3 On-Line Pranayama Sessions: 8:00AM - 9:00 AM On 4 Dec (Friday), 5 Dec (Sat) & 6 Dec (Sunday)

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3 On-line Pranayama Sessions

8:00AM -9:00 AM on 4th Dec (Friday), 5th Dec (Sat) & 6th Dec (Sunday)

This online workshop introduces an integrated Yoga practice consisting of

 Easy-to-do exercises based on yoga for flexibility
 Eight simple but powerful Pranayama practices
 Yoga Nidra (Deep Relaxation) to let go of stress and recharge yourself
It can be practiced in just about 30 minutes by people of any age to improve lung capacity and
lung efficiency. The benefits include improving immunity, relieving stress, enhancing energy
levels and improving wellbeing. Sustained practice reduces the breathing rate – the key to
retarding the aging process.
This webinar is free and open to all AU alumni and their family members. No registration is
required. Yoga mat, cushion and a bed-sheet to cover during deep relaxation would be
preferable. A chair can be used, in case sitting on a cushion and mat is not comfortable. Please
have your breakfast only after the Pranayama session. Please avoid drinking anything after 7:30
AM (half an hour before Pranayama)

How to join the webinar?

You can join the webinar on your computer/ lap top/ Android or Apple smart phone using
Google Meet. If you use a computer/ laptop, you need Chrome browser. If you want to join on
smart phone, please download and use Google Meet App. Please familiarize yourself with
muting/un-muting of Audio and Video. To join the Webinar, please click on
Captain JV Avadhanulu VSM (Indian Navy) Retd (Facilitator)
I lost two academic years due to ill-health and graduated in 1970 from AUEC. Despite that, I did
not learn my lessons and change my life style. In 1987, I was airlifted from INS Darshak and was
diagnosed with four incurable diseases. The prognosis was that I would live for 7 more years, at
the most. Recuperating my health and rebuilding my life was a transformational experience
that also kindled my interest in the science and art of wellbeing. I quit my professional career in
2007 to explore alternate modes of living in Auroville and found a new purpose of my life in
sharing what helped me. I have been conducting retreats/ workshops / courses at IIM Indore,
MAHE, IMT (Nagpur), ITM(Gwalior) and a number of other institutions, corporates and
organizations in India and abroad. More than 10,000 people from more than 40 countries
attended my events in India and abroad.
Prior to living in Auroville, I had a successful career of over 37 years that spanned various roles
in the Indian Navy, academia and top-R&D management of high-tech Indian industries and
multi-nationals. I was awarded Jain Memorial Gold Medal by the Chief of Naval Staff for
innovative design in 1984 and Visisht Seva Medal by the President of India for distinguished
service in 1985.

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