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Student Report - Beacon - Campus Labs 12/4/20, 7:31 PM

Jones, Dominick

Success Network
Doreen ScottBaker Jabree Belcher Nikita RobinsThompson

Student Strengths Inventory v.3 - SSI Fall 2020 Cohort

Academic Engagement

Academic Self-Efficacy

Campus Engagement

Educational Commitment


Social Comfort

0 20 40 60 80 100

Percentile Rank

Moderate Score Percentile

Academic Engagement
Your commitment to school work and the value you place on academics.
Your responses indicate that you take your schoolwork​ seriously. You value getting your homework done and​ attending
classes. There may be times, however, when you ​ procrastinate, submit work that is not your best effort, or​ consider skipping
class. Your performance is dependent on​ your effort - fortunately there are resources on campus​ that can help you develop
good academic habits.

What's Next?
Visit the student success center to learn about additional study and time management skills
Talk with your advisor about approaches that other students have used to improve their performance

Moderate Score Percentile

Academic Self-Efficacy
The confidence that you can achieve academically and succeed in college.
Your responses suggest you have moderate levels of​ academic confidence. Success is partly a function of​ confidence.
Having some positive academic experiences is​ the best way to develop realistic levels of self-confidence.​ Consider talking
with your professors or seeking help from​ a tutor to support your academic efforts.

What's Next?
Talk with your professors or seek help from a tutor to support your academic efforts
Evaluate positive academic outcomes and build upon the efforts that have been successful in the past Page 1 of 4
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Student Report - Beacon - Campus Labs 12/4/20, 7:31 PM

Moderate Score Percentile

Campus Engagement
Your involvement in campus activities and your connection to your school.
Your responses suggest that you value becoming involved​ in campus activities. You may enjoy participating in​ campus clubs
or volunteer activities. Campus involvement​ offers many benefits - both now and as you apply for jobs​ in a few years.
Consider getting involved by researching​ opportunities your campus has to offer.

What's Next?
Contact the student organizations office to learn about the many groups and organizations on campus
Talk with your professors about academic or professional organizations in your field of study

Low Score Percentile

Educational Commitment
Your dedication to obtaining a college degree.
Your responses suggest that you question the benefits of​ obtaining a college degree at this time. As such, you may ​ prioritize
other activities higher than your college​ coursework. Students with scores like yours often don't​ fully understand the benefits
of a college degree or don't​ know whether college is the right choice for them.

What's Next?
Talk with your academic advisor about the wide range of career options for an individual with a college degree

Speak with your professors or individuals in your field(s) of interest about the value of a college education

High Score Percentile

Your approach to challenging situations and stressful events.
Your responses suggest that you have a relaxed and ​ positive approach to managing challenging situations. You ​ probably
possess a range of effective coping strategies and​ you do not generally overreact to problems. Students with​ high scores
such as yours are effective problem solvers​ and are not easily derailed in obtaining their goal.

What's Next?
Find leadership opportunities to further enhance your problem solving or organizational skills
Expand your coping strategies, for example a new exercise program at the recreation center

Moderate Score Percentile

Social Comfort
Your comfort in social situations and ability to communicate with others.
Your responses suggest that you are fairly comfortable​ around people and that you find socializing with others​ enjoyable. You
are moderately comfortable when working​ with others in group settings. Consider ways you can​ continue developing your
interpersonal skills as these​ skills are important for academic and workplace success.

What's Next?
Increase your social activities, visit the volunteer center to identify opportunities at your school
Join a campus group to expand your social network and further build your communication skills Page 3 of 4
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