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Ahmed Osman

ENG 302

December 4, 2020

ENG 302 Final Reflection

My name is Ahmed Osman, and I am a student at Arizona State University in the WP Carey

School of Business. My major is business law, and I am expected to graduate in 2022. This semester has

been a challenging one for many reasons, not least because of the ongoing international COVID-19

pandemic. This pandemic has presented many unique challenges that previous college students have

rarely ever encountered. The biggest challenge of all was taking all my classes online and having to

submit all of my homework assignments online, with no face-to-face interaction at any point during the

semester. However, despite the challenges of the international pandemic, I have been able to grow as a

writer through various papers and projects during this semester in English 302 (ENG 302). The three

assignments that I wish to highlight during this semester are the business correspondence assignment,

the report project, and the final proposal.

The first assignment that was impactful during this Fall 2020 semester was the business

correspondence assignment. This assignment required us to write an email, a letter, and a memo for a

fictional company. Prior to this, I had never written a memo before, and whilst I had written hundreds of

thousands of emails before, I did learn new things regarding email formatting. The letter was also a good

exercise, but I was already familiar with how to write a letter. Therefore, my overall summary is that this

was an interesting module and will benefit me as a future reference later in life when I earn a living

working for a corporation.

The second assignment that was impactful during this Fall 2020 semester was the report project.

For the report project, students were tasked with finding a type of company (either tourism, lifestyle,

and so on) and preparing a report analyzing their usage of social media to promote their brand and

interact with their customers. I decided to go into the tourism sector and analyze Turkish Airlines and

their usage of Instagram. Turkish Airlines, for those who are unaware, is the main airline of the Republic

of Turkey, and has been internationally recognized as a solid airline company. For me, this report was

the pinnacle of my Fall 2020 semester in ENG 302, because I was able to let my creative talent flow

freely and create an awesome-looking report with immense focus on aesthetic detail. I also learned

several new things whilst compiling the report, such as how to cite an Instagram photo (something that I

had never done before) and how to create a very artistic cover page with custom fonts downloaded

from the internet and installed in Microsoft Word. This report is something that I am very proud of and I

will forever consider it to be one of the best projects that I have ever done in my educational career.

The last assignment that was impactful during the Fall 2020 semester was the final proposal

project. For this project, we had to work in a group and create our own fictional company and design a

social media marketing and implementation plan. With the international pandemic placing restrictions

on gatherings and other in-person meetings, I had to collaborate with my group partner, James, in a fully

online manner. This gave me valuable experience in working remotely with other people, and this skill

will be very important for the near future, at least. Furthermore, I was essentially the default leader of

our group and had to make most of the planning and task delegation decisions. This final proposal,

whilst not being very ideal due to the pandemic, helped me improve those two skills which will be

crucial moving forward.

To conclude, the three assignments that were the most impactful for me during this semester in

ENG302 were the business correspondence module, the report project, and the final proposal. I learned
many things from this class, from how to write and format a memo to the importance of social media

marketing in today’s world to working on a group project remotely. What could have been improved is

the delivery mode of this course, for instance, perhaps some classes could have been held in person

with limited capacity. I did not make very many friends from this class, except for my final proposal

group project partner James, and this is solely due to the class being online. I also wish I could have met

the professor in person. Hopefully, this pandemic dissipates by 2021 or 2022 so that our lives and our

college experiences return to some sense of normal.

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