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pRepublic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of Isabela

Directions: Read carefully each of the following question/statement and write the letter of the
correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. What type of self-concept refers to one person seeing himself as a person of what he aspires to be?
a. Self-Image
b. Actual Self
c. Ideal Self
d. All of the above

2. Which of the following best supplies the meaning of “Self-Concept” in the knowledge of characteristics,
feelings and thoughts?
a. Self-Concept refers to your awareness of yourself.
b. Self-Concept is a construct that negotiates two selves.
c. it encompasses All the behaviours evaluated in the actual self that you engage in to reach
the ideal self.
d. All of the above

3. What best describes when your self-concept is being threatened?

a. When you are at a new job and you were able to make impression on your
b. The person you met saw you in the way that you imagined.
c. You continue to work on task and you realize you are getting better at it every
d. You are repeatedly told that you do not have the ability to perform a task.

4. Which among the following is an attribute of a person’s consciousness and beliefs, including his values
and virtues?
a. Psychosocial
b. cognitive
c. psychological
d. spiritual

5. When an individual is making use of all personal resources like talents, skills, and energy to enable to
achieve goals, She/he manages himself directly in what manner?
a. Personal effectiveness
b. Personal development
c. Personal philosophy
d. Personal concept

6. Which one is best shown our social interactions with other people, our emotions, attitudes, self-identity,
personality, beliefs and values?
a. Psychosocial development
b. Physical development
c. Cognitive development
d. All of the above
7. When you look at a person and try to understand this individual, it is always good to consider the
following aspects and what is about this person that makes him/her unique from yourself and others.
Which aspect then does not belong to the group?
a. Spiritual
b. Social
c. Psychological
d. mental

8. Which of the following theory can help Mrs. Samson determine the readiness of her learners by
administering a readiness test?
a. Cognitive development
b. Brain dominance theory
c. Cognitive theory
d. Whole brain theory

9. What component of self-identity is related to how we evaluate our own general growth?
a. Self-esteem
b. Social identity
c. Emotional feelings
d. Thoughts

10. When an individual is characterized by central motivational goals including the respect, commitment,
and acceptance of the customs and ideas, what basic values he /she possess?
a. Benevolence
b. Power
c. Conformity
d. Tradition

11. How does your physical development affect your moods and behaviours?
a. Having good physical development let you do more in life instead of being too lazy to have
fun all the time.
b. Physical development impresses people you socialize with.
c. It puts you in good mood and good mood leads to good behaviour towards yourself or
d. All of the above

12. At what stage when an individual is learning an appropriate sex role and developing fundamental skills
in reading, writing and calculating?
a. Adolescence
b. Middle childhood
c. Infancy and early childhood
d. Middle adulthood

13. Which among the following best defines “Human Development”?

a. Human development focuses on growth and changes across the lifespan.
b. Human development is essential to understanding how humans learn, mature and adapt.
c. Human development goes through various stages of development including physical,
cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual personality, and emotional growth.
d. All of these

14. In which developmental task and skill you build a wholesome attitude towards oneself?
a. Adolescence
b. Middle childhood
c. Infancy and early childhood
d. Middle adulthood
15. If an individual appears in the process of personal development as an adolescence, and result to
getting aware of his/her self, action, and their consequences, he/she has probably
a. Self Confidence.
b. Persistence
c. Managing stress
d. Determination

16. There are two categories of the self that makes up the Self-Concept. These are ___.
a. At the factual and false Self
b. the authentic and fake Self
c. the present and future Self
d. behaviour and character

17. In which developmental task and skill you build a wholesome attitude towards oneself?
a. Adolescence
b. Middle childhood
c. Infancy and early childhood
d. Middle adulthood

18. Which situation best illustrates the growth?

a. A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within two months.
b. A high school student gets a score of 85 in mental ability test.
c. An education student has gained knowledge on approaches and strategies in teaching
different subjects
d. An elementary grader has learned to play piano.

19. If you were the school physician who conducted a physical examination in Ms. Pascua’s Class. What
concept best describes the quantitative increase you observed among learners in terms of height and
a. Development
b. Growth
c. Learning
d. Maturation

20. The following are the identified similar developmental tasks a Filipino adolescents needs to learn in
preparation to adult life. Which one an adolescents should not acquire?
a. Being courageous in standing up and being different from your friends.
b. Becoming aware, critical, and being involved with social issues.
c. Embracing healthy lifestyles.
d. Learning and developing how to lesser self-esteem and work on decreasing social

21. What do Filipino adolescents need to learn in terms of developmental tasks and skills in order for them
to grow into well-rounded young adults?
a. Filipino adolescents should adjust to sexually maturing bodies and feelings
b. Develop and apply abstract thinking skills and apply new perspective on human relationship.
c. Should promote positive attitude toward work and social responsibility
d. All of these

22. The adolescents who is creating identity for himself is faced with an urgent need to identify what course
to take in college and establish a career path for the future is probably concerned of what challenges of
middle and late adolescence?
a. Career choice
b. Academic concern
c. Group belongingness
d. Values and beliefs
23. Experiencing depression is nothing to be ashamed of. If one individual suspects that he/she is
experiencing depression, what should he/she take to overcome it?
a. Talk to parents, guardian, or school guidance and be open about it.
b. Stay inside his/her room and avoid support system.
c. Leave and go somewhere else, drink liquor and enjoy it
d. Go to specialist for check-up, then keep experiencing depression

24. How do sexuality and sexual relationships as part of challenges in the lives of adolescence is properly
a. By having attitude of being responsible for one’s actions and guiding principle toward a
healthy sexuality.
b. By establishing a healthy self-concept or self-identity.
c. By putting into mind that sexual relationship implies genuine loving and caring for other
person, and not just to satisfy one’s urges and needs.
d. All of the above

25. Efren’s parents were humble means. His father is a tricycle driver and his mother is a housewife. They
lived in an open dumpsite somewhere in Cavite, City. He grew up in the midst of poverty, and was
even a recipient of the International welfare organization. We was granted a scholarship. He studied at
Cavite state University with a degree in Secondary education and graduated as Cum laude in 2006. He
was also awarded as hero. What do think are the expectations of friends and community to Efren?
a. That Efren was a man of virtue.
b. He had the virtues that fulfil his role in life effectively.
c. That he only did his responsibilities based on his roles and experiences in life.
d. All of the above

26. What challenges adolescents when shifts in relationships with parents from dependency and
subordination to one and reflect increasing maturity and responsibilities in the family and community.
a. Physical Development
b. Social Development
c. Mental Development
d. Emotional Development
27. Having criticism in our lives is a necessity in shaping our self-concept. Which of the following is contrary
to this statement?
a. Allan tells those who criticize his work, to leave him, because they are not the ones who
actually had a hard time doing his work.
b. Rebecca, constantly tells his/her students to be open-minded and open for new developments
for people who show approval or disapproval of their work.
c. Milo is usually upset when someone criticizes his TVE project, but after soiling, he gets back to
his work and show more determination and enthusiasm for his homework.
d. Perola, always tell herself, that both constructive and disapproval statements are key
ingredients in becoming a better person.

28. Which of the following statement does not belong to the group?
a. Combining both self-introspection and comparison theory helps to develop your ideal self.
b. Children’s perception about themselves, depends also strongly about their parents’ attitude
towards them.
c. According to the study done in the field of multicultural psychology, cultural values has nothing
to with our development when we reach maturity. It entirely rests on how we accept and not
accept the social norms
d. Both positive and negative criticisms have impact on selfconcept.

29. If an individual becomes better able to set goals and think in terms of the future, he/she is being
challenged of what aspect of development?
a. Physical Development
b. Social Development
c. Mental Development
d. Emotional Development
29. When do we say that adolescents are ready for Mental Development as part challenges to late
a. When started to want both physical and emotional intimacy in relationships
b. When friends become more important
c. Has better understanding of complex problems and issues.
d. May stress over school and test scores.

30. What does stress mean?

a. Pressure experienced by person in response to life demands
b. A process of adjusting to or dealing with circumstances that disrupt or threaten to disrupt a
person’s physical or psychological functioning.
c. Is the stimuli proceeding or precipitating a change.
d. a and b only

31. Which is not an example of “Distress”?

a. Unexpected death of loved one.
b. Praise from a superior for hard working
c. Financial difficulties
d. Managing a chronic illness

32. What makes something stressful?

a. When situations have strong demands
b. Situations are imminent
c. Life transitions/pressure
d. All of these

33. Why do we need to “stress out”?

a. We perceive a situation as dangerous, difficult or painful.
b. We don’t believe we have the resources to cope.
c. Less assurance of stress management
d. a and b

34. What sources may apply when cancer, feeling of depressions originated within a person as stressors?
a. Internal stressors
b. External stressors
c. Developmental stressors
d. Situational stressors

35. Stress management involves controlling and reducing the tension that occurs in stressful situations by
making physical and emotional changes. Which among the following is not one of the best ways to
managing self from stress?
a. relaxation exercises
b. deep breathing
c. visualization
d. None of these

36. What major health concern of adolescents refers to a grave nutritional problem that the energy intake
exceeds in the amount of energy consumed, and the residual difference accumulates In the body to
cause fat?
A. Anemia
b. Iodine Deficiency
C. Obesity
D. Depression

37. What is known to be the most prevalent nutritional deficiency in the world affecting no less than two
billion people?
A. Anemia
b. Iodine Deficiency
C. Obesity
D. Depression
38. What is about the “Split Brain Theory”?
a. That there are three distinct parts of the brain, namely: neocortex, limbic system, and
reptilian complex.
b. That brain has multiple functions where people normally have a more dominant part of their
c. That the brain has two hemispheres that perform tasks differently.
d. that language are process on the left-brain specially for those who have problems with

39. In what quadrant requires this vulnerability, “reluctant to changes, tends to miss the big pictures,
does not appropriate innovative ideas”.?
a. Quadrant A/Analytical Thinking
b. Quadrant B/Sequential Thinking
c. Quadrant C/ Interpersonal Thinking
d. Quadrant D/ Imaginative Thinking

40. The following are preferred activities of one individual who are in Quadrant A or Analytical Thinking
of Brain Dominance Theory. Which one does not require Analytical Thinking skills?
a. Following directions
b. Listening to and sharing ideas
c. Appreciate beauty of a problem
d. Listening to informational lectures

41. How does the whole brain theory enhance the learning process?
I. Learners are very much into logical thinking. They enjoy analyzing information and
understand better when presented with numbers and quantities.
II. Learners easily grasp things in sequence, enjoy organizing ideas and things, assess and
apply what they have learned in to practice.
III. Learners are sociable where share ideas and projects, focused and involved when trying to
learn something. They aso tend to reflect on what they have understood and acquired.
IV. Learners are the curios ones, they enjoy discovering, experimenting. They are strong
thinkers when it comes to conceptualizing and putting all unrelated parts and connecting
these parts together, synthesizing, and in creating new ideas and concepts.

a. I & II
b. III & IV
c. I, II, III
d. I, II, III, IV
42. To better help enhancement of learning, what visual tool was invented by Tony Buzan that can help in
linking together concepts and information branching from a central key word or idea?
a. Venn Diagram
b. Chart/table
c. Graph
d. Mind Map

43. The following are characteristics of this “visual and powerful thinking tool that mirrors the brain
works, except one

a. The center image represents the main idea, subject or focus

b. The main branches radiate from the central image
c. The branches comprise key image or word drawn or printed on its line.
d. Twigs represent more broad topics.
44. What refers to one’s personal thoughts and feelings about one’s overall state of being?
a. Autonomy
b. Perceived self-efficacy
c. Competence
d. Subjective well-being
45. Which among the following choices deals with one’s capacity to separate one’s identity from other
significant persons like parents, lovers, and special friends?
a. Autonomy
b. Perceived self-efficacy
c. Competence
d. Subjective well-being

46. What best defines “Emotional Intelligence”?

a. the ability to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustrations,
b. to control impulse and delay gratification, to regulate mood
c. keep distress from swamping the ability to think, to emphasize and to hope.
d. All of these

47. What common relationship problems is/are commonly encountered by couples?

a. Sexual issues
b. Unrealistic expectations
c. Lack of communication
d. All of these

48. Why mental health is important?

a. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being so it affects how
we think, feel, and act as we cope with life.
b. It helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choice.
c. It is resulting to productive activities, fulfilling relationships with other people and to cope with
d. All of these

49. Why Emotional Intelligence is important?

a. It equips one with tools in managing stress when dealing with frustrations and challenges,
the emotional intelligence work well.
b. It helps us understand people and situations more objectively and with more understanding
and compassion.
c. It enhances interpersonal relationships because emotions are expressed in a more positive
way, and with empathy, and genuine caring.
d. All of these

50. What should a person put in mind of how one can develop emotional intelligence?
a. Manage one’s emotions/
b. Motivate oneself
c. Handling relationship
d. All of these

Life is about creating yourself.”

George Bernard Shaw

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Checked by:

Subject Coordinator

School Head

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