PDF 1 Fundamentals of Assurance Services Final DD

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Mindanao State University

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

Marawi City


Accounting 151


Assurance engagements are those engagements in which  The responsible party and the intended
a practitioner expresses a conclusion designed to enhance user will often but not necessarily be from
the degree of confidence that intended users can have separate organizations.
about the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter  The practitioner may be engaged by the
that is the responsibility of a party, other than the intended responsible party or the intended user.
users or the practitioner, against criteria.  The responsible party can be one of the
A. Assurance services 
services  are independent   professional intended users but not the only one.
services intended to enhance or improve the  The intended user may be established by
credibility or quality of information to meet the agreement between the practitioner and
needs of an intended user, i.e., decision making. responsible party or those engaging or
B. Assurance refers
Assurance refers to the practitioner ’s’s satisfaction as employing the practitioner.
to the reliability of an assertion being made by one  In some circumstances, the intended user
party for use by another party. It is the degree of may be established by law.
certainty the practitioner has attained and wishes
B. An appropriate subject matter.
to convey to intended users.
C. Subject matter information 
information   is used to mean the The subject matter refers to the information to be
outcome of the evaluation or measurement of evaluated or measured
measured against
against the
the criteria. The
subject matter. It is the subject matter information subject matter and the subject matter information
about which the practitioner gathers sufficient of an assurance engagement can take many
appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable forms, such as:
basis for expressing a conclusion in an assurance  Financial performance or conditions (for
report. example, historical or prospective financial
position, financial performance or cash
Objective of Assurance Engagements
flows) for which the subject matter
The objective of an assurance engagement is for a information may be the measurement,
professional accountant to evaluate or measure a subject presentation and disclosure represented in
matter that is the responsibility of another party against the financial statements.
identified suitable criteria and to express a conclusion that
 Non-financial performance or conditions
provides the intended user with a level of assurance about
(for example, the performance of an entity)
that subject matter. An assurance engagement is
for which the subject matter information
may be key indicators of effectiveness and
A. To provide a high level of assurance that the
subject matter conforms in all material respects
with identified suitable criteria; or  Physical characteristics (for example,
B. To provide a moderate level of assurance that the capacity of a facility) for which the subject
subject matter is plausible in the circumstances. matter information may be a specifications
ELEMENTS OF AN ASSURANCE ENGAGEMENT   Systems and processes (for example, an
An assurance engagement should exhibit the following entity’s internal control or IT system) for
elements: which the subject matter information may
A. A three party relationship involving a practitioner, a be an assertion about effectiveness.
responsible party and intended users.  Behavior  (for example, corporate
Assurance engagements always involve three governance, human resource practices
separate parties: and compliance with regulation) for which
 Practitioner  – 
 –  the
  the person who provides the the subject matter information may be a
assurance to intended users about a statement of compliance or a statement
subject matter that is the responsibility of of effectiveness.
another party. This is the CPA in public For a subject matter to be considered appropriate,
practice that performs the assurance it must be identifiable, capable of consistent
engagement. evaluation or measurement against suitable criteria
The term practitioner 
practitioner  is broader than the and in a form that can be subjected to procedures
term auditor as used in professional for gathering evidence to support that evaluation
standards which only refer to practitioner or measurement.
performing audit or review engagements C.  Suitable criteria.
with respect to historical financial Criteria 
Criteria  are the benchmarks used to evaluate or
information. measure the subject matter, including where
 Responsible party  –   the person or persons relevant, benchmarks for presentation and
or recognized bodies of experts that follow assurance engagement rarely involves the
a transparent due process. authentication of documentation, nor is the
  Specifically developed  –   those designed practitioner trained as or expected to be an expert
specifically for the purpose of the in such authentication.
engagement.  Sufficiency and Appropriateness of Evidence
Suitable criteria exhibit the following characteristics:  Sufficiency  is the measure of the quantity of
 Relevance –   relevant criteria contribute to evidence. The quantity of evidence is affected by
conclusions that assist decision making by the risk of the subject matter information being
the intended users. materially misstated (the greater the risk, the more
 Completeness  –   criteria are sufficiently evidence is to be required) and the quality of such
complete when relevant factors that could evidence (the higher the quality, the less may be
affect the conclusions in the context of the required).
engagement circumstances are not  Appropriateness  is the measure of quality of
omitted. evidence, that is, its relevance and reliability. The
 Reliability – reliable criteria allow reasonably reliability of evidence is influence by its source and
consistent evaluation or measurement of by its nature.
the subject matter when used in similar The sufficiency and appropriateness of evidence
circumstances by similarly qualified are interrelated. However, merely obtaining more
practitioners. evidence may not compensate for its poor quality.
 Neutrality  –  neutral criteria contribute to Generalizations on Reliability of Evidence
conclusions that are free from bias.
The following generalizations about the reliability of
 Understandability –  understandable criteria evidence may be useful, though exceptions to
contribute to conclusions that are clear, these generalizations may exist:
comprehensive and not subject to  Evidence is more reliable when it is
significantly different interpretations. obtained from independent sources
The evaluation or measurement of a subject matter outside the entity.
merely on the basis of the practitioner’s own  Evidence that is generated internally is
expectations, judgments and individual experience more reliable when the related control is
would not constitute suitable criteria. effective.
Suitable criteria are context sensitive, that is,  Evidence obtained directly by the
relevant to the engagement circumstances. Even practitioner is more reliable than evidence
for the same subject matter there can be different obtained indirectly or by inference.
criteria.  Evidence is more reliable when it exists in
documentary form, whether paper,
Whether established or specifically developed,
electronic or other media.
criteria need to be available to the intended users
 Evidence provided by original documents
to allow them to understand how the subject
is more reliable than evidence provided by
matter has been evaluated or measured. Criteria
photocopies or facsimiles.
are made available to the intended users in one or
more of the following ways: The practitioner ordinarily obtains more assurance
 Publicly. from consistent evidence obtained from different
 Through inclusion in a clear manner in the sources or of a different nature than from items of
presentation of the subject matter evidence considered individually.
information. Cost-Benefit Considerations
 Through inclusion in a clear manner in the
The practitioner considers the relationship between
assurance report.
cost of obtaining evidence and the usefulness of
 By general understanding, for example the
the information obtained. However, the matter of
criterion for measuring time in hours and
difficulty or expense involved is not in itself a valid
basis for omitting an evidence gathering
Criteria may also be available only to specific procedure for which there is no alternative.
intended users, for example the terms of a
 Assurance Engagement Risk and Materiality
contract, or criteria issued by an industry
association that are available only to those in the The risk that the practitioner expresses an
industry. inappropriate conclusion when the subject matter
information is materially misstated is referred to as
D. Sufficient appropriate evidence.
the assurance engagement risk . The higher the
The practitioner plans and performs an assurance assurance engagement risk is, the more extensive
engagement with an attitude of professional the evidence gathering procedures are.
skepticism to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence
Assurance engagement risk has the following
about whether the subject matter information is
free from material misstatement. Evidence refers to
the information obtained by the practitioner in  Risk of material misstatement  –   the risk that
arriving at the conclusions on which the conclusion the subject matter is materially misstated. It
is based. consists of:
a. Inherent risk  –   the susceptibility of
The practitioner also considers materiality,
the subject matter information to a
assurance engagement risk and the quality and
Materiality  is relevant when the practitioner level  in the circumstances of the engagement as
determines the nature, timing and extent of the basis for a  positive form  of expression of the
evidence gathering procedures and when practitioner’s conclusion.
assessing whether the subject matter information is These engagements provide a high, but not
free of material misstatement. When considering absolute, level of assurance. This is also known as
materiality, the practitioner understands and  reasonable assurance  which is achieved if the
assesses what factors might influence the decisions assurance engagement risk is reduced to an
of the intended users. Assessing materiality is a acceptably low level, that is, close to zero.
matter for practitioner’s judgment.
Example: Independent financial statement audits.
E. A written assurance report in the form appropriate
B. Limited assurance engagements  –   aim to reduce
to a reasonable assurance or limited assurance
assurance engagement risk to an acceptable level
in the circumstances of the as the basis for a
The practitioner provides a written report containing negative form of expression of the practitioner’s
a conclusion that conveys the assurance obtained conclusion. Thus, the assurance engagement risk in
about the subject matter information. In addition, a limited assurance engagement is greater than for
the practitioner considers other reporting a reasonable assurance engagement.
responsibilities, including communicating with those
These engagements provide a moderate level of
charged with governance when it is appropriate to
assurance. This is also known as limited assurance
do so.
which is achieved if the assurance engagement
In reasonable assurance engagements, the risk is reduced to an acceptable level.
practitioner expresses the conclusion in the positive
Example: Review of financial statements.
form, for example:
“In our opinion internal control is effective, in all ABSOLUTE ASSURANCE IN ASSURANCE ENGAGEMENTS
material respects, based on XYZ criteria.” Reducing assurance engagement risk to zero is very rarely
In limited assurance engagement, the practitioner attainable or cost beneficial as a result of factors such as
expresses the conclusion in the negative form, for the following:
example: A. The use of judgment in gathering and evaluating
evidence and forming conclusions based on that
“Based on our work described in t his report, nothing
has come to our attention that causes us to believe
B. The use of selective testing.
that internal control is not effective, in all material
C. The inherent limitations of internal control.
 respects, based on XY Z criteria.”
D. The fact that much of the evidence available to
Not all conclusions are unqualified conclusions or the practitioner is persuasive rather than conclusive.
those with no categorization in the expression of E. In some cases, the characteristics of the subject
the practitioner’s conclusions. matter when evaluated or measured against the
Cause Conclusion identified criteria.
Auditor is prevented from
pervasive, qualified
obtaining sufficient A. Assertion-based engagements  –   those that involve
conclusion. If both
appropriate evidence the evaluation or measurement of the subject
material and pervasive,
(scope limitation)
disclaimer of opinion. matter by the responsible party and the subject
If material but not
matter information in the form of an assertion by
Assertion or subject pervasive, qualified the responsible party is made available to the
matter information is conclusion. If both intended users. The practitioner’s conclusion can
materially misstated material and pervasive, be worded in terms of the responsible party’s
adverse opinion. assertion. These are also known as attestation
Criteria are unsuitable or If material but not engagements.
subject matter is pervasive, qualified B. Direct reporting engagements  –   those where the
inappropriate thus conclusion. If both practitioner either directly performs the evaluation
misleading users of material and pervasive, or measurement of the subject matter or obtains a
information adverse opinion.
representation from the responsible party that has
Important Notes: performed the evaluation or measurement that is
not available to the intended users. The subject
 The reason for differing levels of assurance
matter is provided to the intended users in the
lies in the nature, extent and timing of
assurance report.
procedures to gather evidence as a basis
for the practitioner’s conclusion. RANGE OF ASSURANCE ENGAGEMENTS
 Whenever practical, the assurance report There is a broad range of assurance engagements, which
is addressed to all the intended users, but includes any combination of the following:
in some cases there may be other A. Engagements to report on a broad range of
intended users. In cases where the subject matters covering financial and non-
practitioner may not be able to identify all financial information.
intended users, the intended users may be B. Engagements intended to provide high or
limited to major stakeholders with moderate level of assurance.
significant and common interests. C. Attest and direct reporting engagements.
 When identified criteria are available only D. Engagements to report internally and e xternally.
to specific intended users, or are relevant E. Engagements in private and public sector.


DISTINCTION  Agreed-upon
 Audit Reviews Compilation
To report whether To assist the client in
To perform audit
anything has come to preparing financial
To express an opinion on procedures agreed on
the auditor’s attention statements by using
Objective the fairness of financial with the client and any
that causes to believe accounting expertise as
statements appropriate third parties
that the financial opposed to auditing
identified in the report
statements are not fair expertise
Risk assessment
Reading of the financial
Evidence gathering procedures, tests of Limited to inquiry and
Procedures as agreed statements for obvious
 procedures control and substantive analytical procedures
Level of assurance Reasonable or high but Moderate or limited
No assurance No assurance
 provided not absolute assurance assurance
An audit report An review report
A compilation report
containing a positive containing a negative A factual findings of
Report provided which identify
form of assurance on form of assurance on procedures
information compiled
assertion assertion

 Skills used Audit skills Audit skills Audit skills Accounting skills
Recipients of the report Users derive benefit
Audit opinion enhances Substantially less in must form their own because the service has
the credibility of scope of procedures conclusions and the been performed with
Characteristics financial information than audit report is restricted to due professional skill
contracting parties and care

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