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Subject Incharge : Prof.

Chhaya Patil
Academic Year : 2020-2021
Class / Div : TE / B
Sem : V
Date : 27/9/2020

27 September 2020 1
• Rotor Dynamics:
Critical speed of single rotor, undamped and damped

Static and Dynamic balancing of multi rotor system,
balancing of reciprocating masses in In-line engines,
V-engines (excluding other radial engines)

27 September 2020 2
 A machine consist of a number of moving parts. The motion of moving parts may
be of rotary or reciprocating type. These machine parts or components are
subjected to different forces.

 Balancing is defined as the process of designing a machine in which unbalance

force is minimum. The rotating and reciprocating parts of a high speed engine if
are not properly balanced, the dynamic forces will be setup.

27 September 2020
 There are two types of forces acting on any machine component :

1. Static forces
2. Inertia or dynamic forces

 1. Static forces
The static forces acting on the machine components are due to the weight of
2. Inertia or dynamic forces
The inertia or dynamic forces are due to acceleration of various components or
members of the machine. The acceleration may be due to change in magnitude
and / or change in direction of velocity. Such forces may not be in equilibrium,
with the result there exist a resultant force and couple .The resultant inertia force
or dynamic force may change in magnitude or direction or both, although in most
of the cases only change of direction takes place.

27 September 2020 4
 In comparison with the static forces, the dynamic forces are very large in

 For example, consider 2 tonne rotor of steam turbine running at 3000 r.p.m. The
distance of centre of gravity of rotor from axis of rotation is 2 mm due to:
imperfect machining , inaccurate pitch of blades, non-homogeneity of materials,
etc .Then, the resultant dynamic force (centrifugal force) will be equal to,

Fc = mrω2 = 2000 x (2/ 1000) x (2Л x3000/60)2
= 197.39x 10^3 N or 197.39 kN

 The dynamic force of such high order produces hammering action, sets up
vibrations, and has a tendency to lift thee machine from the foundation.

27 September 2020 5
 It is realized that, no foundation will normally be able to withstand force of such
high magnitude and frequency.

 Hence to avoid the unpleasant effects, precise balancing is essential

 Balancing is the process of correcting or eliminating, either partially or

completely, the effects due to resultant inertia forces and couples acting on the
machine parts or components.

 Thus, the purpose of balancing is to avoid the vibration of the machine by

balancing the resultant inertia forces and couples.

 The balancing is highly essential, especially in high speed applications such as

electric motors, generators, turbines, pumps, air crafts, machine tools, etc.

27 September 2020 6
 In any system having one or more rotating masses, if the centre of mass of the system does
not lie on the axis of rotation, then the system is called unbalanced.

 Fig. shows the rotating mass having its centre of mass (CG) at a distance r from the axis
of rotation.

 The dynamic force (centrifugal fore) arising due to unbalance is Fc = mrω2

where, m=mass of the rotating body, kg
r = distance of centre of mass (C.G) from the axis of rotation,
ω= angular speed of rotation, rad/s.
This dynamic force (centrifugal force) acts in radially outward direction.

27 September 2020 7
 Static Balancing
The system is said to be statically
balanced if the centre of mass (C.G) of
the system of masses lies on the axis of
 For the system to be statically
balanced, the resultant of all the
dynamic forces (centrifugal forces)
acting on the system during rotation
must be zero. i.e.
 Dynamic forces (centrifugal forces)
acting on the system = 0
 A Statically unbalanced system shows
a vibratory motion as shown in Fig.

27 September 2020 8
 The system is said to be dynamically (completely) balanced, if it satisfies
following two conditions

(i) The resultant of all the dynamic forces (centrifugal forces) acting on
the system during rotation must be zero.
Σ Dynamic forces acting on the system = 0.
If this condition is satisfied, the system is said to be statically balanced.

(ii) The resultant couples due to all the dynamic forces (centrifugal forces)
acting on the system during rotation, about any plane, must be zero.

Σ Couple due to dynamic forces acting on the system = 0

27 September 2020 9
 If both these conditions are satisfied, then the system is said to be
dynamically (completely) balanced.

 A dynamically unbalanced system shows a vibratory motion as shown in


27 September 2020 10
Study of Balancing
There are two aspects of the balancing problems
1. Evaluation of Dynamic or Inertia Forces and Couples
2. Determination of Convenient Method of Balancing Dynamic Forces and
The study of balancing is sub-divided under the heads, shown in Fig

Rotating masses Single plane

Different plane
Balancing masses
Primary force
and couple
Combined rotating and
reciprocating masses Secondary force
and couple
27 September 2020 11
 In any rotating system, having one or more rotating masses, if the centre of mass
(C.G.) of the system does not lie on the axis of rotation, then the system is
 The unbalance in rotating system is mainly due to the following factors
1. Errors and tolerances in manufacturing and assembly.
2. Non-homogeneity of material.
3. Unsymmetrical shapes of the rotors due to functional requirements.
 when an unbalance mass is rotating about an axis, it experiences a centrifugal
force in a radially outward direction. This force is also called as disturbing force
of the system.
 The magnitude ot centrifugal force or disturbing force is given by, Fc = mrω2

where, Fc = centrifugal force or disturbing force, N

m=mass or the rotating bOdy, Kg.
r= distance of centre o mass (C.G.) from the axis of rotation
ω = angular speed of rotation, rad/s. 12
27 September 2020
 Many a times, one or several masses are rotating in a single plane. The examples
or such cases are: steam turbine rotors, impellers of centrilugal pumps, impellers
of hydraulie turbines etc. The balancing of masses rotating in a single plane are
discussed in subsequent sections.

 Balancing of Single Rotating Mass

Consider a single mass m attached to a shaft, which is rotating with an angular
velocity ω let r be the distance of C.G. of mass 'm' from the axis of rotation as
shown in fig.

27 September 2020 13
 During the rotation of shaft, a dynamic force (centrifugal force) equal to
mrω2 acts in a radially outward direction as shown in fig.

 This unbalanced force results in increase in load on the bearings,

increased bending moment on the shaft and vibrations of the system.

 This dynamic force can be balanced by either of the following two


1. Balancing by single mass rotating in the same plane (Internal balancing)

2. Balancing by two masses rotating in two different planes (External


27 September 2020 14
 To balance the single rotating mass a counter mass or balancing mass mb placed
in the plane of rotation of the disturbing mass at a radius rb and exactly opposite
to it, such that the centrifugal force due to the two masses are equal and opposite.
 mrω2 = mb rb ω2
 mr = mb rb

27 September 2020 15
 The product mb rb may be split in any convenient way. The value
of rb is kept larger so as to reduce the value of balancing mass mb
as shown in Fig.

 This balancing of a disturbing mass by a single balancing mass in

the same plane is known as Internal balancing.

27 September 2020 16
Q. Explain why an unbalanced rotating mass on a shaft cannot be balanced
completely by using a single balancing mass in a different transverse plane. What
is minimum number of balancing masses required if they are to be attached in
different transverse planes so that the system is completely balanced?

 If the balancing mass cannot be placed in the plane of rotation of the disturbing
mass, then it is not possible to balance the disturbing mass by a single balancing

 lf a single balancing mass is placed in a plane parallel to the plane of rotation of

disturbing mass, the dynamic force (centrifugal force) can be balanced. However
this arrangement will introduce an unbalanced couple.

 In order to achieve the complete balancing of the system, at least two balancing
masses are required to be placed in two planes parallel to the plane of disturbing
mass. 17
27 September 2020
 To achieve the complete balancing. two balancing masses mb1 and mb2 are
placed in two different planes parallel to the plane of rotation of the disturbing
mass in such a way that, they satisfy the following two conditions

 1) The resultant dynamic force acting on the shaft must be equal to zero. For this,
the line of action three dynamic forces (centrifugal forces) must be the same. This
is the condition for static balancing.

 2) The resultant couple due to dynamic forces (centrifugal forces) acting on the
shaft must be equal to Zero. In other words, the algebraic sum of the moments due
to dynamic forces (centrifugal forces) about any point in the plane must be zero.

 If both conditions (1) and (2) are satisfied, then the system is said to be
dynamically balanced.

27 September 2020
27 September 2020
27 September 2020
27 September 2020 21

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