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The Moral Issue of Abortion St.

Thomas Aquinas asserted that the

rational soul is not infused until sometime later.
Abortion – the expulsion of a living fetus from the
He argued that “the intellectual principle is
mother’s womb before it is viable
immaterial hence it cannot be produced by the
- termination of pregnancy, spontaneously
semen which is material.” The intellectual soul is
or by induction prior to viability
directly created by God and not from conception
5 TYPES OF ABORTION but subsequently thereafter.

1. Natural Abortion – expulsion of the fetus Various Types of interpretation of delayed

through natural or accidental causes. Also animation:
called spontaneous or accidental abortion.
1. Implantation – ensoulment occurs at
- miscarriage
2. Direct or Intentional Abortion –
- any interference or prevention of
deliberately induced expulsion of a living
implantation such as IUD or morning after
fetus before it has become viable.
pill is morally permissible in case of
3. Therapeutic Abortion – deliberately
conception caused by rape or incest.
induced expulsion of a living fetus in order
2. Unity and Uniqueness – ensoulment occurs
to save the mother from danger of death
when the unity and uniqueness of the fetus
brought on by pregnancy.
are definitely established. This happens two
4. Eugenic Abortion – recommended in cases
and four weeks after conception.
where certain defects are discovered in the
3. “Looks” human – ensoulment occurs when
developing fetus
the fetus already looks human. According to
5. Indirect Abortion – the removal of fetus
this view, ensoulment takes place during
occurs as a secondary effect of a legitimate
the 5th & 6th week of fetal development,
or licit action which is the direct and
when the fetus already looks human.
primary object of the intention.
4. Electrical Activity – ensoulment occurs
THE MORAL ISSUE when electrical impulses are first detectible
from the brain, around the 8th week of
If the phenomenon of ensoulment occurs pregnancy
from the moment of conception, then the newly 5. Quickening – ensoulment takes place when
fertilized ovum or conception is already a person; the mother can feel the spontaneous
hence to expel or abort it is to commit murder but if movements of the fetus during the 10 th to
the ensoulment phenomenon occurs not from 12th week of pregnancy
conception but at a certain stage of fetal 6. Viability – ensoulment occurs at viability –
development, then eugenic abortion as well as that is, when the fetus is considered viable
abortion before implantation may be morally licit. during the 28th week or 7th month of
Immediate Hominization pregnancy
- contends that a new human person exists 7. Birth – ensoulment occurs at birth when the
immediately upon conception child has become biologically independent
- upheld by Plato & St. Gregory of Nyssa of his mother.
- they influenced the teachings of the magisterium Curettage – It is very crucial in cases of rape or
of the Catholic Church incest victims to consider that within the 8 th day
Delayed Animation period following the sexual assault the linings of the
- upholds that ensoulment occurs at a later time but uterus can be scraped or rasped off by curettage,
not from the moment of conception implantation can be prevented and pregnancy will
- upheld by Aristotle who believed that ensoulment not continue.
occurs about the The General viewpoint of Abortion
= 40th day for males
= 80th day for females 1. Conservative View – declares that abortion
- St. Anselm & St. Augustine provided a classic is never permissible, or at most, is
precedent for the distinction between a permissible if and only if it is required to
1. Fetus animatus (animate fetus) save the pregnant woman’s life
2. Fetus inanimatus (inanimate fetus) 2. Liberal position – abortion is always
or permissible whatever the state of fetal
1. Embryo informatus (non-informed fetus) development may be. Advocated by
2. Embryo formatus (informed fetus) adherents of women’s rights, this stand
stresses the rights of a woman to make
decisions which affect her own body
3. Moderate Position – holds that abortion is
morally permissible up to a certain stage of
fetal development, or for some limited sets
of reasons sufficient to justify the taking up
life in this or that special circumstances.

Pro-life Movement

Pro-life position is the disapproving view of

abortion. It expresses and supports the teachings of
the Vatical II Pastoral Constitution of the Church in
the Modern World. From the moment of
conception, life must be regarded with greatest
Man is the only creature on earth that God
has “wished for himself” and the spiritual soul of
each man is “immediately created” by God; his
whole being bears the image of the Creator.

Effects of Abortion

There are physical and psychological effects of

abortion on the woman concerned.

a. Physical Effects includes:

- Habitual miscarriage
- ectopic pregnancies
- menstrual disturbances or discomfort
- stillbirths, frigidity,
- bleeding, coma, fever, cold sweat
- shock, intense pain, insomnia
- loss of other organs, weight loss
b. Psychological Effects:
- guilt, suicidal tendency,
- loss of sense of fulfillment,
- mourning, loss of confidence,
- low self-esteem, hectivity
- self destructive behavior
- anger, rage, helplessness,
- loss of interest in sex,
- inability to forgive oneself,
- nightmare and frustration
- thwarted maternal instinct
- intense interest in babies

Pro-choice Movement
- The approving view of abortion justification for the
expulsion of the fetus may be classified into:
1. Personal
2. Social
3. fetal

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