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化工實習(四) – Temperature control

E10706001 – Inka Lehtonen

(Discussion & questions)
B10606116 – Lisa Monica
(Principle, exp. procedure, question no. 1,
& compile)
B10606013 – Besty N. Nariswari
(List of tables and figures, exp. result &
B10606114 – David M. Anaktototy
(Abstract, list of symbol & conclusions)
(2 January 2019)

A temperature controller is an instrument used to control temperature calculating the difference

between a setpoint and a measured temperature. temperature control system relies upon a controller,
which accepts a temperature sensor such as a thermocouple or RTD as input. It compares the actual
temperature to the desired control temperature, or setpoint, and provides an output to a control
element. There are three types of control methods, which are used as main controller: proportional
control (P-control), proportional integral control (PI-control) and proportional integral derivative
control (PID-control).
In the first week experiment, the reaction curve was obtained, then the control parameter for P,
PI, and PID were calculated. Graph of PID, PI and P controller response for impulse change were
obtained by using those parameters. In the second week, step change analysis was conducted and the
graph of PID, PI and P controller responses for step change were obtained.
Conclusions from this experiment were reaction curve is needed in order to know the control
parameter for P, PI, and PID controller, P and PI controller is more quickly to reach the steady
condition, and PID is the best controller in terms of the accuracy on the maintain the set point
temperature. For impulse change, the PID controller is better than the other controllers, while for the
step change, PI controller better than the other controllers due to less oscillation.

List of Symbol
Cp: heat capacity, (kcal/kg.oC)
q: amount of heat supplied by electric heater, (kcal/hr)
t: time, (s)
T: the temperature of water outlet from V, ( o C)
Ti: the temperature of water flow in V, (oC)
V: volume of liquid, (m3)
W: mass flow rate, (kg/s)
ρ: density, (kg/m3)

Table of content

Abstract ................................................................................................................................................I
List of Symbol .....................................................................................................................................II
Table of Content ..................................................................................................................................III
List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................IV
List of Figures .....................................................................................................................................V
Chapter 1 Principle..............................................................................................................................1
Chapter 2 Procedure ...........................................................................................................................7
2.1 Device ..........................................................................................................................................7
2.2 Procedure .....................................................................................................................................7
Chapter 3 Result and Discussion........................................................................................................16
Chapter 4 Questions and Answers .....................................................................................................20
Chapter 5 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................21
Chapter 6 Experience ..........................................................................................................................22
Chapter 7 References…………………………………………………………………………. ....23

List of Tables

Table II.1 Setting optimal parameters for each mode to control……………………...…………….12

Table III.1 Reaction curve method………………………………………………………………………………………………..15

List of Figures

Figure I.1 The schematic diagram of experimental device……………………………………………2

Figure I.2 Block diagram of heating tank……………………………………………………………..3
Figure I.3 The schematic diagram of corresponding symbols to input variables and output variables...4
Figure I.4 Block diagram of temperature control system……………………………………………...5
Figure II.1 The schematic diagram of experimental device…………………………………………...7
Figure II.2 The diagram of water source and V-1……………………………………………………..8
Figure II.3 The diagram of valve position of V-2……………………………………………………..8
Figure II.4 Experimental device (front view)…………………………………………………………8
Figure II.5 Experimental device (back view)…………………………………………………………8
Figure II.6 Computer and temperature controller……………………………………………………..8
Figure II.7 ADAMview software on the desktop……………………………………………………..9
Figure II.8 click File →D:\溫度控制.gni……………………………………………………………10
Figure II.9 Operating interface of temperature control experiment………………………………….10
Figure II.10 “Run” and “Start” menu on the ADAMview…………………………………………...11
Figure II.11 Reaction Curve Method (Temperature vs time)………………………………………...12
Figure II.12 Controller Panel (change SP)…………………………………………………………...14
Figure II.13 Controller Panel (change OP) …………………………………………………..……...14
Figure III.1 Reaction Curve Method of Temperature Control……………………………………….15
Figure III.2 PID, PI and P controller responses for Impulse Change………………………………...16
Figure III.3 PID, PI and P controller responses for Step Change…………………………………….16
Figure IV.1 Block diagram of temperature control system………………………………………...17

Chapter 1 Principle

I.1 Objectives
1. To understand the constituent units in the temperature control loop system and
the characteristics of feedback control system.
2. To learn the usage of controller and apply the reaction curve method in this
process control system.
3. To find an optimal controller setting in this system, and compare the
advantages and disadvantages among P only, PI and PID controllers.
I.2 Notice :
1. Before you plug in the pump power, please check the liquid level has reached the overflow
hole in storage tank and the software has been started. When this experiment has been done,
please set the controller in “Manual” mode, and the heater OP is set equal to 0%. Then,
turn off the pump, and close the software at last.
2. Before you save your experimental data, you have to click 資料存檔) first, and then the
data will be recorded. If you want to stop recording, click 資料存檔 again. The document
was saved in the desktop's temperature control folder (tempcontrol.TXT).
3. If you want to change the heater OP value and the controller parameters, you have to adjust
them by using control panel because the heater OP value and the controller parameters can
not be adjusted by the software.
4. Prepare chilling water 500 cc and ice can take from ice maker on the 4th floor.
I.3 Principles:
(Ⅰ) Process dynamics
The experimental device (Figure I.1) is shown in below. The water stream flow which temperature
is Ti feed into the stirred-tank to heat up and the stream outlet temperature is T. The heating source
is an electric heater, symbol q means the amount of heat and w is the mass of inlet stream. Where
Ti, w, T, and q are function of time (t). The temperature of stirred-tank is maintained at TR by the
The temperature(Tm) of tank which is measured and transmitted is compared with TR in the
controller. If Tm and TR are not the same, then the error (ε = TR – Tm) can be observed. And the
controller will eliminate the error by controlling the amount of heat until the error is equal zero (Tm
= TR).
Note: Tm ≠ TR is at the P only control setting

There are four assumptions in this process:
1. The temperature in whole tank is kept uniform by stirring. It means that the temperature at any
position in this stirred-tank is equal to the t outlet stream, and the volume (V) is unchanged.
2. The specific heat of water (Cp), density (ρ), and volume (V) are constant which are independent
of temperature.
3. The heat capacity of the apparatus (electric heater, and tank) is very small than water. Therefore,
it is neglected in this experiment.
4. Heat loss from the tank is negligible.

Figure I.1 the schematic diagram of experimental device

The control system of figure I.1 can be divided into three parts:
1. Process (Heating tank)
Input – Output = Accumulation (No Reaction)
Applying the energy balance with transient state:
q + wcp Ti – wcp T = ρcp V (1)

By taking 1st-order Taylor series expansion [2], the Eq. (1) can be derived as Eq. (2).
q + [wscpTis +cpTis (w-ws)+wscp (Ti-Tis)] – [wscpTs+cp Ts(w-ws)+wscp(T-Ts)] = ρcpV (2)

Setting deviation variables as follows, and the subscript (s) is represented as steady-state

Q = (q – qs), T’ = (T – Ts), Ti’= (Ti – Tis), W = (w – ws)
Therefore, the Eq. (2) can be expressed as:
𝑑(𝑇 ′ +𝑇𝑠)
Q + [qs+wscp (Tis-Ts)] + cp (Tis-Ts)W +cpTi’ws-wscp T’ = ρcp V (3)

At steady-state, Eq. (1) can be rearranged as:

qs + wscpTis – wscp Ts = ρcp V (4)

Subtracting Eq. (4) from Eq. (3) could obtain the following equation:
Q + cp (Tis-Ts)W +cpTi’ws-wscpT’ = ρcp V (5)

By taking the Laplace transform of Eq. (5), 1 st-order transfer functions Eq (6) and (7) can
Q(s) + cp (Tis-Ts)W(s) +cp Ti’(s)ws-wscpT(s)’ = ρcp VsT’(s) (6)
𝜌𝑉 𝑄(𝑠) 𝑇𝑖𝑠−𝑇𝑠
T’(s)( 𝑠 + 1) = +( ) 𝑊(𝑠)+Ti’(s) (7)
𝑤𝑠 𝑤𝑠𝑐𝑝 𝑤𝑠

The above-equation can be rearranged as:

1/𝑤𝑠𝑐𝑝 𝑇𝑖𝑠−𝑇𝑠 1 1
T’(s)= 𝑄(𝑠) + ( ) 𝑊(𝑠)+ Ti’(s) (8)
𝑠+1 𝑤𝑠 𝑠+1 𝑠+1
where  = . Figure II(a) is represented as Eq. (8), and this block diagram can specifically

describe the relation between T’(s), Q(s), Ti’(s) and W(s).

Figure I.2 Block diagram of heating tank

If only Q(t) changes, then Ti’(t) = 0, W(t) = 0, and the transfer function of T’ with Q is
𝑇’(𝑠) 1/𝑤𝑠𝑐𝑝
= (9)
𝑄(𝑠) 𝑠+1

If only Ti’(t) changes, then Q(t) = 0, W(t) = 0, and the transfer function of T’ with Ti’ is
𝑇’(𝑠) 1
= (10)
𝑇𝑖’(𝑠) 𝑠+1

If only W(t) changes, then Q(t) = 0, Ti’(t) = 0, and the transfer function of T’ with W is
𝑇’(𝑠) 𝑇𝑖𝑠−𝑇𝑠 1
=( ) (11)
𝑊𝑠(𝑠) 𝑤𝑠 𝑠+1

According to the additive property of transfer function, Eq. (8) is the summation of Eq. (9), Eq.
(10) and Eq. (11). Eq. (8) can also be rearranged as:
T’(s)=[𝑄(𝑠) + cp(Tis-Ts)W(s) +cpTi’(s)ws] (12)

Figure I.2(b) can be represented as Eq. (12). Figure I.2(a) and Figure I.2(b) are equivalent block
diagrams. The only difference with Figure I.2(a) is to sum up Q(s), Ws CpTi(s) and Cp (Tis-Ti)
W(s) first, and then multiplies transfer function .

Figure I.3 The schematic diagram of corresponding symbols to input variables and output
In the Figure I.2, Symbol “+” is used to represent the summation of input signals, and this
symbol is called “summing junction”. For example, it demonstrates the summation of two input
signals shown in Figure I.3(a) and I.3(b). When these two inputs are subtracted by each other,
this symbol can also be represented by the symbol “-”. These two symbols are usually put with
a proper position near the end of arrow as shown in Figure I.3(c). The expression can contain
multi-input but only one output. Moreover, these symbols are usually seen as a standard in most
of process control literature.
2. Measuring element
The liquid temperature (T) in the tank is measured by thermocouple sensor and the
temperature (Tm) will be transmitted to the controller. The transfer function can be expressed
as a 1st-order lag system:
𝑇’𝑚(𝑠) 1
= (13)
𝑇’(𝑠) 𝑚𝑠+1

3. Controller and Final Control Element
The relation between the amount of heat (q) and the error (ε) can be expressed as:
Q(s) = G c(s) (s) (14)
where Gc(s) is the controller transfer function. The temperature control system in Figure I.1 is
according to Eq. (12), Eq. (13) and Eq. (14), and overall feedback control system can be
described by Figure I.4.

Figure I.4 block diagram of temperature control system

(Ⅱ) Controller Dynamics

There is a set point adjustment in controller. It makes the controlled signal have a
comparable standard value. And the controller output will change a proportional amount of input
heat based on the error signal. So far, most of chemical plants use PID-controller as the main
controller. However, the process dynamics will be different even at the same change of input
because of different control methods as stated below [5]:
1. Proportional Control (P-Control or P only Control):
The error between controller input and controller output is proportion, and the relation of
output and error (dynamic function) is:
Q = Kc  + Q s (15)
After taking Laplace transform of Eq. (15), the transfer function of P-control can be expressed
= Kc (16)

Kc is the controller gain. It is found an offset between setpoint and output response when
the input is changed. Some commercial controllers use proportional band (PB) instead of
controller gain (Kc), and the expression is shown in below:
= PB(%) (17)

Using PB as the control parameter in P only controller, its parameter is inversely proportional
to Kc.
2. Proportional Integral control (PI control):
The relation of output and error (dynamic function) is:
𝐾𝑐 𝑡
Q = Kc  + ∫0  dt +Qs (18)

After taking Laplace transform of Eq. (18), the transfer function of PI-control can be expressed
𝑄(𝑠) 1
= Kc(1 + ) (19)
(𝑠) 𝐼 𝑠

There is no offset when the input is changed in PI-controller. However, the overshoot may
be large and the response will be oscillatory in the beginning. And applying PI-control may
need more time to meet the steady-state condition.

3. Proportional Integral Derivative control (PID control):

The relation of output and error (dynamic function) is:

𝐾𝑐 𝑡 𝑑
Q = Kc  + ∫  dt +KcD 𝑑𝑡+Qs (20)
𝐼 0

After taking Laplace transform of Eq. (20), the transfer function of PID-control can be
expressed as:
𝑄(𝑠) 1
= Kc(1 + + 𝐷𝑠) (21)
(𝑠) 𝐼 𝑠

The ideal PID-controller combines the advantages of PI-controller and PD-controller, it

can eliminate the offset and make the system reach steady-state quickly. Because of the effect
of differentiation (dε/dt), the output of controller has a significantly changes that is caused by
the process noise. To meet the physical realizability, a practical PID-controller form with a filter
parameter α should be applied by following expression:
𝑃(𝑠) 1+𝐼 𝑠 𝐷 𝑠+1
= Kc( ) ( 𝐷 ) (22)
(𝑠) 𝐼 𝑠 𝑠+1

Another important thing to notice about selecting controller is to avoid using PID-controller in
a high noise process.

Chapter 2 Experimental Procedure

II.1 Experimental Device

Because of the variation of temperature in the heating tank (HT), the current of thermocouple
meter will change. And the change of current will flow through analog-to-digital transducer. The
sensor signal will be converted to a digital type and transmitted to compare with the setpoint. In
order to maintain the temperature of heating tank at the setpoint [6], the controller will calculate a
digital value which is based on the error. And this value will go through digital-to-analog transducer
and be converted to an electric signal which can adjust the power of electric heater. The schematic
diagram of experimental device is shown in Figure 5:

Figure II.1 the schematic diagram of experimental device

II.2 Experimental Procedure
The work before starting the experiment
Please see Figure II.1, and turn on the water source (temperature, liquid level), and fully open
valve V1 to charge water into the reservoir tank (RT) to reach the overflow hole. (Please pay
attention the water flow rate and liquid level) Later, fully open valve V2 and adjust V3 to control
the flowrate of rotameter equal to 1.0 (L/min). Notice that, the water source, valve V1, and valve
V2 are shown in Figure II.2 and II.3.

Water source


Figure II.2 The diagram of water source and V-1 Figure II.3 The diagram of valve position of V-2

Figure II.4 Experimental device (front view) Figure II.5 Experimental device (back view)

Figure II.6 Computer and temperature controller

1. The computer and power control system were turned on. After entering the Windows OS, the
switch of heater (HS) was turned on then the rotational speed was set to 60rpm.
2. The pump power plug was plugged in.
3. The “ADAMview” on the desktop (figure II.7) was opened, then “File”  “D:\溫度控制.gni”
were selected (figure II.8). The software interface (figure II.9) was opened then the temperature
control experiment was run. Where Sp is the temperature set-point (o C), PV is the temperature

of heating tank (oC), OP is the valve opening percentage (%) power of heating. The 
 PB, r,

and τd are the 
 controller parameters. 

4. The “Run” on the computer was clicked to confirm the connection of computer and signal
transducer. Reset button was pressed on the signal transducer (ST) when there is no connection
(If no connection the PV shows 0), and the connection will be restored.
5. After the “Run” was clicked then “Start” was clicked too (the temperature was controlled by
the computer). And start up the pump after plugging its power (figure II.10).
6. The data was deleted (from last group experiment), then the data was checked whether can be

saved to desktop folder(溫度控制資料夾/tempcontrol.txt). 

7. After the experiment was done, the “Stop” menu was clicked to turn off the software.

Figure II.7 ADAMview software on the desktop

Figure II.8 click File →D:\溫度控制.gni

Figure II.9 Operating interface of temperature control experiment

Figure II.10 “Run” and “Start” menu on the ADAMview
II.2.1 Reaction Curve Method (First Week)
1. Obtain the step change of liquid level by manual control.
a. The A/M button was switched to “Manual” control (MAN lights on).
b. The OP was set in 10%.

c. The OP was changed into 20% after the temperature response reached steady-state. 

d. The optimal control parameters were found by using curve method (based on the
(To change the OP value, press which is shown on the control panel and then

switch to OP and adjust the OP value by using △▽ buttons). Owing to the heater OP did not

change while changing the value of OP in the software interface, so both values were changed
(in control panel and software). The arrangement could make you record the time instant while
you change the OP value.
Note: The difference between the recorded data (in computer) and controller is about 0.3 oC
(the real difference depends on the day temperature), please subtract 0.3 oC from the recorded

data (in computer).

Note: The value of OP has to maintain 500 s at steady-state condition. After that, you can
adjust the next value of OP. (You have to maintain 500 s that before or after you change the
value of OP)

2. Calculate The Optimal Control Parameters:
The optimal control parameters were calculated by reaction curve method (Ziegler-Nichols’s
a. The response was plotted as reaction curve like figure II.9 by using saved data (the
temperature in oC is in vertical axis and the horizontal axis is time in second)
b. The tangent line was found with the maximum slope in the reaction curve (the slope is
reaction rate (R), where R= B/A (oC/s), and then the unit has to be converted in %/s)
c. Unit reaction rate (R1) is the reaction rate (R) divided by the step-change (OP%) of
actuating variable. Where R1(s-1 ) = R/X =reaction rate (%/s) / the step-change (OP%) of
actuating variable.
d. The time slot between OP switch point and the cross point of tangent line at initial steady-
state value is called time delay L (see Figure II.9). The optimal parameters for each mode

of control can be calculated by Table 1. 

Figure II.11 Reaction Curve Method (Temperature vs time)

Table II.1. Setting optimal parameters for each mode to control

3. Impulse-change
a. The reaction curve method was used to calculated the optimal control parameters, and the
control parameters (Kc, τI, τd) were set in controller (PID-control used first) and the value

of SP was 50. After that, the “Manual” menu was switched to automatic control in the
controller then wait the temperature to reach steady-state.
b. After reached the steady-state, 500 cc chilling water was prepared and added to heating
tank immediately (the time when adding chilling water was recorder). After the
temperature had reached steady state, stop saving the data.
Note: Prevent the sensor from contacting the chilling water directly. Otherwise, the
temperature will drop instantly and affect the experimental results.
c. Repeat step a to b and change the controller (the sequence is PID, PI and P).
Note: The offset exists in P-control, so the temperature can not reach 50 oC. You can use PI
or PID controller to achieve this purpose. For P-control experiment, please set Kc parameter
only. And after the system has reached steady, add chilling water immediately
II.2.2 Control System Analysis (second week)
1. Step Change
a. The optimal control parameters (Kc, τI, τd) in the controller were set (PID-control used
first) and the automatic control was used to set the value of SP to 30 oC, where these
parameters were calculated from the first week, and wait for the temperature to reach
b. After the system reaches the steady-state, the value of SP was changed into 50 oC. The
response of the system temperature was observed then stop and save the experimental
data after the temperature has reaches new steady-state.
c. Step a and b were repeated and the controller mode was changed in the sequence was PID,
PI and P.
Note: the parameter settings for temperature controller

1. Change the value of SP: Click , the panel will switch to the “SP” value. Adjust the value

by △ or▽ (see Figure II.9).

2. Change the value of OP: Click , and the panel will display “o.”. Adjust the value by △ or

▽ (see Figure II.10) afterwards.

3. Change the parameter in the controller: Press and hold down the button for 5 seconds →

click until the panel display PID → click △. At this moment, “1Gr” is shown in the panel

→ click twice → the panel will display “1.P” → enter the parameter Kc then click

→ enter the value of τI after “1.1” is shown in panel → click →enter the value of τD after

“1.d” is shown in panel → click . In the end, press and hold down button then the
panel will turn back to the temperature display screen, → click A/M to switch the automatic
mode (MAN lights off ).

Figure II.12 Controller Panel (change SP) Figure II.13 Controller Panel (change OP)

Chapter 3 Result and Discussion

III.1. Experimental Result

III.1.1 Reaction Curve Method

T = 39.18 C

Temperature (C)

y=0.0228x - 43.0535


T = 26.91 C
L = 17.96 s

2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000

Time (s)

Figure III.1 Reaction Curve Method of Temperature Control

Data Calculation
𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 0.0228087
Reaction Rate (R) = = = 0.022809 (%/s)
∆𝑇 (39.1840−26.9105)

Input Step (X) = 20% − 10% = 10%

𝑅 0.022809
Unit Reaction Rate (R1) = = = 0.001858
𝑋 10

Time delay (L) = 17.96301 s

Table III.1 Reaction curve method
Input Step (%) R (%/s) R( %/s) R1 (1/s) Time delay
10 0.022809 0.018584 0.001858 17.96301
𝑲𝑪 𝝉𝑰 𝝉𝑫
Control Mode

P controller 1/(R1L) =

PI controller 0.9/(R1L) =
3.33L = 59.81682

PID controller 1.2/(R1L) =

2.0L = 35.92602 0.5L = 8.981505

III.1.2 First Week (Impulse Change)

T final = 50C



Temperature (C)

47 PI




800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Time (s)
Figure III.2 PID, PI and P controller responses for Impulse Change
III.1.3 Second Week (Step Change)

PID peak from 50C : 7.86
PI peak from 50C : 7.42

T final = 50C
Temperature (C)

P peak from 50C : 6.48




T initial = 30C

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Time (s)
Figure III.3 Experimental data from step change

III.2. Discussion
Temperature control is a process where change of temperature of a space is measured, and the
amount of heat energy that is passing in or out of the space is adjusted to achieve the wanted average
temperature. It is usually used when manufacturing new electronic devices, because it is important
to make sure that a machine is running properly by calibrating the temperature at different stages in
the process and then comparing the data to the programmed temperature specifications. The method
is used in manufacturing for example in air-conditioners, refrigerators and water-heaters.

Figure III.4 The schematic diagram of experimental device

On the first week the data was collected while impulse change experiment was made by using
P, PI and PID controllers. The temperature was first setted at 50 oC and then the data was collected
after adding the chilling water to the tank (impulse change). The second weeks experiment was step
change. Temperature was first setted at 30 oC and the data was collected while the temperature was
reaching up to 50 oC. The same experiment was done by using all three different controllers.
In the impulse change experiment (figure III.2) on the first week, where chilled water was
spilled in the tank, the temperature while using P controller dropped immediately from 50 oC to
around 43.3 oC and it didn’t get back up, because P controller has offset. PI controller dropped the
temperature at 48oC and after that it bounced back over 50 oC, and it took a while to stabilize. PID
controller kept the temperature around 50 oC, whitout major drop and it needed the least time to
stabilize, so in this case PID controller the most suitable, because it is good reacting to quick
temperature changes. The oscillation while using the PID control is smaller, because the derivate
term damps the oscillation.
Step change experiment on second week also had different results between the three controllers
(figure III.3). With P controller the temperature only stayed around 43.4 o C. PI and PID controlled

had similar results until 700sec, but after that it took a bit longer time for PID controller to stabilize
the temperature, so in this case PI controller seems better due to small oscillation.
Kc is the gain parameter which tunes the error in the proportional term. Small Kc value will
cause steady offset, and if the Kc is too big, it will cause oscillation. In the temperature change
experiment the P controller the Kc value is 29.95632, in PI controller the Kc value is 26.96068 and
in PID controller it is 35.94758. Big Kc value causes oscillation when using PID controller, so PI
has the most suitable Kc value. Advantage of the D term is that it can prevent the oscillation and
other curves. However, if there is noice in the system that the controller controls, the action of the
D term might add noice and even make the system more unstable. Because of this, PI controller is
more often used that PID controller. The factors of every term present the strength of every term.

Chapter 4 Questions and Answers

1. Please draw the block diagrams and write the transfer functions of this experiment.

Figure IV.1 Block diagram of temperature control system

Transfer function:
𝜀 = TR(s) – T’(s)
1 1
T’(s) = . ((𝑊 (𝑠)𝐶𝑝(𝑇𝑖𝑠 − 𝑇𝑠)) + (𝑇𝑖 ′ (𝑠)𝑊𝑠𝐶𝑝) ) + (𝐺𝑐(𝑠). 𝜀))
𝑊𝑠𝐶𝑝 𝜏𝑠+1
𝑇𝑖𝑠 𝑇𝑠 𝑇𝑖′(𝑠) 1
T’(s) = − + + 𝐺𝑐 (𝑠). (TR(s)– T’(s) )
𝜏𝑠+1 𝜏𝑠+1 𝜏𝑠+1 𝜏𝑚𝑠+1
𝑇𝑖𝑠 𝑇𝑠 𝑇𝑖′(𝑠) 𝑇 ′ (𝑠)𝐺𝑐(𝑠)
T’(s) = − + + 𝐺𝑐 (𝑠).TR(s)-
𝜏𝑠+1 𝜏𝑠+1 𝜏𝑠+1 𝜏𝑚𝑠+1
1 𝐺𝑐(𝑠) 𝑇𝑖𝑠 𝑇𝑖′(𝑠)
T’(s) ( 1 + + ) = + + 𝐺𝑐(𝑠)TR(s)
𝜏𝑠+1 𝜏𝑚𝑠+1 𝜏𝑠+1 𝜏𝑠+1
𝑇𝑖𝑠) 𝑇𝑖′(𝑠)
+ 𝜏𝑠+1 +𝐺𝑐(𝑠).TR(s))
T’(s) = 𝜏𝑠+1
1 𝐺𝑐(𝑠)
( 1 + 𝜏𝑠+1+𝜏𝑚𝑠+1)

2. Please explain the difference between experimental and theoretical results.

In theory the controllers propotional term raises the output value towards the setpoint value but
often the p term does not reach it before it stabilize. Integral term integrates the error in time. It sums up
the previous errors and lifts the output curve of the p term according to the sum of the errors. The integral
of the error is multiplied with the integral factor KI. As the result, the I term corrects the output curve,
so it stabilize to the desired setpoint value. Derivative term helps the controller to flatten the oscillation
and overall curvature. Derivate is multiplied with derivative factor KD (National Instruments, PID
Theory Explained). Theoretically, PID controller is the most suitable controller. It can eliminate the

offset and make the system reach steady-state quickly. But, it is quite difficult to state this way because
of wide variety in process and equipment of heat transfer. However, if there is noice in the system that
the controller controls, the action of the D term might add noice and even make the system more
unstable. Because of this, PI controller is more often used that PID controller. The factors of every
term present the strength of every term.
In this experiment, PID was the most suitable controller for impulse change and PI was the
most suitable controller for step change experiment. The difference between theoretical results and
experimentals results was might due to the noise in the system with the influence of room
3. Please list how many temperature sensors are usually used and their upper and lower bounds.
Usually used temperature sensors are: negative temperature coefficient thermistor (NTC) (-50
oC - 250 oC), resistance temperature detector (RTD) (-200 oC - 600 oC), thermocouples (-200 oC –
1750 oC) and semiconductor-based sensors (-70 oC – 150 oC) (Ametherm, 4 Most Common Types
of Temperature Sensor, 2013).
a. NTC thermistors are very accurate and they are non-linear resistors that change their
resistance characteristics with temperature (Amatherm, What Is An NTC Thermistor, 2013).
b. RTD consists of a film, or a wire wrapped around a glass or ceramic core. When the
temperature of the metal sensor increases, the electrical resistance increases at the same time.
c. Thermocouple consists of two wires of dissiminlar metals that are connected at two points.
Their accuracy is quite low (0.5-5 oC), but it has the widest temperature range.
d. Semiconductor-based sensors are used to maintain the temperature changes with two identical
diodes with temperature sensitive voltage.
4. According to the experimental results, which control mode is the most suitable for this

temperature controller (P、PI、PID), and explain the reason?

In the impulse change experiment (figure III.2) on the first week, where chilled water was spilled
in the tank, the temperature while using P controller dropped immediately from 50 o C to around 43.3
and it didn’t get back up. PI controller dropped the temperature at 48 oC and after that it bounced
back over 50 oC, and it took a while to stabilize. PID controller kept the temperature around 50 oC,
whitout major drop and it needed the least time to stabilize, so in this case PID controller the most
Step change experiment on second week also had different results between the three controllers
(figure III.3). With P controller the temperature only stayed around 43.4 o C. PI and PID controlled

had similar results until 700sec, but after that it took a bit longer time for PID controller to stabilize
the temperature, so in this case PI controller seems better.

Chapter 5 Conclusions

From this experiment, several conclusions can be made:

1. Reaction curve is needed in order to know the control parameter for P, PI, and PID controller.
2. P and PI controller was more quickly to reach the steady condition.
3. For impulse change, PID controller was better than the other controllers.
4. For the step change, PI controller was better than the other controllers due to less oscillator.

Chapter 6 Experience

Besty Nofia Nariswari / B10606013

The temperature control was conducted well. The importance thing is we need to aware of
stabilization of the graph and save the data as well.

David Millian / B10606114

This experiment was conducted well, the only thing we need to do was set the controller’s
parameter for each controller, then waited for the system reach steady state. This experiment was
quite easy but it takes time to reach steady state.

Lisa Monica / B10606116

This experiment was conducted very well for us because there were not a lot of things to do. It
was so easy to change the parameter and record the experimental result. The system need some time
to reach steady state value.

Inka Lehtonen / E10706001

This experiment included a lot of waiting and due that it was hard to be active all the time. The
experiment procedure was maybe a bit easier to accomplish than in the other three experiments,
because there was not that many details when using the temperature control machine.

Chapter 7 References

1. 經濟部專業人員研究中心,“工業儀器控制系統之設計與分析研究班講義”。

2. J.E. Grader, Basic Process Control, Taylor Technical Data Sheet.

3. 鄧禮堂,“程序控制”,高立圖書公司 (1994)。

4. 鄧禮堂,“程序控制實驗”,高立圖書公司(1991)。

5. D. R.Coughanowr, Process Systems Analysis and Control, 2nd Ed, 1965.

6. 蔡鴻文,“溫度控制操作手冊”,新鼎系統股份有限公司(2005)。

7. J.G. Ziegler, N. B. Nichols, Optimum Settings for Autonatic Controllers, ASME Trans, 64, 759,
9. Ametherm, Temperature sensor types, 2013, website:
10. Amatherm, What Is An NTC Thermistor, 2013, website:
11. Thomasnet, Temperature Control, 2019, website:
12. National Instruments, PID Theory Explained, website:


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