AE 111 Chapters 1-4

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Accounting is a service activity that functions to provide quantitative information about economic entities that is
intended to be useful in making economic decisions (Accounting Standards Council - ASC)
Accounting is the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner (AICPA)
 Accounting is about quantitative information
 The information is likely to be financial in nature
 The information should be useful in decision-making
 Accounting is the process of identifying (analytical), measuring (technical) and communicating (formal) economic
information (American Accounting Association - AAA)
Identifying Measuring Communicating
~ recognition or nonrecognition of ~ assigning of peso amounts to ~process of preparing and distributing
business activities as accountable accountable events reports to users of information
events ~ expressed in terms of common ~ the reason why accounting has been
*accountable events - has an effect financial denominator called the “universal language of
on assets, liabilities and equity business”
*economic activity - measurement  Measurements bases:
of economic resources and A. Historical cost  Recording
economic obligations; - most common measure - systematically maintaining a
transactions B. Current value record of all transactions
A. External transactions - involving - fair value, value in use  Classifying
one entity and another entity - grouping of similar and
Ex. Purchase of goods from supplier, borrowing interrelated transactions
money from bank, sales of good to customer Ledger - group of accounts which are
B. Internal transactions - take place categorized to assets, liabilities, equity,
within the entity revenue and expenses

Ex. Production - process by which resources  Summarizing

become products - preparation of financial
Casualty loss - any sudden or unanticipated loss
statements (SFP, SCI, SCE, SCF)
from acts of God


 An information system that measures business activities, processes information into reports and
communicates the reports to decision makers
*Key product - set of financial statements (tells us how an entity is performing in terms or profit and loss and where it


 Provide quantitative financial information about a business that is useful to statement users particularly owners
and creditors in making economic decisions
 An accountant’s primary task - supply financial information so users can make better decisions
 The essence of accounting - decision-usefulness


 Republic Act No. 9298: Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004
 Regulates the practice of accountancy in the Philippines
 The Board of Accountancy
 Body authorized by law to promulgate rules and regulations affecting the practice of the accounting
profession in the Philippines
 Responsible for preparing and grading the Philippine CPA Examination
 Limitation to the practice
 Certification of accreditation is issued to CPAs after acquiring minimum of 3 years as public accountants
 Different practices of accountancy

Public Accounting Private accounting Government accounting

~ individual practitioners rendering ~ CPAs employed in business entities ~ process of accounting all
financial services to the public *highest accounting officer = controller transactions involving government
funds and property
 3 kinds of services:  Major objective:
a. Auditing (primary) examination - assist management in planning  Focus:
of financial statements by and controlling entity’s operations custody and administration of
independent CPAs to express - maintaining records public funds
opinion on fairness - producing financial reports
*external auditing - attest function of - preparing the budget  Employment:
independent CPAs - controlling and allocating a. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
b. Taxation resources of entity b. Commission on Audit (COA)
preparation of annual income c. Department of Budget and
tax returns Management (DBM)
c. Management advisory services d. Securities and Exchange
services to clients on matters Commission (SEC)
of finance and business e. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)

conduct and operations

- advice on installation of computer system
- quality control
- installation and modification of acctg system
- budgeting
- forecasting
- design on retirement plans
- advice on mergers and consolidation


 Republic Act No. 10912: Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

 inculcation and acquisition of advanced knowledge, skill and proficiency
 raises and enhances skill of CPA
*CPD units: 120 (3 years)

 Accounting embraces  Bookeeping is procedural  Accountancy is the  Financial accounting is
auditing. and concerned with profession of accounting concerned with recording of
 Accounting is constructive development and practice business transactions and
while auditing is analytical maintenance of accounting preparation of financial
records  Accounting is used in statements.
“the work of an auditor starts  The “how” of accounting reference to a particular filed  general purpose reports
when the work of the accountant of accountancy for internal and external
ends.” Accounting is conceptual, *creditors & investors

concerned with the “why”

 Managerial Accounting is
the preparation of financial
reports for internal users

Purpose: to identify proper accounting practices for the preparation & presentation of financial statements
~ accounting rules, ~ GAAP is formalized ~ Formed by FRSC in 2006 ~ replaces IASC
procedures and practices initially by ASC which is ~ publishes standards in a
~ developed on the basis of replaced by FRSC  Role series of pronouncements
experience, reason, custom, ~ adopted in entirety all IAS Prepare interpretations of called IFRS
usage and practical & IFRS PFRS for approval by FRSC ~ standard-setting process
necessity ~ created by the and to provide authoritative includes research,
~ like laws that must be Professional Regulations guidance discussion paper, exposure
followed Commission to assist Board draft and accounting
of Accountancy in carrying standard
out its power & function
 Main function:  Composition (15 members)
establish and improve 1 Board of Accountancy
1 Securities and Exchange
accounting standards
that will be generally 1 Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
accepted in the 1 Bureau of Internal Revenue
Philippines 1 Commission on Audit
1 FINEX (Financial Executives
 Approved statements
Institute of the Phils.)
PAS and PFRS 2 Public Accountants
*accounting standards 2 Private Accountants
promulgated constitute 2 Academe Accountants
the “highest hierarchy” 2 Government Accountants
1 Chairman (3 years term)
Accounting Standards Council Philippine Accounting Standards
(ASC) > Financial Reporting (PAS) & Philippine Financial
Standards Council (FRSC) Reporting Standards (PFRS)

Int’l Accounting Standards Int’l Accounting Standards

Committee (IASC) & Int’l (IAS) & Int’l Financial
Accounting Standards Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Board (IASB)

Generally Accepted Conceptual Framework

Principles (GAAP)

 Complete and comprehensive single document promulgated by IASC (Int’l Acctng Standards Board)
 Summary of terms and concepts of financial statements for external users
 Describes concepts for general purpose financial reporting
 Theoretical foundation for development of accounting standards and revision of previous standards
 Arises when there is lack of standards in PFRS/PAS

 Provides foundation for a. To assist IASB to develop - PFRS overrides Conceptual

standards that IFRS standards Framework
A. Contribute to transparency b. To assist preparers of - considered if standard or
B. Strengthen accountability financial statements interpretation is absent
C. Contribute to economic (accountants, - Conceptual framework is
efficiency management) NOT an IFRS
c. To assist all parties to - requirements of IFRS
understand and interpret prevails over Conceptual
IFRS Standards Framework
Authoritative status:


Primary Users Other users
~ parties by whom general purpose financial reports are ~users others than existing and potential investors, lenders
directed and other creditors
~ cannot require reporting entities to provide information ~ may find the general purpose reports useful but are not
directly to them directed to them primarily

a. Existing and Potential Investors a. Employees

 concerned with the risk provided by their  stability and profitability of the entity
investments  assess the ability of the entity to provide
 read info to determine whether they should buy, remuneration, retirement benefits and employment
hold or sell opportunities
 assess the ability of the entity to pay dividends b. Customers
b. Lenders and other creditors  interested in the continuance of the entity
 determine whether their loans and interest will be especially when they are dependent on the entity
paid when due c. Government
 interested in the allocation of resources
 to regulate activities of the entity to determine tax
and use as basis for national income statistics
d. Public
 providing information about the trend and the
range of its activities


 Objectives ~ results of operations and is portrayed by income and
OVERALL: Provide information that is useful to expense statement
existing and potential investors and lenders and other  Usefulness:
creditors in making decisions about providing a. Helps users understand the return that the entity
resources to the entity, has produced on economic resources
Specifics: b. Helps users see how well the management has
a. To provide info useful in making decision about discharged its responsibilities over resources
providing resources to the entity c. Past financial performance helps prediction on
b. To provide info useful in assessing the cash flow future returns
of the entity d. Helps assess entity’s ability to generate future
c. To provide info about entity resources, claims and cash inflows form operations
changes thereof - statement of financial position
(A,L,C,I,E)  Accrual accounting
 recognizing income when it is earned
1. Liquidity - availability of cash in the near future to  recognizing expenses when it is incurred
cover currently maturing obligations …regardless of when it is paid
2. Solvency - availability of cash over long term to
meet financial commitments when due

 Limitations
1. General purpose financial statements do not provide
all information that primary users need
2. Not designed to show the value of the entity but only
helps users estimate, based on estimate and judgement
3. Cannot accommodate every request for information

 how efficiently and effectively management has discharged its responsibilities on resources
 useful in predicting how management will use the resources in the future

 Qualities or attributes that make financial accounting information useful to others

Fundamental characteristics - relate to the content or substance of financial information

 Most effective process for applying fundamental characteristics:

 2 characteristics:
 the capacity of the information to influence a decision ~monetized and accurate depiction
 for an information to be relevant, the info must be ~financial reports represents economic phenomena in
capable of making a difference in decisions words and numbers
 information that does not bear on an economic ~descriptions and figures must match what really
decision is useless happened
~actual effects of the transactions are properly accounted
 Ingredients: for
1. Predictive value  Ingredients: (completeness, neutrality, free from
 can be used as an input to predict future error)
outcome 1. Completeness
 can help users increase the likelihood of  information should be understandable and
forecasting outcome of events avoids erroneous implication
Example: SFP -> dividend and wage payments, ability to meet  result of adequate disclosure standard /
maturing commitments
principle of full disclosure
2. Confirmatory value
*Standard of adequate disclosure - all significant
 provides feedback about previous
information leading to statements should be
evaluations clearly reported
 enables users to confirm or correct earlier disclosure of any financial facts significant enough
to influence the judgement of informed users
expectations *Notes to financial statements - accompanies
Example: Net income -> help shareholders revise their financial statements
expectation about earning Purpose: provide disclosures required by PFRS

2. Neutrality
 depiction without bias in the preparation and
presentation of financial information
 information must be free from bias
 information is directed towards the common
needs of many users and not particular needs
of specific users
 principle of fairness: to be neutral is to be fair

3. Free from error

 there are no errors or omissions
 amounts are described clearly and accurately
as an estimate

 practical rule in accounting which dictates that strict adherence to GAAP is not required when items are not
significant enough (Accdg to SEC)
 also known as “doctrine of convenience” *big companies/publicly listed and traded = 5% of net income
 based on the nature or magnitude of item *small companies/not publicly listed and traded = 10% of net income
 depends on relative size rather than absolute size
 based on good judgement, professional expertise and common sense
 “an item is material if it would affect of influence the decision of the informed users of the statements”
 “information is material if its omission or misstatement could affect decision of users”

 Factors of materiality:
a) Size of the item - in relation to the total of the group it belongs to
b) Nature of the item - by its very nature affects economic decisions

 exercise of care and caution when dealing with uncertainties
 assets or income: not overstated
 liabilities or expenses: not understated

 when alternatives exist, the alternative which has the least effect on equity should be chosen
 in case of doubt, record any loss and do not record any gain
 choice between two asset values, the lower figure is selected
 not a license to deliberately understate net income and assets
Expressions:“anticipate no profit and provide for probable and measurable loss”
“don’t count your chicks until the eggs hatch”
Measurement Uncertainty
 arises when monetary amounts cannot be observed directly and must be estimated
 the use of reasonable estimate: as long as the estimate is clearly and accurately described and explained, even a
high level of uncertainty will not affect usefulness of info

Substance over form

 quality of info and not how it looks
 content > presentation
 representing legal form that differs from economic substance =/ faithful representation

(def) presentation or form of the financial information
- intended to increase the usefulness of the financial statements
Comparability Understandability Verifiability Timeliness
~the ability to bring together ~financial information must ~different knowledgeable ~financial information must
for the purpose of noting be comprehensible (simple) and independent observers be available or
points of likeness and ~presented in a form and could reach consensus communicated early enough
difference expressed in terms ~implies consensus when a decision is to be
~enables users to identify understood by the user ~financial information is made
and understand similarities ~classifying, characterizing supported by evidence ~the older the information,
and dissimilarities among and presenting information ~results can be duplicated the less useful
items clearly and concisely by measurers using the ~without knowledge of the
~uniform application of ~financial reports are same method past, the basis for prediction
accounting method prepared for users who will be lacking
between and across entities have a reasonable  Types: ~without interest in the
knowledge of business and a. Direct - verifying future, knowledge of the
a) Intracomparability economic activities through direct past is sterile
(within an entity) observation ~knowledge of the past
allows comparisons (management), counting would becomes the basis of
within a single entity cash what will happen in the
through one accounting b. Indirect - checking the future
period to the next inputs, formulas and
(Horizontal and vertical) techniques, recalculation
of inputs

b) Intercompatibility  Principle of consistency

(between and across -use of the same method for
entities) the same item
between two or more - uniform application of
entities engaged in the accounting method from
same industry period to period
- helps achieve
*for things to be comparable, like things
must look alike and different things must comparability
look different - if the change will result to
more useful and meaningful
information then changes
can be made
- it is inappropriate for an
entity to leave accounting
polices unchanged when
better and acceptable
alternatives exist

Cost constraint
 consideration of the cost incurred in generating financial information against the benefit to be obtained from having
the information
 the benefit derived from the information should exceed the cost incurred in obtaining the information

A. 0 to <20%: marketable securities; no control no significant influence
B. 20% to 50%: investment; no control but with significant influence on decisions; ability to suggest
C. >50%: control; control exists (parent-subsidiary relationship)

 provides financial information about an entity’s assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses useful to users in:
a) Assessing future cash flows to the entity
b) Assessing management stewardship
 General objective: to provide information about economic resources of the reporting entity, claims against
and the changes in these
 Types:
1. Consolidated financial statements
 prepared when the reporting entity comprises both the parent and its subsidiaries
 information about A,L,C,I,E of parent and subsidiary as a single entity
 existing and potential investors
2. Unconsolidated financial statements
 prepared when the entity is the parent alone
 about parent’s own A,L,C,I,E
 not sufficient to meet the needs of primary users
 cannot be a substitute for consolidated
3. Combined
 statements comprise two or more entities not linked by a parent-subsidiary relationship

 entity required to or chooses to prepare financial statements
a. Individual corporation, partnership or proprietorship
b. The parent alone
c. The parent and its subsidiaries as single entity
d. Two or more entities w/o parent-subsidiary relationship as single entity
e. A reportable business segment of entity
 Reporting Period
 period when financial statements are prepared for general purpose financial reporting
 may be prepared on interim basis (optional)

 basic notions on which accounting process Is based; Postulates
 foundation/bedrock of accounting in order to avoid misunderstanding
Going Concern Accounting entity Time Period Monetary Unit
 in the absence of  the specific business  a completely accurate a) Quantifiability
evidence contrary to organization (sole, report on the financial A,L,C,I,E should be
continuity, the accounting partnership, corporation) position and performance stated in a unit of
entity will continue  the entity is separate from cannot be obtained until measure (peso)
indefinitely the owners, managers the entity is finally
 - financial statements are and employees in the dissolved and liquidated b) Stability of the peso
prepared assuming that entity  periodic reports on purchasing power of the
the entity will continue  for fair presentation of financial position, peso is stable or constant
operations til future financial statements performance and cash and its instability is
 - foundation of cost  each business is an flows insignificant = ignored
principle: assets are independent accounting  the indefinite life of an
normally recorded at cost entity entity is divided into *stable peso postulate
(historical cost)  consolidation does not accounting periods of adjustments are
eliminate legal boundary equal length unnecessary to reflect any
between parent and  accounting period/fiscal changes in purchasing
subsidiaries period - 1 year/12 months power

*calendar year - ends on

december 31
*natural business year - 12
month period that ends on
any month when the
business is at the
lowest/slack season

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