North Korea Crisis

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• North Korea was formed after the end of the Second World War. As it is still
under communist rule, It has little communication with the outside countries
and world. the state only controls what info. Will go outside and what will
remain inside. It is a country in east asia. Its capital, Pyongyang, is transport
and industrial center near the west coast.


• It was formed because of Cold War – between USSR and USA. USSR
conquered Korea and Japan also surrendered. Now here, north of Korea was
under USSR and the south under USA.

There was proposal of United Nations of free elections which resulted in the
establishment of South Korea and after that North Korea. Both NK and SK
tried to spread territory wise and ideology wise. This led to the rise in

North Korea Weapon Race

In 2003, Korea withdrew from NPT. After that they tested many nuclear
explosives. Six party talks began in 2003 in order to denuclearize the Korean
peninsula, but these got suspended in the year 2009.

• ON March, 2017 north korea launched ballistic missiles from near North
Korea's border with China.


• after North Korea developed nuclear weapons and kept on testing

them, strategic and military balance came under pressure. The USA
applied economic sanctions but they failed to stop Kim.
• In this summit NK/SK promised to end the War and asked US for sustainable
development in the peninsula.

Trump Kim Summit – GEO POL. IMP

• North Korea s leader Kim Jong-un put his signature on a statement whch
stated denuclearization of North Korea.

• US promised that they will not conduct military exercises.

Present Situation of NK

Kim Jong-un declared a “Byungjin policy” whose objective is to follow a powerful

nuclear restraint and economic growth. 2. They said that they no longer needed to
test nuclear bombs or ICBM’s as it has developed nuclear deterrent capability and
that they would focus on economic development and peace.

• TRY TO normalize ties between North Korea and other countries

and automatically All other issues would fall in place.
• importance should be given to the human rights issues.
• the six party meet could be resumed.

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