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Instructions before Starting The test

1. Open Google Chrome

2. Open UIMS by typing . Online test will work on this
uid. Never open
3. Login with your UID and password. If Student status is not active, A message
will shows the status ( If Status is Marked left or Cancelled then student
need to visit registrar office )
4. If system shows invalid password you can ask invigilator to reset your
5. If system validates your User id and password you will be redirected to Test
Selection Screen
 If test is not being display it means it’s yet not activated. Please wait
press ctrl+f5 key to refresh it.
 If you have already submitted the test and try to open the link again then
you will see a message that “You have already submitted the test”.
6. Once you have Selected a test then Press continue button
7. System will show “Test Rules & Regulations:” and may ask you to select Full
screen Mode.
a. Always click on “Allow” button
b. Do not select “Deny” button
c. Do not click on check box showing ‘Remember decision”
d. If in case you have selected Deny button and clicked on ‘Remember
decision” Then please reset your browser setting


1. Google Chrome -> Settings -> type Reset in search -> Click on Reset
Setting Button and open browser again
2. Firefox -> Setting -> History-> Click on Clear recent History ->
Select All options-> Click on Clear Now ->Open Browser again

8. Read the instructions carefully then click on check box saying “I read the
instructions carefully” and click on Continue Button
9. Read the Test overview and Click on the Start test button
Instructions During The test

1. When test is started you can see the remaining time at top right corner, Total
Questions, Attempted Question , Review Questions on the top left side
2. If you are facing a Blank Screen problem then press Ctrl+F5 Key to Refresh
3. Click on any question to see the description and Options
4. Click on the right option and select a new question by repeating step 3
5. In case you want to deselect the option which you have already marked then
click on the Button “Clear Selection” for selected question
6. You can mark or unmark the question to review later.
a. If question is marked for review it will show a Yellow flag
b. If question is not marked for review it will show a Grey flag
7. Please remember, that Option will be randomized each time you click the
question and it will preserve your answer ( if given )
8. If there is a problem and Invigilator asks you to change the computer or Re-
login then follow the following steps
a. Press the ESCAPE Key to exit the test. Your ramming time and answer
will be preserved by server
b. So when you re-login then your remaining time and attempted question
will be transferred to you
c. Do not press button submit test in case you want to re login.

Submitting the Test

Test can be submitted in three way and once test is submitted you cannot
reattempt it.

1. By clicking the submit button: In This case when you will click on “Submit
test” system will ask you to confirm.
a. If “Yes” Pressed : Your Test will be submitted and a Thanks page will
b. If “No” Pressed : You will remain in the Test and if remaining time is
available you can change any answer
2. When remaining time is over: The window remain open for total of 3 Hrs. after
starting the test the available time is 2 Hrs. There after test will be
automatically submitted and redirect to the Thanks Page
3. In case the candidate starts the test late by more than 1 hrs. Then the test will
automatically submit after the completion of 3 hrs. window time and available
test time may be less than 2 hrs.
Sample Screen

Screen : 1 ( Test Selection )

Screen 2 ( Test Rules & Regulation )

Screen 2 ( Test Overview )

Screen 2 ( Test Overview )

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