HOA Awards Announced

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The CotoBuzz Journal

The CotoBuzz Journal

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New HOA Awards Announced

Posted by CotoBlogzz February 10.2011

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA – The Orange County Chapter of the Community Association’s
Industry (CAI) will be presenting industry awards at the chapter's leadership awards dinner to
be held on February 25, 2011 at Disney's grand Californian Hotel. Considering that the CAI has
asserted that the David-VS-Goliath stories are mostly AstroTurf® manufactured by the media,
including the CotoBuzz Journal, despite evidence to the contrary, such as the California
Supreme Court Decision on Golden Rain Foundation vs Franzand Golden Rain Foundation vs
Lyon. On January 5, 2009, Judge Ronald L. Bauer ruled on David Lyon’s favor on his motion for
an award of fees incurred during the litigation.

The aforementioned CAI Awards by all appearances, seem to be designed as a public relations
ploy, a way to legitimize and attempt to polish the image of members who may have been
tarnished in the media, fairly or not. We have asked the Orange County Chapter for the criteria
and list of finalists, but as of this writing, we do not have such information.
For example, Swedelson & Gottlieb associate Alex Noland has been nominated for three CAI
Awards, while property Management Company PCM has at least two employees, including
spokesperson Wendy Buckman. Additionally, PCM has managed to get Laguna Woods Village
director Heather Gerson, as Director of the Year, even though MS. Gerson was appointed, not
elected, but happens to be a staunch supporter of PCM. We should note that each time we
have contacted PCM and or Swedelson & Gottlieb to comment on the veracity of what we
published, both have refused to comment.

Now, take a peak at the series, a HOA’s Legal Mind – a Terrible Thing to Waste, and the PCM
Ultimatum to the Laguna Woods Village local governance. Now consider that PCM is a
CAI Vintner Title Sponsors at $2000 a pop, while, Swedelson & Gottlieb is the paradoxically-
named Jeroboam sponsor at $750

In response, we have proposed the Davy Awards to include at least four categories: 1) Board
of Directors 2) Legal Counsel 3) Pro-Board Residents 4) Property Management Company and 5)
Other Service Providers.

Some of the specific Awards suggested to date are listed below. Nominations in any of the
aforementioned categories are accepted for CID's in California, as well as nation-wide. Specific
award and or category suggestions are accepted now.

We shall publish the final names February 25, 2011 and will issue a list of finalists by June 22,
2011, with an award ceremony scheduled for August 2011, the venue and exact date to be

The Dodo Bird Award

The Ostrich Award

The Dope Award

The Sleazy Award

The Wheezy Award

The Snake Award

The Vulture Award

The GAGA Award

Most Easily Swayed by Management

Quickest Coat to Turn
Least Qualified in Highest Position of Responsibility
Biggest Believer in Personal Imperial Status
Most Dillusional
Moss Award for contributions as important as the moss in the shade
Biggest Ego – Least Importance
No Friends, No Life, Guess I’ll be a Board Director
Biggest News Carrier to Management
Most Easily Recognized as Management’s Source of Information
Dumbest Suggestion
Biggest Spendthrift
Least Humanitarian
Most Abusive Management Company (with sub categories for employees who show special

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