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Assessment Evidence

GRASPS: Elements of the Performance Task

G – Goal Students’ performance task will be to work in small
groups and come up with different situations that
What should students accomplish by
provoke emotions such has happiness, anger, fear,
completing this task?
and sadness. Students will playact each scenario
R – Role and provide reactive responses on how to deal with
the emotions. Students’ audience will be their
What role (prospectively) will your
peers. Students may also choose how they present
students be taking?
their information, (video, picture cards, audio).
A – Audience
Grasps elements outlined for students:
Who is the relative audience?
Goal: Your goal is to think about the different
S – Situation things that can happen to provoke your emotions.
The context or challenge provided to the Role: You will be the expert on emotions
Audience: Your audience will be your peers
P – Product
Situation/Scenario: You have been asked to think
What product/performance will the about the different things that can affect emotions.
student produce? Then create a skit based on the scenarios you
choose to address how to handle these emotions.
These mini skits will be play-acted in front of your
Product: You will play-act your scenario, giving
your peers ideas on how to deal with the emotion
you have chosen.
S – Standards and Criteria for Success Your presentation should:
Create the rubric for the performance  Show each emotional response to different
task scenario
 Suggest possible ways to deal with each.
Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment
Through what other evidence will How will students self-assess their own learning?
students demonstrate achievement of
desired results? Ex. Work samples,
journals, observations, quizzes.
Formative and summative assessments
used throughout the unit to arrive at the
Students will be working on many Students will engage in self-assessments by means
activities about emotions throughout the of through the use of journal entries throughout the
unit that will be added to their social unit. Students will also do emotional check-in work
emotional folders. These pieces will be sheets using pictures and emotion words. Students
used as a means for formative will also self-assess by completing facial
assessment, through which instructions expression worksheets.
will be adjusted to suit each student’s
needs. Also, teacher will be observing
and taking detailed notes through small
group activities.

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