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List of misbehaviors:

 Not turning in assignments, especially if it because they do not care to do them

 Not paying attention in class

 Talking to peers during a lesson

 Texting

 Not showing up to class

 Not participating in class discussion or group work

How to solve the issues:

 Ask the student if they need extra help or if something is going on in their life that

is making it difficult for them to turn in their assignments, then help them find a

way to do those assignments and show them you are there to support them and

help them. Also explain how it is important for them to turn in their assignments

to get a good grade in the class and get the most out of it.

 Explain to the students individually how it is important to pay attention to class

and that the class will be easier, and they will understand more if they payed

attention. Ask the students why they are not paying attention and if there is

something you can change in teaching to get them more engaged.

 Talk to the student individually about how it is not okay to talk to their peers

during a lesson because it is disruptive to the class and how it is taking away

from their peers learning because they are being distracting.

 Ask the student to put their phone away and explain how they need to be paying

attention in class and when they need to be asked to put their phone away it

distracts the class. I am not sure if I’m okay with taking away a student’s phone,
but you could implement a rule that they need to remain in their backpacks

during all of the class.

 If a student is not showing up to class, you can ask the parents if they are aware

the student is not going to class and ask them to talk to their kid about how it is

important for them to be in class. You can also ask a student why they are not

coming to their class and find way to change your classroom to make students

want to come to your class.

 Explain to the student why it is important to participate in their group work so that

the work is evenly distributed. It is not fair to the other students to be doing your

work for you.

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