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Research on any one foreign brand and any one local brand in any industry. Compare both
brands. The research can include the history of the brand, market share, sales and competitive
Technology industry: local brand, Cherry mobile is a Filipino mobile phone and
electronics company founded by Maynard Ngu in 2008. Operated by Cosmic Technologies
Incorporated, the company buys mobile phones manufactured in china and India, and markets
them under the cherry mobile brand. Latest release of Cherry Mobile handset enables Wi-
Fi integration, touch screen feature and operates in Android operating System.
Apart from being the first legal mobile phone company to introduce phones with dual
and triple subscriber Identify Module (SIM) system in the Philippines, it also manufactured
the first windows-enabled phone in the country.
Cherry Mobile’s astonishing rise to prominence has revolutionized the local
telecommunications scene through its top-of-the-line and ground-breaking products with true
dual sim capabilities. What started in 2009as a mobile phone brand with only four units to
showcase has swiftly overtaken its rivals in the entry-level market and is now considered a
game changer in the industry.
In just three (3) years, Cherry Mobile now carries more than 100 handsets, making it
the leading dual sim brand in the country. 2009 marked Cherry Mobile’s commitment to
become the top value-for-money mobile phone in the country. In the first year, Cherry
Mobile CEO Maynard Ngu envisioned Cherry Mobile to become the brand that has
“everything for everyone.” Providing handsets that cater to different age groups and match
different lifestyle.
It was a dream that become a reality. So big it captivated the market and rocket its
competitors – the telecommunications bigwigs. In 2010, barely two ears after it started.
Cherry Mobile was voted IT Company of the year in the 3 rd CyberPress Awards, upstaging
some of the country’s technology giants.
True to its promise of bringing products that comparable to high-end devices at
affordable prices, the company continuously expands its product range-from feature to
The marketing strategy that Cherry Mobile uses is Community Marketing this
technique caters to the needs and requirements of the existing customers, as opposed to using
resources to gather new consumers. This promotes loyalty and product satisfaction and also
gives rise to word of mouth marketing among the community.
This strategy engages an audience in an active, non-intrusive prospect and customer
conversation. Whereas marketing communication strategies such as advertising promotion,
PR, and sales al focus on attaining customers. Community Marketing focuses on the needs of
existing customer. This accomplishes four things for a business.
 Connects existing customers with prospects
 Connects prospects with each other
 Connects a company with customer/prospects to solidify loyalty
 Connects customers with costumer to improve products adaption satisfaction,
This strategy also helped Cherry Mobile to reduce communication barriers to its
customers and easily introduce messaging to customer audience regarding new products,
public relation strategies, or damage control.
Cherry Mobile remains the second largest brand in the Philippines, driven by Flare
series. Flare J3/J3 lite remained the most popular entry-level smartphone. Overall, the sub-
US$100 price band captured nearly 44% of the smartphone market in 2018, as compared to
56% last year. the Chinese onslaught has led to a significant decline of local brands, such as
Cherry Mobile and MyPhone. China,s HOVX brands also manage to marginally dent
Samsung’s market share.
Foreign brand Samsung (1938-present) the Samsung group is a South Korea based
conglomerate company that includes subsidiaries. It’s one of the largest business in korea,
producing nearly one-fifth of the country’s total exports with a primary focus in electronics,
heavy industry, construction, and defense. Other major subsidiaries of Samsung include
insurance, advertising, and entertainment business.
Samsung’s Beginnings with only 30,000 won (about US$27), Lee Byung-chul stated
Samsung as a trading company based in a city called Taegu in what is now South Korea, in
1938. With only 40 employees, Samsung began as a grocery store, trading and exporting
goods produced in and around the city. It sold dried Korean fish and vegetables, as well as its
own noodles.
The company grew and expanded to Seoul in 1947 but left when the Korean war
broke out. Following the war, Lee stated a sugar refinery in Busan before expanding into
textiles and building what was, at the time, the largest woolen mill in Korea.
This early diversification become a successful growth strategy for a Samsung, which
rapidly expanded into the into the insurance, securities, and retail business. After the war,
Samsung of Korea, especially industrialization. 1960 to 1980. In the 1960s, Samsung entered
the electronics industry with the formation of several electronics-focused division:
 Samsung Electronics Devices
 Samsung Electro-Machines
 Samsung Corning
 Samsung Semiconductor & Telecommunications
During this period, Samsung acquired DongBang Life Insurance and established
Joong-Ang Development(now known as Samsung Everland)
In 1980, Samsung entered the telecommunication hardware industry with the
purchase of Hanguk Jeonja Tongsin. Initially building telephone switchboard, Samsung
expanded into telephone and fax system which eventually shifted to mobile phone
manufacturing. And in the 2000 Samsung entered the phone market with the SPH-1300, an
early touch-screen prototype released in 2001. The company also developed the first speech-
recognition phone in 2005. In the late 2000s and early 2010s, Samsung acquired companies
that developed technologies for electronic devices. In 2011, Samsung released the Galaxy S
II, followed in 2012 by the Galaxy S III, one of the worlds most largest mobile phone maker
and acquiring mSpot to provide entertainment to Samsung device users.
As of 2019, the Galaxy S smartphone line is still running strong with the galaxy S9
launched in 2018. Also in 2018, Samsung announced that it would expand its renewable
energy plans and hire 40,000 employees in the next three years.
Samsung’s market share in the fourth quarter of 2019, Samsung’s market share was
18.8 percent. In 2018 Samsung shipped more than 292 million smartphones worldwide.
Samsung, known for consumer products such as mobile devices and home entertainment
system, ss the global leading smartphone vendor. Samsung continued its growth at 8.4%
YoY, capturing over one-fifth of the global smartphone market. This is due to strong Note 10
and Galaxy A series sales.
Samsung Business Strategy and competitive advantage: effective exploitation of
market readership. Samsung business strategy is marked with the high level of flexibility in a
way that the company is determined in changing its strategy dramatically according to
changes in external business environment.
In conclusion cherry mobile they come in cheap prices compared to international or
even other local brands. And a lower specification compared to Samsung. Samsung has a
great specs and a beautiful styles of smartphones, features, display, and most importantly the
storage and the camera that is why it is people choice even if it is expensive.

Mark Zuckerberg is co-founder and CEO of the social-networking website Facebook,
as well as one of the world’s youngest billionaires.
Zuckerberg was born May 14, 1984, in white Plains, New York, onto a comfortable,
well-educated family. He was raised in the nearby village of Dobbs Ferry.
Zuckerberg’s father, Edward Zuckerberg, ran a dental practice attached to the
family’s home. His mother, Karen, worked as a psychiatrist before the birth of the couple’s
four children- Mark, Randi, Donna and Arielle.
Zuckerberg developed an interest in computers at an early age; when he was about 12,
he used Atari BASIC to create a messaging program he named “Zucknet”. His father used the
program in his dental office, so that the receptionist could inform him of a new patient
without yelling across the room. The family also used Zucknet to communicate within the
Together with his friend, he also created computer games just for fun. “I had a bunch
of friends who were artists,” he said. “they’d come over draw stuff, and I’d build a game out
of it”.
To keep up with Zuckerberg’s burgeoning interest in computers, his parents hired
private computer tutor David Newman to come to the house once a week and work with
Zuckerberg. Newman later told to reporters that it was hard to stay ahead of the prodigy, who
began taking graduate cources at nearby Mercy College around this same time.
Zuckerberg later studied at Phillips Exeter Academy, an exclusive preparatory school
in New Hampshire. There he showed talent in fencing, becoming the captain of school’s
team. He also excelled in literature, earning a diploma in classics.
Yet Zuckerberg remained fascinated by computers continued to work on developing
new programs. While still in high school, he created an early version of the music software
Pandora, which he called the offers.
Several companies including AOL and Microsoft expressed an interest in buying the
software, and hiring the teenager before graduation. He declined the offers.
After graduating from Exeter in 2002 Zuckerberg enrolled at Harvard University.
After his sophomore year, Zuckerberg dropped out of college to devote himself to his new
company, Facebook, full time.
By his sophomore year at the Ivy League Institution, he had developed a reputation as
the go-to software developer on campus. it was at that time that he built a program called
CourseMatch, which helped students choose their classes based on the course selections of
other users.
He also invented Facemash, which compared the pictures of two students on campus
and allowed users to vote on which one was more attractive. The program became wildly
popular, but was later shut down by the school administration after it was deemed
Based on the buzz of his previous projects, three of his fellow students, Divya
Narenda, and twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss sought him out to work on idea for social
networking site they called Harvard Connection. This site was designed to use information
from Harvard’s student networks in order to create a dating site for the Harvard elite.
Zuckerberg agreed to help with the project, but soon dropped out to work on his own
social networking site, The Facebook.
Zuckerberg and his friends Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes and Eduardo Saverin created The
Facebook, a site that allowed users to create their own profiles, upload photos, and communicate
with other users. The group ran the site out of a dorm room at Harvard University until June 2004.

That year Zuckerberg dropped out of college and moved the company to Palo Alto,
California. By the end of 2004, Facebook had 1 million users.

In 2005, Zuckerberg's enterprise received a huge boost from the venture capital firm Accel
Partners. Accel invested $12.7 million into the network, which at the time was open only to Ivy
League students.

Zuckerberg's company then granted access to other colleges, high school and international schools,
pushing the site's membership to more than 5.5 million users by December 2005. The site began
attracting the interest of other companies that wanted to advertise with the popular social hub.

Not wanting to sell out, Zuckerberg turned down offers from companies such as Yahoo! and MTV
Networks. Instead, he focused on expanding the site, opening up his project to outside developers
and adding more features.


Zuckerberg seemed to be going nowhere but up. However, in 2006, the business
mogul faced his first big hurdle: the creators of Harvard Connection claimed that Zuckerberg
stole their idea, and insisted the software developer needed to pay for their business losses.
Zuckerberg maintained that the ideas were based on two very different types of social
networks. After lawyers searched Zuckerberg's records, incriminating instant messages
revealed that Zuckerberg may have intentionally stolen the intellectual property of Harvard
Connection and offered Facebook users' private information to his friends.
Zuckerberg later apologized for the incriminating messages, saying he regretted them.
"If you're going to go on to build a service that is influential and that a lot of people rely on,
then you need to be mature, right?" he said in an interview with The New Yorker. "I think I've
grown and learned a lot."
Although an initial settlement of $65 million was reached between the two parties, the
legal dispute over the matter continued well into 2011, after Narendra and the Winklevosses
claimed they were misled in regards to the value of their stock.
In 2010, screenwriter Aaron Sorkin’s movie The Social Network was released. The
critically acclaimed film received eight Academy Award nominations.
Sorkin’s screenplay was based on the 2009 book The Accidental Billionaires, by
writer Ben Mezrich. Mezrich was heavily criticized for his re-telling of Zuckerberg's story,
which used invented scenes, re-imagined dialogue and fictional characters.
Zuckerberg objected strongly to the film's narrative, and later told a reporter at The
New Yorker that many of the details in the film were inaccurate. For example, Zuckerberg
had been dating his longtime girlfriend since 2003. He also said he was never interested in
joining any of the final clubs.
"It's interesting what stuff they focused on getting right; like, every single shirt and
fleece that I had in that movie is actually a shirt or fleece that I own," Zuckerberg told a
reporter at a startup conference in 2010. "So there's all this stuff that they got wrong and a
bunch of random details that they got right."
Yet Zuckerberg and Facebook continued to succeed, in spite of the
criticism. Time magazine named him Person of the Year in 2010, and Vanity Fair placed him
at the top of their New Establishment list.
In May 2012, Facebook had its initial public offering, which raised $16 billion,
making it the biggest Internet IPO in history.
After the initial success of the IPO, the Facebook stock price dropped somewhat in
the early days of trading, though Zuckerberg is expected to weather any ups and downs in his
company's market performance.
In 2013, Facebook made the Fortune 500 list for the first time—making Zuckerberg,
at the age of 28, the youngest CEO on the list.
Zuckerberg was criticized for the proliferation of fake news posts on his site leading
up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election. In early 2018, he announced a personal challenge to
develop improved methods for defending Facebook users from abuse and interference by
nation-states. (Previous personal challenges began in New Year's 2009 and have included
only eating meat he killed himself and learning to speak Mandarin.) 
"We won't prevent all mistakes or abuse, but we currently make too many errors
enforcing our policies and preventing misuse of our tools," he wrote on his Facebook page.
"If we're successful this year then we'll end 2018 on a much better trajectory."
Zuckerberg came under fire again a few months later when it was revealed that
Cambridge Analytica, a data firm with ties to President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, had
used private information from approximately 87 million Facebook profiles without the social
network alerting its owners. The resulting outcry seemed to shake investors' confidence in
Facebook, its shares dropping by 15 percent after the news became public.
Following a few days' silence, Zuckerberg surfaced on various outlets to explain how
the company was taking steps to limit third-party developers' access to user information, and
said he would be happy to testify before Congress.
On Sunday, March 25, Facebook took out full-page ads in seven British and three
American newspapers, penned in the form of a personal apology from Zuckerberg. He
promised the company would investigate all of its apps, and remind users which ones they
can shut off. "I’m sorry we didn’t do more at the time," he wrote. "I promise to do better for
Amid increasing calls for his resignation from investor groups, Zuckerberg traveled to
Capitol Hill and met with lawmakers ahead of his two-day testimony, scheduled for April 10
and 11. The first day of hearings, with the Senate Commerce and Judiciary Committees, was
considered a tame affair, with some senators seemingly struggling to understand the business
model that powered the social media giant.
The follow-up hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee proved
far testier, as its members grilled the Facebook CEO over privacy concerns. During the day's
testimony, Zuckerberg revealed that his personal information was among the data harvested
by Cambridge Analytica, and suggested that legal regulation of Facebook and other social
media companies was "inevitable."

The negative PR around the 2016 election and Cambridge Analytica scandal
seemingly did little to slow the company's progress: Facebook saw its stock close at a record
$203.23 on July 6, 2018. The surge bumped Zuckerberg past Berkshire Hathaway chief
Warren Buffett to become the world's third-richest person, behind fellow tech titans Jeff
Bezos and Bill Gates.
Any gains were wiped out when Facebook shares dropped a staggering 19 percent on
July 26, following an earnings report that revealed a failure to meet revenue expectations and
slowing user growth. Nearly $16 billion of Zuckerberg's personal fortune was erased in one
The stock rebounded, and Zuckerberg remains one of the world's wealthiest people. In
2019, Forbes ranked Zuckerberg at No. 8 on its ‘Billionaires’ list—behind Microsoft founder
Bill Gates (No. 2) and ahead of Google co-founders Larry Page (No. 10) and Sergey Brin
(No. 14). The magazine estimated his net worth to be about $62.3 billion at the time.
In June 2019, Facebook announced it was getting into the cryptocurrency business
with the planned launch of Libra in 2020. Along with developing the blockchain technology
to power its financial infrastructure, Facebook established a Switzerland-based oversight
entity called the Libra Association, comprised of tech giants like Spotify and venture capital
firms like Andreessen Horowitz.
The news again put Zuckerberg in the crosshairs of Congress, which summoned the
CEO to testify before the House Financial Service Committee in October. Despite providing
assurances that Facebook would withdraw from the Libra Association if the project failed to
garner approval from regulators, Zuckerberg faced pointed questioning from skeptical
lawmakers who cited the Cambridge Analytica fiasco and other past transgressions.
Zuckerberg has been married to Priscilla Chan, a Chinese-American medical student
he met at Harvard, since 2012. The longtime couple tied the knot one day after Facebook’s
About 100 people gathered at the couple's Palo Alto, California home for the
ceremony. The guests thought they were there to celebrate Chan's graduation from medical
school, but instead they witnessed Zuckerberg and Chan exchange vows.
Zuckerberg has two daughters, Max, born on November 30, 2015, and August, born
on August 28, 2017.
The couple announced they were expecting both of their children on Facebook. When
Zuckerberg welcomed Max, he announced he would be taking two months of paternity leave
to spend with his family

When Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook in February 2004, he was, famously, a

student at Harvard. He dropped out his sophomore year to build the company. So at an age
when many people have not yet had their first full-time job, Zuckerberg was running a tech
company that had very quickly gone from dorm-room project to the darling of Silicon Valley.
Zuckerberg, however, didn’t grow as a manager quite as quickly as the business he
was running scaled.
That became obvious in July 2006, when Facebook got billion a dollar buyout offer
from Yahoo.
Zuckerberg said, “No, thanks.” He had a dream and a vision and he wanted to see it
“We were building the first News Feed, and I thought if we could just launch this, it
could change how we learn about the world,” he says in the commencement speech he
recently delivered at Harvard.
The problem was, as CEO, Zuckerberg had not clearly communicated Facebook’s
mission to his team to get them on board. It was a leadership mistake. And as a result, they
were furious he had turned down the cash cow.
“Without a sense of higher purpose” the Yahoo offer was “the start-up dream come
true,” explains Zuckerberg.
“It tore our company apart,” he remembers. “After one tense argument, an advisor
told me if I didn’t agree to sell, I would regret the decision for the rest of my life.
Relationships were so frayed that within a year or so, every single person on the management
team was gone.
“That was my hardest time leading Facebook,” he says.
After one tense argument, an advisor told me if I didn’t agree to sell, I would regret
the decision for the rest of my life.
“I believed in what we were doing, but I felt alone. And worse, it was my fault,” says
Zuckerberg. “I wondered if I was just wrong, an imposter, a 22-year-old kid who had no idea
how the world worked.”
More than a decade later, 33-year-old Zuckerberg has become a better communicator,
thanks in part to some professional mentorship from the likes of Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s
Chief Operating Officer.
“Now, years later, I understand that is how things work with no sense of higher
purpose,” he says. “It’s up to us to create it so we can all keep moving forward together.”
In February this year, Zuckerberg penned and published what some have called a
manifesto. He communicated his vision for a global, connected future and why that’s
important in a nearly 6,000-word essay.
“Facebook stands for bringing us closer together and building a global
community,” he writes in the mission statement. “In times like these, the most important
thing we at Facebook can do is develop the social infrastructure to give people the power to
build a global community that works for all of us.”
We have a generational challenge: to not only create new jobs, but create a renewed
sense of purpose.

Mission is so important, according to Zuckerberg, that everyone should have the
chance to find their own.
“Finding your purpose isn’t enough. The challenge for our generation is creating a
world where everyone has a sense of purpose,” he says. “To keep our society moving
forward, we have a generational challenge: to not only create new jobs, but create a renewed
sense of purpose.”

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