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a eee If Byptnsne — BY.LAWS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ANTIQUE FEDERATION OF FACULTY ASSOCIATION, INC. PREAMBLE We, the UNIVERSITY OF ANTIQUE FEDERATION OF FACULTY ASSOCIATION, INC, imploring the aid of the Almighty God and believing in the dignity of man in an enlightened society, based on. ‘democratic principles; and subscribing to education, particularly in technological, professional and scientific endeavors as a means for individual and social advancement, do ordain and promulgate this By-Laws. ARTICLE 1 Section 1 - Name of the Association ‘The name of the association shall be the University of Antique Federation of Faculty Association, Inc. and shall be named as such for all intents and purposes with office at the University, of Antique Main Campus, Mayor Santiago Lotilla St, Sibalom, Antique, ‘This association is apolitical hence, politcal affiliation on the part of the Association is discouraged Section 2- Board of Directors ‘This federation shall be governed by the Board of Directors otherwise called the Executive Board, composed of 15 members represented by five (5) officers from each local chapter. The officers of the federation shall be voted upon by the board members themselves. Section 3- Membership All faculty members of the University of Antique shall become members of the UAFEDFA, Inc. upon employment at the University of Antique. ‘Membership: ‘a. An active member is one who has attained permanent employment status at UA, with full- time teaching load, a rank-and-file employee and has complied with all the requirements for membership. Such member shall be entitled to all rights and privileges, and enjoined to participate in all undertakings of the association. A rankand-file employee is one who is not any of the following: 1) high level employee performing functions/duties normally considered as policy-making or managerial or primarily confidential in nature; 2) employees performing/holding primarily confidential positions, which involve an extraordinary degree of trust and personal confidence which necessitate an openness and freedom of communication without fear of betrayal; and 3) Sas. Ap. “Gel ro ee of Jerson diaui> $V fm ‘employees performing the following functions: lay down and execute management policies Gnd decisions; and hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, dismiss, assign or discipline employees; b. An inactive member is one who has no permanent status and/or no full-time teaching load put chooses to apply for membership. He/she shall also be entitled to al the rights and privileges except to vote, and only if such right/privlege is allowed by law: An honorary member is one who reties from the service and has opted to continue his/her membership. He/she shall have no right to vote but shall be entitled to such rights/prvileges as may be allowed by law; Section 5 — Representative Committee “This association shall have a representative committee to be composed of the chairmen or president of all chapters afilated with the federation. The committee may be convened by the Faculty Federation's President in dealing with major issues affecting the welfare of the members and the interest ofthe association. ARTICLE Section 1 (a) Officers, ‘The officers of the Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, ‘Asst Secretary, Treasurer, Ass. Treasurer, Auditor, Business Manager, and Press Relations Officer. Section 1-(b) Election and Tenure of Officers ‘the election of Local Officers shall be held every two years during the local General ‘Assembly by the local chapters and wil be held before the last Friday of June, This will be done ‘through Secret Balloting. ‘The election of the Board of Directors shall be held once a year during the annual association esting atthe University of Antique, Sibalom, Antique. The secret balloting shall be adopted for the Conduct of board election, held every last Friday of June. However, the term of office of the President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be based on a rotation basis and on the number of active members described as follows: LUA Main campus shall be for two (2) years LUA Hamtic campus shall be for one (3) year LUA Tibio campus shall be for one (1) year unless removed for cause upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors. — ‘The executive officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors from among themselves, wy i & f Section 2 — Duties of the Officers {a) The President shall preside at all meetings, act as ex-officio member of all committees ‘and have general supervision over the association. He shall authorize the payment of all bills as approved by the executive board or general assembly; create all committees and ‘vote in case of tle. He shall introduce members, file his program of administration for the advancement of the association with the program committee soon after taking office and shall extend to the new incumbent such courtesies as are commensurate with the office. As association president, he shall also serve as a member of the Board of Regents. He shall serve as consultant to the newly elected President of the Federation upon expiration of his term, unless reelected. (b) The Vice President shall preside and perform if qualified the duties of the President in his/her absence or incapacity. He/she shall sit with the President, assists on all official matters and serve as chairman of the Administrative Committee. He/she shall coordinate the membership and activities of the association. In the absence of the President the Vice President will sit in the board of Regents of the University as Faculty association's Representative. (c) The Secretary shall keep all records of the Federation membership. He/she shall keep the minutes of every meeting. He shall Keep on file all committee reports. He/she shall provide the President and the Vice President with a list of the Federation officers and committees. He/she shall receive all correspondences and answer the same in the name of the Executive Board at the direction of its members. He/she shall make arrangements {or all meeting and notify members of the date and place of such meeting. He/she shall also serve as Chairman of the Publicity Committee. He/she shall furnish the treasurer with copies of all documents pertinent to the Federation. (G) In the absence of the secretary, the Assistant Secretary will do the tasks ofthe secretary cof any task that may be assigned to him/her by the Secretary, except to sign legal documents. {@) The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Federation. He receives all ‘money dues from the members and will duly credit them. He shall deposit all funds in the bank with a passbook to be drawn in the name of the association which shall contain signature of the President and the Treasurer. He shall Keep the records of all income and ‘expenditures and accountabilities of the Federation as authorized by the board. He shal! also serve as chaltman of the Welfare Committee, He shall render a financial report to the Board of Directors during the General Assembly. He shall post @ bond in such ‘amount as may be required by the Board of Directors. (f) Inthe absence of the treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer will do the tasks ofthe Treasurer cor any task that may be assigned to him/her by the Treasurer, except to sign legal documents. 0 es / #4 (8) The Auditor shall audit all financial transactions such as collections and disbursement of the Treasurer and countersign the Treasurer's report (h) The Press Relations Officer shall the important affairs of the Federation published or broadcasted as approved by the Board of Directors. He shall assist the President in the preparation of the Annual Report for publication. (i) The Business Manager shall manage and coordinate all transactions and activities of the Federation. He shall procure the supplies, materials and paraphernalia's that are needed for the activities of the association and perform other duties as may be assigned by the Board. ARTICLE It Section 1 - Board of Directors and Executive Officers (2) Composition: ‘The Board of Directors shal consist of fifteen (15) active members of the Federation drawn as follows Five (5) members from UA Main Campus Sibalom, Antique Five (5) from UA Tario Lim Ruiz Campus Tibiao, Antique Five (5) members from UA Hamtic Campus Hamtic, Antique No person shall be elected as Director unless he is a member of good standing ofthe association. (b) Term of office: & The em offer fear Der toffee. GRE oa wm of one of on retrain toate, Soreey Tresaet shall be bed on he roton bas nd the ruber ofthe panera Ate Scion 3s] (6) Disqualification: ‘Members who have been charged of the crime involving moral turpitude shall be disqualified to be a member of the Board of Directors. Members who ! = 3 + are Deans, Directors and Heads of Offices cannot become 2 member of Board of v Directors, for both local and federation. (d) Executive officers: ‘The Executive Officers shall consist of the President, a Vice President, Executive Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer, an Assistant Treasurer, ‘an Auditor, a Business Manager and Press Relations Officer and other members of the Board (e) Meetings: The Board of Directors’ meeting shall be held regularly at least once ‘every quarter. A special meeting can be called by the President or upon the Petition of atleast six (6) members ofthe Board. (9) Quorum: ‘Atleast eight (8) persons present shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors. ’ ARTICLE IV Section 1. (a) Meetings ‘The General assembly meeting shall be held every year on the last Friday ofthe month of June. Wri ‘The order of business at any meeting ofthe association shal be a follows: \ 5 => Catto Order it Determination of Quorum Reading ofthe minutes ofthe previous meeting Report ofthe Officers 2. President's Report y b. ‘Treasurer's Report Others, if any Reports of standing committees Reports of special committees Special Order Unfinished Business New Business 10, Adjournment ‘Special General Assembly Meeting maybe called by the President or upon the request of the ‘wo thirds (2/3) ofthe Board of Directors. \ jugs 1 eerie otf wary i o ae Guorum of General Assembly meeting is majority of regular members of good standing ‘except when the law requires the affirmative vote of a greater proportion, ARTICLE V Section 2~ Standing Committee The committee shall be as follows: ‘Amendments of By-Laws ‘Administrative and Grievance Committee Program Planning Committee Welfare and Social Development Committee Educational and Publicity Scholarship, Recognition and Awards Waysand means Election committee CCultural/Sports and Recreation Committee Section 3~ Duties and Responsibilities (2) Amendments of the By-laws Committee ~ this committee shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the President and duly approved by the members of the Board, It shall be the duty of this committee to propose amendments and by-laws of the Federation. it shall keep a record of all amendments to the Articles of Incorporation and bylaws with the dates of such. It shall provide all members of the Federation copies of the same. (2) ‘Administrative and Grievance Committee - this committee shall be chaired by the Vice- President. tt shall consider all educational policies affecting the association. It shall Confer with the school administration or authority when necessary. It shall receive and ‘act upon all complaints and file @ writen report of the same with the Executive Secretary. (3) Program Planning Committee - it shall be the duty of this committee to provide far- reaching program for the occasion. In making the program, the following may serve as uideines: 4. The President's approval for the advancement of the association. 2. Setting a scheme for enriching the treasury. This committee shall be appointed by the President who shall use his discretion regarding the sizeof the committee. “ — — = (4) Welfare and Social Development Committee — it shall be the duty ofthis committee to ‘report whenever possible to the President, the illness or death of any member of this Federation. It shall report resignation, retirement and appointment of each member and the same with the Executive Secretary. It shall consider the plight or situation of any member financially and physically and endeavor to assist him, and if successful, to ‘obtain such statement for the member of is gratitude. ‘The Treasurer as Chairman of the Welfare and Social Development Committee ‘should be given the authority to select his members, The committee is responsible for preparing a scheme or policy to be adopted by the association especially the Mutual Aid System (MAS). (5) Education and Publication Committee - This committee shall consist of five (5) members. The duty of this committee is to enhance and promote the educational frowth of members of the association, it shall send policies of meeting and topics Giscussed to various mass media. It shall cooperate with the program committee so that re meeting publicty can be coordinated. it shall have publication and manage its Alstribution to school officials and the public. It shall also handle offical printing that ‘maybe undertaken by the Federation, (6) Scholarship, Recognition and Awards Committee — This committee shall consist of five (5) members. i shall sereen and recommend scholars for every school year. Awards for Outstanding alumni should be given every two years to coincide with the alumni homecoming, (7) Ways and Means Committee ~ This committee shall consist ofall members ofthe Board (of Directors and those members appointed by the President. The duty of this committee isto find ways and means for the implementation ofthe program of the association, (8) Election committee - the election committee shall consist of three (3) members. It shall ‘manage the conduct of the election and prepare the related paraphernalia (9) Cultural/ Sports and Recreation Committee ~ This committee shall consist of five (5) members. The duty of this committee is to find plan and organize cultural and sports ‘rograms of the association, ARTICLE VI Dues Section 1~ Dues ‘The member will pay an initial membership fee of One Hundred Pesos (PhP100.00}; for old \ members, a yearly membership fee of One Hundred Twenty Pesos (PhP120.00) shal be payable to \ a + x an HRC phere pied W/o Pp ‘the Local Association Treasurer. The local association shall remit 20% ofthe total collection of the annual membership fee to the Federation Treasure before the end ofthe Fiscal year. Extra contribution maybe called for subject to the approval of the majority votes ofthe members of the Board of Directors. {All regular members shall pay their dues during the signing of Teachers’ Clearance atthe end of each school year. They shall be entitled to all privileges given by the Federation effective the date of the payment of membership to the Treasurer. “The academic/fscal year of the association shall commence on June 1 and end on May 31 of the succeeding year. ARTICLE Vil FACULTY ASSOCIATION CHAPTERS Section 1 - A Chapter organization may promulgate its own constitution and by-laws consistent withthe objectives ofthe By-Laws ofthe Federation. Section 2~ An annval affiliation fee of 20% of the membership fee shall be remitted by the Faculty Association Chapter Treasurer to the Federation Treasurer before the end of the ‘Academi/Fiscal Year. [ARTICLE Vit ‘AMENDMENTS ‘Section 1 -(a) Amendments of the By-Laws may be proposed in writing to the Board of Directors for study and finally presented to the general assembly meeting for ratification with 2/3 vote. Section 1 ~(b) The Board of Directors shall recommend the amendment or repeal of the By- laws to the General Assembly, Section 1 ~(c) The General Assembly shal ratify or repeal the amendment. ARTICLE IK TRANSITORY PROVISION Section 1 ~ Interim Officers ~ Fifteen (15) Incorporators as represented by five (5) officers or members of the Faculty Association local chapter shall be interim officers until such time the officers provided in the By-Laws shall have been duly elected and qualified. me eA tt ‘ARTICLEX: eFFECTIVITY Section 1 Effectivity — this By-Laws shall take effect upon the approval of the Securities ‘and Exchange Commission. ‘This By-Laws is adopted this 27" day of August, 2013 IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE Incorporators hereto affix their signature: ENZA RELYN)S| CORDERO, MARIAN akon ere DOLOROSAHTPALARILLO. qetretel ts fe eicaon d Ee GERES Sonn non Gtt hat

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