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An essay about Moses.

Part I

We know the story about Moses, we know that Moses had been putted into a basket in the Nile
river. The King Herod ordered to kill all the children for afraid fear of to a prophesy that it said
that in those times a new king would be born a new king.
The basket was rescued for by the queen in the river Nile because she was in there when the
basket passed. The child was called Moses, that it means, “who was saved from the waters” and
he was loved, educated and grow raised like a prince.
Then, if Moses was educated as a prince, then he must have developed the necessary skills to be
a king, he probably was educated in military strategy and administration. A king must have
conscience about human resources, food, money, taxes. Etc. A king must be able to rule having
in consideration many details.
We have the case about Alexander the Great, he was educated by one of the best philosophers
of the all-time, and her his name was Aristotle. The father of Alexander was called Philip and he
was an expansionist King of Macedonia. This one The kingdom, was turned in an Empire and,
after dead of Philip’s death, Alexander was ready to continue rulinge the empire and continue
expanding it, with only twenty years old.
The main purpose of a king is to treat expand his empire and ensure his offspring with his royal
blood to continue ruling in the future. It is natural to for the King to erase all threats that can put
his rule in danger his rule in the future.
OAnother example about the education of the princes is the case of Ramses I, father Ramses II’s
father.; He was educated and trained by the pharaoh himself and several masters in art and
ancient science. When Ramses I was, fifteen years old he was already in command of the army
of Egypt.
However, talking about of the different military strategiesy in ancient times, like now, there are
different ways for to do war. It is Nnot always common was to have battles between two big
armies, many times there was are unequal battles unequal.
It´s important to understand that there are different ways to make war. Many experts in the art
of war know how to can use the knowledge about nature like the weather, hour of the day,
characteristic of the land or the change of the wind or tides of the sea. All information in is
important for to explorde opportunitiesy and disadvantages, and my opinion is that of course
obviously Moses had knowledge, training and skills necessary to make an unequal war.

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