Napiñas GenEd10 Great Books Midterm Examination

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Napiñas, Kahlil Bernard L.

BSAMT-III Midterm Examination in GenEd10

1.) Compare and Contrast: Aristotle's "Nichomachean Ethics" and Albert Camus' "The
Stranger" as to its cultural, historical, political impact of literary works across the world. (25

- For the cultural of Aristotle's "Nichomachean Ethics was the Increasingly, liberal political
theory’s treatment of institutions is replacing a focus on these choice of a rational,
unencumbered individuals with a concern for the priorities embedded in a historically
bounded culture. This turn is visible in John’s Rawls’s emphasis of the importance of the fact
of pluralism for structuring contemporary political arrangements and his historical is he was
the one of the central texts of moral philosophy in the Western Tradition. This title
introduces as the terminology and methods for grappling with of the the most fundamental
philosophical question that ask why does it mean to live as a good life and etc. His politics is
provide an analysis of the kinds of political community that were existed in his time and
showing that where and how these cities fall short of the ideal community of virtuous
citizens. For Albert Camus his cultural his book is traces is a year of life of a young clerk,
Meursault, in that time it works for a shipping company in Algiers. It happens that he gets
the telegram from his mother that were departed. He takes a bus just to see her. They hold
the vigil together. He shows himself that he has no expression of remorse and sadness. For
his historical from the book Albert Camus it was the first novel that has an important
illustration of the absurdist world view. This book was published in year 1942. The short
novel of the story tells us about the young man, that he was emotionally detached by his
surroundings, family and also his friends. He fails to show his mother’s funeral and towards
the end of the novel kills a man for no apparent reason and his for political impact is that the
current work examines the political idea of Albert Camus, explicitly the difficulties of the
equity ideal, and Camus' prioritization of the ideas of cutoff points and empathy. Despite the
fact that Camus isn't generally viewed as a feature of the conventional ordinance of political
way of thinking.
2.) Compare and Contrast: Jean Paul Sartre's "No Exit" and Dante Alighieri's "The Divine
Comedy" as to its cultural, historical, political impact of literary works across the world. (25

- For his cultural here the standard culture empowers resistance and acknowledgment as
controlling ethics, it's very unexpected how we're all making a decision about one another
practically constantly. Obviously, the media wants to draw in eyeballs with features and
photos portraying the indecency of some gathering of individuals, regardless of whether they
are faces wound in shock at an assembly or unknown savages working some place in the
huge space of the web. For his historical in different terms of verifiable setting, No Exit was
one of the absolute first and most conspicuous occurrences of existentialism in theater or
writing. What might later emit during the 50s and 60s in France started here with No Exit.
For his political impact is that social-political mastermind, Sartre guarded countless creative
methodological and meaningful proposals. He controlled a center way between reductive
independence and ontological comprehensive quality. He addressed the enduring inquiry of
what characterizes a social gathering? with a clever re-working of Hegelian acknowledgment.
For his cultural of Dante Alighieri's "The Divine Comedy"is that the peruser faces amazing
issues: another general public, another religion archaic Catholicism isn't equivalent to
current Catholicism, an alternate culture, and an alternate political framework, where
legislative issues controlled the papacy, and the papacy was controlling the governmental
issues of the occasions and frequently the pope was a political arrangement. For his
historical it tells us that he writes it at thirty five which he sees as halfway through his life's
journey, on the night before Good Friday 1300. The poem's dramatis personae include people
from Classical and Biblical history and mythology, the history of Christianity, and the Europe of
the Medieval period.For his political impact is that the Catholicism is ruled as the prominent
religion in Florence in the late 30 th and early 40th centuries. The religion was strongly tied to
politics in this time and the pope was a prominent political figure.

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