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Mirah : hi hi, we meet again.

F &A : hello mirah.
Anjani : yeah we have assesment again from mr.gufron.
Fitrah : okay what we do first for this assesment.
Mirah : okay we are disccus about make conversation and then make a role play, about our
major .that situation in drug store . are you guys have idea?
Anjani : we make two situation for this assesment. And we various roles, some become a
farmacist, and two became a patient, patient one just want buy some drugs for fever,
and then patient two become a patient with prescription. How about like this?
Fitrah : I think its good, you great anjani.
Mirah : iam okay with that. Fisrt who’s want be a pharmacist? Anjani or fitra?Or me?
Fitrah : I think I want a be a patient, I don’t want be a pharmacist. What about u anjani?
Anjani : okay, the best pleasure for me.
Mirah : okay,I being a patient two.And then times for make a conversation, We make a 20-
minute for this conversation and come back through the zoom to create role plays. Are
you okay with this?
A &F : okay.

After 20-minute
Mirah : Hi Here We Again.
Anjani : We Complete Our Conversation, and then makes a role play.
Fitrah : Okay-Okay wait, I get some nerveous now.
Mirah : Its Okay fitra, we can make the best conversation.
Anjani : Okay Now We Start. You and me first mirah
Okay Role Play Action.
Dialog Pharmacist& Patient With Prescription
Patient: Excuse me!
Pharmacist: Good evening, miss. How may I help you?
Patient: I would like to pick up a prescription, please.
Pharmacist: Sure. May I see it, please?
Patient:Of course. Here you are.
Pharmacist:Well, I think we have all the drugs listed on your prescription which are loperamide
and antibiotics (cotrimoxazole). Let me get them for you.
Patient: Okay.
Pharmacist: Here you are.
Patient: Thanks. How should I use them?
Pharmacist: You need to take this one three times a day one hour before meal.
Patient: Okay. How about these pills?
Pharmacist: Those are antibiotics. You need to take them three times a day after meal. You have
to finish them all.
Patient: Okay
Pharmacist: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Patient: No, that is all
Pharmacist: Very well. That will be 51.000 rupiah.
Patient: Can I pay by credit card?
Pharmacist: I’m sorry. We’ll take payment by cash only.
Patient: It’s okay. Here’s the money.
Pharmacist: Thank you. Here’s the receipt
Patient: Thank you.
Dialog Pharmacist& Patient
Pharmacist : welcome to a healthy pharmacy farma, sorry if i can help you sir ??

Patient : I want to ask what medicine is suitable for reducing fever ??

Pharmacist : I'm sorry if I may know if you have any other symptoms besides fever ??

Patient : oh no i just had a fever

Pharmacist : well. I will give paracetamol. effective medicine to reduce fever

Patient : if I may know how much the medicine costs

Pharmacist : for the price of his strip five thousand

Patient : for the drinking rules how many times a day

Pharmacist : the medicine is taken three times a day after meals

Patient : well then I bought a strip

Pharmacist : Okay. This is the medicine, if you want to consult please come back. thank you

Patient : well. You're welcome

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