Communications Test 3: Question 1 (15 Marks)

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Communications Test 3

1. The assessment is to be submitted through Moodle.
2. The student number should be used as the file name.
3. The total marks is 40.
4. The time allowed is 1 hour and 20 minutes.
5. An extra time of 10 minutes is provided to scan your work and upload to Moodle.

Question 1 [15 marks]

The probability density function of a random variable X is shown in the figure below.

a) Find the cumulative distribution function of X. [8]

b) Compute p(X ≤0.5) [2]
c) Compute E[X] [5]

Question 2 [5 marks]

Consider the rolling of two dice. In another experiment, the two dice were found to have outcomes
Y={1,2,3,4,5,6} that are not evenly distributed, that is, p(Y=2) = ½ and each of the remaining
outcomes Y={1,3,4,5,6} has equal probability. Define a random variable X as the sum of the two faces
of the dice. Plot the probability density function of X [5]
Question 3 [10 marks]

A satellite receiver system is composed of an antenna, RF filter and mixer. The insertion loss of the
cable from the antenna to the RF unit is 0.6 dB. The relevant parameters are shown in the following

Parameter Value
RF unit gain 5 dB
RF unit noise figure 4 dB
Mixer unit gain 15 dB
Mixer noise figure 5 dB
Bandwidth 20 MHz
Antenna noise temperature 50 K

a) Compute the equivalent noise temperature of the receiver system. The standard temperature
can be assumed to be 300 K. [8]

b) The receiver system is found to be reliable for carrier to noise ratios that exceed 15 dB.
Calculate the minimum receiver signal power that ensures reliable communication.
Assume the Boltzmann's constant k =1.38 x 10−23 J / K [2]

Question 4 [10 marks]

A random process X (t ) has a mean of 1 and its autocorrelation function is shown below.

a) Compute the average power of X (t ) [4]

b) Compute E[(2 X (1)+ X (2))2 ] [6]

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