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Question 4:

1) Importance: For senior management, the project must be essential in justifying the
creation of a separate organizational unit outside the organizational routine structure.
2) Scope: the project is complex and can be divided into subtasks where pacing,
context, cost and scope require careful planning and control.
3) Life cycle with a finite due date : All projects have life cycles which will start
with a slow beginning . During the life cycles, projects enhance their size until they
reach to the maximum level then go down and ended by some due date.
4) Interdependencies : In organizations, there are usually interactions between
projects that are carried out simultaneously. Those connections will be shown through
competition for scare resources.
5) Uniqueness : Every project will have some unique element and be unique in their
parent organization.
6) Resources: Project budget restricted implied in capital restricted.
7) Conflict: The project resources and leadership roles on solving projects problems
almost lead projects' member to conflict, and the manager has to balance the interests
of his boss and stakeholders.

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