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Musical Theatre

March 13, 2020
@ Cedar Valley High School

Thank you so much for your interest in Musical Theatre! Musical Theatre is a unique
class, primarily for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors, and some Freshmen. The Musical Theatre
Class will produce our fall musical, as well as learn valuable audition skills, more about the
history of musical theatre, and develop practical acting, singing, and dancing skills. This is a year
long course, which will require extracurricular rehearsals during the fall musical season. This
class will not guarantee any roles or positions within the spring all-school musical. This class
will be a rigorous learning experience, but will also be fun and worthwhile. I can’t wait to see
what this class will do this year! This class will be co-taught in the fall by Ms. Miller and Ms.
Kylie Olsen (dance) and in the winter by Ms. Miller and Mr. Kyle Harper (choir).

 Select and practice a 16 bar cutting of a musical theatre song (Make sure you have
accompaniment which we can plug into a speaker or are prepared to sing acapella. We
will not have a piano accompanist.)
 Select and practice a one minute monologue which you will preform for us.
 Hand out teacher recommendation forms to two different teachers, and have them fill
them out HONESTLY. It will be YOUR responsibility to bring these to your audition.
 Fill out your audition form (attached), and bring it to your audition.
 Fill out the performer contract (attached), have it signed by your parents, and bring it to
your audition
 Meet in Ms. Miller’s room at Cedar Valley High School right after school on Friday,
March 13, 2020. It is a minimal day, and we will plan on beginning around 11:00 AM.
(For those coming from Frontier, please come after your school day, and we will get you
in as soon as possible.)

We are so excited to have you as a part of the Cedar Valley Drama Program, and can’t wait for
this coming year. Regardless of the outcomes of the auditions, I hope you will continue to be
involved, and enroll in one of the many other classes we offer. If AFTER the auditions you have
any questions about our class rosters, or how your audition went, please contact Ms. Miller at
CVHS Drama Department Audition Form


Name: ________________________________ Gender: ________ Grade: _________

Phone Number(s): __________________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________ GPA: ________

Height: ________ Weight: _________ Hair Color: _________ Eye Color: _________

Emergency Contact: _______________________________ Phone: __________________


Acting Experience: _________________________________________________________



List musical instrument training and other talents: _________________________________


Voice (Circle all that apply): Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Other

Please list any vocal training: ________________________________________________

Dance (circle all that apply): Tap Modern Ballet Jazz Ballroom
Other _____________________________


Check one: I am auditioning for class credit and I WANT to do the show.
I am ONLY auditioning for class credit and I DO NOT want to do the show.

Please check: I will accept any role. (Trust me, it is to your advantage to agree to this!)

Please list the part(s) you are interested in on the line below:


* Please make sure you complete the back of this form, filling in your schedule.
By signing below, I state that all information herein is correct. Additionally, I agree to be cast at
the directors’ discretion, taking into account any casting requests I have listed. I will not weep
and wail at home and sick my parents on the directors or throw any fits over my part, whatever it
may be. I agree to come to every required rehearsal on time and maintain acceptable grades and
attendance throughout the rehearsal period and production. Further, I promise to have a good,
positive attitude about the production.

Signed: _______________________________________________

Print Name: ___________________________________________

Please fill in your current class schedule below:

Class Teacher’s Name


Block out times when you CANNOT rehearse after school:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Do you have anything that would conflict with Saturday Morning Rehearsals?

List anything else we should know about you:


Director’s Notes:

Your Name: ___________________ Name of Parent or Legal Guardian: ___________________

Phone number of Parent/Legal Guardian:______________ Best time to reach them:__________

This contract is binding toward (YOU as the performer/technician)

___________________________________, Cedar Valley High School Performing Arts
Department, and the Artistic Directing Staff of the 2019-2020 school year.

The following terms are agreed to by the performer/technician:

1. The performer/technician will maintain acceptable grades in order to stay in the
production. Grades will be checked frequently. If there is anything below a C- on a
student’s current grades, the student will be given 72 hours to “make it right” or get a
note from the teacher stating that progress is being made in that direction, before they are
asked to resign from the production. Anyone whose grades drop below the acceptable
grade mark must participate in the after school homework group until all grades
are satisfactory.
2. Please observe the CVHS Attendance policy. Being in a play and “tired” does not
constitute an excuse for missing school and/or assignments. In accordance with UHSAA
regulations, any student missing classes on the day of a performance without a doctor’s
note or clearing it with the teacher and the administration will not be allowed to perform
in the production that evening. Do not put us in the position of having to replace you or
cancel the performance or your fellow students and cast or crew in the position of having
to cover for you. Do not miss rehearsals without prior notification. If you are sick, you
have the responsibility to contact the director (via email) AND the stage manager (via
phone or email) prior to the start of the rehearsal. TWO UNEXCUSED MISSED
3. You are responsible to pay all fees for the class, including the uniform fee.
4. The performer is REQUIRED to dress in proper rehearsal attire (see CVHS Dress code)
during all in school and after school rehearsals, including appropriate covering on their
feet. Additionally, it is necessary for performers to provide some pieces of their costume
such as: shoes, under clothing, pants, socks or stockings, make-up, hair accessories, etc.
5. The performer/technician will attend all rehearsals that they are called to, unless
otherwise excused from the director and with written permission given to the stage
manager at least 24 hours in advance. The performer will check the call board daily for
changes made to the schedule.
6. The performer/technician will attend all full run rehearsals of the production and all
dress rehearsals and performances. (See rehearsal schedule for times and dates.)
7. The performer is required to perform at least 15 tech hours per show, to be collected at
intervals throughout the rehearsal period. (an additional 30 minutes will be added on for
every unexcused tardy to class or after school rehearsals). The technician will perform 40
tech hours per full length show. Further, all performers and technicians are required to
attend STRIKE (cleaning up and breaking down the set, props, and costumes and
facilities after the final show.) The STRIKE dates are always immediately following the
final performance of each show. This will be from the end of the show until
approximately 11:30 PM, (depending on how fast you work!). This is mandatory and
no excuse will be accepted.
8. The performer/technician is needed to hand out posters, flyers, and wear their t-shirt to
advertise the show as much as possible around the community and to their extended
families and friends.
9. The performer/technician will be a positive role model to those around him/her by not
creating or spreading contention, rumors, or ill feelings toward any other member
of the cast, crew, or artistic team. The performer will accept the directors’ casting
decisions and crew assignments and make this play a positive experience for all involved.
We are a family here!
10. The performer will be memorized on time, according to the rehearsal calendar and will
give their all at every rehearsal. The technician will have all their assignments completed
on time.
11. The performer/technician is required to do their best without excuse, and put forth
their best effort in making the show a success.
12. The performer/technician will have fun, make life-long friendships, and bond together to
produce a once in a lifetime opportunity that you will remember and take with you for the
rest of your life. Remember we are not out to make you stars (though we can teach you
the skills necessary to becoming one) but we are out to make you better people, better
thinkers, better members of your community!

In response to the above mentioned terms, the artistic staff will:

1. Provide you will a grade in the class and will notify you of any and all changes to
rehearsal calendars as soon as possible.
2. Set and maintain standards of excellence that help the performers and the technical staff
reach their full potential.
3. Release cast members from the show that cannot fulfill their obligations, thus
maintaining a cohesive cast and making rehearsals as productive as they can be.
4. The artistic staff will do their best to provide a positive learning experience for all
5. As we learn together, we will try to provide a concise and clear communication between
the crew and the performers as best we can (please remember that 90% of our technical
staff are students. They are learning too!).
6. Pay for production costs, provide the venue, etc. If you agree to the terms set forth in this
contract, please sign here:
Performer’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date:_________________

Parent/Legal Guardian’s Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________


Teacher Recommendation Form

Teacher Name: _______________________________________

Student Name: _______________________________________

This student is auditioning for the Musical Theatre Class at Cedar Valley High School. Please
check the boxes below about your experience with them. Please be honest and candid. When you
are done with this, please deliver the form to either Ms. Miller (CVHS) or Ms. Bonifay (Frontier)
Thanks! – Courtney Miller (CVHS Drama Teacher)

Yes Mostly No
They are reliable and responsible.
I would trust them to handle expensive school equipment without close
I would feel comfortable with them being unsupervised backstage.
They are able to maintain a grade higher than a C in my class, even when busy
or absent.
They work well on his/her own.
They work well in groups.
This student has demonstrated artistic, creative, organizational or technical
skills in my class.
This is the kind of student that will complete work without an adult checking
on them.
This student would represent Cedar Valley in a positive way.

Is there anything else you would like me to know about this student?:

Signed: _______________________________________________________________________
Teacher Recommendation Form

Teacher Name: _______________________________________

Student Name: _______________________________________

This student is auditioning for the Musical Theatre Class at Cedar Valley High School. Please
check the boxes below about your experience with them. Please be honest and candid. When you
are done with this, please deliver the form to either Ms. Miller (CVHS) or Ms. Bonifay (Frontier)
Thanks! – Courtney Miller (CVHS Drama Teacher)

Yes Mostly No
They are reliable and responsible.
I would trust them to handle expensive school equipment without close
I would feel comfortable with them being unsupervised backstage.
They are able to maintain a grade higher than a C in my class, even when busy
or absent.
They work well on his/her own.
They work well in groups.
This student has demonstrated artistic, creative, organizational or technical
skills in my class.
This is the kind of student that will complete work without an adult checking
on them.
This student would represent Cedar Valley in a positive way.

Is there anything else you would like me to know about this student?:

Signed: _______________________________________________________________________

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