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The Philippine National Museum is a historical structure.

Upon watching the video, the museum and the

fact that most of the artworks are replicas, but there are still original artworks and sculptures displayed
in the museum. The building is massive and full of students and visitors. Every painting is well preserved
in the national museum and most paintings have full descriptions and facts. Furthermore, in the video, it
shows that the museum is part of the National Museum Complex, which also houses the National
Museum of Fine Arts and the National Museum of Anthropology. That’s why I’ve noticed that the
museum is filled with not only paintings and sculptors. But It also has botanical, zoological and
geological collections and other priceless specimens that are shown. For instance, the diverse fauna,
flora, and ecology of the Philippine Archipelago which are shown in the video.

There were tons of exhibits shown in the video that it was hard to keep up. All I can input is that, I didn’t
know that the remains of Lolong are preserved and displayed in the museum. I can tell that it is worth
visiting the museum. Just by looking at the insides of the museum, it looked like it is a museum in a
foreign country. Because of its architecture designs and its loads of diverse exhibits. The museum is
massive, that I will definitely get lost if ever I visit the place. In addition, seeing the museum in the video
makes me feel like I was toured in the place. It was a nice virtual experience, and I already imagined
learning so much from the place if ever visit it, since the museum is a Natural History museum that I can
definitely gain knowledge more about the Philippines.

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