Question 2 Chap 5

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Question 2.

- Advantages of Matrix form of organization:

1. Project is the focus which means that one individual, the PM will have to take
the responsibilities for managing project, for completing work on time with
allowed cost and to specification
2. The project can access to entire organization for labor and technology due to
dividing the project organization functionally. Moreover, this also reduces
duplication of resources when there are several projects.
3. There will be less anxiety about what happens after the project ends. Project
members will return to their functional departments.
4. The matrix organization can adapt rapidly and flexibly the requirements from
parent organizations that decide the success of project.
5. In matrix organizations, the project will have the right to access to
representatives from the administrative units of the parent firm. This result in the
consistency in policies, practices and procedures. As a result, it partly foster
project credibility in the administration of the parent organization.
6. When there are multiple projects run at the same time , matrix form of
organization help to balance the resources.
7. Having a great deal of flexibility in how project is organized which can help to
adapt various projects and to satisfy parent companies’s needs, desires and

- Disadvantages of Matrix form of organization:

1. The balance in matrix organization is fairly delicate. When there is a doubt
about who is in charge , the work will be influenced. In case that everything
works well and project succeed that doubt will boost political infighting for glory
and credit. In contrast, if project fail then the fight will be more brutal to avoid
2. The movement of resources from project to project can become incentives for
political infighting because now PMs care about their individual success rather
than the whole system. Moreover, matrix requires careful management which is
really tough job.
3. Projectitis can a serious disease .
4. The division of authority and responsibility inherent in matrix management is
complex. This requires PM to have strong negotiating skill to help the project be
5. Violating the management principle of unity of command. In matrix
organization, project workers will have at least two bosses which leads to
difficulties in working , confusion and loyalties split.

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