Traffic Handout

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• Recall that telephone exchanges
(switches) are connected by trunks
• The number of trunks required on a route
(the connection between exchanges) is
called “dimensioning the route”
• Need to conduct traffic study
What A Switch Does
1. Routes calls / messages to and from
senders / receivers
2. Concentrates circuits; More Inputs than
outputs; Savings!!!
3. Causes blockage and delays;
4. May collects statistics and billing
What An Automatic Call Distributor
1. Queues customers in line - makes „em
2. Distributes calls more evenly to agents.
3. May keep statistics on agents
4. May be connected to computer system;
CTI – Computer Telephone Integration –
for Screen pops to agents
What Types of Problems Can be
1. PBX – Private Branch Exchange – number of
trunks required to the CO of the telephone
2. Cellular telephone circuits/ frequencies
required at cell site
3. Agents required at a call/contact center
4. Circuits/ trunks required between telephone
5. Trunks/ circuits required for emergency service
– fire, police, security services
Which Table to Use?
1. Calls Queued – Agents required – Help
desk, Call center – Erlang C table.
2. Emergency services, final routing for
telephone company or Cell sites –
Poisson table
3. All others use the Erlang B table.
Components of the Tables
1. Lines – trunks – circuits – agents: always in
whole numbers 1,2,3,4 etc.
2. Traffic – measured in units called Erlangs.
One Erlang is 3600 seconds of traffic. One
Erlang is 60 minutes of traffic. 3600 seconds =
60 minutes.
Can also be measured in CCS.
One CCS = 100 seconds.
36 CCS = 1 Erlang.
3. Grade of service. Probability that a call will be
blocked. Smaller is better! P.01 = 1 % = 1 out
of a 100. P 0.1 = 10% = 1 out of 10 blocked.
B Table

Percent Blocked

N = Trunks Traffic in Erlangs

Poisson Table

Probability of Blockage

Trunks Traffic in
C Table
• The C table adds some additional information.
• The average length of a call must be known –
usually in minutes
• The probability of blockage is replaced by
probability of being queued.
• Number of agents replaces number of trunks.
• Average Delay of all calls can be estimated
• Average Delay of Delayed calls can be
• Probability that a customer will wait a given time
can be estimated.
C Table
1. Select the correct
group based on
Erlangs of Traffic.
For A= 0.1 use 1st
2. Using the Pd, the
probability of delay
select the correct
N, for level of
service = 5%
0.1000 is to high
0.0048 is best
choice available
0.0002 is too good.
C Table
3. Multiply D1 by Talk
time. If Talk time is
12 minutes then
0.0025 X 12 = .03
.03 x 60 = 1.8

4. Multiply D2 by Talk
0.526 x 12 = 6.312
C Table
5. Convert all t times to
.2 x 12 = 2.4 minutes
.4 x 12 = 4.8 minutes
.6 x 12 = 7.2 minutes
.8 x 12 = 9.6 minutes
1 x 12 = 12 minutes
2 x 12 = 24 minutes
3 x 12 = 36 minutes

6. What is the probability

of a delay of 9.6
minutes? .001
Using a table
Some judgment is required. If traffic is 2.2
Erlangs and there is an entry for 2.018,
this is close enough.
If you are required to select the grade of
service consider the consequence. If this
is a Pizza take out place and an order is
lost no big deal…or if you are in cardiac
arrest and you are calling 911 then this
call is very important.
Solving a problem
Sam Samarian is opening up an insurance sales
office. 6 agents will be selling insurance and at
peak times they will spend 20 minutes per hour
on the phone. Each agent will have her/his own
phone on their desk. Each phone is connected
to the PBX. How many trunks are required?
Grade of service is to be 7% = .07
Solution: Minutes of talk = 6 x 20 = 120
Erlangs = 120/60 = 2 Erlangs
Which table … PBX no queue… PBX NO
emergency = B table
Solving a problem

Find .07 Column

Find 2 Erlangs or better
Using this row read to
left find N=5
5 trunks are required.

Question? What
happens if
one more
trunks is

Answer: Service
Probability of
goes down to
about 0.01
Solving Another problem
Jam and Rem Flower Shop has a flower hot line
for Valentines day. Up to 40 customers call in
the busy hour and each call takes about 4
minutes to complete. If the level of service is to
be = < 8% then how many flower helpers are
required? What is the average delay? What is
the delay of delayed calls?
 Does anybody needing assistance wait 12
Solving Another problem
1. How much traffic is generated? 40 X 4 =
160 minutes = 160/60 = 2.66 Erlangs
2. Which table… calls will wait callers will
be queued… C table
C Table
2.66 Closest group is 2.7

8% = .08 Closest but smaller is

6 Turkey helpers required

D1 = 0.0197
Delay of all calls is 0.0197 x 4
= 0.0788 minutes = 4.728

D2 = 0.303
Delay of delayed calls is 0.303 x4
= 1.212 minutes

Delay of 12 minutes?
t1 = 4 minutes
t2 = 8 minutes
t3 = 12 minutes
There is no value under 3
because the value is too
small so NO Chance of
waiting 12 minutes
Solving Yet Another Problem
• Cell site on remote mountain is to be
connected to the MTSO by a microwave
link. How many channels are required for
the voice traffic if the max busy hour traffic
is 2.5 Erlangs and Grade of service is .001
Which table? Poison because of final routing
Solution Required .001 9 channels = 2.453 10 = 2.961
I would recommend 10 channels and better service, but 9 could squeeze by.

(note: a B table would say 9 is fine … handling 2.56 Erlangs)

Try this one
PBX will handle 21 Erlangs and Grade of
Service is P 0.05
B Table
20.943 close enough to 21
26 trunks
Try this one
Call Center 45 calls per hour, 8 minutes
per call, service level 10%
Answer: use C table
45 x 8 = 360 minutes
360 minutes / 60 = 6 Erlangs

| .2 .4 .6 .8 1 2 3 4
6.0 7 0.6138 0.6138 1.000 .503 .411 .337 .276 .226 .083 .031 .011
6.0 8 0.3570 0.1785 0.500 .239 .160 .108 .072 .048 .007 .001
6.0 9 0.1960 0.0653 0.333 .108 .059 .032 .018 .010
6.0 10 0.1013 0.0253 0.250 .046 .020 .009 .004 .002
6.0 11 0.0492 0.0098 0.200 .018 .007 .002 .001

10 agents = 0.1013  10%

.0253 x 8 = .2026 minutes =12.14 seconds
0.250 x 8 = 2 minutes
.002 = .2% chance of a 6.4 minute delay

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