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moorish national republic federal government

 ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ 

moorish divine and national movement of the world
northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and
americana islands
 ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ 
the true and de jure natural peoples – heirs of the land
 ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ 
[debember 4, 2020]

exhibit b: universal postal union tracking number: 7019 2280 0001 4558 6464

to all ‘officials’ and ‘public servants’ of the federal, state and city / county municipal and civil laws and
codes on the land:

all sheriff’s offices; all chief of police of township, county and borough police departments; and all
constables of pennsylvania state;

international affidavit of right to travel covenant, estoppel, execution,

and lien
: in rem
 - reversion of estate - 
we the living, sentient men and women and rightful heirs are not lost at sea; and ‘we affirm, declare and reclaim
our right of reversion of ‘estate’ and therefore we make no claim with respect to the titles and misrepresented,
capitalized (names/ man-of-straw, nom de guerre being presented as a title) and we surrender and assign any
and all ‘reversionary interest’ to the foreign, privately-owned, united states and subsidiaries for full ‘acquittance
discharge settlement’ and ‘closure’ of our reliance, title 12 usc 95a, part 2; and we assume no liabilities and or
debts however contrived among its corporate associates; and we do not consent to stand as ‘surety’ for the
foreign, private, and for-profit united states incorporated/u.s. corporation company entity owners, directors or
their administrators, nor do we stand as ‘surety’ for its associates at any point, or moment in time.

notice to principal is notice to agent. notice to agent is notice to principal.

we the moorish national republic federal government, moorish american consulate, nobles, aboriginal,
autochthonous, indigenous, sui juris, sui hæredes, in propria persona, in solo proprio, jus sanguine, heirs
unconditional, true beneficiaries, successors and true possessors of the present-day moroccan empire. with our
canaanite, hittite, and amorite brethren who sojourned from the land of canaan seeking new homes. our
dominion and inhabitation extended from north-east and south-west africa, across the great atlantis even unto
the present north, south, and central america, mexico and the atlantis islands; before the great earthquake, which
caused the great atlantic ocean.

comes now, and make known our inalienable, unalienable birthrights, secured by the constitution for the united
states of america 1791 and the treaty of peace and friendship 1786/1836 still in force, which protects from
‘corporate infringement’ by any and all ‘public servants’.

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
Page 1 of 13
we rebut, refute, denounce, make void and rescind our signatures on the fraudulent tripartite 1 exchange,
misrepresented adhesion inducement contract, between persons doing business as the state of/common wealth,
the general assembly, the motor vehicle administration, department of motor vehicle the policy enforcers, and
subsidiary business corporations to which all have interest in this matter. the drivers license instrument is proof
of treason, a breach of the treaty of peace and friendship 1786/1836 still in force and the constitution for the
united states of america 1791, human trafficking, denationalization, identity theft, deprivation of rights,
extortion, malfeasance of office, misprision, racketeering, and genocide. the drivers license instrument has been
used to hypothecate and escheat the birthrights of the moorish american nationals, true heirs to the land, through
overt and fraudulent actions with in rem/mens rea2 and confessions in open court by all public officials, public
servants, and private contractors doing business with all persons claiming to be public officials.

the state of is a private for profit, religious corporation created by the deputy knights for the popes of rome in
1933, which colludes with its co-conspirators which are the members that comprises the crown (attorneys,
lawyers, and bankers) demanding excise/ad valorem/pondus taxes from the heirs to the land in which we are
non-obligatory. this hypothecation3 instrument has corrupted our bloodline and pedigree from its very inception,
which has aided in the genocide of our nation, all of which is high treason and prohibited by the constitution for
the united states of america 1791, article 3 section 3 4 committed by all its creators, promoters, legislatures, and
enforcers. the secured birthrights of the moorish american nationals to travel have been converted into a
crime and a privilege which is a violation of divine law, positive law, natures law, international law, and
constitutional law. the constitution for the united states of america 1791 deals with issues relating to ‘common
law’ (interactions between the people to which there must be an injured party), ‘equity law’ (contracts), and
‘admiral and maritime law’ (sea) all to which “traffic” is not ‘common law’ because there is no injured party,
“traffic” is not ‘equity law’ because there is no contract with fully disclosed terms and agreements and nothing
offered of ‘equal value’, and “traffic” is not ‘admiralty and maritime law’ because moorish american nationals
are traveling upon their estate (land). the moorish american nationals are flesh and blood beings and cannot
enter into a contract with a corporate fictitous5 entity.

stare decisis
1. the right to travel; the right to mode of conveyance; the right to locomotion are all absolute rights, and
the police cannot make void the exercise of rights. state v. armstead, 60 s. 778, 779, and 781:
2. the use of the highways for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a mere privilege, but a
common and fundamental right of which the public and natural beings cannot be rightfully deprived.
chicago motor coach v. chicago 337 illinois 200, 169 ne 22, alr, ligare v. chicago 139 ill. 46, 28 he 934,
boone v. clark 214 sw 607, 25 am jur (1st), highways, sec. 163:
3. the right to park or travel is part of the liberty of which the natural person, citizen cannot be deprived
without “due process of law” under the fifth amendment of the united states constitution. kent v. dulles
357 us 116, 125:
4. the right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport one’s property thereon, either
by carriage or automobile, is not a mere privilege, which a city may prohibit or permit at will, but a
common right, which he / she has under the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. thompson
v. smith 154 se 579:
5. state police power extends only to immediate threats to public safety, health, welfare, etc., michigan v.
duke 266 us, 476 led. at 449: which driving and speeding are not. california v. farley ced. rpt. 89, 20
ca3d 1032 (1971):
6. the state is prohibited from violating substantive rights. owens v. city, 445 us 662 (1980); and it can not
do by one power (eg. police power) that which is, for example, prohibited expressly to any other such
tripartite. in conveyancing. of three parts; a term applied to an indenture to which there are three several parties, [of the first,
second, and third parts,] and which is executed in triplicate.
mens rea. a guilty mind; guilty or wrongful purposes; a criminal intent.
hypothecation. to pledge a thing without delivering the possession of it to the pledgee. “the master, when abroad, and in the absence
of the owner, may hypothecate the ship, freight, and cargo, to raise money requisite for the completion of the voyage.
american constitution, article 3, section 3; treason against the united states, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in
adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. no person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two
witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
fictitious. founded on a fiction; having the character of a fiction; pretended; counterfeit. feigned, imaginary, not real, false, not
genuine, nonexistent.

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
Page 2 of 13
power (eg. taxation / eminent domain) as a matter of law. us and ut v. daniels, 22 p 159, nor indirectly
that which is prohibited to it directly. fairbanks v. us 181, us 283, 294, 300:
7. traveling in an automobile on the public roads was not a threat to the public safety or health and
constituted no hazard to the public, and such a traveler owed nothing more than “due care” (as regards to
tort for negligence) to the public and the owner owed no other duty to the public (eg. state), he / she and
his / her auto, having equal rights to and on the roadways / highways as horses and wagons, etc.; this
same right is still substantive rule, in that speeding, running stop signs, traveling without license plates,
or registration are not threats to the public safety, and thus, are not arrestable offenses. christy v. elliot,
216 i 131, 74 he 1035, lra ns 1905 – 1910: california v. farley 98 ced rpt. 89, 20 ca 3d 1032 (1971).
8. under the united states republic’s constitutional system of government and upon the individuality and
intelligence of the citizen, the state does not claim to control one’s conduct to others, leaving one the
sole judge as to all that affects oneself. mugler v. kansas 123 us 623, 659 – 60:
9. where rights secured by the constitution are involved, there can be no rule-making or legislation, which
would abrogate them. miranda v. arizona 384 us 436, 125:
10. the claim and exercise of constitutional rights cannot be converted into a crime. miller v. kansas 230 f
2nd 486, 489:
11. for a crime to exist, there must be an injured party (corpus delicti) there can be no sanction or penalty
imposed on one because of this constitutional right. sherer v. cullen 481 f. 945:
12. if any tribunal (court) finds absence of proof of jurisdiction over a person and subject matter, the case
must be dismissed. louisville v. motley 2111 us 149, 29s. ct 42. “the accuser bears the burden of proof
beyond a reasonable doubt”.
13. “lack of federal jurisdiction cannot be waived or overcome by agreement of parties”. griffin v.
matthews, 310 f supra 341, 342 (1969): and “want of jurisdiction may not be cured by consent of
parties.” industrial addition association v. c.i.r., 323 us 310, 313.

all persons doing business as administrators, agents, feoffers, representatives, state corporations/ state agencies/
government agencies have colluded6 to convert ‘we the peoples’ hereditaments, corporeal and incorporeal and
ourselves as ‘collateral’ for the benefit of the foreign private for profit colonizers corporations. there have not
been any laws enacted since the adjournment of congress sine die in 1861 by the ‘lawful legislature’. the
statutes drafted by the defacto congress of the united states “service” corporation have been forced upon the
moorish american nationals for usury7. the moorish american nationals are the living breathing sentient flesh
and blood beings and are not corporations, joint stock companies, or associations and are not obligated to the
excise / ad valorem8 /pondus taxes.

moorish american nationals do not stand as surety9 for these injurious, birthrights escheating instruments being
sui hæredes. based on your former fiduciary duties, responsibilities, and obligations you, united states service
corporation, were to be ‘servants10’ to the people, to which you could not make any contract that supersedes the
supremacy clause of the constitution for the united states of america 1791 article vi “all debts contracted and
engagements entered into, before the adoption of this constitution, shall be as valid against the united states
under this constitution, as under the confederation. this constitution, and the laws of the united states which
shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, under the authority of the united states, shall be
the supreme law of the land; and the judges of every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution
or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.”

accrued/ accruing debts from prior contracts:

Collusion. Is an agreement between two or more persons to defraud a person of his rights by the forms of law, or to obtain an object
forbidden by law. It implies the existence of fraud of some kind, the employment of fraudulent means, or of lawful means for the
accomplishment of an unlawful purpose.
Usury. An illegal contract for a loan or forbearance of money, goods, or things in action, by which illegal interest is reserved, or
agreed to be reserved or taken.
Ad Valorem. According to value.
Surety. One who undertakes to pay money or to do any other act in event that his principal fails therein.
Servants. One employed to perform service in master’s affairs, whose physical conduct in performance of the service is controlled
or is subject to right to control by the master.

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
Page 3 of 13
articles of association of 1774 – the avowing11 of your allegiance to your majesties (moorish national
republic federal government)

articles of confederation of 1781-1788- article xi “ canada acceding to this confederation, and joining in
the measures of the united states, shall be admitted into, and entitled to, all the advantages of this union;
but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by the nine

articles of confederation of 1781-1788- article xii “all bills of credit emitted, monies borrowed, and debts
contracted by, or under the authority of congress, before the assembling of the united states, in pursuance of
the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered as a charge against the united states, for payment
and satisfaction whereof the said united states, and the public faith are hereby solemnly pledged.”

declaration of independence of 1776 – the pledge of your lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.

the articles of confederation 1781-1788 article iv “the people of each state shall enjoy free ingress and
regress to and from any other state.” the ingress, egress, and regress are secured by the supreme law of the land
to the people. all tolls, department of motor vehicles/ motor vehicle administrations, registration, parking
meters, and speeding cameras are prohibited and dissolved by the moorish national republic federal
government, moorish american consulate, and the de jure american people at northwest amexem, northwest
africa, north america, the north gate.

the vienna convention on consular relations supports the birthrights to travel as stated in, article 5 consular
functions section

(d) states “issuing passports and travel documents to nationals of the sending state, visas or appropriate
documents to persons wishing to travel to the sending state; section

(k) exercising rights of supervision and inspection provided for in the laws and regulations of the sending state
in respect of vessels having the nationality of the sending state, and of aircraft registered in that state, and in
respect of their crews.

article 31 section (4) the consular premises, their furnishings, the property of the consular post and its means of
transport shall be immune from any form or requisition for purposes of national defense or public utility. if
expropriation is necessary for such purposes, all possible steps shall be taken to avoid impeding the
performance of consular functions, and prompt, adequate and effective compensation shall be paid to the
sending state.

article 34 freedom of movement states, “subject to its laws and regulations concerning zones entry into which is
prohibited or regulated for reasons of national security, the receiving state shall ensure freedom of movement
and travel in its territory to all members of the consular post. therefore, all persons doing business as mayor,
governor, house of represenatitive, senator, attorney general, secretary of state, treasurer, sheriff, bailiff,
marshall, coroner, county commissioner, chief magistrate, state prosecutor, attorney, clerk and all other
subordinate subsidiaries including but not limited to the private contractors , policy enforcers (police
department corporations) are hereby charged with high treason, acts of war, fraud, denationalization,
identity theft, human trafficking, malfeasance of office, misprision, grand larceny, misappropriation of
funds, deprivation of rights, deliberate torts, threat , coercion, kidnapping, unlawful searches and
seizures, denial of due process, denial of fair and speedy and public trial , denial of life, liberty, and
property, denial of a jury of our own free national peers, denial to post bail, cruel and unusual
punishment, libel12 on your case searches, slander on your news media/press, crimes against law of
nations and genocide as stated in the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of
Avow. In pleading. To acknowledge and justify an act done. An opening declaration.
Libel. A method of defamation expressed by print, writing, pictures, or signs. In its most general sense any publication that is
injurious to the reputation of another. Defamatory words read aloud by speaker from written article and broadcast by radio constitute

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
Page 4 of 13
genocide article 1 – the contracting parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in
time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish. article 2- in the
present convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in
part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, as such:
 (a) killing members of the group;
 (b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
 (c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical
destruction in whole or in part;
 (d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
 (e) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

article 3 - the following acts shall be punishable:

 (a) genocide;
 (b) conspiracy to commit genocide;
 (c) direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
 (d) attempt to commit genocide
 (e) complicity in genocide

article 4 - persons committing genocide or any of the acts enumerated in article 3 shall be punished,
whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials, or private individuals.
article 6 - persons charged with genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article 3 shall be tried by
a competent tribunal of the state in the territory of which the act was committed, or by such international
penal tribunal as may have jurisdiction with respect to those contracting parties which shall have accepted its

prohibited by the constitution

 bills of attainder are unconstitutional as stated in article 1 section 9.
 no tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state as stated in article 1 section 9.

the ad valorem /pondus taxes imposed and forced upon the nationals directly and indirectly by highwaymen 13
(police/corporate security) and acting senators is unconstitutional, unlawful, and illegal. the ad valorem /pondus
taxes imposed upon the natural peoples and used to extort finances from them by way of railroading (unlawful
traffic stops) for corporate identification plates and forcing an unlawful bill of attainder 14/traffic
ticket/citation15/suit on the natural peoples, then converting the negotiable instrument into a bid bond for further
injurious intentions and actions are ‘commanded to cease and desist immediately, by the moorish national
republic federal government, moorish american consulate and the moorish american nationals. all rights
‘inalienable’, ‘unalienable’, and ‘peripheral’ are claimed, reserved, and exercised ‘perpetually’, at this time in
‘perpetuity’. all claims of abandonment, tacit acquiescence, and waivers are rebutted, refuted, and made void by
the moorish national republic federal government, moorish american consulate and moorish american nationals
in ‘perpetuity’. receipts for transfers of goods for all conveyances, to which the conveyances were built from
our estate are evidence of treason, fraud, and racketeering. the title of origin16 and/or manufacturers title are
hereby commanded to be reconveyed to the private international “imperial moorish american consulate
trust” document number for all moorish american nationals.
Highwayman. A bandit; one who robs travelers upon the highway. Anderson v. Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co., 77 Cal. App.
641, 247 P. 507, 510
Bill of Attainder. A ‘Legislative Act, directed against a designated person, pronouncing him guilty of an alleged crime, (usually
treason,) without trial or conviction according to the recognized rules of procedure, and passing sentence of death and attainder
upon him.
Citation. A Writ Issued out of a Court of ‘Competent Jurisdiction, commanding a person therein named to appear on a day named
and do something therein mentioned, or show cause why he should not.
Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin. Conveyance [Vehicle] title. The certificate of title for a conveyance [vehicle] (also known
as a car title or pink slip) is a form establishing a person or business as the owner. A Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin, also known
as a Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin, is a specified document certifying the country of origin of the merchandise required by
certain foreign countries for tariff purposes, it sometimes requires the signature of the consulate of the country to which it is destined.

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
Page 5 of 13
the moorish national republic federal government, the moorish american consulate, moorish nationals, and any
other moorish tribe, association, or organization bearing the titles of nobility el, bey, dey, al, and ali are not
for hire, do not consent to stand as surety, and do not consent to inducements to fraud. all bills of
attainders/suits/summons/excise tax/ad valorem taxes and the like guised as tickets are null and void. all
municipal bonds, municipal liens, municipal securities, and municipal warrants are hereby declared unlawful,
outlawed, unconstitutional, and dissolved ab initio and from this day forth through the perpetual enforcement of
the primal obligatory contract, treaty of peace and friendship 1786/1836, supreme law of the land and its
adopted constitution for the united states of america 1791.

this is your ‘notice of intent to lien under divine law, international law, treaty law, constitution law, and
common law for deliberate and overt torts done by way of in rem / mens rea through foreign, private for profit,
corporations. every alleged public official, including the acting senators, house of representatives, general
assembly, governors, commissioners of the motor vehichle administration/department of motor vehicle,
secretary/head of the department of transportation, sheriffs, chief of police, state troopers and constables, and
any other interloper who seeks to war against the people, and the supreme laws of the land are hereby held
liable and responsible, and are fired as public servants and charged with overt acts of high treason.


wherefore, we the nobles of the moorish national republic federal government, moorish american consulate and
moorish american nationals being ‘part and parcel’ named herein, and by birthright, primogeniture, and
inheritance, make a lawful and legal entry of affidavit and public notification of lawful claim and declaration to
be published for the public record in the aforementioned matter.

day:___________4_________ month:___________december____________ year: _____2020__________.

i am: ___________________________________________________________________________________.
[saundra maria sabra el]
aboriginal autochthonous indigenous of northeast amexem territory
natural person - in propria persona, sui juris, sui heredes – in solo proprio:
authorized representative; all rights reserved, free moor / muur
northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america / 'the north gale'

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
Page 6 of 13
moorish national republic federal government
 ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ 
moorish divine and national movement of the world
northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america / 'the north gate'
adjoining atlantis and americana islands
 ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ 
the true and de jure natural peoples – heirs of the land
 ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ 

lawful affidavit of moorish international immunity plates

to all officials and public servants of the federal, state, city/county municipalities and civic laws code on the land:

this land vessel (motor vehicle/conveyance) is the private property of the moorish national republic federal
government, under allodial aboriginal paramount clear perfect clear title (ownership) claim.

vehicle identification number:____1fmcu0f62lua30266____________________

moorish national plate number: __ mac000001466________________________

the symbols displayed on this land vessel (motor vehicle/conveyance) are soley the issue of the moorish
american consulate under the moorish national republic federal government to which the united states service
corporation and its daughter subsidiaries have no jurisdiction!

1. in accordance with the recognized free and sovereign state of affairs of the moorish national(s); bearer(s)
of the title(s) el, bey, dey, al and ali, of the continental united states, pursuant to:
2. u.s. department of justice-moorish credentials. [ classified truth a-1]
3. u.s.supreme court-“acts of states’ [ international law]
4. the treaty of peace and friendship of 1786/1836- [articles, three (3) and four (4).]
5. u. s. constitution-articles six (6), paragraph two (2), amendment five (5) (liberty clause) and amendment
nine (9).
6. united nations-universal declaration of human rights [article fiteen (15).]
7. moorish zodiac constitution – article two (2) and three (3).
8. the holy koran of the moorish holy temple of science and ‘our authority’ devinely prepared by the
prophet noble drew ali.

clearly establishes a want of jurisdiction on the part of the union society-u.s.a., with regard to the birthrights of
the moorish americans here in the continental united states, lawfully/legally in force by national and
international law.

any attempts or acts of ticketing, detaining, towing or removal of a clearly identifiable moorish national(s) land
vessel (motor vehicle/conveyance), places you in direct violation of your magna charta code and the oath you
aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
Page 7 of 13
have sworn to uphold, operating beyond
you should immediately radio your captain!
moorish national republic federal government
 ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ 
moorish divine and national movement of the world
northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and
americana islands
 ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ 
the true and de jure natural peoples – heirs of the land
 ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ 

allodial aboriginal paramount clear perfect title

travelers identification plate number [mac#] classification status
000001466 sovereign conveyance moorish american national

year make model mileage vin # title issued

2020 ford escape 7000 1fmcu0f62lua30266 7/14/2020

noble title
trustee ___________________________________
saundra maria sabra el [owner of conveyance]
vested lienholder: moorish national republic federal government

transferred to trustee in honor and in good faith by authorized official of the moorish national republic federal
government ________________________________ to said trustee ___________________________ on
________november 28, 2020______________________.

day:________28___________ month:_________november_______________ year: ____2020_________.

i am: ________________________________________________________________________________.
vizir mohammaden judge, moorish american consulate
northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america / 'the north gale'

the bearer of this affidavit is to live the life of

love, truth, peace, freedom and justice as stated
in the holy koran of the moorish holy temple of
science and ‘our authority’ divinely prepared by
the prophet noble drew ali.
aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
Page 8 of 13
private conveyance affadivit of allodial responsibility

date of insurance: December 4, 2020 1441

this affidavit is a statement of allodial cost responsibility for the said conveyance, as of December 4, 2020 1441
at 10:42 a.m. and 4:06 p.m. the moorish american consulate and the moorish national republic federal
government placed an affidavit of universal commercial and land lien on the united states service corporation
company and the government of canada corporation and the united states treasury and the canada treasury board
of canada secretariat in the sum certain amount of $1,000,000,000 in gold and silver backed lawful tender to
which the moorish american bearer is the first secured party creditor. the bearer of this affidavit is to live the
life of love, truth, peace, freedom and justice as stated in the holy koran of the moorish holy temple of science
and ‘our authority’ diveinely prepared by the prophet noble drew ali.
keep a copy of this affidavit in your conveyance at all times.
for your convenience, additional copies are available on

truth-al aa222141

northwest amexem, northwest africa, north america insurance identification card

michigan republic

appellation of noble: saundra maria sabra el

mailing location 714 grand marais st
grosse point michigan republic

policy number: macn000001466

effective date: 12/4/2020 1441

conveyance description:
year make/model vehicle identification number
2020 ford escape s 1fmcu0f62lua30266

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
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aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
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aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
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moorish national republic federal government
 ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ 
moorish divine and national movement of the world
northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and
americana islands
 ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ 

moorish national republic federal government

 ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ 
moorish divine and national movement of the world
northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and
americana islands
 ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ 

universal sovereign appellation and proclamation affidavit

i, saundra maria sabra el, in capitas domintio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in propria solo and in propria
heredes, being duly affirmed, standing squarely, declare, and proclaim, upon divine law; nature’s law;
universal law, moorish birthrights; international law; and constitutional law; declare and state:

i, saundra maria sabra el, being previously identified by the union states society of north america – u.s.a.
under the colorable, ward-ship name, Saundra Maria Sabra, and the CORPORATE NOM DE GUERRE WAR
of SAUNDRA MARIA SABRA, do hereby refute the fraud and proclaim my true sovereign status; i declare
and affirm my true sovereign status and that I saundra maria sabra el, am alive and in propria persona sui
juris, in propria solo, in proprio heredes; and proclaim my rightful life and my sovereign moor american
nation; in accord with my moorish nation of northwest amexem / north america. exercising all of my
birthrights having lawfully consented to and proclaimed my moorish American nationality and birthright
appellation and noble living title. in harmony and in accord with divine law, the universal customs, rules, and
usages of the moorish divine and national movement; being aboriginal and indigenous, and part and parcel of
the north american land by blood line, by primogeniture; by birthright; by natural birth; by universal divine
law and by inheritance. I hereby proclaim for the record, i have returned the presumed FOREIGN, Foreign
CORPORATION/Corporation cognomen and fictitious misnomer back to the colonial possessors of its
pedigree. i am now rightfully declaring, publishing, and proclaiming my own free national status, appellation
and estate; affirming my actual, rightful, and sovereign status as decedens spiritum returned alive’, moorish
american consanguine bloodline and universal honor. let it be declared, known, published, and resolved that: i
am saundra maria sabra el ‘in propria persona sui juris, in proprio heredes by birthright; an inheritance
without the UNITED STATE, nor the foreign, imposed color-of-law, or assumed due process of the Union
States Society, all law made by the state to the contrary of the constitution and it’s treaties is not withstanding.
the supreme laws of the land are the governing principles on our land to invlude but not limited to:

1. free moorish-american zodiac constitution: (zodiac constitution and birthrights of the moorish
americans) being ali, bey, el, dey and al), article two (2), paragraph two (2).

2. united states republic: department of justice:

a. moorish american credentials: aa 222141- truth a-1

3. united states supreme court: supreme law - acts of state

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
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4. united states constitution: article iii (3), section two (2), amendment v (5) (liberty clause) and
amendment ix (9) (reservation of the rights of the people).

5. resolution number seventy-five (75): dated april 17, 1933 a.d. (moorish-american society of
philadelphia and the use of their names),

6. universal declaration of human rights – united nations – human rights [article fifteen (15)].

7. rights of indigenous peoples – united nations: general assembly - part 1, article 4.

wherefore, i, _saundra maria sabra el_, being ‘part and parcel’ named herein, and by birthright,
primogeniture, and inheritance, make a lawful and legal entry of affidavit and public notification of
nationality proclamation; name correction claim; declaration, affirmation, and application; herewith published
for the public record.

i am: ______________________________________________________________
a free and sovereign moorish american national, in propria persona sui juris
northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america
all rights excerised at all points in time

a free and sovereign Moorish American national, in capitas nolo, in propria
persona sui juris
northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america
all rights excerised at all points in time

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continential united states: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
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