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ONLTENE LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge.. QUESTION ANSWER BOOKLET CSE GS (MAIN) 2017 PAPER IV TEST X ETHICS, INTEGRITY & APTITUDE Time Allowed : Three Hours’ Maximum Marks : 250 QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS. lease read each of the following instructions carefully before attemptin; ion: ‘There are FOURTEEN questions divided in two sections and printed in HINDI and ENGLISH. All questions are compulory. ‘The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it Answer must be written in the medium authorised in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answer written in medium other than the authorized one. Word limit in questions, ifspecified should be adhered to, Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be'cearly struck off, Marks Detail Q.No. Date of Exam.. Test Centre:, Starting Time:- Closing Time:- Invigilator’s Signature LUKMAAN IAS w.Lead with Edge... SPACE FOR TEACHER’S REMARKS Categories Below Average | Good Better average 1. Understanding, of questions: LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... Section A anh Pers & agar “ahd oh rer aoe shag acre 7G, afb eT ee ard gard} A zor “Ame af aaa eI FL TA HET, abo Ret SH awegal Peveh Ao FF at ler we 3" | ear om Bere 8? STAT Sera FH eT TASTY According to Swami Vivekananda, - “No nation is great or good because parliamant enacts this orthat, but because its men are great anc! good ...Ethics, not Laws has power to help a human being to manifest his/her perfection that resides in the core of their hearts.” Do you agree? Explain with suitable examples {150 words) 10 test ie elena, we befbabenr ov faid dew ey the ee ag em wath Uk pemabtves Kou Ue viebtign. Ow He ota than, Abia in a dot oly Seadosks Badkk garde our conduret + Urllilee foro, Yaee are no Corner valine fa] setant etry ¥ af yarer ae Candiates ‘writs oF ‘his margin te fay ib i i piling, 4] Sautdiag eit Praag di fond 44 4: Ph LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... ee 1 (b) gape etal erat ater a Tre Tey Fea errs’ a Ss HT TES SP We ST ot ore Ro | 2 a nee oe 7 ‘What do you understand by the term, ‘God is Great’ which is often uttered by people on certain occasions? How itis relevant for people in their quest for greater good in life? (150 words) 10 shay get LUKMAAN IAS .Lead with Edge. LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... 2. | (a) ate stearate arren St 1 aT a & ate SE UTD Ret wr cary we TRG feonh at “itis not enough for senior bureaucrats to be ‘honest’, they must also uphold public interest.” Comment. (150 words) 10 LUKMAAN IAS Lead with Edge... LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... 8 eh tion ga @ are arbre area ce de aah & are wate Terr Sa EI Ta TR) aA HEMT] won A rye after aevey PS A ahs fat AR TMH ema? fi ' *Gandhiis the greetest Incian since Gautama Buddha and the greatest man since Jesus | “dts? Christ” UJ. H. Holmes}. In the light of this statement, explain with reasons why Gendhiji] _ writs on stands out among the leaders. (150 words) 10 | tm ™maein LUKMAAN IAS Lead with Edge. wpe ech, ret, bee “ Rete panes t ak — WASAsto 4. Quang a wee v Q = alle stile ue LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... ten wed PE aed & fore 8 oY we oe arate ae GT a, A eel stars yer Sona 4 wide wees Sper wr A fae arr ah whim oe wat wt “Salary/remuneration is for fulfilling needs but when it becomes greed then crony capitalism is born.” Inthe light of this statement, discuss the applicability of ‘distributive fa) ar 8 | eae 1 justice” as corporate governance practice In India. (150 words) 10 |" LUKMAAN IAS ow io LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... sere 3. | tb) renee oh mtn ada Prater soe aa fm) carrer 8 ener Pe ge oT rR Tee cher a, Fes won ie ett | wr ae By ares aft eda otra H Garrere wet #1 BMT TR wATY oa fe) Server xpd ar nese wereng wea 8] orotate Baro EL eon Answer the following related to probity in governance, ey ) Do you agree that with applications of RTI, Citizen’s Charter, e-governance and active role of SCs, probity has increased in public life? Explain with reasons ii) Increase In probity means decrease in corruption. Critically examine. (150words) 10 LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... (a) saree a set eget Saree se Patter 8 sia ey fm) shrift ace te aera fa) aterairm ereaftae ate eres —sereriet Differentiate the following with appropriate examples in the context of accountability — 1) Formal accountability and self-accountability i) Democratic accountability and social accountability (150 words) 10 LUKMAAN IAS ® Dene oats, = ; cael ie Ag Ro ked 5 checkin’, oo ” ty Sadun. Udandles post ats eo Sewal ae ¢ i : Cahers we, LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... e (b) arr tanita deer oe cept eh ay orm ea pT S a wae EP rad Ree A TARE: |, at a ae Sal Gea Gr steph eo gran BAF fy onsen” g? fm What do you understand by the statement, ‘there should be professional work culture | “x in civil services’? In your view, which five values can be considered essential for promoting this culture in civil services? (150 words) 10 mS LUKMAAN IAS LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... 5, | saa Rie 3 ARs Roars Par ae Perth mente, Race ate anteshel A after TERT MTA TEAT | ce om Br owyar verse} se eet we There are different stages of moral development of human conscience in which the role of | “ perents, teachers and leaders have very profound influence. Eleborate with appropriate illustrations, (150 words) 10 Teacher bile & growing obit tvs 19 LUKMAAN IAS sll ; : ne a “aa Pid af Sess a i paged te ( cals: Th 0 Recxce ined } Ragin Q - Peron te were Sikky te de & ry a - ef Che nee cg ot eS 6. LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... aehernt “ett tee eis sees et 8 se Sr Se aren Sar} rer a wa TegSN | MITA | ee Ta aver BAB ara Sheet Oe oT rah Aes ee ge RETIN we | a Pee APRs ART TA | een & fe wer Foren SIT ae? ome “Although doctors are not public administrators, but the profession has significant connections | | riteor with public service” Commentin the light of ever declining ethical standards in mecical practices | “™** although doctors do take the Hippocratic Oath. In your view, what should be done to scale up medical ethics? {250 wore Ago Mes 21 LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge. abet dak o ae ae 4 Leste ca, al LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... sence cg civ aera # PR sieelgfin atdet # rae wf Aer ath # aes are ape A ae whe od 2teT BY YL fre ger Qa TSH TGs Bar a Ag the ors ts Fare A soe A aay a fay oma ata @, | ore ete ‘oh anita wet ee] gar ote Genet gaat we HO gH Aw a -w YosreH oI em BP Candidates Many reject that there is hardly any ethics in international relations as there is continuous] _ writeon conflict between human values which a human is oblige to follow and a state which is oblige to] ““=™**™ protect territorial sovereignty of the country such as national interest. Do you agree? Discuss how this ethical dilemma be can addressed? (150 words) 10 23 LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... epher Mra 8 amy ae cred 8? are dare 4 Arar ah Reina a aa ae ae weed Boreas wa 8 Ph ome aft Per wager tere 8 she Paar ae ae Per er ome aferes or ETAT aTeT a ‘What do you understand by “secular ethics” Howit canbe basis to address the present anomaly in education which is very sound, but it seems to be based on 2 universal acceptance of the Importance of developing the brain? (150 words} 10 satis Gieudar Buco wre to sithn obhute \ ckty DL palyesuue ewischimauk 5 oe lethio ek ely oe e ol al je Ue ae — we LUKMAAN IAS Lead with Edge... he pat LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... Section B 400 & surat ate aA arareh aren ye aga @) Post aia @ 1 a sea geal wl oT ERT tare eS A TEA fey More AH Ran A aera PTET gH aH B areger D athe Pe sre Agere Hepes A tare #3 Be ere Mee Hw Ae eee ia A eI a A ea AEST ene Fare tte AR -AAY, e ea are eT BY 3 ope eer | geTAN ahenra aT mr Ale TY mete RcHTE ret tener ea Peer Ae ‘emg Birt rer arene ease A AOA vA | Ar ayer Ye eat wy eH AT rer eA oh sree Oh rah eh ware Face MEL Ta UN TUT A Ae ear era grer eter aH w ag GA TT Shee to aoa ee & alr Ae MET aos S ea A MEN TET + sae at orate flv e he areas ah Rae Beate wi Farr wwe Pe aT sara fry PH ore aia a arate, tare Prefer we a BY et aE? wm) Bere A BRT wh gerard & fore amd aTewnftres wert & reat a awl we a) corer fr egg Fra ah ere aeTeh Fey er tears rer Yam? eh Tat eke A fr Rag] There is a very backward village which has a population of over 400 people. They used to send their children to 2 government-run school but due to poor quality of education they were unhappy and in search of any better alternative. Few years back an NGO established one schoo! in the same village and gradually, it was successful in imparting good education. Its popularity resulted into parents shifting their children from government-run school to NGO-run school. Parents were happy that their children were getting good education, All their happiness has changed recently when the state government has sent a notice to the NGO-run school for its closure as it has not adhered to the provisions of the RTE Act 2009 and the school ignored the government past warnings. Suppose you are the Sarpanch of the village then how will you tackle the following questions? a) State with reasons your immediate steps for addressing the issues in the case study. b) What you will be your long term focus on schooling in the village? Give adequate reasons in support of your arguments. (250 words) 20 27 utes! wr at & xi Fearn ity Candidates this margin. LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... “Mack ge, Oe GUbRtS. oi lps Iino had “hin ap wa Aoluiered LUKMAAN IAS ...Lead with Eage... LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... Bre areca TCT in educodivs ee pies Seer, 10. LUKMAAN IAS Lead with Edge. rock eye wera A gh eT s fret a shar fe eer dees ta ah Se a ae er ea a AAT cord are} oh fay ort eae ari ge fey CIMT e [ga aed adhe Sue FHHM fy sreT—areT arpa at and ge gs A ae ae gD aR ah Few, Jord Pod ww ae Roy Olds Senate kat TH RC emer oT, gee er aT eT, FE Ta Te ate tae one HAT ef ATT ET “a orereh afar at we after ae oH ai a Te | jit aoe Far ey A ae Feerer Her Ht ee ate roe B) wf afte Bera at eargt @ Pues fea we ad ane are daw agar’ a7 fiege ee ‘er ea? amr Pree 9, Geb Perea are, memes Ge date Parrot wend fry Aer oe foe fee 2 1) are sttrarer de Fae & feng we GH wera A uPeare she Ka eA) PROT GY RTT Vy Over the past few months, an internet game has been blamed for the deaths of § teens across the nation. in the game different tasks are given to the participants. The tasks are self-harming in nature inclucing carving and cutting oneself making different shapes and writing certain letters, standing on the edge of 2 bridge, punishing oneself and vowing to become a whale, talking to other ‘whales’, several secret tasks and eventually committing suicide. There is de- mand by parents to ban such suicidal online games. Suppose you are a senior authority in Ministry of Womén ang Child Development then a) What will broad details of the ‘circular’ that you have been asked to send toali concerned departments in the country for dealing this issue with a sense of urgency? b): — Inyour view, what is moral responsiblity of Internet ghants like Google, Microsoftin such situation? €) Highlight the rote of family and school in persuading children to avoid such deadly online games. (250 words) 20 see us Arddevtiy een 3 weteant etm 470) res wit ‘wre on ‘his marci, LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... LUKMAAN IAS Lead with Edge... ees sth gown St as tertok — ushurth pumps 2 bes hy te porte * sabe yy gecpilloee. scedbicithien Me eer po te ets Ae. monitored, LUKMAAN IA ..Lead with Edge... c) Rok ed Jp Qy Sebel : 11, LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... wre Agha ahd A oa Sere’ a ger pita whe agar ys wie A erga a GAM (Grane) wt ger AEA Bafa & arte fey @) ue ara dea A Mh ve we aan &, ahh ga oes oof HS aT aig ‘wrage A erat @ ger ator d sige cra Gare WA we ATA GOP Pog & Fore atte wt wR ce A art ‘eras orate ener re & fre eer oar eB esamge A ees surat are aT ea Sere UATE A yo aaarar & A ERA Ts _ TAA A eS Ah ag TTT aH ET aT ore TAT wet A oftaia oe ard ot ot ef Br ‘eo stray A siete aera. fis ea oRtecia ote etardhareer Ga arash awe @ arafRera ca a aty Far oT er) ara aS THT Tea A gad cer H aE eds were ae fra Ry ero a yore @ afar A wer Po oe ee A aE mT BAG TET A El TAT ware Steg PB ance wramy a wife St aor BAe ware ware By aa @) ire rrr fr et ae Ree we, Frere Cw Te AT FARA caer toe afar Beer arch ote att abe ero a ger ee Bagh stereo @ afdrad wY cake wa A eet Roar wh? (a) pe rrRe a eee atte reall rie at yfaftaer ae a fore saree flr geet a area wer Be? 4 PART Bois BA Bua gra aurea we? Recently, the issue of ‘Love Jihad’ has even gone to the Supreme Court. The SC has ordered the National investigating Agency (NIA) to probe into the case. The issue has become more serious in Kerala where many such cases have been reported. The NIA has recently uncovered some cases of ‘love jihad’, from the same state, in which women were allegedly being sent to Syria to join the ISIS.NIA told the apex court that love jihad is for real as “there is a pattern to convert girls from majority community and get them married to persons belonging to minority community’. ‘One parent has alleged that there is a “well-oiled systematic mechanism” for conversion and radicalisation, Nevertheless the state government has not taken any specific measure in this regard. The state police chief has said there was no data “till now” to confirm its existence. Suppose you are the head of the investigation team appointed by the NIA then a) Which factors you will take into consideration while investigating so that individuals’ democratic rights remain unaffected, on the one hand, and on the other, the emerging radicalisation threats to states are pro-actively addressed? b) What challenges will be faced by you in ensuring investigation neutral and impartial? Also explain how you will overcome such challenges? (250 words) 20 35 sonamt site hg 8 ae Frere wee Condidtes ‘ret on this mag. LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... “ee LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... taben fey ee 12, LUKMAAN IAS Lead with Edge. ye eet mafia Tou A afer & fag ge prehe ercher gu far aren a ort ota We Ph ae fer BS ae aearhl welt ar are Tag | HRPR Sas Rene Ss GT ONag Tel eH SS THT BT ant whips fran sme Be arta B wed Eu Aaeorafeel 7 eee & ares arene wy far ak Sad S wole Tt 25-25 oTE OTD Pa | HS wer A we eam, we, ard Se web meal @} HRreat aT Ret 7g war ead Afar Hang, Riek Sat om F-ardafe Adare OF st | wa F ge eA ae ema oa Fy secret rer Tk Ree wh ae fre Rea wT FT BHT TTT eA a aren ate GPtoTy wrt aT 2 | Ba Paha eT Beare A sag ere A BAT TRS Tew a wea a Ae ew eR eat eter | ST amy aa Ora 8 wee | oe B) avlon Sudha Ake gt ah eal wt? 7) wu Afeer aR Weer rate rion dere we wae a? a) ongsh Pare A aaectlQat a quake & afer carn wea SA? The one Naval affected state has started a rehabilitation programme for naxalites, The government has appealed ther to give up violence and join the government programme. The government will not take any legal actions against them and they will be integrated into ‘mainstream society. On this appeal, some naxalites have surrendered to the government and they have been given 25 lakh each, including land and house, job and education facility to their family members. This has been publicised in local media which results into public protests in the state. Some sections of seciety feel let down as the compensation and facilities are much mare than the relief given to the family and relatives of security personnel killed by naxalites. Coming under pressure the government hasset upone-member panel to review the programme and suppose you the member of the panel then. a) Discuss the ethical issues related to the progremme. b) Is it possible to design rehabilitation programme without ethical issues? Explain with reasons. ©) Inyour view what should be the appropriate ways to rehabilitate naxalites? (250 wards) 20 het ats afc ¥ meh frm aise Candidate tore an the train. LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... LUKMAAN IAS .-Lead with Edge... duvctopman® — os “ibaa — es \ i A mouk oly cacti pe Ape gem al a Wah, rdoabSitabin sober ten 1 tok wardliem oreo center Pre Hoe | oh: LUKMAAN IAS Lead with Edge... 1] Pppee winks to al ; wixslhage ban ? ee es ep Sta rd a 13. LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... Aw 45 wre 8 ate ae TH eA We ste ER aT A Mr arch ahh ewtereh Mrs Ry sli 8 eamre B aT ag AA ger EAT ART ae Reterel A Pada eels Pow a ger Aer Weeia A rag ‘Werorll othe ror fait 3 A. Ree RRrer em ge acters 8 we w a8 onfPlen Gor Ser TTL sweetrenftat 9 ar off atest a) omrk amfenfteh at eens oe ene ar ant tke me GPA we wey fas we are a arate ora eT NI GT IE A TG A IH @) aoe Tea S fy 6 aR eT } yo eb erer—aarer ewe aN TPA wa | HH A aT BA A eran we AR ae ae AAPRaT A are we fT A ‘ir at Pet at ea a Ft Bar Pett ore MS we fer dS BEA aor TRY ste GES rT aT eT AT TG HAY ao fee WY NT a Roa | ge wh res rie te aa ara eae A eal Priftra wet or ga a () ara Ary fret wa A wees wet ver @ eT sire Bea E wren WY eT S Ary sia ws a woofer sara oY? (eo) erTTR a ay & agar Swe Hg ATA A TEs TER aa A Ate HR ge ee EP (9) SAR Fe ore are oR arya fhe eH a No GoTaMT URIS fae aie Evo Rrrorae of wee @, At see wera ae eA? se we a TRChA A wre ATE Mr A who is 45 years old and an employee of a very reputed company -a house-hold name in the country, died in office after reportedly suffering from heart attack. His relatives have been agitating against the incident. The protest has also been joined by labour unions and political parties. The agitation has also reportedly resulted into huge loss to the company. The protestors demand that the company should pay attention to the problems being faced by their employees and ensure that they do not succumb to work pressure or tension; the deceased. wife should be given job with immediate relief compensation of Rs 5 lakh, The company has refused to pay compensation and has come up with a notice that those who suffer heart diseases or any other cardiac problems should go on leave without pay and first get their health right. It has served notice to 40 such employees which has further intensify the agitation. ‘Answer the following questions related to the case study: a) Suppose you are the head of the plant where the protest is going on, what immediate courses of actions will taken by you to handle the situation so that normalcy returns? b) Asa Commissioner for Workmen’s Compensation, what ethical issues you will point out in the case study? ¢) Suppose you are the Commissioner for Workmen’s Compensation and the deceased wife files a complaint against the company to get compensation then what will be your response. Give reasons in support of your stand. (250 words) 25 JD Tonnnadicka cowrar of aelron :— employers fe Be without ey Ba. Comittee, 0, Rvgh Uaoth eemeutiie weteent 3) ee rig # th fern sare: Candidates ‘must not thie margin LUKMAAN IAS LUKMAAN I ..Lead with Edge... L, The tomponny wie On Lene AS LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... wa w wrdaPe dad ero A ge gorrary ate Asch afer Bt gw Ret ratera 4 ow aoa A oe eure Gan| waif ga nest} weomTwT we ate weet wes Te gar oT, Oath oe daw a ote HABA RAIERT oie H aS WHET AITAT GT aT | at, wefiag ate gal @ at arent 2 age aed ora ee Ste wn A ae A a ae ge eros @ Pe wT ear aR A Ge sor AT ae weer Tem eT we Aw a aT A MTT oT Tes ww THs CAE 8, AEE herent NRF werd erate re arr fee at A ve a a Ar CHR Be an sires S afere & ch ara Prefeaet wea a BA Prost? 8) Plo d aH S ees aM ae HA altel wt ta CaaMkd UGA wT eaoET AE 8, alto GE HN Dre oh ah ard dine & ot wad ¢/ 8S aes A eam gaa) Gage we Bt sik Te woe PT vata & ig at? Dw At aheterar a ver set ote ae en ata SY oh gerd seme gy 2 at Geer A 4a Ey Ae Be @ 68 ea we? suseor Gt sh oferty, soak pw she after et arent ord Prey Bry seh wetter echo ate Gane 2? Miss A is 2 sincere and hard working employee in a public sector organisation. One day inone such meeting, she experienceda haemorrhage in the office. Although she suffered no permanent damage as a result of the incident, she bled profusely on herself, the meeting room, and the women’ bathroom. Several people, including those who cleaned the floor, furniture and Miss A, came into contact with the blood. When the head of the organisation came to know about the incident, he got panicked as he is aware about-Miss A that she is HIV positive but due to privacy policy it has not bbeen revealed to anyone in the office. ‘Suppose you were the head of the crganisation then how will youtackle the following questions? a) All those who came into contact of Miss A blood not only face risk of HIV positive but also anyone who might come into contact with them. In such case whether you will reveal about Miss A and send them for immediate medical check up? How you will addiess the ethical dliemma of protecting privacy of Miss A on the one hand, and ensuring safety of all those who have been exposed, on the other? ‘Whatever you decide they will have some serious consequences, Analyse and suggest strategies to overcomethem. (250 words) 25 14, cuter sae ai te ran ihe ‘ore her LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... Gee: set he bleak. The reson _ LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... ts ae oh, Wu + etebus ‘i pee Thos wilh . pared | eles A Spas incident a Ushewek w pas CORE Net, ihr sian ty OR Pes eee ervey . bean pen ee LUKMAAN IAS ..Lead with Edge... | < ONLINE > A piya OFFLINE > e @ 4 t h DAY | DATE | PAPERS. mice 7 DAY1 | 30SEPT. ESSAYTEST 10 AM- 1PM | DAY2 | O10CT. GSPAPERI | 10AM-1PM —GSPAPERII | (02-05PM DAY3 | 030CT. GSPAPERII 10 AM- 1PM an eg OPTIONAL = PAPERT | |" PUBLICADMN. 10 AM- 1 PM | DAY4 | 05 0CT. “ socioLocy | PAPER | 02-05 PM | GEOGRAPHY — | faxfl mreaa A a) suerer eV SS MAINS 2017 |@amia ® ALCOA WSe UU GS PAPER IV ENRICHMENT BATCH TOTAL CLASSES- 13 (6 THEORY+7 CASE STUDIES) FROM 04 SEPT, TIME-3:30 PM CASE STUDY BATCH II | FROM 05 SEPT. (9 -11:45 AM) i |_ (TOTAL CLASSES-07) [7

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