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Anatomy of an Applicant

Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Preprofessional Competency: Service Orientation

Definition: Demonstrates a desire to help others and sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings; demonstrates a desire
to alleviate others’ distress; recognizes and acts on his/her responsibilities to society—locally, nationally, and globally.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I will demonstrate this competency by showing my desire to help others through volunteer service,
shadowing, peer tutoring, joining DOCC, and continuing to be a great friend to my coworkers and
customers at Starbucks.

Why it’s important:

It's important for me to demonstrate this competency as it shows my desire and sensitivity to help
service society, even before becoming a doctor.

What this says about me:

This says I am a very kind, loving person who is very giving and has a desire to help the world and
people around me flourish with my service.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

I have so far learned that alleviating stress and serving others is something I really enjoy, especially
when it comes to helping others out emotionally and mentally. Helping others is second nature to me,
and I crave helping others the best I can: socially.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

I've learned how to communicate, get to know, and help all kinds of people and these experiences so far
have influenced me to look into social work/mental health work as I'm really interested in helping
others that way.


Next steps:
I plan on: shadowing many doctors at my mother's job at Sutter, volunteering for a crisis textline and at
a food bank or other local areas, becoming an NVC peer tutor for English, and on joining DOCC.

Shadowing doctors and volunteering physically will occur post-COVID. I plan on volunteering for a crisis textline as soon
as finals are over. Joining DOCC already happened, I just need to make sure I really am in the club and find a membership
validation file. I plan on becoming a NVC peer tutor for English starting Spring 2021.

Notes: for the crisis textline volunteering, and this is for NVC student tutoring:

10 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Preprofessional Competency: Social Skills

Definition: Demonstrates an awareness of others’ needs, goals, feelings, and the ways that social and behavioral
cues affect peoples’ interactions and behaviors; adjusts behaviors appropriately in response to these cues; treats
others with respect.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I have demonstrated this competency by being a very sociable, extroverted all my life and continuing to
do so as I have worked almost 2 years in the service industry.

Why it’s important:

This competency is important as a doctor I will be socializing and needing to get along with staff and patients alike. Also,
it's important to be warm, open, and approachable to patients so they can come to trust you and you can provide the best
care you can with as much information and trust in the relationship as you can come to have.

What this says about me:

This says that I am able to not only work with my peers, staff, and patient in the future, but that I
understand and can garner a strong relationship of trust with others so as a doctor I can give my best to
my patients and coworkers.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

I grew from these experiences by learning how to talk to people of all walks of talk and gain their trust to garner a trusting
and respecful relationship no matter what titles anyone held. This skill also allowed me to see the humanity in all kinds of
people and learn how to not have my bias affect how I treat others.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

This prepared me for the patients, coworkers, and peers I will encounter on my path. This has
influenced my interest to want to become a doctor that works in a team and communicates and gets to
know my patients a lot.


Next steps:
I plan to keep my service industry job to continue garnering my social skills, will learn to apply psychology/social tips and
tricks I pick up from my Psychology degree and interest in the topic, and in the future will get LORs from my boss at work
and from mentors to help illustrate how sociable I am.

I will get the LORs when I need them, before/after I transfer from NVC and before/after I quit my job. The psychology facts
and tips will always be constant as my interest in the topic never ceases to end, the help from my degree will come in handy
before and after I get it.

None so far.

11 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Preprofessional Competency: Cultural Competence

Definition: Demonstrates knowledge of sociocultural factors that affect interactions and behaviors; shows an
appreciation and respect for multiple dimensions of diversity; recognizes and acts on the obligation to inform one’s own
judgment; engages diverse and competing perspectives as a resource for learning, citizenship, and work; recognizes and
appropriately addresses bias in oneself and others; interacts effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I demonstrate this competency by growing up in California, a very diverse state that is like a "melting
pot" of cultures and ethnicities.

Why it’s important:

This competency is important to ensure that I am able to give the best care I can to patients,
overcoming and identifying any biases that may affect my practice as well as understanding the
circumstances that patients come from to help ensure my care plan is efficient and appropriate.

What this says about me:

This says I am not prejudiced and that any personal biases I have will only help and not harm my patients and will only
positively impact the care I give. This also says I am aware of the world around me and understand the complex
socio-cultural-economic systems of the world that can affect a patient greatly.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

I learned that although everyone has their biases, it should never play into your work nor blind you
from the task at hand and it has also taught me that we are all human. I have also learned of the
prejudices and the hardships that minorities and other marginalized groups go through in everyday life.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

This has influenced my interest by making me want to become a volunteer physician in the future and
making me want to become a future physician mentor to help disadvantaged doctors succeed. It also
influences me to want to help marginalized and minority groups out.


Next steps:
I plan to participate in CHEER and UC Davis's Prep Medico and also plan to volunteer at and shadow
doctors in a disadvantaged city.

CHEER and UC Davis's Prep Medico happens in the next coming summer. I need to get my application in ASAP for Prep
Medico and get all my vaccinations/shots in before March 2021. The shadowing will occur post-COVID.

None so far.

12 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Preprofessional Competency: Teamwork

Definition: Works collaboratively with others to achieve shared goals; shares information and knowledge with
others and provides feedback; puts team goals ahead of individual goals.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I demonstrate this competency by being a great team player with my coworkers at Starbucks.

Why it’s important:

This competency is important in showing that I am able to effectively work with others so that in the
future I am efficient in the hospital and can work quick and well with others for the patient's sake.

What this says about me:

This says that I enjoy working with others and even if I don't or struggle to, I am still able to efficiently
complete the task at hand and keep my mind on the goal.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

My service industry jobs have taught me how to work with and talk to those of higher positions and how to effectively and
efficiently work with my coworkers in a team. I also learned how to cope with and understand many types of personalities in
the workplace and came to understand how everyone can work together and focus to complete a goal.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

This has prepared me to effectively communicate with those around me to achieve a goal and has
influenced me to want to work in teams that are efficient and communicative.


Next steps:
I plan to continue working at my service job, find consistent volunteer work so I can establish a group to work with, get
LORs from work and mentors to demonstrate this competency, and look for a club/organization for me to join and or help

The volunteer work will be found post-COVID, LORs will be received when needed (after/before transferring) and I'll
constantly be on the look out for opportunities for me to either join or organize a club I'm interested in.

None so far.

13 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Preprofessional Competency: Oral Communication

Definition: Effectively conveys information to others by using spoken words and sentences; listens effectively;
recognizes potential communication barriers and adjusts approach or clarifies information as needed.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I demonstrate this competency at my service industry job by being a warm, sociable coworker and
worker to customers.

Why it’s important:

This comptency is important in demonstrating that I am able to effectively communicate with others to
accomplish a goal or create a bond.

What this says about me:

This says that I am able to not only understand others very well but am also able to convey what I need
and want to say to others.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

My time in the service industry has taught me how to talk to everyone, from supervisors, coworkers, to
customers of all ages.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

This has influenced me to want to work as a physician that regularly talks with many people as I find I
love talking to others regardless of who they are.


Next steps:
I plan to further develop this competency by becoming an English peer tutor at NVC, continuing to work in the service
industry, getting LORs to demonstrate this skill of mine, and participating in next year's NVC WSC Poetry Night.

I need to apply to become a peer tutor at NVC for Spring 2021 and need to be ready for the Poetry
Night in November 2021 (if it occurs again).

None so far.

14 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Preprofessional Competency: Ethical Responsibility to Self and Others

Definition: Behaves in an honest and ethical manner; cultivates personal and academic integrity; adheres to
ethical principles and follows rules and procedures; resists peer pressure to engage in unethical behavior and
encourages others to behave in honest and ethical ways; develops and demonstrates ethical and moral reasoning.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I will demonstrate this competency by being honest and following the rules at work.

Why it’s important:

This skill is important in demonstrating that one is ethical and has good morals and adheres to rules
accordingly so that they can be trusted to act out of good will.

What this says about me:

This says that I am honest and have good ethical, moral codes and that I can be trusted to act in a way
that is out of good will and is in line with the rules.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

I have learned how to ask questions before doing something that may be against the rules and as I grow
up I've learned to strengthen and correct my moral codes to be more align with righteousness.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

This has prepared me to become a physician who has to adhere to many rules and will be relied upon to
make decisions that are ethical and in good will.


Next steps:
I plan to further this competency by addressing the "C" in Statistics I got in Summer Session 2020 by owning up to the
mistake and explaining why it occured. I also plan on getting LORs to demonstrate this competency.

I plan to do this in my personal statement when I apply to medical school.

None so far.

15 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Preprofessional Competency: Reliability and Dependability

Definition: Consistently fulfills obligations in a timely and satisfactory manner; takes responsibility for personal
actions and performance.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I demonstrate this competency by continuing to consistently take classes and maintaining a high GPA.

Why it’s important:

This competency is important in showcasing that you are someone who is goal-oriented, disciplined,
dependable, and honorable in the way you go about life.

What this says about me:

This says that I am someone who is disciplined with school and am goal-oriented by continuing to
achieve the high grades, high GPA, and taking the courses I need in order to graduate with a degree (or
two) and attend medical school in the future.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

I have learned how to set realistic goals for myself and have learned that anything is truly possible if you are disciplined. I
also learned that discipline is what everyone needs to succeed while motivation is nice, it is only a temporary and short-lived
boost to success unlike discipline which yields consistent and long-lasting results of success.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

This has prepared me for the long arduous path to becoming a physician and has only further
influenced me to continue on this path of pre-med more confidently and carefully.


Next steps:
I plan to further develop this competency by continuing to use and evolve my methods which get me good grades and having a high GPA. I also plan to
maximize my time as a pre-med to ensure no minute is wasted and most of my time is spent working towards accomplishing my goals and my goal to
become a physician. I also plan on attending dance or martial art classes to demonstrate to myself (and others) that I can accomplish personal goals as well.

I plan on attending dance classes (at Napa Dance) or local martial art classes after I learn to drive in
January 2021.

Martial Arts or dance?

16 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Preprofessional Competency: Resilience and Adaptability

Definition: Demonstrates tolerance of stressful or changing environments or situations and adapts effectively
to them; is persistent, even under difficult situations; recovers from setbacks.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I demonstrate this competency by perservering through 2020 as a whole, continuing to be a part-time
worker and fulltime student despite many challenges.

Why it’s important:

This is important because it shows that you are reliable and that you can be trusted to overcome and
face adversity and are adaptable to change.

What this says about me:

This says I am someone who is able to focus on a goal and perservere to succeed no matter what it
takes and that I am someone who can be trusted, no matter the circumstance, to adapt, change, and
overcome in order to succeed.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

I learned how to manage my emotions, time, and energy so that I could make time to take care of
myself, live life, face challenges, and still succeed in the end.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

This has prepared me to continue facing and persevering the many challenges along the pre-med road and has influenced me
to be even more invested into becoming a physician. Losing my grandmother was a huge loss that fully convinced me that I
needed to become a doctor so that when death comes knocking, no patient ever dies without a loved one at hand if possible.


Next steps:
I plan to develop this competency by continuing to learn how to balance my life in order for me to succeed as much as
possible in all parts of my life, personal, academic, and career-wise. To exhibit my perserverance on my application, I plan
on highlighting my emotional resilience through my personal statement.

No particular plan of action here, as self-improvement in all parts of my life has and always will be a
part of my life goals.

None so far.

17 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Preprofessional Competency: Capacity for Improvement

Definition: Sets goals for continuous improvement and for learning new concepts and skills; engages in reflective
practice for improvement; solicits and responds appropriately to feedback.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I demonstrate this competency by showing an upward trend in my grades and GPA and by continuing
to improve at work and do my best everyday, as well as constantly showing up to the Writing Success
Center to improve my writing, even when it isn't required of me.

Why it’s important:

This is important as it showcases that you're able to constantly learn and grow. It shows your success
isn't stagnant, but progressive.

What this says about me:

This says that I understand success is a continuous progress that requires hardwork, honesty, and
integrity and shows that I appreciate and constructively use feedback so I can continue to learn. It
ultimately shows that I have a growth mindset, which is important to success in the longterm.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

My work and college has taught me that true success is consistent and honest hardwork. That failure is
a step to success and hardwork can get you anywhere if you try your best, are flexible, and take
feedback constructively instead of personally.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

This has prepared me for my path as a pre-med as I get used to the hard daily grind of taking difficult coruses and always having a lot left
to be done. Adapting a growth mindset overtime has made me realize that becoming a physician is a dream that can be realized and true if
I work hard and never back and really made me understand that the only thing holding me back is me.


Next steps:
I plan to further this competency by continuing this upward trend with my grades/GPA, addressing the dip in my
grades/GPA in my personal statement, and by getting a LOR from my counselors who understand how hard I've worked to

No clear timeline for this as maintaining high marks is as fulltime as the next few years of college. I'll
get the LORs when I need them (after/before I transfer from NVC).

LOR from WSC, Morgan Knight, or Hope Scott

18 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Thinking and Reasoning Competency: Critical Thinking

Definition: Uses logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions,
or approaches to problems.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I demonstrated this competency by choosing my own thesis for one of my English papers and continue
to demonstrate this competency by getting good grades in my courses that all require critical thinking.

Why it’s important:

This skill is important as it shows you capable of logical thinking that can identify and solve issues.

What this says about me:

This says I am able to think about all parts of a picture and that I'm capable of thinking for myself and
of solving problems with my own ideas.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

Writing a paper with my own thesis for the first time taught me that when I allow myself to be uncomfortable by going outside the box
and following my passions I am able to undergo the deepest level of critical thinking and easily convey it through my writing. Working
hard in my classes demonstrates this competency by showing that no matter the topic, I am able to efficiently problem solve and
understand whatever comes my way.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

This has prepared me to become a physician and further influenced me down the pre-med path as I've come to realize that I
am capable of understanding and solving complex issues. If I'm able to think critically and succeed now and continue my
brain like a muscle, then I truly can succeed as an "intelligent" pre-med.


Next steps:
I plan to further this competency by pursuing a B.A. in English as I feel writing is the best way I deepen my critical thinking
skills. I will also further this competency by continuing to think and work hard in all my courses. I will exhibit this skill by
doing amazing on the MCAT in the future as I apply all that I've learned in college.

The timeline for this progress is my whole college career, as well as my time after I graduate and study
for the MCAT.

None so far.

19 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Thinking and Reasoning Competency: Quantitative Reasoning

Definition: Applies quantitative reasoning and appropriate mathematics to describe or explain phenomena in the
natural world.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I demonstrate this competency by continuing to work hard to succeed in my math courses despite my
struggles with math as a topic.

Why it’s important:

This is important as quantitative reasoning is the basis for logical thinking and is a skill that all careers
require so you can succeed and understand and quantify all that is occurring.

What this says about me:

This says that I am capable of basic logical thinking, as well as abstract thinking as math courses force
you to learn and understand the abstract.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

My math courses have taught me how to better work quantitatively and have given me many chances to
practice perservering and adapting a growth mindset.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

Struggling yet succeeding in my math courses continues to challenge my interest in pre-med, although
as I come to really garner a growth mindset about a topic as challenging as math, I've become more
hopeful about being pre-med.


Next steps:
I plan to further develop this competency by taking all the math courses I need to develop this skill and get into medical
school. I also plan to keep experimenting with how I study math and will continue to take on a optimistic, headstrong,
growth mindset with all the struggles yet to come with math.

This struggle with math will be conquered over time with each math class I take and with every
tutoring session and group studies I'll attend over the next few years until I get into medical school.

None so far.

20 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Thinking and Reasoning Competency: Scientific Inquiry

Definition: Applies knowledge of the scientific process to integrate and synthesize information, solve problems,
and formulate research questions and hypotheses; is facile in the language of the sciences and uses it to participate
in the discourse of science and explain how scientific knowledge is discovered and validated.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I demonstrate this competency by succeeding in the science course I've taken so far and automatically
by being a B.S. Psychology major.

Why it’s important:

This is important because science is the systemic explanation for life, and as a physician you must
understand all these systems to ensure you make informed decision for the lives in your hands.

What this says about me:

This says that I understand the complex systems that explain our world in a way that is applicable,
trustworthy, and knowledgable.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

So far, my only science course in college has taught me that science can explain everything and an
understanding of science is almost always fatal.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

My interest and success in the sciences only furthers my interest to become a physician. Being a
physician is one of the best ways possible to apply all that science has to offer and using the tools of
knowledge one has at hand to help others succeed is an admirable career I want.


Next steps:
I plan to further this competency by taking all the science courses required for medical school and by taking these classes
seriously so I can retain the information as a future medical student and physician. I also plan on continuing to pursue a B.S.
in Psychology.

I will have to be vigilant in my pursuit of science, from my time as a undergrad to even as a physician
who must always be updated on all scientific findings.

Science is awesome.

21 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Thinking and Reasoning Competency: Written Communication

Definition: Effectively conveys information to others by using written words and sentences.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I demonstrate this competency by succeeding as a great writer in all my courses, especially in English. I
also demonstrate this competency almost automatically by being an English major.

Why it’s important:

This skill is important because the fastest and easiest way to share information is in written
communication. If you're unable to communicate written, you are unfit as a worker in general and are
especially unfit in a digital modern world that primarily relies on typed information.

What this says about me:

This says that I am able to clearly show, state, and convey myself and my messages in written
communication. It also shows that I am someone who is organized with how I think and portray myself.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

Becoming an English major and someone who works hard to write well has taught me that written communication is just as, if not more
important than verbal communication. If one is unable to speak or if talking is unfit to convey information, especially in a modern world
of only text, being able to write what you want to say is vital to all careers, medical or otherwise.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

Writing has further influenced my interest in the pre-med path as I feel my writing skills not only
prepare me for writing my personal statements and emails for opportunities but it also prepares me to
become a doctor who is clearly able to thorougly and clearly convey a mission or information.


Next steps:
I plan to further this competency by continuing my pursuit of a B.A. in English and by working hard to
improve my writing so my personal statements and future emails are amazing.

Writing will be something I work on lifelong, from college to my time as a physician.

Writing is an awesome tool that means so much to me, I hope to convey this in my personal statement
as well.

22 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Scientific Competency: Living Systems

Definition: Applies knowledge and skill in the natural sciences to solve problems related to molecular and macro
systems, including biomolecules, molecules, cells, and organs.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I will demonstrate this competency by taking all natural science courses required for both the MCAT
and for medical school.

Why it’s important:

Understanding living systems is important as a physician your main goal is to manage many living
systems and make informed decisions in order to improve or further understand them.

What this says about me:

Having an understanding of living systems will show my competency as a physician as whole as a
physician's main job is to manage or even further explore living systems.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

I have not yet learned from any experiences to speak of.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

This will prepare me to help me, my patients, and others understand all living systems and how they
can be further helped or explored in order to save or improve as many lives possible.


Next steps:
I plan to develop this competency by taking the required pre-med science classes that correspond to
living systems.

I will be taking living system related courses during my time both at NVC and in whatever university I
transfer to.


23 Association of American Medical Colleges

Anatomy of an Applicant
Core Competencies: Self Assessment

Scientific Competency: Human Behavior

Definition: Applies knowledge of the self, others, and social systems to solve problems related to the psychological,
sociocultural, and biological factors that influence health and well-being.


How I demonstrate(d) this competency:

I will demonstrate this competency by pursuing a Psychology major, taking courses related to human
behavior, and by volunteering or interning to do social work.

Why it’s important:

An understanding of human behavior is imperative to becoming a physician because as a doctor you
are managing a whole person and trying to save or improve their lives. This means seeing all parts of
your patients, socially, psychologically, and biologically.

What this says about me:

Having a deep understanding of human behavior shows that I am someone who will understand and see
my patients for all that they are, socially, psychologically, and biologically. It ensures that I will make
informed decisions about my patients that considers all factors that affect their health.

What I learned or how I grew from this experience:

I have yet to develop this competency and grow.

How this prepared me or influenced my interest:

Human behavior as a whole is a topic that has always interested me and was what inspired me to
become a physician in the first place. Understanding and helping others as humans is what appeals to
me most about the medical field.


Next steps:
I plan to further this competency by pursuing a degree in Psychology, taking courses that relate to
human behavior, and by interning or volunteering for social work that relates to human behavior.

My degree in psychology will be pursued throughout my time in academia with the courses that relate. I believe I'll be
taking my psychology courses in 2022 and 2023. I plan to find a human behavior/social work related internship in 2021 and
I plan on becoming a volunteer for a crisis textline after finals this year, December 2020.

Human behavior is another integral part of why I want to become a physician that I'd like to highlight
in my personal statement.

24 Association of American Medical Colleges

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