my V nsuk
332. Unfaltering – v Vy ] v fMx • Use-In question, The subject and verb are
• Use-Her unfaltering energy and determina- often inverted V
tion • Syn- alter, reverse
• Syn- steadfast, firm • Ant- hold, keep
• Ant- faltering, unstable 343. Context – i z
lax] l a
333. Zany – eLd j k] et kfd ; k • Use-His decision can only by understood in
• Use-Zany humour
• Syn- framework, circumstances
• Syn- crazy, funny
344. Regard – è; ku ns
uk] l Eeku nsuk
• Ant- serious
• Use-Her work is very highly regarded
334. Verge – fd ukj s
] <y uk
• Syn- attention, look
• Use-Som of his suggestions verged on the
• Ant- carelessness, dislike
345. Totter – y M+
[ kM+
kr sgq
, py r k
• Syn- extremity, limit
• Use-She tottered off on her four-inch heels.
• Ant- centre, middle
• Syn- dizzy, stagger
335. Infuse – Hkj ns
uk] i zHkkfor d j uk
• Ant- stroll, staid
• Use-Her work is infused with an anger horn
346. Scathing – gkfud kj d ] d Bks
of pain and oppression
• Use-She launched a scathing attack on the
• Syn- introduce; soak
Prime Minister.
• Ant- discourge, dry • Syn- harsh, nasty
336. Worldly – l ka
l kfj d • Ant- calm, mild
• Use-Worldly success 347. Trappings – l kt &l eku
• Syn- material, nonreligious • Use-I had the trappings of success
• Ant- Heavenly, low • Syn- paraphernalia, equipment
337. Deduce – i fj . kke fud ky uk 348. Integration – , d hd j . k
• Use-Little can be safely deduced from these • Use-The aim is to promote closer economic
figures. integration.
• Syn- deduct, infer • Syn- unification, alliance
• Ant- destroy, divide • Ant- divorce, division

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349. Conveyance – i fj ogu] y st kuk 360. Ramp – <ky wj kLr k
• Use-The conveyance of goods by rail • Use-Ramps should be provided for wheel
• Syn- movement, transport chair users.
• Ant- hold • Syn- hill, incline
350. Intuition – v a
r KZ
ku • Ant- rise, increase
• Use-She has good intuition 361. Quietude – ' kka
fr ] l a
r ks"k
• Syn- lunch, insight • Use-A moment of quetude.
• Ant- reason, knowledge • Syn- Lull, calm Ant-upset, worry
351. Deadlock – v oj ks
/ 362. Lustrous – pd enkj
• Use-The strike has reached a deadlock. • Use-Large, lustrous eyes
• Syn- stalemate, impasse • Syn- glossy, shining
• Ant- start, agreement • Ant- dark, dim
352. Awe – Mj kuk] Hk; 363. Cursive – i z
okgh] ?kl hV ( fy [ kkbZ
• Use-They were both awed by the vastness of
• Use-cursive writing
the forest.
• Syn- dread, amazement • Syn- fluent, relaxed
• Ant- happiness, disrespect • Ant- hard, noisy
353. Retard – ns j d j uk] i zxfr j ksd uk 364. Deploy – foLr kj d j uk] r S
ukr d j uk
• Use-His progress was retarded by his limp • Use-Forces were deployed at strategic
• Syn- hinder, obstruct locations
• Ant- assist, help • Syn- expand, redistribute,
354. Rebarbative – v l q fo/ kt ud ] v : fpd j • Ant- end, finish
• Use-Rebarbative modern buildings 365. Genteel – l Tt u] l H;
• Syn- annoying, troubling
• Use-Her genteel upbringing.
• Ant- helpuful, convenient
• Syn- sophisticated, cultured
355. Foolhardy – v D[ kM+ ] v l ko/ ku
• Ant- rood, burish
• Use-It would be foolhardy to go into the
scheme without support. 366. Juncture – l a
f/ ] Bhd l e;
• Syn- impetuous, rash • Use-The plane crashed at the juncture of
• Ant- careful fearful two mountains.
356. Corrosive – {k; gks usoky k • Syn- crux, point
• Use-The corrosive effects of salt water. • Ant- peace, solution
• Syn- wearing; bitter 367. Lascivious – d keq
• Ant- gentle, kind
• Use-A lascivious person
357. Remission – Nw V
• Syn- indecent, lewd
• Use-New businesses my qualify for tax
remission. • Ant- clean, moral
• Syn- acquittal, pardon 368. Exacerbate – mÙks
ft r d j uk
• Ant- hold, blame • Use-Rising inflation was exacerbated by the
358. Monumental – egR oi w
. kZ
] cM+k collapse of oil prices.
• Use-A book of monumental significance • Syn- annoy, infuriate
• Syn- impressive, overwhelming • Ant- aid, calm
• Ant- bad, tiny
369. Fallow – ca
359. Touchy – r quq
d kfeekt ] fpM+ fpM+k
• Use-She gets very touchy if you mention the • Use-Incentives for farmers to let land lie
divorce fallow.
• Syn- delicate, jumpy • Syn- idle, inactive
• Ant- safe, easy • Ant- actived, used

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370. Gibe – ga
l h mM+
kuk 380. Iota – fca
• Use-a gibe at his old rivals. • Use-There is not one iota of truth in the
• Syn- derision, ridicule story.
• Ant- respect, compliment • Syn- ounce, speck
371. Hew – d kVuk • Ant- lot
• Use-Master carpenters would hew the logs 381. Plenitude – i z
pqj r k] fui q
. kr k
with an axe • Use-Plenitude of wealth or food
• Syn- axe, cut • Syn- enough, plenty
• Ant- add, join • Ant- lack, poverty
372. Importune – gB d j uk 382. Prude – uS
fr d r koknh
• Use-She importuned a waiter for • Use-A prude can never accept bribe.
profiteroles • Syn- puritan, prig
• Syn- demand, insist • Ant- immoral
• Ant- help, assist 383. Wraith – Hkw
r ] i zsr&v kR
373. Lithe – eq
y k; e] y pd nkj • Use-A wratith like figure.
• Use-A tall lithe figure. • Syn- phantom, ghost
• Syn- agile, fexible, • Ant- reality, truth
• Ant- clumsy, stiff 384. Fracas – mi æo
374. Meander – ?kq
ekonkj • Use-The fracas was broken up by stewards.
• Use-A river that meandered gently through • Syn- disturbance, fight
a meadow • Ant- agreement, calm
• Syn- wander, zigzag 385. Disarray – v O
; ofLFkr d j nsuk
• Ant- Ant-stay, untwist • Use-The inspection disarrayed the usual
375. Obeisance – v kn' kZ
] l Eeku
• Syn- confusion, mess
• Use-They paid obeisance to the Prince. • Ant- harmony, order
• Syn- deference, salutation 386. Consummate – l Ei w
. kZ
] iw
• Ant- censure, dishonor • Use-She dressed with consummate el-
376. Palaver – cs
d kj d h ckr ] pki y w
lh egance.
• Use-Mucking around with finances and all • Syn- ulimate, best
that palaver. • Ant- inept, poor
• Syn- empty talk 387. Rancid – l M+k gq
• Ant- quiet, silence • Use-rancid food
377. Quaff – xVd uk • Syn- musty, rotten
• Ant- clean, new
• Use-They spent the evening quaffing cham-
pagne. 388. Panorama – n`' ; i Vy
• Syn- gulp, guzzle • Use-Panorama of the mountain
• Ant- eject • Syn- scene, horizon
• Ant-
378. Repudiate – R
; kx nsuk] [ ka
Mu d j uk
389. Obviate – nw
j j guk] Nq
Vd kj k i kuk
• Use-To repudiate a suggestion
• Use-Obviate this thing
• Syn- abandon, reject
• Syn- Preclude, avert
• Ant- accept, allow • Ant- support, allow
379. Sapient – Kkuh] cq
f¼ekuk 390. Lofty – mPp] mUur
• Use-Sapient person • Use-Lofty shot
• Syn- acute, sagacious • Syn- high, elevated
• Ant- ignorant, unwise • Ant- humble, modest

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Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
391. Curmudgeon – fpM+
k 401. Arid – l w
[ kk] ca
• Use-He is curmudgeon from nature • Use-Aric zone
• Syn- bear, crab • Syn- dessert, dry
• Ant- • Ant- fertile, damp
392. Decapitate – fl j d kVuk 402. Contravene – v ogs y uk d j uk
• Use-a decapitated body • Use-Don't contravene safely regualtion.
• Syn- execute, behead • Syn- breach, contradict
• Ant- allow, obey
• Ant-
403. Disperse – fNr j k ns
uk] fr r j &fcr j d j nsuk
393. Bombast – v kMEcj
• Use-The crowd dispersed quickly.
• Use-The bombast of gung-ho militarism
• Syn- distribute; scatter
• Syn- rave, boasting
• Ant- arrive, collect
• Ant- simple, modest
404. Expedient – O ; kogkfj d ] i Q
k; nsea
394. Askance – fr j Nh nf̀"V l s
] la
nsg l s
• Use-The current police is a political expedi-
• Use-The reformers looked askance at the ent.
mystical tradition • Syn- worthwhile, appropriate
• Syn- suspiciously, sideways, • Ant- unwise, uncorrect.
• Ant- clear, vogue 405. Expunge – feVk ns
395. Circumvent – >w
B cksy uk ; k xfr j ks/ i S
nk d j uk • Use-Expung your old memories
• Use-He is circumvented her with some of • Syn- destroy, obliterate
his stories. • Ant- add, insert
• Syn- fool, mislead 406. Devoid – oafpr ] [ kky h
• Ant- help, meet • Use-Devoid of thought
396. Demean – v i ekfur d j uk • Syn- empty, wanting
• Use-I had demeaned the profession. • Ant- full, complete
• Syn- humble, humiliate 407. Rebuff – f>M+d nsuk
• Ant- elevate, honor • Use-They rebuffed her request for help.
397. Effulgent – nhfIr eku • Syn- rebuke, ignoring
• Use-Standing there was my father with the • Ant- praise, approval
most effulgent smile on his face. 408. Opulence – / u&l Ei fÙk] v f/ d r k
• Syn- glowing, luminous • Use-Rooms of spectacular opulence
• Ant- glooming, saddening • Syn- excess, wealth
398. Optimum – l cl sv PNk • Ant- dearth, economy
409. Convoke – l Hkk cq
y kuk
• Use-the optimum use of resources.
• Use-She sent messages convoking a Coun-
• Syn- choice, best
cil of Ministers.
• Ant- wrest, poorest
• Syn- cite, meet
399. Precipitate – t Ynh] r s
t • Ant- cancel, disperse
• Use-His resignation precipitated leadership 410. Demur – y Tt k' khy ; k v l ger gks
crisis. • Use-At the first she demurred, but then
• Syn- hurry, speed finally agreed.
• Ant- check, hinder • Syn- hesitate, disagree
400. Refurbish – uohd j . k d j uk • Ant- accept, agree
• Use-The theatre has been extensively 411. Bicker – d y g d j uk
refurbish. • Use-Don't bicker in front of me.
• Syn- remodel, refit • Syn- spar, disagree
• Ant- hurt, ruin • Ant- concur, agree

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 340

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
412. Awry – xM+
] fr j Nk 423. Impugn – cgl d j uk
• Use-Many youthful romances go awry. • Use-The father does not impugn her capac-
• Syn- askew, amiss ity as a good mother
• Ant- calm, straight • Syn- criticize, challenge
• Ant- agree, assist
413. Bastion – nq
] l eFkZ
424. Manifold – cgq r ls
• Use-A bastion of male privilege
• Use-The possibilities were manifold.
• Syn- fortress, support
• Syn- abundant, many
• Ant- weakness • Ant- same, single
414. Cleave – foHkkft r d j uk 425. Pellucid – Li "V
• Use-She cleaved her properties. • Use-Mountains reflected in the pellucid
• Syn- divide, split waters.
• Ant- join, connect • Syn- clear, plain
415. Droll – et kd mM+
kuk • Ant- vague, unclear
• Use-His unique brand of droll self-mockery 426. Pall – cset k gks
• Syn- amusing, farcical • Use-Your speech has been palled.
• Ant- boring, dull • Syn- cloud, gloom
416. Emend – l q/ kj uk • Ant- happiness, excitement
• Use-Please emend word meanings 427. Saunter – pgy d neh d j uk
• Syn- alter, correct • Use-Adam sauntered into the room.
• Ant- damage, harm • Syn- amble, stroll
417. Oscillate – >w
y uk] d Ei u d j uk • Ant- run
428. Luscious – Lokfn"V
• Use-Her mood oscillated between depression
and elation. • Use-A luscious and fragrant dessert wine
• Syn- lurch, dangle • Syn- delicious, delectable
• Ant- remain, stay • Ant- dry, dull
418. Fealty – fu"Bk 429. Propagate – i Qy kuk] mi t kuk
• Use-A property for which she did fealty. • Use-To propagat the idea
• Syn- loyalty, allegiance • Syn- breed, reproduce
• Ant- destroy, halt
• Ant- disloyalty
430. Vex – r a
x d j uk
419. Presumptuous – <hB] ?kea Mh
• Use-The memory of the conversation still
• Use-I am not presumptuous person.
vexed him
• Syn- arrogant, rude
• Syn- distress, bother
• Ant- modest, humble • Ant- help, aid
420. Exuberant – i z
lUu] i ziQ
fYy r
q 431. Welter – gM+cM+h] Mw
c t kuk
• Use-A noisy bunch of exuberant youngsters • Use-A welter of information
• Syn- energetic, enthusiastic • Syn- jumble, commotion
• Ant- dull, lazy • Ant- calm, staid
421. Gossamer – i r y k] eq
y k; e 432. Bludgeon – y kBh l sv a
/ k/ q
/ ekj uk
• Use-A gown of gossamer silk. • Use-She has been bludgeoned to death.
• Syn- gauzy, thin • Syn- bat, weapon
• Ant- dark, thick • Ant-
422. Hiatus – v a
r j ky ] : d koV 433. Clairvoyant – l w{ en' khZ
] bfU
æ; Kku l si j s
• Use-There was a brief hiatus in the war • Use-he did't tell me about it and I'm not
with France. clairvoyant.
• Syn- pause, interruption • Syn- intuitive, psychic
• Ant- free • Ant- i

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 341

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
434. Descry – l e>uk 442. Estranged – foj Dr ] v y x
• Use-She descried two figures • Use-His estranted wife
• Syn- behold, discover • Syn- alienate, part
• Ant- hide, miss • Ant- agree, connect
435. Emollient – ' kka
r d j usoky k 443. Disdain – fr j Ld kj d j uk
• Use-The president's emollient approach to • Use-He disdained his patients as an inferior
differences. rabble.
• Syn- soothing, healing • Syn- condemn, criticise
• Ant- incite, irriate • Ant- praise
436. Skulk – t h pq
j kuk 444. Continece – l a
• Use-Don't shulk outside the door like a spy. • Use-Continence has significant importance
• Syn- lurk; shirk in your life.
• Ant- face, meet • Syn- abstemiousness, celibacy
• Ant- excess, wildness
437. Phegmatic – ' kka
r &fpr
445. Bilious – fpM+
• Use-A phlegamtic temperament
• Use-Bilious boy
• Syn- cold, unemotional
• Syn- ailing, wan
• Ant- furious
• Ant- blushing, healthy
438. Legerdemain – pky ckt h 446. Cede – v kR
el i Z
. k d j uk
• Use-A classic piece of management legerde- • Use-In 1874, the islands were ceded to
main Britain.
• Syn- conjuring, arthfulness • Syn- capitulate, concede
• Ant- frankness, • Ant- hold, keep
437. Inundate – Mw
cksuk] t y eXu d j nsuk 447. Bacchanal – ' kj kch
• Use-The islands may be the first to be • Use-Bacchanal is everywhere
inundated as sea levels rise. • Syn- carnival, feast
• Syn- drown, overwhelm 448. Deprecate – fua
nk d j uk
• Ant- underwhelm • Use-I deprecated your statement.
438. Gouge – [ kks
nuk • Syn- derogate, detract
• Use-The channel had been gouged out by • Ant- approve, laud
the ebbing water. 449. Filch – pq
j kuk
• Syn- groove, hole • Use-He filches all my things
• Ant- fill, improve • Syn- embezzle, crib
439. Extenuate – d e d j uk • Ant- give, offer
• Use-Drawings of extenuated figures. 450. Contusion – fHkr j h pks
V] pksV
• Syn- decrease, excuse • Use-A dark contusion on his skin.
• Ant- develop, expand • Syn- swelling, bump
• Ant- compliment, praise
440. Diverse – v l eku] fHkU
451. Behemoth – fo' kky d k;
• Use-A culturally diverse population
• Use-A multinational corporate behemoth
• Syn- differing disparate
• Syn- beast, moster
• Ant- unity, similar • Ant-
441. Stagnant – v ky l h] : d k gq
vk 452. Migratory – Hkz
e. k' khy ] ?kq
• Use- a stagnant economy • Use-Migratory birds
• Syn- dormant, idle • Syn- seasonal, transient
• Ant- active, busy • Ant-

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 342

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
453. Surly – fpM+
k] mnkl 464. Verdant – gj k&Hkj k
• Use-Surly nature. • Use-Verdant valleys
• Syn- boorish, dour • Syn- flourishing, grassy
• Ant- bright, happy • Ant- dying
454. Progenitor – v xz
xkeh] i q
j [ kk 465. Burnish – ped uk
• Use-His children were the progenitors of • Use-Highly burnished armour.
many of India's noble families • Syn- buff, furbish
• Syn- ancestor, begetter • Ant- dull, tarnish
• Ant- descendant 466. Dross – d w
k] l k/ kj . k
455. Inter – ni Q
• Use-Alchemists tried to create gold from
• Use-he was interred with the military dross.
honours due to him
• Syn- dress, less
• Syn- entomb, inhume
• Ant- assets, prossessions
• Ant- dig up, exhume
456. Fulsome – ?kf̀. kr 467. Domineer – d Bks
j r k l s' kkl u d j uk
• Use-Fulsome work • Use-King domineer his subject.
• Syn- adulatory, bombastic • Syn- bend, bluster
• Ant- reasonable, sincere • Ant- assist, help
457. Congeal – t euk 468. Wizened – l w
[ kk gq
v k] f?kl k gq
• Use-congealed blood • Use-a wizened little man
• Syn- curdle, thicken
• Syn- diminished, gnarled
• Ant- heat, melt
• Ant- moist, smooth
458. Confluence – l axe] esy
469. Distaff – efgy k l sl a
cf/ r
• Use-The confluence of ganga and yamuna
• Syn- unite, merge • Use-Marriage is still the passport to distaff
• Ant- scatter power
459. Incognito – v Kkr : i l s • Syn- female, womanly
• Use-An incognito visit • Ant-
• Syn- anonymous, bearded 470. Sublimate – i fj ' kq
¼ d j ksA
• Ant- known, openly • Use-To sublimate your idea.
460. Fitful – v fLFkj ] : d &: d d j
• Syn- clean, rarefy
• Use-A fitful night's sleep.
• Ant- dirty, soil
• Syn- desultory, intermittent
471. Winsome – euks
gj ] v kuU
• Ant- constant, regular
461. Fledgeling – v uq Hkoghu • Use-A winsome smile
• Use-Fledgeling democracies. • Syn- appealing, cute
• Syn- apprentice, chick • Ant-
• Ant- expert, professional 472. Stricture – fua
462. Vignette – fp=k • Use-His strictures on their lack of civic
• Use-Each vignette represents one of the virtue.
four seasons
• Syn- blame, criticism
• Syn- scene, sketch
• Ant- compliment, praise
• Ant-
463. Solstice – l aØkka fr ( l ky esanksckj t c l w
; Zv f/ d r e 473. Promulgate – i z
p kj d j uk
j h i j gksrk gS
a • Use-I want to promulgate my idea in the
• Use-The summer/winter solstice world.
• Syn- ceiling, crest • Syn- declare, notify
• Ant- base, bottom • Ant- bottle up, gather

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 343

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
474. Spawn – t U
e nsuk] i S
nk d j uk 485. Internecine – i j Li j ] v ki l h
• Use-The band's album spawned a string of • Use-Internecine feuds
hit singles. • Syn- civil, domestic
• Syn- create, generate • Ant- alien, foreign
• Ant- destroy, kill
486. Blandish – pki y w
l h d j uk
475. Prognosticate – Hkfo"; cr y kuk
• Use-He always blandishes his seniors.
• Use-The economists were prognosticating
financial condition • Syn- allure, cajole
• Syn- adumbrate, augur • Ant- discourage, repel
• Ant- 487. Staid – ' kka
r ] xEHkhj
476. Inveigh – fua
nk d j uk • Use-Staid image
• Use-I always inveigh your thought about • Syn- decorous, somber
women. • Ant- excited, fun
• Syn- admonish, bereate 488. Bourgeois – eè; oxhZ
• Ant- accept, agree
• Use-A rich, bored, bourgeois family.
477. Chagrin – r a
x d j uk] d "V nsuk
• Syn- materialistic, common
• Use-Don's chagrin innocent person. • Ant- adventurous, imaginative
• Syn- dismay, balk
489. Stilted – v LokHkkfod
• Ant- comfort, happiness
• Use-We made stilted conversation
478. Inveterate – gBh] ft n~
• Syn- formal, laboured
• Use-He is a vinveterate liar.
• Ant- relaxed, genuine
• Syn- addicted, habitual
490. Bulwark – pkj fnokj h] cpko
• Ant- short-lived
• Use-A bulwark against extremism
479. Interdict – j ks
d y xkuk] i zfr ca
/ y xkuk
• Syn- bastion, fortress
• Use-Society will never interdict sex
• Ant- harm, hurt
• Syn- ban, forbid
• Ant- aid, allow 491. Bevy – >q
. M] e. My h;
480. Chalice – d Vks
j k] I; ky k • Use-He was surrounded by a bevy of beauti-
ful girls
• Use-we have lots of chalice in our home
• Syn- assembly, collcetion
• Syn- cup, goblet
• Ant- individual, one
• Ant-
492. Simper – cukoVh eq
Ld j kgV
481. Interloper – gLr {ks
i d j usoky k
• Use-He just simpered at me.
• Use-She felt like an interloper in her family
• Syn- beam, grin
• Syn- intruder, trespasser
• Ant-
• Ant-
482. Cherubic – l a
nj ] eueksgd
q 493. Retrench – d VkS
r h d j uk
• Use-A round, cherubic face • Use-we need to retrench our monthly ex-
• Syn- adorable, cherubical.
• Syn- conserve, curtail
• Ant-
• Ant- sequander, lavish
483. Interminable – v uar ] v i kj
494. Serendipity – v kd fLed y kHk
• Use-An interminable speech
• Use-A fortunate stroke of serendipity
• Syn- boundless, continuous
• Ant-brief, ceasing • Syn- fluke, break
484. Coalesce – l a
Dr gksuk • Ant- bad luck, misfortune
495. Revere – v knj d j uk
• Use-Two companies had coalesced for
becoming a big brand. • Use-He is now revered as a national hero.
• Syn- consolidate, fuse • Syn- admire, adore
• Ant- divide, disconnect • Ant- abhor, condemn

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 344

Hard words Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication
496. Sobriquet – mi uke] mi kf/ 505. Guile – / ks
[ kk] Ny ] d i V
• Use-Kalma sir earned the sobriquent " • Use-Always obviate from guile
missile man"
• Syn- slyness, cleverness
• Syn- appellation, nickname
• Ant- honor, honesty
• Ant- name
506. Paltry – ekew
497. Potentate – r kuk' kkg
• Use-Abdul basar is a potentate of syria • Use-Paltry matter
• Syn- despot, dictator • Syn- poor; worthless
• Ant- servant • Ant- big, large
498. Privation – d fBukbZ
] d eh 507. Colloquy – ckr phr
• Use-the privations of poverty • Use-The soul's colloquy with god.
• Syn- deprivation, hardship • Syn- conversation, debate
• Ant- plenty, wealth • Ant- quiet, silence
499. Requiem – ' kks
d xhr 508. Panache – : r C
• Use-A requiem was held for the dead queen
• Use-He entertained London society with
• Syn- hymn, mass great panache.
• Ant-
• Syn- brio, dash
500. Peremptory – fu. kZ
; kR
ed ] v Vy • Ant- spiritlessness
• Use-Peremptory decision
509. Pathos – t ks
' k] euksHkko
• Syn- overbearing, authoritative
• Use-The scene was full of pathos
• Ant- moderate, mild
• Syn- emotion, passion
501. Grimace – ea
g cukuk
• Ant- cheer, joy
• Use-He grimaced at the bitter taste
• Syn- frown, scowl 510. Panoply – / w
e/ ke
• Ant- grin • Use-I leaned forward to take in the full
502. Palliate – d e d j uk panoply of tourist London
• Use-Treatment works by palliating symp- • Syn- dash, display
toms. • Ant- cover, hiding
• Syn- abate, allay 511. Hem – fd ukj k
• Ant- incite, allow
• Use-The hem of her dress
503. Gravel – d a
d M+
] ct j h
• Syn- border, edge
• Use-His boots crunched on the gravel
• Ant- center, middle
• Syn- sand, pebbles
512. Stiffen – d Bks
j d j uk
• Ant-
• Use-he stiffened his kness in an effort to
504. Pallid – d et ks
j] i Q
hd k
prevent them trembling.
• Use-A pallid complexion
• Syn- reinforce, solidify
• Syn- feeble, pale
• Ant- dilute, soften
• Ant- healthy, storng

English by Sohail Ahmad Khan 345

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