Sea Turtle Meeting

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GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA FOREST AND ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT No. FE-WL-WLF-0034-2014/__ 1% SOX / FRE. dated_O. 1) 2026 From Sri Lingaraj Ota, IFS Special Secretary to Goverment To The PCCF (Wildlife) & Chief Wildlife Warden, Odisha Sub: Minutes of the High Power Commitiee (HPC) meeting under the Chairmanship of Addl. Chief Secretary to Govt., Forest & Environment Department for protection and conservation of Olive Ridley Sea Turtles along Odisha Coast for the season 2020- 21 held on 29.10.2020 through Video Conference. Sir, In inviting a reference to your office Letter No, 9001 did. 05.11.2020 on the above cited subject, | am directed to send here with the approved copy of the minutes of the High Power Committee (HPC) meeting held on 29.10.2020 through Video Conference under the Chairmanship of Addl. Chief Secretary to Govt., Forest & Environment Department for protection and conservation of Olive Ridley Sea Turtles along Odisha Coast for the season 2020-21 and to request that the minutes may please be circulated among all concerned participants! members for information and necessary action. Yours faithfully, heel} rere Special Secretary to Government Memo No. _!75%9 /F&E, dt. 0%. 11: 2020 Copy along with copy of the minutes forwarded to the OSD to Chief Secretary, Odisha for kind information of Chief Secretary. ayn} Special Secretary to Government MemoNo,_176CO__/F8E, dt. OF - 4). 2020 Copy along with copy of the minutes forwarded to the PS to Addl. Chief Secretary to Govt., F & E Department for kind information of Addl. Chief Secretary, alii? Special Secretary to Government Si MINUTES OF THE HIGH POWER COMMITTEE MEETING FOR PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION OF OLIVE RIDLEY SEA TURTLES ALONG ODISHA COAST FOR THE YEAR 2020-21 HELD ON 29.10.2020 UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF ADDL. CHIEF SECRETARY, FOREST AND ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT ON BEHALF OF CHIEF SECRETARY, ODISHA THROUGH VIDEO CONFERENCE MODE Members Present: At Annexure-l. At the outset PCCF (WL) & Chief Wildlife Warden, Odisha welcomed all the members. Thereafter he made a power-point presentation on protection and conservation of Olive Ridley Sea turtles during the current season 2020-21 Point wise compliance to the decisions taken in the last HPC meeting was discussed followed by steps taken by the Wildlife Wing for protection and conservation of Olive Ridley ‘sea turtles during 2019-20 season. It was followed by a discussion on the Action Plan and preparedness for 2020-21 breeding and nesting season After detailed deliberations and discussion, following decisions were taken for sea turtle protection and conservation activities to be taken up during the current season 2020- 2 1 The Collectors and SPs of the Coestal Districts will extend cooperation to the DFOs concerned for protection of Olive Ridley Sea turtles, as was being done in previous years. (Action: Collectors & SPs of Coastal Districts) 2. Home Department will deploy 7 sections of APR force for joint patrolling with Forest Department staff during the turtle nesting season 2020-21. (Action: Home Department) 3. Marine Police will provide sea going vessels during the joint see patrolling with Forest Depariment staff. Cost of fuel will be borne by the Forest Department for such joint patrolling. (Action: Home Department) 4, Amendment to Act for enhancement of fines is under consideration of Government. (Action: F & ARD Department) 6 Port authorities of Dhamara and Gopalpur will provide one sea worthy trawler each to the Divisional Forest Officers, Rajnagar and Bethampur for sea patrolling (Action :Dhamara and Gopalpur Port Authorities) 6. Peradip Port authority will provide a sea going trawler to Mangrove Forest Division (Wildlife), Rajnagar for sea patrolling. (Action :Paradip Port Authority) 10. 1. 12, ‘Temporary berthing facilities for the seized vessels are to be provided by the three Port Port Authorities of Odisha, free of charges. (Action :Paradeep, Dhamara and Gopalpur Port Authoritios) ‘Advisories be issued to Organizations, Institutions and Industrial complexes, eto along the coast for adhering to prescribed use of outdoor lighting regulations and dimming down the lights es desired during mass nesting season of Olive Ridley Sea turtles end during the period of emergence of hatchlings. (Action: PCCF (WL) & CWLW) The DRDO authorities will ensure that there is no missile testing during mass nesting period, that could affect breeding and macs nesting of sea turtles. DRDO Authority at Wheeler Island will nominate a Nodal Officer for better coordination with Forest Departmental officials. (Action: DRDO) Dredging of the river mouth particularly in Mahanadi for smooth passage of the fishing vessels through Paradeep ‘ishing jetty by Paradip Port should be completed by December, 2020. (Action: Paradip Port) ‘Around 2 Ac. of land available for the purpose of establishment of Sea Turlle Research and Conservation Centre at Gokharkuda village of Ganjam District has been identified. It was decided to identify about Ac. of land in a single patch so as to esiablish the Sea Turlle Research and Conservation Centro and Aquarium. The Design of the proposed Research Centre shall be finalised in consultation with Prof. Dr. Priyambada Mohanty-Hejmadi. (Action: F&E Deptt. JPCCF (WL) & CWLW / DFO, Berhampur) The Dhamara Port Authorities offered 1o establish a Satellite Sea Turtle Research and Conservation Centre and Aquarium at Dhamara. 13, 14. (Action: DPCL / DFOs of Bhadrak and Rajnagar) Fisheries and ARD Department will join with Indian Coast Guard for joint see patrolling along with the staif of Forest Department and handover the accused to Forest Department (Action: F & ARD Department!DFOs of coastal Divisions / Indian Coast Guard) Wildlife Institute of India, Detwadun offers to re-initiate the Satcllite Telemetry Programme on Olive Ridley Sea lurlles in Odisha coast during the current season. They were requested to submit detail proposal, The funds for the above purpose will be borne by tho Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun (Action: Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun) 15. Other Stakes holders are to be associated in the offshore camps of Odisha coast for Protection of Olive Ridley Sea turtles, (Action: F&E Deptt. /PCCF (WL) & CWLW! DFOs of Coastal Forest Division) The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair end also to the participants. i eap heer Addl. Chief Secretary to Government, Forest and Environment Department, Odisha

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