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The Temperate Grassland Region

I. Fill in the blanks:

1) As very few trees grow here, the grasslands are also known as
savannas grasslands.
2) Huge herds of bison used to once graze the Prairies.
3) Cotton, wheat and maize are the main crops grown in the grasslands.
4) Animal herders called cowboys take care of livestock in the Prairies.
5) Gathering ripe crop from the field is known as harvesting.
6) Estancias are huge ranches where cattle and sheep are raised.

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. The temperate grasslands of Australia are called as the ______.

a) Downs b) Pampas c) Steppes d) Veld
Ans: a) Downs
2. The temperate grasslands receive around _____ of rainfall and snow in
a year.
a) 200 to 300 cm b) 25 to 100 cm c) 100 to 150 cm d) 150 to 200 cm

Ans: b) 25 to 100 cm

3. The ______ is a flightless bird and is the second largest bird after the
a) Owl b) dodo c) ibis d) emu

Ans: d) emu

4. The tent of the Kyrgz is called a ______.

a) Yurt b) tipi c) igloo d) wig wam

Ans: a) Yurt

5. In the pampas, cattle and sheep are raised in huge ranches called ___.

a) Stations b) plantations c) estancies d) gauchos

Ans: c) estancies
III. Mark the following statements as true or false. Correct the statements
that are false.

1. Grasslands are stretches of hilly land.

2. The grasslands have only a few trees.
3. Tall grasses grow in the areas with more rainfall, and short grasses
grow in drier areas.
4. Emus carry their young in a pouch.
5. Frost and snowfall are common in the grasslands of the northern

Ans: 1-F, 2-T, 3-T 4-F, 5-T

IV. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

1. Mention the latitudes between which the temperate grasslands of the

world are located.

Ans: Temperate grasslands of the world are located between the latitude
Tropic of Cancer at 23 ½0 N and Arctic Circle at 66 ½0 N in the Northern
Hemisphere and between the latitudes Tropic of Capricorn at 23 ½0 S and
Antarctic Circle at 66 ½0 S in the Southern Hemisphere.

2. Why are the temperate grasslands also known as the treeless plains?

Ans: The temperate grasslands are known as the treeless plains because
they do not receive enough rainfall and snow for the growth of trees.

3. Why is there a difference between the grasses that grow in the

Steppes and those that grow in the Prairies?

Ans: Because the grasses that grow in the Prairies receive slightly more
rainfall and snow than of the grasses that grow in the Steppes.

4. Why is the wildlife of the grasslands facing extinction?

Ans: As a result of widespread cultivation and hunting, much of the

wildlife of the grasslands is facing extinction.

5. Why are the grasslands known as the ‘granaries of the world’?

Ans: Because the grasslands produce large quantities of grain so it is

known as the ‘granaries of the world’.
V. Answer the following questions in a paragraph.

1) Describe the climate of the temperate grasslands.

Ans: The temperate grasslands are found in areas where the summers
are short and warm and winters are long and cool. The region receives
around 25 to 100 cm rainfall and snow in a year. As there are few frees
to block their flow, strong winds blow constantly across the grasslands.

2) Differentiate between the grasslands of the Northern Hemisphere and

those of the Southern Hemisphere.

Ans: Differences between the grasslands of the Northern Hemisphere and

those of the Southern Hemisphere:-

Grasslands of the Grasslands of the

Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere
Location Located in the interiors of Located along the coast.
continents, away from the
moderating influence of the
Extent Cover a very large area, Cover a much narrower area.
the Steppes extend across
Europe for a distance of
over 3000 km.
Climate Continental climate with Moderate climate with warm
short and hot summer and summers and mild winters. It
long very cold winter. rains throughout the year, but
Rainfall is low-just between is more in summer. The rainfall
25 cm and 68 cm in a year. varies from 100 cm in the west
Frost and snowfall are to 50 cm in the east. It hardly
common. ever snows here.

3) How has the main occupation of people in the grasslands changed

from the time of the nomadic herders?

Ans: The main occupation of people in the grasslands changed from the
time of the nomadic herders. When the Europeans came to know how rich
the soil of the grasslands was, they started huge farms here which were
heavily mechanised. So people in the grasslands changed their
occupation and started using machines for farming activities, like
ploughing, sowing, harvesting and threshing.

4) What is livestock ranching?

Ans: Livestock ranching is another important activity in the temperate

grasslands. It is the practice of raising or taking care of horses, cattle,
sheep, goats and other animals for the commercial purposes for the
people of temperate grasslands.

5) What are the challenges currently facing the temperate grasslands?

Ans: There are basically two major challenges currently facing the
temperate grasslands:-

i. Unwise agricultural practices are causing great damage to the

ii. Over-grazing is also a major threat to the grasslands.

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