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NAME _______________________________________________ AGE _________ GENDER ___________


Please indicate your answer before the question provided for:

1- Never 2 – Few times 3- Sometimes 4- Often

_______ 1. I listen if somebody talks to me.

_______ 2. Make a brief statement to the one talking to you by saying “ go ahead”.

_______ 3. Always repeat of what he said from his point of reference.

_______ 4. Always pay attention to get moving to the discussion forward.

_______ 5. Ask open ended question like if you were the one _____________.

_______ 6. Encourage someone to keep talking.

_______ 7. Always pause for emphasis to pay attention.

_______ 8. Defuse hard works when people get emotional.

_______ 10. Use simple phrase such as yes.

_______ 11. Use simple phrase such as ok.

_______ 11. Use simple phrase such as I see.

_______ 12. Let her relinquish her emotion thru words.

_______ 13. Repeat the last word of the person you’re talking to.

_______ 14. Continue dealing with the person you’re talking to.

_______ 15. Feel push and relaxed in talking to.

_______ 16. Repeat the sentence of the person to get emphasis.

_______ 17. Say it in your own word of what the other person is saying.

_______ 18. Don’t give his feelings a name.

_______ 19. Show him you understand what he is talking.

_______ 20. Give the person you are talking to a feedback.

_______ 21. You sound pretty hurt “to the person you are talking to”.

_______ 22. Even if he is crazy show him you understand.

_______ 23. Are you angry when you are left alone “to the person you are talking to”.

_______ 24. Don’t comment on the validity of the person’s feeling.

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