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I. Whal aru lhc セッ オ イ」・@ vollage and sourec

50 40 resistance. respectively for ilie Titeven in"s

equivalent circui1 as seen from the

terminals indicated in !he circuit given
25\f + 200 R
a. 20 v .24 o
b. 10 V. 480

c. 10 VA.80
What is the value of R required for
rnax·imum power transfer in the network d. 20V.I20
shown above ? 4. A 2·tenninal network tonsisls uf one of

a. 20 the RLC elements. The element is
connected 10 an ac supply. The curren1
b. 40 through セエ・@ elemen1 is I A. When an
c. 811 ra inductor is inse11ed in series between lhe
d. 160 source and tJ1e element. the curren l
1. through the element becomes 2 I A. Wha1
is this element?
a. A resistor
b. An inductor
H セ@ c. A capaci1or
• I
d. Cannot be a single element


11 12


Whal is the Tbeveniu resislance seen from

the 1cnninals AB of the circuit shown
above in the figure?

a. 20
b. 40 The graph of a nelwork is shown 1n ligure
c. sn abQw. which one uf lhe figures shown

below is n01 a tree of graph?

d. 12 0

+ 100
tOOV -
I-<> -
f b.
60 0
.! of 13
c. I and 4
d. 3 only


-··•. セ@



Coosider the IWO port transistor circuit as
given above :
d. Match List-1 with List-11 and select the
correct aoswer using tbc code giwn below

the Lists:
3 List- I ( Hybrid Parameter)
A. h11

B. ht!
6. C. h2o
'• • •
'• D. h-1!

Lis!- II (Circuit Element)

ra I
]·· I.
rc. - rd
2. (!J - rc
J. セ セN@
Which one of the following is correc1. Tho
セ N@ アNLZ セ@
circuit $hown in the figu re above

a. is reciprocal but not symmetrical A B c D

b. is not reciprocal but symmetrical a. 2 4 3
c. is bod; reciprocal and symmetrical b. 4 J 2 I
d. is neilher reciprocal nor symmetrical c. J 4 2 I

7. d. セ@ I 2 3
'• +
t, 9. Consider the following statements
associated wi1h two-port nerworks :

n, Hl 10
I. Zo:- Zt,

··] JCl

!·· 1. Y11= Yz,


3. = ht l ht!
4. AD-BC = I
Which of I he following ゥ ウャ セイ・@ corre.:t'! The \Vhich of Lhe statements giveu above. nre

circuit shown in the above figure correcl '/

I. is a. I. 2 and J
2. has Zu = 2, Z 11 = 2 b. 2. 3 and 4
3. has Z11 = 4, Z:u = 2 c. I. セ@ and 4
4. has Z11 = 0, Zn = 2 d. 1,2 and4
Select the correct answer using the code 10.
given below :
a. I and 3
b. I and 1
J ul 15
2 13. A two pon network is reciprocal if and
only if:
a. Z11 : Zn
t·----------<> r b. BC - A.D = - 1
What ore the ABCD ー 。イョュ・セウ@ of the c. Y, 2 =-Y:,
single element circuit given above? d. h,l= hl l

セ@ { セ }@
14. P(s) = s> セ@ s' + 2s1 + 4s + J
a. Q(sl = s5 j 3s' I· s

Which one of the followiog statements is
b. {セ@ セ }@ correct for above P(s) and Qcsl

セ }@
a. Both P(s) and Q(s} arc Hurwitz
c. [ : b. Both l'(s\ nnd Q(s) are non-Hurwir£
c. P(s ) is Hurwitz but Q\s) is non-

d. {セ@ :] Hurwitz
d. P(s) is non-Hurwitz but Q(s)is Hurwitz
I I. Consider the following expression for the

15. Which one of tho following funci ions is an
dr1ving point impedance: RC driving point impedance?
_ 2(s' +t)(s'+ 9) s(S+3)is + 4)
Z(,t ) - ( , ) a.
·' .• K セ@ ra (s+ l )(s+2l

l. It represents an LC circuit HN\セSI H N ヲK@ 4)

2. 11 represents an RLC circuit (H ll(,f セR I@

3. h has poles lying on the jei! a.• is HNカ KSI HNカ セ@ 4)

4. h has a role ut intinhe frequency ond a S(> .. 1)(.<+2)
zero at zero frequency (.H 2)(.<+4}
Whicb of the statements given above are d.
(H l)(.t+ 3)

16. A rea.ctive network has poles at w - 0.
セM 1nnd4
·1000 md/s. and in ャ ゥョ エ セ@ and zeros at '" =
b. I and 3 2000 and 6000 rndls. The impedance of
c. I nlid4 01e network is -j 700 Ohm at I000 rodls.

d. 2nndJ What is tl1e wrrect expression for the

12. Consider the following statements foe a driving point imptoduncc'}
driving poiut function Ftiw) : , H\セ Q
MT ク w B Iサッ G MjV^\Q ヲ I@

オャサ_M ャ セ
I. Rc F(jo1l is an even llmction of wand a. -J(O. Ioo) V QP LN I@ Ohm
is 0 or positive for all values of m.
w' {u? - 16x Hf)

2. lm F(jw) is an even function of wand

is 0 or positive for all values of ru. b. j(O, lwl (w' -4x10")(w' -36xto•) Ohm
J. Re Fljo1) is an odd function ofw and ゥセ@

0 or negative for nil values of'"· (ol' - 4>'lit}(<o'-36x10")

c. j(O.Iw) w' (to1 - 16xl0") Ohm
4. ReF(s)= Ofor Res=O.
Which oI' the statements given above is/are ,,{ (uf - 16x 10")
correct ? d. - j(Cl.lw) , Ohm
a. I only { (Jf - 4x10"){11l- 36>< Ill")
b. I and 4 17. What is the minimum number of 」 ャ 」ュ・ョセ|@
e, 2. 3 and 4 required to reali ze a given driving point
d. 4 only susceptance fianction?
I oJ 15
u. One gr.:ater than the total number of 22. The Nlation betwl!en input セHエI@ and output
intemitlpoles and l.CI'OS y(ll of :1 セカョャゥ ュィ ^ オ ウ@ time system is given
b Equal to the tou!l number of Internal by . d)'(t) + Jy(t) =X( I\
ーッャ・Zセ@ nnd セ ウ@・イッ dt
c. One Jess than the totnl 11umber ,,r What is the forced respunse ul' the S)'Siem
i ntlltnal poles and>s when x(l) = k (0 セッ ョ ウ エョャI@ '1
d. nオョセ@ of the above a. セ@
18, Consider two signuls セ ッHャI@ = ul"" and X!(ll b. kfJ
= c•...z ••lt,
セ N@ 3k

Which one of the fOilll•\<iug Sl..,l<:lli!!IIIS IS d t)
a. Both x 1(t) 3J'Id -<:(1) are periodic
h >1(1) is periodic l>ut ,\ z(l) is nol p.;rindic
c. , ,,,,is periodic bm x 1(l) is not periodic

d Ndther x1(1) nor x1(1) is periodic
I \1. Which one of the fullowmg systems
described by the fullowing input-oUIJ>Ut

relations is non-linear'! X(t): Input volragc
a. y(n) = n x(2n) y(tJ: Output カエL ャエ セァ@
b y(n) = セエ@ n1 ) Consider the circuit sho" n above
セ@ yin) = ョ セH ョI@ What is uセ@ nutural イセウャ|I ョ ウ・@ ul' this

tl. yゥョI セ@ , zlr•)
Which one or tho tollowmg Is the
ra sy;tcm?
a, A s tuusoid with constalll オューャゥエ、セ@
mull1ematical representation for the b A growing sinusoid
avernge power of the セ ゥァョ。ャ@ x(t) 0 c. l.ero
I ,
a. - f.v(l )t/1 d A decaying sinusoid
r. 24. A real signal x(tl has Fourier transform

Xlf). Which one o f the f•lllcrwing i>

I ' correcr?
b - J.v·(r)dr
T ., a,, Magnitude of X(f) has even S) mmetry
I while phase of X(I) has ッ、セ@ mmetry

C. - X[I )tft
Tn b. MagJJitude of X( f) has odd synunotry
11 hile phase of X( I) has even symmeli)

d Ll セ@ f x' \f)dt c. Both magnitude and phase ul' X(f)


' "7 111 hiiVC セカ・ョ@ synunCtl)

21 The 、ゥ ウ」 イセエ・@ 1i111e sigu;ll L セHオI@ is detioleli by• d. Eloth magnitude and phase of X(f)
have odd symrnetl)'

I II = I
25. What is !l1c Laplace tmnsform of 11 delayed
r( n) = -1 n=-1 unit ionpul;e runclion r. (H)''
0 rr-0 3J'Id lnl> l

a. I
Which one nf the following is the b. 7Af0
compo>ite signal )'(n) = x(n) f xt- n) for c. exp C-s)
all integer values of n ·•
d. s
a. 0 26. A di.>;tre'te-tlone signal x(n] hu;; Fourier
h 1 lnutSibrm X(e'"').
Match Llst· l Wilh L.lst-11 and select the
correct ""'"''er using Lhc code given below
the lists :
Sul l 5
エ N ゥセャM Q@ (Signu l) I
A, x[ n]
r.. XCz> - -
1- z
B. nxfnJ L
c. X(z)
c. x ·r,,l z- a
D. xfu- IJ 1
d. X(z) = - -
Li•t - U AfエオイャセtッM。wヲュI@ '/.- a
I x·<"""> 31. Whioll one of lite following rule.;
2. X(e ,.,) determines tll¢ mapping of s·plane to z.

e·J"X(e 1") plnno?
a. Right half of tlte セBH^ャZ オャ 、@ ッョ。ー セ@ into
. d ,X( 0 '")
4. J- outside oftlte unit citct.: in z·pl•noo
b. Left hall' or 01c maps into
A a c D in• Ide of tlte uni1 circle
·- I 3 2 セ@
c.. hnag.ina1y axis in s,..plane maps into the

b. 2 4 3 circumference of the unit circle
c. 4 2 3 d. All of the above
d. 2 4 Algebraic espression f'Qr Z lransfonn of

The outputs of IWO sysl ems !), and sセ@ for xfnl is X(z). What ゥセ@ the algcbr•ie
the same input x[n] = <f"' are I •nd (- I)" expression for Z transform of e>-·• xtn 1'I
r<:Sf>eCtively. Which one of the following. a. X(7.- 7.o)
statements is correct?
a. Doth S 1 ttnd S:z nrc: ャゥョᄁ
(LTl) systems
セエ イ@ tjmo inv111 itmt
ra b.

x( e'"·z)
b. S1 i• L'IT buts, is not L·n
d. X(z).:i-.:
c. S 1 is not LTI buL S,i• LTI
d. nセゥ エ「 ッイ@ St nor sセ@ lo LTI Which nne of the following '" correct?
Energy of • power signol is
28. What os lhc <outj)Ut "-" J<>r " system

a. finite
llmt has • lrnnsfcr fuoctlon G{s) b. zero
5) - .:, - 2
when subjecttd to a slop iJopurl c. inf"mite
d. between 1 anti 2
"· - 1

b. I 34. The ou1put <,f :& lineur !\ yl';tern lf1r :1n y inpu1
c. 2
can bt: cornvuted in which one nf' the
foUowing キケセ_@
d . U nbounded

a. O nly by summation of impulse

29. nu;; rcrspon:;c:- or a linear. litnt.·invariant

rcspons(!1!. by coJwolutiml integw·al

syst"'n to n woil step C! b(l) ( J -e·I/R<")
b. Only by SWJUUation of step ""'J>OOSOS

u(t). where ll(t) ;. the unit Step. Whnl 1•

b_y superposition integ.ral
the ゥューオャ セ・@ te,o;portse of this •Y•tem '1
n. e セエ イ@ c. Neither (ol nor (b)

1>. e"R" u( t ) d. Using oitltcr (a) o r (b)

35. Which of lhu following is/aru not •
」 セ@ 1/RC {e " "' ' u(l )j
proporly/pmportios of a power spcctrol
d. o( t) density funcLion S,.(m)?
30. What is the Z·trnnsfonn of the signal x[nl a. Sx((l)) is 3 rc• l functionol'61
- a." u(u)?
h. Sx(lll) is 311.,\'Cu function of m
v.. X!z) " - -
t.- I
c. S,(Ol) is a ョッᄋー\セウゥエカ・@ f unetiQ!I セイ@ l•l
ゥ N セ N@
S,{ro) ,; 0 fur all "'
d. All of the above
(, nt 13
36. If • ャゥョセイ@
time ゥョカセイエ@ ウエ」ュ@セケ is cxetted b. 20 J.LH
hy a true r.mdom #ignol like white nolse. c. セ P@ J.LH
rhc output of Oto linear sy•tcm will havu
wbiclt Of Ute following pr(Jpcrties? d. 5 )!H
n. Output will be a \vhitc noise JO. Which ot1e of the foltowtng e:-:pressions
mav bu lli<ld to describe tbe
b Output\\ ill oo p"rioJio tc,;peroturc (T) v ariation the intrinsic -.,f
c. Output will nor be random enmer density (o,) of a semiconductor'/
<1. Outpul "ill he c<>tTe\urcd or colored a. oi('l') = ( lVI) exp (- EglkT%)
uoiso b. n1tT) = J\(1\jkT)to

37. Mntclt Li.<t - I with List · JJ and""'""' uエセ\@ c.. n1(T.) セ@ A c:xp ( -4:1, 2kT)
correct セョウキ・イ@ usiug the 」ッ、 セ@ _givcu bela\\'
エィ セ@ lists . d. 1111Tl - aG イᄋ Bセ@ cxp ( - H( 2kT)
Lisl - 1 Eg is lllc hfitld s•t•·
r\ ill pro-lilctur. ll is
Boltzmon con•1ont
A. H c.x•goual 」ャGI ᄋ セ エ。ャ@
.J 1. Which unc of the ihUowing is tin>

B. Rhombohedral セ IGウ ゥョ@ I remaining grade of paper u,ell in p;oper
C. Tridinic cry.tAI c:!pltCitOI'S, OOSidOS the nt!J1:1· [ WI) grJd<>; or
D. Monoclinic cryslnl pap<r-low toss and exb·a lc.w loss?

List -II a. Strong dielectric
I. a = セ@ = c: y = o. = fi = 90• b. Regular
2. a = h = c; CL = fl = 'I()": ., = J2()Q e. Rough
d. セャosᄃ@
3. オ セ ィ セ 」[オM{ャ
NM ケ Zッ YP ᄚ@

ll :< b = Ci 0. = '( " 90"= iJ

42. Consider the following statetnonts aboul
diamngnclk materials and di•mngnctism;
l. The materioIs have n.tgativc magn<Ric
セ@ I 2 3 4
us セGcーエゥ「ャ ケN@
b. l 1 ,, 3
2 At カ ッZイ セ@ I<>" tert1J)<r•ture. diamagnetic
セ N@ I 2 セ@ 3 motoriols on: converted into

d. 1 I 3 4 paramagnetic mat«lals.
3l!. An intense magnetic field " to be \Vhich nt' tlte sta.tements gi,·en Jbove i$1are
p1'0duocd by n SUJlefconducling eoil. correct'/
Which one of rho following la oss<:nlial 'I a, I only

n. The erilicai tcmpornwre T, must be b. 2 unly

high so lhat heating of rho coil does nor
c. Both I nnd 2
raise the temperature nbO\' e T,
d. Noithcr I nor 2

t•. The mnsnelic field prod·ueed hy the

current sholll<l he ャ ・ウ セ@ !han the 」 イゥエ ゥ」NセA@ 43. Wlticlt one of the foll<lwing is not •
lield 」ィ。イオッ エ ・Nゥセエャ 」@ of o ferroelectric matenal7

c. The ュセャ N・イゥSQ@ s hould 「セ@ pure so that 11> a. High dlelectric constant
high condud.ivitv .nltows more cum..'Til b. No hysteresis
10 -Aow through rhe coil c. Ft."''"f'('Jclcctric c.hanu::t<.•ristic unly above

d. tケーセ@ I materials should oo. used so rhe Cnri.e poi or

that •nper.:onductivity e-x ist• helow a <1. Elc<;tric dipole momenf
sbatply tlelined セイ ゥャ 」 。ャ@ Held .t,J. Which one ofdte following is corrt<:t?
.W. 'rhe indu"tance of a single Ioyer solenoid Fort-it.., are po.rticulurJy suiled fo1' high
of tO tutns is 5 J.Lll. frequency applications becouse of their
Which ono of uエセ@ t'oUowillg is the CIIIT<:UI a. low distortion
v•luc of inductance whc:n llta nl!rnll<.'T of
b. higlt 」ッ ョ、オ セエ ゥ カ ゥエセ G@
iuGjセ@ is 20 aod Ute length is doubled?
c. low cdd)• cum:ol los•
a. 10 11H
d. hig h mobility
7 ul IS
45. Consider the fo llowing ウエセ エ・ュ\ᄋョ ウ@ : b. 3
At fmite le:ruper:&ture.. magneti-:: dipoles: in c. 9
a mnteriol nr!> rondom ly o1iented giving d. O.J33
1011 magnetization. Wben magnetic field H 50. \Vbicli one uf llle f1>Uuw ゥョセ@ ;, An ""'""'t>lc
is opplietl. tl1U ma.g nel1£ntion of electroluminet«ent device&?
I . incr<:<JScs with H a. Liquid crysllll display and photodiode.
2. dect\:•$e• with H b. Liquid Cl)'llllll display and pbotcr
3. dcc.-.:ases with tcmtt!Cfaiurc fnr trno5i.stor
C.OitStaJtl II c. Electrohtmfnescentpnnol

\Vb.iclt oftJtt.: ウャイエ ャ」NZオセョエ ウ@ given 。「 ッカセ@ ゥウ エ ッイセZᆳ
d. light erniUing diode セョ、@ photo-
1 ottly
"· 51. How mucb (oppro:dmate) is the t'requency
h. 2unly independent power ヲセ」 ャ ッイ@ of o plostic
c. 2and 3 dielectric ・ッー。セゥエイGO@

d. land 3 a. 0.00002
• .'\·r cut
In highly sl:tble oscill•tor 」ゥnオエセ@ "· 0.00112
qu>11z O))'$l3ls •t'l: gcnc:rolly Clllllloyed_ c. 0.002

V.'hat is lhe reason for u3ins this lllltlicular d . ().()2
ッイQ・ョエ T ャ ゥッョ セA@
セR N@ Which amon_g the followln_g has/hove
a, エNセ オ。イ ャコ@ 」イケウ エ。ャ セ@ have a natural growU1
""llliCilance v• lue(s ) frcun few tll' 111 high
ohm!! this plane
I> The CO:ITe<pondlng quality f.• c.tor ls
L1rgest for セ ャゥ ゥ@ oritmlllllon
ra :1, Mien. glnss, low lo..s c.:ramic
c. Tt>= U. miuima l IJlntpcratUI'C vari:otion b. High pcnnittivit) セ・イ。 ュォ@
c. Paper
of fi·equenC')'
d. AT cut orystals cun bo used over • d. Ek ctrol)1ic
Qセゥ、・@ frequency mngc S3. An air-fil led p:orn llel plnte c:opacilor mnclc
of Aquare plates. each HI em Hl em. hos

47. In Curie low fo1• poramagncti" nlolorwls.

huw is fhc •u•ceptibility X •·clntc<l In a capacitance C. If lhc plates 。イセ@ 1educcd
Jh.«>h•tc tempeuture ·r 1 to 2.5 セBG@ 2.5 em. wltat would be U1e ne\1
•• 'l. <r ( '
a, C14

b. x..- JT
b. C 8
クセ@ T:
'l." I T'
c. C/ 16
d. C132

48. Wl>at d<>t>i quality ll1ctnr nr I• dielectric 54. Ceromic l'l3.'<onatc)I'S lt•e- which (>ne ()I' th"
mean ?
a, 1; is rdaled 1<1 the カセ ャ オ・@ nfpem1illivi1y

oflhe mareriul a. Barium エゥ エNQョセャ エZ@

b. lL is rclatod lO brcakdt!Wil \IUJI<tgC of b. Siliwn

lbe dielectric c. pゥセッM、・エイ」アオ。ャQ コ@ crystal

c. 11 ゥセ@ related tu tl1c イ ッウゥセ ャゥ カゥ エ ケ@ of the d. 7.irconium エ ゥ エセョ。・@

material 55. Which material is used for making
d It i• related l<1 the イ\セエゥ ッ@ l>etween ー・ョ。ッセャ@ magnet?
mll:<imum s tnrcd energy 3nd average- 3- 」 セイ「ョ steel ョ@
power l11ss io U1e d\el<:<:ll'ic b. Gennan ium
J.9, 1 be velocity of light in • partic.ubr c. Silicon
medium is 108 m/s. Wbal is the Nlaliv" d Nnne o f the Zセィッカ・@
pem1ittivity of!he medium'/
J. 1.732
56. Which on• or Llw fc)llowing mcat.;UI'ing,
devices has minimum loading etTect on the
quamily under measurement?
a. PMMC d. l..:t = R.-R.:Ct.. R. = - "- "
b. CRO c.
e. Hot lvfre 60. Hay bridge is suitable for measuring
fnductance of whkh one of the IC>IIowing
d. Elcctrodynmnomcter
57. A network has 4 node:; and .l independent
loops. wィ\セエ@ is the number of branches In a. I laving Q value less than I 0

the network'! b. Having Q value ァイセ\ャ・@ !hun I I)
a. 5 c. or any value of Q
IJ. 6 d. Having ーィ。 セ ・@ angle of reactance very
c. 7
d. 8 61. 11•e cu>-rct1l flowing in a 20 !1 resistt>r is

given by:
58, Match - I wil h - I I and select lhe
ゥ ] ャK セウゥョjiTQ@
correct answer using the code given below
the lists: l'his cmrcnt is mcasnre<l by a hot wire

List · t (Bridge) ammeter. Wbal is the measured ••alue?
A. Whemstone bridge
a. 2A
B. Wien bridge b. 3.46A
c. Kelvin double bridge
ra c. JA
D. Schering bridge d. 2.83 A
List - II {Quantity) 62.
I. Capacitflntc
Very low resistance
IOtH;r. -
3. Resistance

4. l'requency
A B c D
a •
> 4 セ@ The At bridge. is supplied with a source or
b. 2 I 3 4 10 ](Hz as shown in the above circuit.

c. 3 I 2 4 What is the value ofC, ?

d. 2 4 3 I
' R,

b. C R,

c. 」セ@
' RI

d. C, R,
The figure shows ' Owen bridge' aiTliilged R,
to measure incremental inductance of lbe 63 . A ci,..:le is Fonnll on the screen of n CRO
unknown inductance L,. R, . At balance, when 2 time varying signals of S<tme
what are the valws ofL, and R, '1 ヲイ・アセNョ」ケ@ and same magnitude arc applied
a. I = R, R, .R = t{, R• t<>X and Y. plates o f the CRO. Wltut is the

b. L,
. c
. •
R, R,Cb. R,
R, C:b C,
a. 0°
relative phliSe difference?

b. 9()0
?01 [ j
c. 180° c. proportional to SiJUnrc root of angulnr
d. セェ ᄋ@ speed
64. Wbic.b of セQ P@ tbllowiug _VD converter ゥ セ@ d. proportion• I to square of oogular ijpeed
オ セ・、@ in a Dig1L1I Storage (l•cilJoscopo 69. The best オN セ・@ of -a イ セ@ lstance Uu1rmomater U;
(DSOl'l In which range?
"· Rtomp type a. Between HセIP ᄚHG@ In ;ohouL I t0tJ0 t'
!). Successh•e npprnximatiO>n tYJIC b. BelweeJJ lltltJ"<" to 140tl°C
c. 0 1L1l •lope rype c. Between I·IOtl"(.' to 1800"C
d Parallel IYJlC d. Al)ll\'e ISOO"r

65 It Is J e-•ircd k• mukc oocunue measurement 70. A strain gauge \•11h a nontin•l イ」ウゥャ エ 。ョセ 」@
of \'<lltage using a CRO. Which of lho of 120 Q Bセ@ gouge f.•ctqr qf 2 undersoe«
l\)llowing ilt ms should he takrn intb a slr;rin <>( I0 セ@ What io the change in
cunsidcrotion in l「ゥ セ@ measurement'? エセウゥ。Nョ」@ in エ エZウーョ ョ Nウセ@ to Ute ウエ Zセ ゥ ョ@ 'l
I. Eloctrosrnlic deflcctlou ャ ケーセ@ CRT a. 240.0

2 Mognelic detlection I)'Jl• CRT b. 240
3. Small 、」oセエゥッョ@ fQr •n t::IS\trcmcnt at c. 2,4 1()-J Q
U1e centre of lhe screen

d. 2.4 J0"'1
セ L@ L3rgc de:flcctiou to cowr U1c culir<:
A セ@ h diSit nurornotic ranging digital
voltmclor bn.s 3 spccijjo accorocy of
Sciccl the c-Orrect ouswer using the code ±(1.(15% nf "'ading nnd 2 c:c w N R セ N L@ of
given below : ra o'iluge. When the mpul measured \'Oil.'lge is
a. I nn<l セ@ 22 \ 'o iL whot is the ov.:rall occur•cy ·1
b. 2 11U<13 "· PNR セ N Q@
c. 2 a ョ エゥセ@ b. 0.054%
d. I ond 3 c. 0.077%
(i(i. Which ooc of Ult following ゥセ@ IWltJ uc of d. P N Q U T セF@
diglt:tl instruments セ@ 72, Which ()ne nf 1he tilll()wing is U&cd lo

a, Loading of the circuit under Jnt:;I$Ull! lCIIlJI<>rJIUJ'd hi セj、。@ • boiler

measurement is less fbntnco7
b. Aocurncy is botlor 。 セ@ Resi.stan_c.c lbc:rnlometur
c. FJ'ec ftmn ッセ」 j v Siェッョ 。 Q@ crrum b. Bimetallic エャ セ ョオ ッ オーャ・@

11. Con prcsenl the '" "diog in ovct'tlll c. Optk ol pyrnmc'ltr

con lex I of raoge d. ThermiStor
67. Which o ne of the fo llowing statements for 73. An 。 セ@ LVOT Is given 6.3 V input and

n potent:iometric tran• docer is correct'I produces 5.2 V for a •• ngo of ±0.5 inch.
n. It [j; n zero order 、ゥ ウ ーャョ セ ・ョエ@ When the 」ッ イ セ@ is 0 .25 inch fro m the
tr3nsduccr cen tre, what is the output produced?

b. II is a first order displacement a. -1.0 V

lransducur b. 2.0 v

c. It is a zero order temperature c. 26 v

d. 2.6 v
d. It is a s..cond order displaccmont
74. \Vlticb tJte ヲッャw
UtlC: Of ゥ u セ@ ャイ G nエゥ s 、|ico G セ@
セ jョ Ull;.'lsnrc. now io ョ ッョセア
ッ エ@ 」ョ、オ エゥョ ァ@
68. Which one of Ute following is oorre<ot' medium'?
The gcucroted emf of n de tachogcucrator • · Oritice meter
b. f.lectromagnetic flow meter
tL directly proportion• I to oogulnrspced
c, Tutbine meter
b. ゥョv」N[イウセャケ@ prop<trliooa lto oJJgular•speed
d. rッエNョセ ャ 」 イ@
10 <>I 13
75. FM 「イッョ、」。Nセャ@
1\tandarch セー・」ゥイケ@ a c. EleclTQtlS セイ」@ u11ppcd by !he donors
ュセ クゥ ュオ@ deviation ol' frequency (() be d. More liolcs :!I<: gencroled so U"'l the<
equal to 75 kHz and • ma>.imutn effective mobility deo;:reases
ol10duloting (rcquouc.y of 15 tllz. Wllot i• 79. The drltt velocih: of elec-trons in silicon
doe morlulution inclc>,x fnr F'l'd wave? varies wiih 。ー ャ ゥセ 、@ electric field in wbicb
4 . 115 ou..: of tltc wo.ys?
b. 5 a. ll onnnotonically increast!; with
.:. 60 increasing field
d. I 1.25 b. [l fmit iocrl>(l1<t:S Unc:orly, tlten sob

76. floc d ...:trou aud ィ ッ ゥ セ@ 」ッョセエイ。NゥオウL@ u JinC<lrly and fmally attains ウ。ャオ セエゥッョ@
and p n:spcctivcly obey tllo relation up with incn:aslng tield
nl where n, is lhe intrin!iic c;srrier dens ity. c. 11 forst incre.1sas. then d"'-"'""'""
·nois expressioo is valid for which of Ute showing a neg-dtive d ifferentia I region.
ヲッャ セキ ゥョァ G ャ@ again increases and finaUy saturnt.:s

セ N@for oil semiconductors urtder any d. The drift velodty l'ellloins unchongcd
c-Ondilion 1vith inm:osc in field
b. F or· diro>et l>ond !!'•P samiconduetor so. lu o homogeneously dopod n·typc;
semiconducror bar. hole& nre ゥ ョj iNャcセM、@

onl) at
a._ セッイ@ ョ ッ ョM、 ・ァ」Zョ イ[セャ ・@ semiconductor one end of lhc l>ar How will the: boles
under thennal l!lJUilibrium condition Om\ to the other end?
d. For degeneo'3le セ ・イョ@ iconductors ho1•ing a. By drill med1anil!rn unly
b. By diffits ion mechanism only
excess electrons nod holes
Match List - I with l,is( -II and select ャィ セ@
corro:ct • oswer using the code given belo11
ra c. By co1nhin"tic)n 111' tlri11 and d iffilsio n
tltelist. : d. By recombination mech"utlim
LiM • I (Item) TI1e depletion layer in a p-n JUnctoon 」セ@
A. Donor ono.rgy baud m:adu of which oftllc foUowing'?
B. J'.:rm i i セxNZ i@ uf p·type s<mi-cundootor a. ャッエl u・ セ@ donors ;,, p·• id<! and ionizdt!

nl room tcmpcrotUN Zicーャo i セ@ iu_ li•Sidc

C. Accclllor energy bond b. Ionized ncccplOJ'!\ in p-bid<! nnd ionil'.<ld
D. Ft.Tmi 1cvcl it• inlrin.SI\.! :sani..conduelur donors in ョ Mセ[ゥHャ」@
List· ll (Position) c. セ |」 」オュャ。エッ、@ hole• in p-side und

I. AI lh• oniddlo •>f' tho;' fm·hidden energy •ccum ulate(l cleclroru; in n-.•ide
gup d. Accumulated e lectrons in p·side and
2. Clos" to Uld conduction !land •ccunmlated holes in n·s ide

3. Ve.-y close to the カ。 ャ セョ 」・@ band セャ N@ Which une of エィセ@ lollowing statemenl!> is
not c(ln'o:ct?
セ N@ C'IO!!c Q P エィ セ@ valcnc" band
a. rオカ・ョッセ@ soturotion <!ttrrcnl in it 1'3J'I

A B c I)
upp!oximatcly doubl<>o li>r wcry IO' C'
4 3 2

1>. 1 2 J 3
rise in lem_peruturc
b. t セ@ィ

rcvursc u:sistnncc: of n junction

2 J 3 diode mcren.lies with mcrease in

d. '2 3 4 1 l emper.thare

78. \\'by docs the mobil ity of uloctrons in • c. Reverse セ 。 エ オイZウエゥ ッ ョ@ current of a silicon
;qe:miconcluctnr decrease with increa5ing diode is much smaller tl1an tlta t of a
donor density'] gct'tLuruum diode.
n. dッ ー ゥセ N ャョ」Mイ・。ウ@ the セッャZ」エ ゥ カ・@ ma$3 ••f d. The Cut-in vollllNc <>f silicon di11dc is
elcctruos larger than thai nf ,gennanium
h. Dl'lping 、」NZイcゥャウセM@ tl1e relaxation time
of ・ャ」エイッ ョセ@
11 of 13
83. Matc;h List - 1 wiUt List -n 11nd scleot the b. '' " = g,,. Ro
.:orre.:1 4f\SW.:r tlsing the code given hei0\1 c. A" g., I (1 f Ru)
the ti$L.: d. J\\' Ru g.,.)
List - I (Diode)
セW N@ Hu11 is uu !'-channel Jwtchuu Field Etlocl
A. Gunn diode Transistor operated "' 1111 ampliJier?
B. Z.ener dindo a. \Vith n ヲ ッョセ オイ、@ bi"as ァ ᄋ ョエ・Mウッオイセ」@
C. Vnractur diode junction
D. Scholtky diodo b. With a reva-,;e bi>-• gal<>-«onrce
List - n (a ーャゥ 」Zセ ャ ゥ ッョ I@ juucllou

I. Mi'i;Cf c. With nn open gate..,;ource junction
2. Microwave osciilalors d. With a shorted gace.,;ource j11nction
3. Frcttucuc-y tt'Lodul!1tion $8. The tum-on time of an SCR is 5
+. Vollllj!c comporiwn microsecond. It;; u·tgger pulse should have
wnicb one of tho foUowing?

A B C 0
11. Short rise ume whit ーオエウセ@ widtl1 セ@
n. 4 2.5,..
h. t 2
b. Long rise time wltll pulse \lldtlt = 3 f.1S

c. I3
c. Shor1 rise エゥュ セ@ with pulse lvidth = !\ f.1S
cl. .3 4 2
d. Short ri!e lime with pube width = 5 p.s
84. Match U8t - I with List -n
nnd ・ャセ エ@ tho:
セA^ N@ C'on•ider the tbllowing statements used in
correct answer tlsmg the CO<lt 11ivon hclo\\ ra
the Jist• : h:spect ui the phenornenon-Popul1olion
luvc::tsion :
List - I (.Diode)
1. 1L mean.• population in a higheo state is
A. ·rurmel dlode
highco· than セエ。 ャ@ in a lo" or slllte.
B. PlN diode
2. It is observed und"'· Uoennal
(' Zener ditKic cquilibriwn.
f) , Photo diode 3. n ゥョ」イセ@ the otole of •pon!Jincous

List -ll\t:.'ommon Application) emission.

I. Reading of film souu d track 4. ll mcrca.scs l.ho role of stimubted
2. High froquoncy oscillatoo· circuits emission.
3. \ ' ery high frcqm:ncy switching c ircuill> Which of Uoe statement• giv"n. above are

-t Re(eroncc vuh!1gc con-ect ?

_.\ 0 c 0 u. I, 2. 3 and 4
4 3 2 b. hnd 3 onl)

h. '2 4 3 c. I and セ@ on ty
c. 2 d. land 4 nnl)•
' 4 3

cl. 2 3 .( 1 ?0. An inllinsic scm.iCilnductor (intrin., ic

electron den•iry = Ill 16m-J) is doped with
85. Fur " opn llipolar ャョッ セゥウ エ ッ イ L@ what ゥNセ@ the
、オョッセ@ to • !<:vel nl' 1021 m-l. \Vh•t セG@ tl1c
m(lin s tream nf c-urronl in lhe b:t.So rcgfon?

holt dcn5ity 。ウセ オョエゥ ァ@ JU donor• to be

n. Drill of holos Ionized ?
b Diffusion of holes a. 10' m..l
c. ().in or electrons b. !o"m-3
1l Diffu•ion of electron;; B G セ@
c. 10'
H6. Which one of the followmg g.1in equation< d. [()6 m -l
is correct for a MOSFI! I' common-source A Sj samp le is dop.od \\itlo a Jixed number
ョューャゥヲ・セ ᄋ@ 7 (gm is mutua! cuntlucbHce. nnd
of g roup V ゥューオイエセウN@ TI1u セj ゥ ・」 ャ イッョ@
Ru is load rosi¥laucc >I tbe drain) density n is measured from 4 K to 120(\ K
IL. Av g,. / Ro
i セ@ u l' 15
fur the Sll111plu Which one oiUte following separation 'll' along 't •axis both sheers
is correct? carryrng. s urftlce current i\ k, a. ')
IL n remJins COIJ.Stllll! over エ ィ セ@
te-mpemture イオョァセ@ a. k, tiv
b n incrcascs monotOIIicully wiUt b. ,. k.n,.
incroosing temperature
c. n ゥョ」イセ。ウ・@ ヲゥイ ウ Q セ@ renuli11S 」ッイエセャオ@ uvcr c. ,, kya.
a range and again incrcas.:.s with d. 1-ero
inarca.>ing エセュー・ エ ・@ オイ
96. W1 is the electrostatic energy smred in a

i.l n increases. shows u pl'llk und エィセョ@ セケウ エ・ュ@ of three equal point 」ィ。セ ・ウ@
decr<:ases with rtse in temperature arranged in n 1inc wllh 0.5 m Separation
92. 1\Jl tH ype semiconductor IS illuminated by between them. [f w, IS the cocrg) stored
u steady nux of photons widt energy with I m scpardli011 hctwecn エィセュ N@ then
gremer than the band gap e.nerg) I he which one エ ^ ヲセQ」@ loJiowing 1s correct'?
change in conductivit) セ セ@ cr obeys wh•ch

a. W1 = 05W:
b. W1 =W 1
a. セ」イ セ ッ@
c. W 1= 2W_

b. <l. a"' C(J.l, + f ..) <l. n d. WI= 4Wt
c. 6. cr = セHNL@ \n - f'• 6p\
d. 6. cr • e fl, .\n
93. Por a scmi-ronduclor. U1e ooodut.1ivily is 11 ra
ヲオョセエゥッ@ of tl1e producL> uf the number ,,f
ch,.rge carriers :111d their nnhilitks. As n
resuiL if th< tcmpemturc of u slab of V•O
i111rinsic sit icon increases. how d<JCs it'
Jl(ltcntinl distrihution V tlctwee.n twu
t ィ セ@
conductivity vlll)' • mfinitc flal metal sheers ュ」セエゥョァ@ at nn
a IA-crli!ases angle 0 is to be found. Qセ@ ャセヲ@ edges <lf
b Incrcases the sheets arc scrnrntcd by an inlinitcsimal

c. R••mains nnaffectell gop. The lower sheet is at 7.cro potential

d. Increases or decreases depending upon and the upper セ ャエ」@ is at potrntiul v ,. lftt
lhe rise In temperature be nn angle li'om V • () plate. what is the
potential dislJ'ibution'!
n te eteetric fietd mtensity TI m u point P

is given by: a. V = V1sin(!!!!..)
• 2(}
ioゥ K where i.jand k are unit
i oェセ i oォ@

v] L ウ ゥョ lセ I@

vectors in x, y and 7 directions b.

respectively. If a. [t y me respecli>'ely the
angles the E vector mnkes with x. y and z c. V = V セゥ ョ H N@ 3na1

。Nセ・ウ@ respectively. エィセケ@ are giwn by which I :!fl

uf U1e following'!
V= V,sin( セj@

n. .,-p : yz JQ• tl.

11 a =セ ] ケ ] VPB@
Whm is the value of the magncuc vector
c. オMセ ] ケ ] 」ッウGセ@ potentilll due 10 an [nfinitesimnll) smal l
curren1 clement, ・セ。ャ オ。エ」、@ nt infinite
distance from it?
d. c; セ@ fl = r=cos· • セ@ a. Infinity
95. vNセQュ@ is the nwgnetk lield intensity vector b. Unil)
H bct\VCCn two pnrnllul sheets wid• c. Lt:ru
13 ol i セ@
.1. Any number between zero and infinity B. 100 535kHz
dc..,endm.g on the strength of the c. 535 1600kHz
C.Unl::nl ck:mcnl
D. 1.6 30 Mllz
99. Application of the method of image> 10 a List · IT (\Vl!Vc Clllu'llctc'fi•tic)
boUlldaty volut problmn in オャ・」エイッゥセ@
invQive• which one of the Yollowing? 1. Dua to higb abso!'ption in day エ ゥュセ N@
long distance communic:ation by sky
• · lntroduction of an additional wsve is noLposs u>le
distribution of chorges セョ、@ removol of
" set of conducting surfaces 2 J)ay time bm•dcosting depends
entirely on ground wave ー ュ ーM。 ァ エセゥ ッョ@

b. lntmducti<m of 1111 uJ,titionol
llistribution of do>o gcs and J11 .1. ャカ ャ ッセ エャ ケ@ ground waves np to HXIO km
ndditionnl set of cundacting surfnce. 4. M<>stly セォケ@ waves
c. Rcmovul of • c.luorgc distribution 111od A. セ@ (' D
intrltchu:tion nf :on n<ltlitional sef of :1, 3 I 2 4
comluctlng ウ オエャ |ッ」セ@ b. 3 I -1 2

tl. Remov•l of a charge distribution ns c. 1 3 2 4
well as a sel of conducliug 5HI'faces
d. 1 3 4 2
100. t- lngnelic current is conopoS<>el ofwluch of'

tl,.. following 2 I04. lf E= ( セ ᄋセ@ f \' )e '''. lit.® tbe wave t.t said
u. Onll conduction tom1>0nenl
Lobe whioh one of the following'/
b. Only displacement oomponenl
ra a. Right cirCIJ lorly pol:orit,ed
c. Both conduction and displacement
d.umponents 1>. Right elliptically polarized
d. Ne1Uter conduction component nor c. Left circu rorly polorized
、ゥウーャョ・\ュセエ@ component d. Left elliptlc>Uy polnrized
1(11. T" o c.:;uducting Utin coib X and Y lOS. Wlo.ich o ne nf the lollnwiog セ エ。 エ ・ュョャG@ ls
tidontical except for > thin cut in 」 カセ@ Yl correct'>-
1m: plucerl in • uniform magnetic field On a "onducting surface boundary. electric

which is dccrt:.1Sing tot n consiilnt r;,te. I I' field Iones are

the plane of Ute coil• is I"'CJ>cndiculur to a. ahV3)'$ tangential
tltc liold lines, \vhich ol' the lh llt>w ing
statem<:nL< is ovrrcct '/ <\1; a セ ・ウ オャエN@ emf' is
b. always nonnal
induced in c. neither tangential nor no mtnl

u. bo th the coih; d. ot on angle depending on tho field

h. coiL Y only
106. Which ッ ョセ@ of tho following statements for
c.. coil X ッ ョャ セ セ@

a short circuited loos free line i$ not

,1, none of the two c;oils COO't.-1.!-l?
1\12. Which one of the following t< correct'/ a. The line appc•t" as " pure. rcacltlncc

As frequency increases, the surf-ace when vic\\ ed from the sending ond
resistanc-e of a me(al b. H can be 、 ャエ セGヲ@ inductive or .:.npacitivc

C. nu:re >l'C 110 reflection.>. in tJH' line

b. incrense.'i tl. Sltlotllng waves of voltoge and cum:n\
c. roma.lns nnch:mgcd •re sci up JcngUt of the: lines
d. varic> in an Un]ln!dictahle m•nner 107. 1\btch Li•l· 1 with List - 11 ru1tl • cl.:ct Ute
103. i\ lotch lゥセエ@ • 1 witlt List - D 3Jld solcut the con-ect :mswer using. Lhe code _grven below
correct 3rt'iWer U$ing Lhe c()de given helow the ャ ゥウ セ@ エ :
the lislil ; Li$\ · I (J o:od hnredance) -1 H ャ セイ・アオョ」ケ@ R.nge l A. Shm1 C'ircuit
A.. 20- 1()() kHz B. Ot""' Circuit
iセ@ u l 1.'>
C. l..ine characteristic Impedance
3. セ N] セャョH「 ャ オI@
f) , 2 " line characteristic ゥュー・、。ョ」セ@ 2JT
Usl -H 1Value of Renection Coemcicnt) 2
4. R.,= !l.ln( ").b >> tt
I. 0 1T (I

2. - 1 A B c D
3. セ i@ 3. 3 4 1
セN@ 1/3 b. 4 3
A B c D c. .) l 4

:h 1 I 3 4 d. 2 4 3
b. 4 3 I 2 II 0. Match List • I with List • II and sclcctlhc
c. 2 3 I 4 coiTeCI answer usiatg 1he code gjven below
d. 4 3 1 the lists:
I 08 . When Uu: ruOcction coeflicienl •qu•ls List· I (Component)

I LO' . whnt is the VSWR? A. Coaxial line
a. zセイッ@ B. Rectangular waveguide
b. I C. Cavity resonator

c1 J D. Common wavemeter
d. Infinite List· [] 1Filtering Characteristics)
I 09. Match List - I with List · II and select the I. Band pass filter
correct answer using tile code given below ra 2. Band reject tiller
tl•e lists : 3. Low pass filter
Ust - I (Tra11smjssion Line) 4. lligll pass filter
A. A B c D
a. 1 3 4
b. 2 4 3

Coax ial line @ c. 3 2

B. d. 3 4 2
Il l. A broadside array or four isotropk point
sources of same amplitude and phase,

placed alo11g x axis with a spacing of Al2

Two wire ャゥョセ@ between adjacent elements has a polar
panem consisting of which or the
-·-,1, following?

___ b a. One major lobe in the +ve y direction

11nd one major lobe in the negative y

Purallcl platr Iine direction and no side lobes

D. b. One major lohe in th'' ve y direc-tion,

one mnjor lobe in エィセ@ negative. )'
direction, one minor lobe in the +ve x

r'---1 r'---1
Collinear plate 10-a...., ,._.-« direction and one minor lobe in the - ve
List -II (Characteristic ltnpedance)
x dir<•ction
c. One major lobe in the .. ,,. y ilirectioo,
I. 1<, = -.a >> b one major lobe iu the negative y
direction. one minor lobe In each of the
4 four quadrants
2. N, = .! b).h >> ll
7t {/ d. Four major lobes one each in +y: - y:
セ ク@ and - x directions and no other ウ ゥ、セ@
t; or 15
112 W11ich ouc otthc following is correct? 117 Asscnlon (A) If u piece or 111etal is made
Nomml ュッ、セ@ hd ゥ」オャキQHセュ@ has to hnve a エッュセイ。オ・@ gnhlfem bd セBGM@ its
low t:1diation セヲゥ」・ョケ@ t\1 o ends, an emf "" ists bet\\ \セQ@ エィ・ ウセ@
X セ@ !Uld high
directive gain ends.
b. high radiation ef11ciency und low
Renson (R) Electrons at the hot end move
directive gain towards the cold end.
c. low radiation cf'licicnc) and IO\v a. Bmh A and R are individually true nnd
directive gain R Is the correct explanation of A.
cl high radifnil)n ct11cicnc) and high b. lloth A and R nre lndividuall ) IJ'Ue but

エャゥイセ」カ@ gaiu R b Mt the correct cxplnnotion of' A.
113. Which one of the エッャ ッセゥ ョNァ@ causes phase c. A is true but R 1s raise
Shin through nn op-amp? d. ,\ is talse but R is true
a. lntcmnl RC 」ゥ イ 」 オ ゥ エ セ@ I 18. Asson.ion (A) A heavily duped
b eクエセイョオ ャ@ RC circuits
ウ」イ イャ セッ ョ、オ」 N エッイ@ can cxhilllt · flUSJt Jvc

temperature cocnicicm t•f イ NZウゥ オュセ」 N@
c. Guin roll otTofthc intemul trunSIStor
Reason ( R) f'he c:uTier mobilit)
d. Negat ive feedback docreas.:s with increase ,.rr.cmporaturc

a Bod1 A and R are ind1viduall) true ru1d
R is the correct 」セー ャ 。ョエゥッ@ of A.
lO Jt--=i)±_
16V )20 b Rtllh A nud R lite individual)\ 1111e h111
'-" R is notlhe セオイ」エ@ cxplnrlatuj•l of A.
ra c. A is mte but R is false
d. A is false bnt R ., tme
In the ciruuiL セィエ キョ@ above. if tho current 11 9. Assenion (A) The ャGAセゥウエッイ@ and
caracrtors fabricated using IC' technology
thn, ugh the resistor R is コ セイッ N@ whm is the
vnluc ofl? have poor ·tolerances with respect to their
a. 1 A absolute values.
Reason (R) : As all the component$ of tho

b 2A
rc an: lithricmed simuliJincnusly, their
C. 3A fiLtio o f tolerances •s カセイケ@ to"
d 4A a. Bod1 A nnd R are ゥョ、カオZQjiセ@ trtlt and
11 5. Which om: of the following is C<)rrcct ? R is the correct explanation or A.

A system can be oomplerely described by a b. llt1ih A and R nrc individunll)' lmc hut
transfer func.tion if it is R is no1 the correct explanauon of I'L
a non-linear and continuous c. II is true but R is イ。エ セ」@

b linear tmd time-varying d. f\ i> fnlse but R is true

c. non-linear and llme-invariant 110. Assertion (A) Substrates chusen ll1r
d linear and timc-invruianl fabncation of microstnp lines ru·c U!<U3JI)'

11 6. Assen.loo (A) : A soper c{)nductor k n thin and having high value or dielectric
ーセイャ」エ@ diamagnetic material . consianL
Re-ason (RI . To minimize radiHtion lnss

l{eason I Rl A super conductor is o

perfect conductor. l'fllm mki'IJstrip lines, fringing or fields
must he rcuuccd ns much as prncticablc.
a. Roth A and R ore Individually true and
R rs エィセ@ correctCXfllanmion or A. a. 13<\th II and R are individually tme Md
R is the correct cX]Jianation of A.
h. Both f\ and R are lndlviduullv true but
R is not エィセ@ correct explanation or A. b. Both A nnd Rare ゥ ョ 、ャGゥオョ ャ セ@ IJ'Ue but
R is not the c<.Yrrccr explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false
d, /1 is false but R is rru" c. A is true but R Is false
a. A is false but R is true

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