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Revilla, Lance Gabriel R. Prof. Gilbert A.


BS PSY 2-1 Ethics 0008-31

My Own Philosophy in Life

Life is short. A dash that is between the date of birth and death. Even if it’s short, however, not
all are given chance of enough time on earth to live and appreciate the beauty of life. To some, the end
of their time being has come but to others, they are just hoping to be alive for the next days to come.
Truly, there’s no certainty in this world. An ever-changing environment that humans should continue to
sojourn. Life doesn’t give us always the reason to smile. A combination of bitter-sweet taste in which
you are the one assigned on how you’ll add something on it, either balancing or making one of its flavors
dominate. Unfortunately, some mix their life bad but others blend it pleasantly. Definition of life does
differ depending how people perceive it.

Given that there’s no assurance here on this earth, you should live your life at the fullest. Even
when you don’t have the means of anything, it doesn’t really matter at all. Whatever it is, learn to
appreciate and enjoy the things that come to your life including little stuffs. Love the moments you have
here on this world. Treat it as the most precious thing that no one in this life received. A thing that we
can’t bring back once it passes. Enjoy every single details of your life even when you find it bland, rough
and difficult. That’s the part of reality. Circumstances and struggles are part of every person’s existence.
A seasoning that spices up life which brings thrill on our every journey. Without these obstacles, life
would be plain and doesn’t give a space for development. Enjoying means surviving. Even when you
don’t like what’s happening, just enjoy it, in that way you can surpass it. In the end, you’ll not regret for
something you didn’t work out. Removed all the things that doesn’t help you grow, instead focus more
on making yourself better. Forget your past mistakes and hurt, and move on. Those things will only turn
you down which brings sadness to your life. Sadness is not a good companion. Instead, take it as a
reminder and strength in order to continue moving forward. Guard your heart but don’t stop loving
yourself and the people around you. Surround yourself with positivity and people who want you to be in
their life and actually show them the same way also. Life is precious. There’s no point in wasting it on
anyone or anything that doesn’t push you to become a better person mentally, physically, and
emotionally. These are the things you need to keep in order to continue the walk in this life.

We are here for a purpose. It’s up to us on how we can find our call. Remember to keep moving
forward or else you’ll be left behind. Enjoy all the moments, things and people in your life. Stay on the
positive side and resist discouragement. Life is a blessing that comes from God. Live it on your purpose.

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