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Title of the Project: Comparing Vocal Ranges: How High and

Low Can You Go?


What is the highest note you can sing? How about the lowest? Do you think males and females
can reach the same notes? How about children and adults? Find out the answers to all these
questions in this "note"-worthy science fair project!


Compare the vocal ranges of people to determine if puberty and gender affect vocal range.


Have you ever started singing a song, and then realized a little way into the melody that the
notes were either too high or too low for you to sing? If so, the song was outside of
your vocal range. A person's vocal range is the lowest and highest notes (along with all the
notes in between) that a person can comfortably sing.

To understand what might determine a person's vocal range, it is important to first understand
what is happening when a person sings. First, the air is expelled (breathed out) from
the lungs. It is carried out of the body through a tube called the trachea, which is part of the
throat. On its route through the trachea and out of the mouth, the air passes through
the larynx, often also called the voice box. The larynx contains folds of tissue, called
the vocal cords. The vocal cords vibrate as air passes through them, and this vibration
creates sound. If you place your fingers at the base of your throat and sing or talk, you might
be able to faintly feel these vibrations.

Figure 1. In this diagram you can see the path that air travels during singing. The air is
pushed out of the lungs, up through the trachea, over the larynx and vocal chords, and
then out through the mouth.
The pitch of the sound a person makes is determined by several factors, including the size
and tension of the vocal cords, and how fast they vibrate. By changing some of these factors,
people can produce different pitches, which means they can sing a variety of notes. But one
thing a person can't control is the length of his or her vocal cords. Vocal cord size is similar in
young males and females. As children go through puberty,however, their vocal cords grow
longer. By the time they're adults, most females have vocal cords that are between 12.5
millimeters (mm) and 17.5 mm long; adult males usually have longer vocal cords, between 17
mm and 25 mm in length.

Do you think the difference in vocal cord length between adults and children, and between
people of different genders, might affect the vocal range of each group of people? You can
find out the answer in this science fair project by comparing the vocal ranges of four different
groups of people: male adults, female adults, male children, and female children. Since
puberty is a period of time when a person's vocal range may be changing, you'll need to make
sure all the people you examine in this science fair project are either done with puberty, or
haven't entered puberty yet. For this reason, only gather data from children age 9 or younger,
and adults age 21 or older. Who has the highest vocal range? How about the lowest? Get
ready to take "note" of the answer!

Terms, Concepts and Questions to Start Background Research

• Vocal range
• Expel
• Lungs
• Trachea
• Larynx or voice box
• Vocal cords
• Pitch
• Puberty
• Gender
• Middle C
• Magnitude


• What is vocal range?

• How do people produce sounds when they sing?
• Why do musicians need to know their vocal range?


For more information about vocal range, try these websites:

• Wikipedia Contributors. (2008, November 10). Vocal range. Wikipedia: The Free
Encyclopedia. Retrieved November 10, 2008,
• (2008). Vocal Range—Finding Your Keys! Retrieved November 10,
2008, from

For more information about middle C and other notes on the piano, try these websites:

• Wikipedia Contributors. (2008, November 12). Middle C. Wikipedia: The Free

Encyclopedia. Retrieved November 12, 2008,
• Bean, K.R. (n.d.). Where's Middle C, and Why Do I Need to Know? or Finding Your
Way Around the Keyboard. Retrieved November 12, 2008,

These resources provide good information about the biology of singing:

• Titze, I.R. (2008). The human instrument. Scientific American, 298 (1):94-101.
• (2007). Your Changing Voice. Retrieved November 12, 2008,

For help creating graphs, try this website:

• National Center for Education Statistics. (n.d.). Create a Graph. Retrieved October 24,
2008, from

Materials and Equipment

• Piano or keyboard; if you do not have your own, see if your school will let you borrow
one for this science fair project.
• Volunteers
a. 10 adults (age 21 or older), 5 male and 5 female
b. 10 children (age 9 or younger), 5 male and 5 female
• Lab notebook
• Graph paper

Experimental Procedure

Finding and Naming the Notes on a Piano or Keyboard

To start this science fair project, you'll need to be familiar with the names and locations of
notes on the piano so that you can both play them, and write down in your lab notebook which
ones you are playing.

1. First, find middle C on the piano or keyboard.

a. If you don't know which key is middle C, you'll need to find a friend, family
member, or music teacher who can show you or figure it out using this article
about middle C.
b. There are many different labeling systems for writing middle C. In this science
fair project, we'll refer to it as C4 and base the names of all the other notes
around that. If you're already familiar with another naming system, it's okay
to use the system you already know.
2. There are seven notes—A, B, C, D, E, F, and G—repeated over and over on the
keyboard. See Figure 2, below.

a. The white keys on the piano or keyboard represent these notes, the black keys
are smaller shifts in pitch (either sharps or flats) and do not count as new
notes in this science fair project. You'll only use the white keys for this

b. The keys to the right of C4 are higher in pitch. The D to the right of C4 is
called D4, the D to the right of C5 is called D5, and so forth.

c. The keys to the left of C4 are lower in pitch. The B to the left of C4 is called
B4, the B to the left of C3 is called B3, and so forth.

Figure 2. The top diagram shows the placement of the all the different C notes on a full-size keyboard. The
bottom diagram shows a close-up with the names of the notes represented by the white keys around middle C.
Middle C is highlighted in yellow in both diagrams.

Determining Vocal Range

1. Start by playing C4 on the piano or keyboard. Have the volunteer sing the note back
to you. If he or she can comfortably sing the note, then it is in his or her vocal range.

Volunteer Gender (Male/Female) Age (Adult/Child)

a. The Notes
volunteer has to actually sound like he or she is singing. If
the "singing"
E3 F3 G3 A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A5 B5 C5 D5

1 Female

a. If the volunteer has to strain to reach the note, then it is not in his or her
vocal range.

b. sounds like grunting, growling, screeching, or squeaking, then it doesn't count

and the note is not in the volunteer's vocal range.
2. If the volunteer can sing C4, keep playing increasingly higher-pitched notes (to the
right of C4) and have the volunteer sing them back until you reach a note that is no
longer comfortable for him or her to sing.

a. Make a data table, like the one below, in your lab notebook. Mark each note
that the volunteer can sing with an "X". The highest pitched note that he or
she can sing is the top of his or her vocal range. Note: You will probably need
to include more notes than the ones shown in the data table below.

3. To find the bottom of the volunteer's vocal range, go back to C4. This time, keep
playing increasingly lower-pitched notes (to the left of C4), and have him or her sing
each note back to you until you come to a note that is no longer comfortable for him
or her to sing.
a. Remember to mark each note that the volunteer can sing with an "X" in the
data table in your lab notebook.
b. The lowest-pitched note that he or she can sing is the bottom of his or her
vocal range.
4. Repeat steps 1–3 of this section for each of the volunteers. In the end, you should
have data from a total of 20 people. You can include yourself as one of the volunteers,
if you fit into one of the volunteer categories.
a. You should have data from four categories of people, with five volunteers per
 Male adults, age 21 or older
 Female adults, age 21 or older
 Male children, age 9 or younger
 Female children, age 9 or younger

Analyzing the Data

1. For each category of volunteers, count how many of them were able to reach each
note. Make a new data table, like the one below, in your lab notebook, showing the
a. For example, if all five of the male adults you tested were able to sing C4,
write "5" under the C4 column in the "Male adults" row.

Volunteer Category # of Volunteers Who Can Sing Each Note

E3 F3 G3 A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A5 B5 C5 D5

Male adults

Female adults

Male children

Female children

2. Using the totals in your data table, make bar graphs showing the number of
volunteers who can sing each note. Make one bar graph for each volunteer category,
for a total of four graphs.

a. If you need help graphing, or would like to use the computer to make your
graphs the Create a Graph website might be helpful.
3. Compare the four graphs.
a. How do the vocal ranges of male and female children compare? Are they
similar or different?
b. How do the vocal ranges of male and female adults compare? Is one higher
than the other?
c. Look at just the male graphs. Does age affect vocal range for males? Now look
at just the female graphs. Does age affect female vocal range?


• On average, how many notes are in a person's vocal range? Does gender or puberty
affect the magnitude of a person's vocal range? Do trained singers have larger vocal
ranges than non-trained singers? Modify the Experimental Procedure above to answer
these questions.
• How does the human vocal range compare to the musical range of other instruments?
Design an experiment to find out.
• Which choral parts (soprano, alto, baritone, etc.) are easiest to fill? Which are hardest
to fill? Determine the choral range of each of your participants to find out the
answer! Note: More information about choral ranges can be found in this Wikipedia
entry about vocal range.

• For more science project ideas in this area of science, see Music Project Ideas.

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