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1. Introduction of leadership 3

2. Meaning and definitions 4-5

3. Leadership overview: types, role, functions, 6-14

types of knowledge, characteristics of leaders
4. Leadership process 14-17

5. Different types of leader power, 17-26

6. Paternalistic style of leadership 26-29

7. Leadership theories 29-40

8. Leadership vs management 41-44

9. Summary 45

10. Bibliography 45



From the traditional beurocratic organizational structures of the past, to the dramatically
reformed systems of health care of today, the resulting changes present many challenges to nursing
leadership. Our society is becoming more complex. Although change is not pervasive, the pace of
change is becoming more rapid. The challenges to leadership in nursing evolve from reforms in health
care and impact on the practice and work life of nurses. While many different aspects are relevant, the
issues are interrelated and influence leadership development. A consistent theme is the need for strong
nursing leadership, in order to address the challenges in health care and achievement of quality

Leadership does not mean dominating the subordinates. The leader’s job is t get work
done by other work done by other people,, and make people willingly want to accomplish something.
So effective leadership means effective and productive group performance. Leadership is the
inspiration for decided response and getting work done through others. Leader focus on purpose and
doing the right thing. They are future oriented changed by change and able to plan strategies and
facilitate human potential. A leader need good stress and time management to meet the challenges of
leadership they need to use good communication and decision making skills. Leaders needs to use their
knowledge of leadership theories help leaders to know how to adjust their leadership style to fits on
different situations Leaders focus on doing the right thing but may also be manage who help do the
thing right way.



A leader is an influential person has the ability to lead a group or department without having a
formal appointment.

A leader is the person who influences and guides direction, opinion and course of action.

Arieu, A. defines a leader as "a person capable of inspiring and associate others with a dream."
It is therefore important that organizations have a mission high transcendent, since it is a powerful way
to strengthen the leadership of its directors.







Origin of the word is from the word “lead” meaning “to go”

Leader ship is the process of influencing people to accomplish goals; that is, it is the ability to influence
the behaviour of others, towards the achievement of a mutually established goal.

Leadership is the art of getting others to want to do something you are convinced should be done.

Leadership is management skills that focus on the development and employment of vision, mission and
strategy as well as the creation of a motivated work force.

Leadership is a style or a process whereby a person called a nurse leader will influence a group of
people known as the followers for the purpose of attaining a single goal or objective


1. Leadership is defined as the process of influencing others towards a goal.


2. Leadership is a special quality which enables people to stand up and pull the rest of us over the
John.F. Kennedy

3. The act of guiding or influencing people to achieve desired outcomes; occurs any time a person
attempts to influence the beliefs, openions or behaviors of an individual or group
Hersey and Blanchard.

4. Leadership is the special quality which enables people to stand up and pull the rest of us over
the horizon. Jamse L Fisher.

5. Leadership is getting people to work for you when they are obligated.
Fred Smith.

6. Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to higher sight, the raising of a person’s performance to a
higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its limitations.
Peter F Druckes

7. A process of influencing the behavior of either an individual or a group, regardless of the

reason, in an effort to achieve goals in a given situation.

Hersey and colleagues.

8. Leadership is the process of influence the thoughts and action of the other people (a person or a
group) to attain the desired objectives.


Leaders typically are the ones who “go first”. They have a vision and they influence othersby their
actions and their comments. This ability is the essence of leadership like the word “Lead”. The verb
“to lead” is also defined in several ways to guide, to run in a special direction, to direct, to go at the
head of, to be first, to open play, to tend towards a definite result. As far as Nursing is concerned all
of these actions are expected by a Nurse Leader.the leader and follower roles are determined by
people’s interaction within groups.

An effective leader is a catalyst who facilitates effective interaction among manpower, material and

A skilful leader is a synergist, who co-ordinates the efforts of multiple workers with diverse skills


Leadership is a unique function. It can be a part of formal organizational managerial position, or it

can arise spontaneously in any group. Leadership is a natural element of nursing practice because
the majority of nurses practice in work groups or units. It can be seen as the ability to inspire
confidence and support among followers. Especially in organization where leadership is followed
towards those whose competence and commitment produce performance.


a) Natural leader:

Here the person becomes the leader inspite of himself. He does not seek the goal, it is trusted upon
him by the group and by the tide of events.

Eg. Abraham Lincon,Mahatma Gandhi

b) Charismatic leader:

Here the person is an authentic hero in the eyes of his followersfor he can do no wrong. He/she
inspires people to make any sacrifice even their lives for the cause.

Eg. Asoka, Akbar, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru etc.

c) Rational leader:

Here the person is consistent and persistant.

Eg. Karl Marx, Lenin, Mao etc.

d) Consensus leader:

The leader is perceived as acceptable to all. He/she rises in the absence of the above three and this
leader is in a tenous position of walking a tight rope for existence.

Eg. President of India, Speakers, Members of the Parliament etc.

e) Leader by force:

Here the leaders power speaks through the nozzle of gun. He/she dominates others through fear. He
is ruthless in suppressing opposition. He does not reign as long as this type of leadership contagions
with in itself the seeds of its own destruction.

Eg. Napolean, Hitler, Stalin etc



 Service provider
 Team builder
 Recourse manager
 Decision maker and problem solver
 Change agent
 Clinical consultant
 Mentor



Managerial abilities
Plans, organize makes decisions effectively encourages cooperation and participation.
Assists nurse or subordinate in solving the problems and provides consistent feedback.
Provides rationale for difficult decisions.
Assess abilities of the workers guides them to develop new skill
Knows his or her job and does it well and has confidence in self and others.
Welcomes different opinions and is more interested in giving than receiving.
Provide the workers with adequate facilities.

Inter personal relationships

Shows supportive and caring behavior towards subordinates.

Is good listens and sensitive to others need.
Guides and motivate to act and work together.
is 8

Establish relationship between all type of workers and able to work with others harmoniously.

Temperament (nature of person)

Reliable ,open ,honest and sincere

Shows a sense of humor fact full, friendly and loyal.
Calm and charismatic modest neat and patient.
Positive energetic hard worker happy and enthusiastic.
Shows a balance between work and home life or personal life.

Credibility and forward thinking

Act as a role model and influence others

Acts an activist, challenger, creative thinker, change agent, innovator risk taker and courageous
Act as facilitator and solution seeker.


Committed to the profession and maintains confidentiality.

Instills hope and pride in the profession.
Standards for rights while considering others rights.


Acts as an advocate for others specially for nursing profession and for nursing staff
Acts as an advocate with physician
Acts as patient advocate
Acts as an advocate for nursing education and students for the right and standards.


Diagnosing: Diagnosing involves being able to understand the situation and the problem to be
solved or resolved .this is a cognitive competency.
Adapting: Adapting involves being able to adapt behaviors and other resources to match the
situation. This is a behavioral competency.
Communicating; Communicating is employed to advance the process in a way that individuals
can understand and accept. This is a process competency.


Self-awareness: Ability to read one’s own emotional state and be aware of one’s own mood
and how this affects staff relationships.
Self-management: ability to take corrective action so as not to transfer negative moods to
staff relationship.
Social awareness: An intuitive skill of empathy and expressiveness in being sensitive and
aware of the emotions and mood of others.
Relationship management: effective communication with others that disarms conflict and the
ability to develop the emotional maturity of team members.


 Firm personality, insistent, self assured, highly directive, dominating, with or with out intention.
 Has high concern for work than fir the people who perform the task.
 Uses the efforts of the workers to the best possible shows no regard to the interests of the
 Sets rigid standards and methods of performance and expects the subordinates to obey the rules
and follow the same.
 Makes all decisions by him or her related to the work and pass orders to the workers and expect
them carry out the orders.
 There is minimal group participation or none from the workers.
 Thinks that what he or she plans does is the best. May listen to them by not influenced by their
 Has no trust or confidence in the subordinates in turn they fear and feel they have nothing much
in common.
 Exercise power, manipulate the subordinates to act according to his goals, plans and keeps at the
center of attention.



IL 11

From a review of leadership theories, there is no best leadership style. Leaders are rarely totally people
oriented or task oriented. Intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational, cultural, physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual perspectives are all important. The leader, the follower, the situation – al
influence the leadership effectiveness. Consequently an integration of leadership theories seems
appropriate. Leaders need to be aware of their own behaviour and influence on others, individual
differences of followers, group characteristics, motivation, task structure, environmental factors and
situational variables and situational variables adjust their leadership styles accordingly. Integrative
leadership is a holistic approach to oneself and others that requires adaptive behaviour.


To be an effective leader, the individual needs the primary leadership

1. Skills of personal behavior

Is sensitive to the feelings of the group
Identifies self with the needs of the group
Does not ridicule or criticize another’s suggestions
Helps others feel important and needed
Does not argue

2. Skills of communication
Listen attentively
Make sure everyone understands what is needed and the reason why?
Establishes positive communication with the group as a routine part of that job
Recognizes that everyone’s contributions are important

3. Skills of organization- the effective leader helps the group to

Develop long and short range objectives
Break big problems into small ones
Share responsibilities and opportunities
Plan, act, follow up and evaluate
Be attentive to details

4. Skills of self-examination
Is aware of personal motivations
Is aware of the group members;
Helps the group to be aware of their attitudes and values
S = Self Reliant
E = Enthusiastic
L = loyal
F = Factual


Leadership is purposeful
o Leadership always has a goal(Bleich 1999) No act of leadership exist without a reason.
Leadership is interpersonal.
o Leadership always involves a social exchange, a relationship between the two parties of
leader and followers (cherry & Jacob 2002). These parties mutually agree on roles and
share information in a variety of patterns.
Leadership is influential

Leadership is influential that is it motivates others to change their behaviors and achieve a goal.
(shinitzky& kub ,2001). Leaders are creative problem – solvers, who use their imagination to
visualize new connections between ordinary events; they continually analyze the efficiency of
the status quo and ask “What if” question.


There are 5 essential functions are required for effective leadership at any level

The creative function

The initiative function
The risk taking function
The integrative function
The instrumental function

Creative function

Leader must be creative and must envision and better ways to solve problems. This first
step involves creative thinking about problems, which includes developing methods and activities

for carrying out their solutions. This function requires knowledge to stimulate sensory perception,
curiosity, openness, sensitivity to problem, and flexibility.

The creative leadership function includes generating ideas and developing design for action. It
also involves risk taking and inventive problem solving when buffering resisting forces. Finally it
includes empowering others to use their own creativity to accomplish goals.

Initiating function

A leader introduces changes and sets its process in motion. For a nurse, the initiating
function includes convincing clients or followers of the need for change, starting the problem
solving process, and launching the activities needed to carry out the plan. Like all of the other
leadership function it requires decision –making skills. The initiating function begins the process
toward goal accomplishment. It is the stimulus that starts clients or followers on their way to meet
personal or agency goals.

Risk taking function

Every leader is faced with uncertainty, and to proceed under uncertain condition is to be a risk-
taker, leaders cannot guarantee outcomes. The leadership process requires careful planning based
on all available data and the creation of scenarios to predict all possible obstacles and outcomes. It
requires preparation of alternative course of action, should earlier plans fail. Nevertheless, some
variables cannot be predicted beyond a certain point, and leaders must be willing to take risk and
expose themselves to possible failure and embarrassment. Taking risks also means that they may
expose clients or followers to potential negative outcomes. Effective leaders, however take
calculated risks, they weigh the potential consequences, pro and con of each action before
proceeding. Their concern is to minimize perceived barriers and harmful consequences and
maximize positive outcome for followers.

The integrative functions

The integrative aspect of the leadership role focuses on strengthening collective ties and
uniting clients or followers through a strong sense of purpose. The leader remains the followers of
their goals. Encourages pride in their group identity. Stabilizers intra group relations, and meditates
interpersonal conflict (kouzer&posner 2003)

Individuals in any group setting tend to have their own agendas and separate needs. One job of
the nurse leader is to keep the client group on target by clarifying and reinforcing the goals that they
mutually identified. The integrative function requires good inter personal skills for establishing
positive relationship with as well as between followers. The function supports the aim of promoting
member commitment and cooperation.


Leaders also must keep followers moving in the right directions; this is the purpose of the
instrumental or facilitative function inspired by vision and goals, the leader serves as an enabler to
move followers to act (Kouzs & Posner,2003 Sullivan Decker & Jamerson 2001) For nurse leaders,

this function involves good communication. They must keep in constant touch with clients or
followers to make certain that goals and activities are understood and agreed on and to encourage
both positive and negative feedback. Leaders further stimulate followers to progress toward
achievement of goals by reinforcing desired behavior and by setting the pace themselves. The letter
is particularly important for gaining follower’s respect and sustained commitment to set pace means
that nurse leaders must demonstrate competence, practice what they preach, and demonstrate their
belief in the followers and in what the followers are being asked to accomplish.


Hersey and colleagues noted that the leadership process is a function of the leader, the
followers, and other situational variables. The leadership process includes five interwoven

Process part 1: The leader

The values, skills, and style of leaders are important. The leader must have an honest
understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you can do. Also note that it is the followers,
not the leader or someone else who determines if the leader is successful. you have to convince your
followers, not yourself or yours superiors, that you are worthy of being followed.

Process part 2: The follower

Followership is the flip side of relationship. followers are vital because they accept or reject the
leader and determine the leader’s power.

Process 3: The situation

The specific circumstances surrounding any given leadership situation will vary. Elements such
as work demands ,control systems, amount of task structure, degree of interaction , amount of time
available for decision making, and external environment shapes the differences among situations .the
personality styles of both superiors and subordinates have an influence on the situation. What you do in
one situation will not always work in another. You must use your judgment to decide the best course of
action, and the leadership style needed for each situation.

Process part 4: communication

Communication process varies among groups as to the patterns and channels used and in regard to how
open or closed the communication flow is. Communicating is basic to the process of influencing.
Through communication the leader’s vision and messages are received by the followers.
Communication is transmitted through both verbal and non verbal modes.

Process part 5: Goals

Organizations have goals, and individuals working in organization is also have goal. These goals may
or may not be congruent.

Key leadership behaviors:

Traits are characteristics that an individual possess. Traits may or may not lead to the actions that are
required for successful leadership. It is also possible to lack leadership traits yet be able to carry out
successful leadership behaviors.

 Critical thinking:

The ability to think critically is a multistep process similar to the nursing process. Critical thinkers
must be able to analyse data, organise and plan, and use creativity in the resolution of problems.
Leaders must often make important decisions on the basis of incomplete data.

 Problem solving:

Being able to use problem solving process effectively is essential to effective l eadership. Leaders
in the health care settings, face problems that arise from many sources, including staffing and
personnel, scheduling, and administrative budget and client demands.

 Acknowledgement and respect for individual difference;

Personality is the sum total of people’s experiences. Because no two people have identical
experiences. Because no two people have identical experiences, each one has different needs,
feelings and orientations. The effective leader recognises these differences and is able tto direct the
people to their highest level of achievement given their highest level of achievement given their
varying orientations.

 Active listening:

To be effective, leaders must be able to not only hear the words that the person is saying but also
observe the body language and its underlying emotions and meaning. The experts tells that 7% of
communication, 93% is all the other non verbal content. Leaders often fail in their leadership roles
when they do not listen to the full message of the individuals they are attempting to lead.

 Skillful communication:

Communication is a complex process that involves and exchange of information and feed back.
Mistakes happen on both sides when the information being shared is incomplete or confusing.
Providing frequent and positive feed back is one of the best methods for leaders to determine how
well they are communicating and how open the communication channels remain.

 Establishment of clear goals and outcomes:


Groups who lack clear goals often feel frustrated and lost. Initially, leaders must clearly identify the
goals shared by the group and use them to motivate the group. Successful outcome is often a
thoughtful melding of the vision of the leader and the group.

 Continued personal and professional development:

One of the most valuable lessons that nursing students can learn while in nursing school is that
education does not end when they graduate-it begins. One of the primary goal of nursing education
process should be to teach the students how to learn. Life long learning is a goal that effective
leaders seek not only for themselves but also for those whom they are leading.

Ways to develop leadership qualities:

 Think of problems as opportunities

 Dream big and define the goal
 Put community before self
 Reduce Over confidence
 Never give up attitude
 Make the best of limited resources
 Team spirit


Provides direction to the influence process.
For leadership to occur, leaders must communicate the vision the their followers in such a way
that the followers adopt the vision as their own
It is essential for organizational effectiveness and success

Ability to obtain followers, compliance or request
It is a skill that can be developed , and is one of a major components of the power triangle
 Assertiveness
 Ingratiation
 Rationality
 Blocking
 Coalition
 Sanction
 Exchange
 Upward appeal
Ability to efficiently and effectively exercise authority and control through personal,
organizational and social strength
Ability to impose the will of one person or group to bring about certain behaviors in other
groups or persons


Power is the ability to obtain retain and motivate people and to organize
resources to accomplish a task.
 REWARD POWER: - The positive part on the leader to compensate or remunerates staff
members by reward, incentives, promotion, commendation etc.
 COERCIVE POWER: - The negative power of a leader to implement sanction suspension and
or termination as a form of disciplinary power.
 LEGITIMATE POWER: - Power is based on an official poison in the organization. Through
legitimate power; the manager has the right to influence staff members, and staff members have
an obligation to accept that influence.
 REFERENT POWER : - Admiration and respect, the staff feels towards a leader. Personal
qualities influence charisma.
 EXPERT POWER: - Power is based on knowledge skills and information nurses who have
expertise in areas such as physical assessment of technical skills gain respect and complain from

 INFORMAL POWER: - Is based on personal characteristics. Informal power may result from
personal relationship being in the right place at right time or unique personal characteristics
such as attractiveness, education experience.


 Represents the right to expect or secure compliance

Authority is backed by legitimacy


Line Authority – is direct supervisory authority from superior to subordinate.

o Chain of Command
o Unity of Command
o Span of Control

Staff Authority

Team Authority


Corresponding obligation and accountability for all actions done

Ability to do assigned task

Responsibilities fall into 2 categories: individual and organizational


Is answering for the result of one’s actions or omissions.

It is a form of reckoning, where one accepts the consequences of their decisions, good or bad


a) Style:
Style is a particular form of a behavior directly associated wioth an individual.
The way in which a leader uses interpersonal influences to acheivet he objective of an
One should ask why the style of functioning of a leader need to be understood?
The reasons are;
 The style of leadership affect the health care delivery system.

 A style allows the nurse to interact more productively and more harmoniously to achieve
personal and organizational goals.
b) Leadership style:
Leadership style is how a leader uses interpersonal influence to accomplish goals of an

Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and
motivating people. Kurt Lewin (1939) led a group of researchers to identify different styles of
leadership. This early study has been very influential and established three major leadership styles. The
three major styles of leadership are;

o Authoritarian or autocratic
o Participative or democratic
o Delegative or Free Reign or Laissez-Faire style of leadership
o Bureaucratic style of leadership
o Paternalistic style of leadership


Autocratic leadership is described as

 Authoritarian leadership
 Directive leadership
 The leader is referred to as “dictator”

This style of leadership is always present in nursing, where nurse manager manages by giving
orders and expecting staff members to accept them. It is also called as directive leadership, where
leader has to take immediate action or giving direction without consulting subordinates

However autocratic style of leadership is task oriented. Leader uses positional and personal power
in as authoritarian manner, retaining authority for all goal setting and, decision making and motivation
subordinated through praise blame and reward. Leaders of this kind makes decision without the
participation of the people concerned.

In autocratic style the leader is characterised by the following behaviour:

a) Strong control is maintained over the group

b) Others are motivated by coercion.
c) Communication flows downwards.
d) Decision making does not involves others.
e) Emphasis on difference and status.
f) Criticism is punitive.

When is the Autocratic Leadership Style Effective?

Following on from the merits and drawbacks listed above, the autocratic leadership style is useful in the
following work situations:
1. Short term projects with a highly technical, complex or risky element.
2. Work environments where spans of control are wide and hence the manager has little time to devote
to each employee.
3. Industries where employees need to perform low-skilled, monotonous and repetitive tasks and
generally have low levels of motivation.
4. Projects where the work performed needs to be completed to exact specifications and/or with a tight

5. Companies that suffer from a high employee turnover, i.e. where time and resources devoted to
leadership development would be largely wasted. Although one could argue that a lack of leadership
development in the first place caused the high turnover.


 Efficient in times of crisis, easy to make decision by one person than by group and less time
 It is useful when there is only one leader who is experienced, having new and essential
information while the subordinates are in-experienced and new.
 It is useful when the workers are unsure of taking decision and expect the leader to tell them
what to do.
 A more productive group ‘while the leader is watching’. 
 Improved logistics of operations. 

 Faster decision making. 

 Reduced stress due to increased control.


 Does not encourage the individuals growth and does not recognize the potentials, initiativeness
and creates less co-operation among members.
 The leader lacks supportive owet that results in decisions made with consultation although he
may be correct.
 Inhibits group participation which results in lack of growth, less job satisfaction can lead to less
commitment to the goals of organization.
 Short-termistic approach to management. 
 Manager perceived as having poor leadership skills. 
 Increased workload for the manager. 
 People dislike being ordered around. 

 Teams become dependent upon their leader. 


It is also referred to as participative or consultative style of leadership.

The leader is people oriented, which focus on the human aspect and builds effective work group.
Togetherness is emphasized.


1. This style is characterized by a sense of ‘equality’ among leaders and followers.

 The leader is people oriented
 focuses on the human aspect
 Builds effective work group
 Togetherness is emphasized
2. Open system of communication prevails
 The group participated in work related decision
3. The interaction between the leader and the group is friendly and trusting
 The leader brings the subject to be discussed to the group
 Consults
 Decision of the majority is made and implemented by the entire group
 Makes final decision after seeking input from the total group
 There for, the group feels they have important contribution to make, freedom-ideas drawn
develop sense of, responsibility for the good of the whole.
4. Leader’s works through people not by domination but by suggestions and persuasions
 The leader motivates the workers to set their own goals, makes their own work plans and
evaluates their own performance.
 Informs the overall performance purpose and the progress of the organization.

5. Performance standards exist to provide guidelines and permit appraisal of workers thus result in
high productivity

Behaviour of a leader in democratic leadership:

a) Less control is maintained.

b) Economic and ego awards are used to motivate.
c) Others are directive through suggestions and guidance.
d) Communication flows up to down
e) Decision making involves others.
f) Emphasis in “We” rather than I and You.
g) Criticism is constructive.

When Is The Democratic Leadership Style Effective?

1.  Democratic leadership is applied to an extent in the manufacturing industry, to allow employees to

give their ideas on how processes can become leaner and more efficient. While ‘Fordism’ is still
applied in some factories across the country, truth is that production managers are now really
starting to harness the motivational bonuses associated with not treating employees like robots
2. Democratic leadership is effective in professional organisations where the emphasis is clearly on
training, professional & leadership development and quality of work performed. Democratic
procedures are simply just one cog in the effective leadership mechanisms firms like The Big
Four have created over the years. 
3.  Non profit organisations also tremendously benefit from drawing upon the creative energies of all
their staff to bring about cost cutting techniques or fund raising ideas. 
4.  As previously mentioned, creative industries such as advertising and television enjoy alot of
benefits from the free flow of ideas that democratic leadership brings.


 It permits and encourages all employees to practice decision making skills.

 It promotes personal involvement. Suggestions are welcomed, this results in greater
commitment to work and enhanced job satisfaction.
 Decision made by the group are more effective than by the leader alone. Members may have
more information than the leader.
 Positive work environment. 
 Successful initiatives. 
  Creative thinking. 
 Reduction of friction and office politics.
 Reduced employee turnover. 


 It takes more time for making the decisions by the group than the leader alone. However the
advantages overweigh the negative outcomes.

 Lengthy and ‘boring’ decision making. 

 Danger of pseudo participation. 


This style is also referred to as the “freedom style” or permissive leadership. This type of
leader denies responsibilities and abdicates authority to the group, ie; the leader leaves all decision
making and decision making to the group. Here he leader chooses not to adopt a leadership roles and
actually abdicates the leadership positions. It may be due to lack of self confidence and fear of failure.
The leader may think that subordinates will perform better if a great deal of freedom is given. This style
is effective where the subordinates are highly motivated and experienced.

Characteristics features

1. This leadership encourages independent activity by the group members.

 An outsider would not be able to identify the leader in such a group.
 The leader exerts little or no influence on the group members.
 There is lack of central direction, supervision, coordination and control.
2. Group members are free to set their own goals determine their own activities and allowed to do
almost what they desire to do.
 A variety of goals may be set by every individual and it will be difficult to carry out to
accomplish the task by the group easily.
3. This style may be chon by the leader or it may evolve because;
 The leader is too weak to exert influence on the group.
 Attempting to please everyone to feel good.
 Fails to function as an effective leader.
4. This style is effective in highly professional group. For e/g. research projects are independent
thinking is rewarded or when the leader feels that the problem must be solved by the group
5. This style is not useful in a highly structured health care system or any institution.

The group where there is no appointed leader will fall in this category

Behaviour of the leader in laissez faire type of leadership:

a) He/she is permissive with little or no control.

b) Motivates by support when requested by the group or individual.
c) Little or no direction is provided.
d) Communication is between members of the group and upward and downward.
e) Decision making is dispersed throughout the group.
f) Emphasis on the group.
g) Criticism not given


 In limited situations creativity may be encouraged for specific purposes. Eg. Highly qualified
people plan a new approach to a problem that need freedom of action.
 To try new method of actions.


 May lead to instability, disorganization, inefficiency, no unity of actions.

 Neither the group, nor any one in the group will feel to be responsible to solve the problems that
may arise. The individual members will lose the interest, initiative and desire for achievement.



a. Control over the Strong Less Little or none

a. Motivation By coercion Economic/ego awrds By support

b. Direction By command Suggestion/guidance Little, upwards &

c. Decision Self Participative dispersed


d. Status I and You We The group


e. criticism punitive Constructive none


In this kind of leadership the leader functions only on lines with rules and regulations. The
leader cannot be flexible and does not like to take any risks out of the rules. The bureaucratic leadership
style is concerned with ensuring workers, follow rules and procedures accurately and consistently.
Bureaucratic leadership normally has the following characteristics.

1. Leaders expect an employee to display a formal, business like attitude in the workplace and
between each other.
2. Managers gain instant authority with their position because rules demands that employees pay
them certain privileges, such as being able to sign off on all major decisions. As a result, leader
suffer from ‘position power’. Leadership development becomes pointless, because only titles
and roles provide any real control or power.
3. Employees are rewarded for their ability to adhere to the rules and follow procedures perfectly.
4. Bureaucratic systems usually, gradually develop over a long period of time and hence more
commonly found in large and old buiseness.


 Increased safety
In dangerous work places where procedures saves lives, a bureaucratic management
styles can help enforce health and safety rules.
 Quality work
Some tasks such as, completing professional works or medical examinations, need to be
done in a meticulous fashion. Laziness can result in poor work, and hence one solution is to
enforce the rules via bureaucratic leadership style.
 Ultimate control

An environment where by employes are intrinsically motivated to follow rules in order

to be promoted and succeed results in the tightest control management can ever assume over a
company. This control can be used to cut costs or improve productivity.


 Dehumanizes the business


Bureaucratic companies tend to remove as much potential for human error, out of the picture
as possible. Unfortunately this also has the effect of removing all the enjoyment and reward that
comes from deciding how to do a task and accomplishing it.
 Lack of self fulfillment:

The bureaucratic way of working hampers employees efforts to become successful and
independent, because the system becomes too constraining.

 Position power obsession

 Lack of creativity
 Poor communication

When is the bureaucratic style effective?

It is found in extremely large corporations such as General Electric, Daimler and General Motors.

1. Government bodies often have bureaucratic systems, and while these are often despised by the
public, they ensure accountability to the tax payer and fair treatment for all. Excessive form
filling also serves the purpose oof passing effort from the government authority (with a tight
budget) onto the individual, helping to save costs.
2. Dangerous workplaces such as, mines, oil riges, construction sites and film sets, all benefits
from the tight control over health and safety that rules over.


Paternalism has at times been equated with leadership styles. Yet most definitions of leadership
normally state or imply that one of the actions within leadership is that of influencing. Leadership is
influencing people — by providing purpose, direction, and motivation — while operating to
accomplish the mission and improving the organization.

“Paternalism” is defined as (Webster):

“a system under which an authority undertakes to supply needs or regulate conduct of those under its
control in matters affecting them as individuals as well as in their relationships to authority and to each


A transactional leader is defined as a leader or manager who functions in a care taker role and
is focused on day to day operations. Such leaders survey their followers needs and set goals for them
based on what can be done expected from the followers.

A transactional leader is focused on the maintenance and management or ongoing and routine work.

In transactional leadership, leader and followers engage in a reciprocal transaction.

Bearing this transaction, the roles and tasks of the follower are clarified and assigned as the group
towards accomplish goal. The approach emphasizes getting things done within the umbrella of the
status quo; almost in opposition to the goals of the transformational leadership. It's considered to be a
"by the book" approach in which the person works within the rules. As such, it's commonly seen in
large, bureaucratic organizations.

The transactional leader is more common. This type of leader approaches follower in an
exchange posture, with the purpose of exchanging one thing for another. Such as politician who
promises jobs for votes. Burns said that transactional leadership occurs when the leader taken the
initiative in contacting others for the exchange of valuable things.

Transformational leadership

A transformational leader is defined as a leader who motivates followers to perform to their

full potential over time by influencing a change in persons and by providing a sense of direction.
Transformational leaders use charisma, individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation to
provide greater effort, effectiveness, and satisfaction in followers. The primary focus of
the transformational leadership style is to make change happen in:

 Our Self,
 Others,
 Groups, and
 Organizations

The transformational style requires a number of different skills and is closely associated with two other
leadership styles: charismatic and visionary leadership. Transformational leadership encompasses the
intuitive and emotional nature of people and inspire followers to high levels of commitment and effort
to achieve group goals which emphasizing interpersonal relationship trans formational leaders gain the
respect and trust of their followers; instill in them a sense of pride and ,mission, communicate high
expectations promote intelligent, rational problem solving; and give followers individualized
consideration it is leadership that creates purposes for institutions.

 The Emergent Leadership Style

Contrary to the belief of many, groups do not automatically accept a new "boss" as leader. We see a
number of ineffective managers who didn't know the behaviors to use when one taking over a new

 Charisma is a special leadership style commonly associated with transformational leadership.

While extremely powerful, it is extremely hard to teach.

 Visionary Leadership, The leadership style focuses on how the leader defines the future for
followers and moves them toward it.

 Strategic Leadership: This is practiced by the military services such as the US Army, US Air
Force, and many large corporations. It stresses the competitive nature of running an
organization and being able to out fox and out witH the competition.

 Team Leadership

A few years ago, a large corporation decided that supervisors were no longer needed and those in
charge were suddenly made "team leaders." Today, companies have gotten smarter about how to
exert effective team leadership, but it still takes leadership to transition a group into a team.

 Facilitative Leadership

This is a special style that anyone who runs a meeting can employ. Rather than being directive, one
uses a number of indirect communication patterns to help the group reach consensus.

 Cross-Cultural Leadership

Not all individuals can adapt to the leadership styles expected in a different culture whether that culture
is organizational or national. In fact, there is some evidence that American and Asian Leadership
Styles are very different, primarily due to cultural factors.

Leadership Grid

It is the graphical tool for evaluating leader behaviour along two basic attributes concern for results and
concern for people. Effective leadership styles exhibit high levels of both attributes.

The Grid itself is a framework for understanding various approaches to leadership, and how those
different approaches can harness or impede potential. It has two components: Concern for Production
and Concern for People, which are measured on a scale from 1 to 9.

How it works.
Concern for Production refers to commitment to expected outcome, such as number of units produced,
time expended, sales volume, quality level - whatever a team is responsible for producing.

Concern for People refers to attitude towards superiors, peers or subordinates, and include concerns
about job satisfaction, quality of work life, training/development, working conditions, salary structure,
fringe benefits, job security etc.


Because strong management skills are historically valued more than strong leadership skills, the
scientific study of leadership did not begin until the 20 th century. Early works focused on the broad
conceptualization of leadership, such as the traits or behaviours of the leader. Contemporary research
focuses more on leadership as a process oof influencing others within an organizational culture and the
interactive relationship of the leader nad the follower. To better understand the newer views about
leadership, it is necessary to look at how leadership theory has evolved over the last century.


Great Man thoery Promotes the concept that certain peopke were born to
be leaders, because they inherited a certain set of special
characteristics qualifying them for such responsibilities.
Because leaders are “born” , this theory suggest that
leadership cannot be developed.
b. Attribution theory Suggesta that the leadership relates to personal attributes
people tend to characterize leaders as having such as
height, social background, creativity, assertiveness,
initiative, integrity, ability, intelligence etc
c. Charismatic theory Often listed as a quality of other theories, this theory
relates to a special charm or assure possessed by the
leader that inspires others to follow and give allegiance.
Sometimes this type of leadership is said to emerge in
times of crisis and change.
a. Ohio state leadership Describes leadership behaviour as related to initiating
studies structure and consideration of employees.
b. Michigan leadership Describes leader behaviour as employee oriented or
studies producton oriented.
c. Managerial grid Identifies five management styles best described on a
grid, in which each style combines element of concern
for production and concern for people.

a. Contingency theory Examines factors in the situation, particularly the skills
of the leader and that individual’s position of power in
the organization, as determinants of leader
b. Path-Goal thoery Relataes effective leadership to the leader’s ability to
minimize obstruction to goals, identifies outcomes that
workers want to achieve, and reward the followers for
high performance and achievement, thereby increasing
worker satisfaction and productivity.
c. Transactional leadership Examines leadership in terms of striking a bargain in
(sometimes referred to as which there is a mutual exchange between leaders and
Exchange leadership) followers of benefits for work. Leader diagnoses
problems int the organization, work group or situation
and is a caretaker who facilitates workers motivation,
ssatisfaction, and performance.
a. Transformational Places emphasis on the collective purpose and mutual
leadership growth of both the leader and the follower and de-
emphasises differences in the roles of a leader and
followers. Leader activities include creating a vision,
building relationships, developing trust, and building
self-esteem. Leader makes sub-ordinates aware of how
important their jobs are, helps them build skills, and
motivates them to work for the good of the organization.


This theory attempts to classify what personality characteristics sucha s physical, personality and
mental are assosciated with leadership success. Trait theory has a belief that leadrs are born with certain
wualities that determine leadership ability and success and relies on research that relates various traits
to the success of a leader. A broad classification of six categories of traits are as follows.

1. Physical characteristics of a leader such as age, height, weight etc.

2. Background characteristics sucha s education, social status, mobility and experience.
3. Intelligence – ability, judgement, knowledge.
4. Personality, aggressiveness, alertness, dominance, enthusiasm, extroversion,
independence, self-confidence, authoritarianism.
5. Task oriented characteristics- achievement need, responsibility, initiativeness,
6. Social characteristics – supervisory ability, co-operativeness, popularity, prestige, tact,

According to this theory, the leader is gifted with or develops certain physical, intellectual, or
personality characteristics.


The Great Man Theory and trait theories were the basis for most of the leadership research until the mid
1940s. Focuses on certain characteristics of the leader until mid 1940s, the trait theory was the basis for
leadership research. Early work in this area maintained that traits are inherited, but later theories
suggest that traits could be obtained through learning and experiences. The Great Man theory, from
Aristotelian philosophy, asserts what some people are born to lead whereas others are born to be led. It
also suggests that great leaders will arise when the situation demands it.

Trait theories assumes that some people have certain characteristics or personality traits make them
better leaders than others. To determine the traits that distinguish great leaders, researchers studied the
lives of prominent people throughout history. The effect of followers and the impact of the situation
were ignored. Contemporary opponents of these theories argue, however that leadership skills can be
developed, not just inherited.

In the trait approach, theorists have sought to understand leadership by examining the characteristics of
leaders. The trait list has generated multiple lists of traits proposed to be essential for leadership.
Researchers identified the leadership traits as; energy, drive, enthusiasm, ambition, aggressiveness,
decisiveness, self- assurance, friendliness, affection, honesty, fairness, loyalty, dependability, technical
mastery teaching skills. Later researches arrived at some common leadership traits.

They are;

Intelligence: leaders need to be more intelligent than the group.

Initiative: leaders must be initiative and have the ability to perceive and start courses of acting which
are not considered by others.

Creative: creativity is an asset, having originality; the ability to think of new solutions to problems and
ideas of new ways to be productive is helpful for a leader.

Emotional maturity with integrity: Emotional maturity is very much essential trait of a leader. Other
trait is persistence dependability and objectivity. Mature leaders do what they say and are consistent in
their action which is referred to integrity.

Communication: Communication skills are important. The leader needs to understand others speak
and write clearly.

Persuasion: Communication is used by leaders to gain the consent of followers’ .The leader makes
suggestions, supply supportive data, ask penetrating or exploring questions, make compromise and
request action to persuade others.


People may be leaders because they are charismatic, but relatively little is known about this intangible
characteristics. What constitutes charisma? It is an inspirational quality possessed by some people that
makes others feel better in their presence. The charismatic leader inspires others by obtaining emotional
commitment from followers and by arousing stron feelings of loyality and enthusiasm. Under
charismatic leadership, one may overcome obstacles not thought possible. Howver, because charisma is
so elusive, some ,ay sense it while others do not.

Charismatic leaders have a strong conviction in their own beliefs, high self confidence, and a need for
power. They are likely to set an example, by their behaviour, commun icate high expectationsto
followers and express confidence in them, and arouse motives for the group’s miossion.

Charisma is more likely attributed to a leader aho advocates a vision discrepent from the status quo,
emerges during a crisis, accurately assess the situation, communicate self-confidence, uses personal
power, makes self sacrifices, and uses unconventional strategies. Followers may idolize and worship
charismatic leaders as spiritual figures or super-humans. This blind obedience can lead to good or bad
outcomes, such as group suicide. Both Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler can be classified as
charismatic leaders. Transformational leaders use charisma for good things only.


Ohio State Studies

• Initiating Structure

– The extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of
subordinates in the search for goal attainment

• Consideration

– The extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual
trust, respect for subordinates’ ideas, and regard for their feelings

University of Michigan Studies

• Employee Oriented

• A leader who emphasizes interpersonal relations, takes a personal interest in the needs of
employees, and accepts individual differences among members.

• Production Oriented

• A leader who emphasizes technical or task aspects of the Job


The managerial grid model (1957) is a behavioral leadership model developed by Robert R.

Blake and Jane Mouton. This model originally identified five different leadership styles based on
the concern for people and the concern for production. The optimal leadership style in this model is
based on Theory Y.

The Managerial Grid focuses on task (production) and employee (people) orientations of managers, as
well as combinations of concerns between the two extremes. A grid with concern for production on the
horizontal axis and concern for people on the vertical axis and plots five basic leadership styles. The
first number refers to a leader's production or task orientation; the second, to people or employee
orientation. The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid (Blake & Mouton, 1964)

Blake and Mouton propose that “Team Management” - a high concern for both employees and
production - is the most effective type of leadership behaviour.

• Leaders may be concerned for their people and they also must also have some concern for the
work to be done. The question is, how much attention to they pay to one or the other?

• The managerial grid model (1957) is a behavioral leadership model developed by Robert Blake
and Jane Mouton. This model originally identified five different leadership styles based on the
concern for people and the concern for production.

• The Managerial Grid was the original name. It later changed to the Leadership Grid.

Behavioural Elements

Grid theory breaks behaviour down into seven key elements:

Element Description

 Initiative Taking action, driving and supporting

 Inquiry Questioning, researching and verifying understanding

 Advocacy Expressing convictions and championing ideas

 Decision Making Evaluating resources, choices and consequences

 Conflict Resolution Confronting and resolving disagreements

 Resilience Dealing with problems, setbacks and failures

 Critique Delivering objective, candid feedback


Situational theories become popular during 1950s. The idea that leadership style should vary according
to the situation or the individuals involved was first suggested almost 100 years ago by Mary Parker
Follett, on eof the earliest management consultants and among the first to view an organization as a
social system of contingencies.

Situational theories focuses on the frequency of the observed behaviours to make predictions. The
leader observes abilities and motives in the followers. One choice of a leader has is to alter his or her
own behaviour and the leadership style used. A leader would choose to alter his or her behaviour and

Among the variables that determine the effectiveness of leadership such as;

 The personality of a leader

 The performance requirements of both the leader and followers
 The degree of interpersonal contact possible
 Time pressures
 Physical environment
 Organizational structure
 The nature of the organization
 The state of the organizations development
 The influence of the leader outside the group

A person may be a leader in one situation and a follower in other situations, because the types of
leadership required depends on the situation. A leader would choose hios or her behaviour and style if
the needs and motives of the followers varied. Personal flexibility and leadership skills are needed to
vary one’s style when the followers needs and motives are different. The ability to diagnose, choose
and alter behaviour to implement a leadership style best matched to the situation is a critical skill
needed for effective leadership. Thus no, one leadership is optimal in all situations. The nature of the
situation need to be considered. Styles can be chosen to match the situation.

Important Features of Situational Leadership:

• Situational leadership is new addition to the existing styles of leadership.

• An ideal leader (according to this theory) studies the overall situation, draws conclusions and
adopts the leadership style which is most appropriate to the prevailing situation. This is the
essence of situational leadership theory.

• The best leadership style according to this theory is situational.

• An ideal leader is one who can adjust his style of functioning as per the situation within which
he has to operate. This means the internal and external environment to the enterprise.

• A leader may act as a dictator at one time and also as a democratic leader on some other
occasion. A good leader is one who studies the situation around him and adopts the most
suitable leadership style.

• A situational leadership is a combination of all types of leadership.

• A situational leader knows different leadership styles but selects one particular style, which is
most, appropriate to a given situation/environment.

• A situational leader adopts flexible approach in his style of functioning. This makes his
leadership effective and result-oriented. A situational leader knows when to use autocratic style
and when to use democratic style. He makes corresponding adjustment in his style. This makes
him effective/successful as a leader.

Merits of Situational Leadership:


• The situational leadership theory is a practical one and is based on real facts of life. The best
leadership style is situational.

• The situational theory has universal acceptance.

• It focuses attention not on the personality of the leader, but on the personality of the
Organisation as a whole.

• The situational leadership theory is flexible and adaptable. It can operate in any style
(autocratic, democratic, etc.) as per the need of the situation.

Limitations of Situational Leadership.

• In situational leadership, more importance is given to the situation and less to personal traits.
Leadership should involve both traits and situations. However, the theory gives importance to
situation only.

• The theory offers an incomplete explanation of the leadership process.


Fred Fielder introduced the contingency model of leadership in 1960s. He argued that a leadership style
will be effective or ineffective, dependent on the situation. He identified three aspects of a situation that
structures the leaders role.

1. Leader – member relations

2. Task structure
3. Position power

Leader member relations involve the amount the amount of confidence and loyality the followers have
in their leader.

Task structure is high if it is easy to define and measure a task. The structure is low if it is difficult to
define the task and to measure progress towards its completion. Fielder used four criteria to determine
the degree of task structure.

1. Goal clarity and goal understood by the followers.

2. Extend to which a decision can be verified, know who is responsible for that.
3. Multiplicity of a goal paths, number of solutions.
4. Specificity of a solution: number of correct answers.
Technical nursing which focus on procedures may have numerous solutions involving human
relations and value judgments may have numerous solutions with no specific correct answer and
consequently have low task structure.
Position power refers to the authority inherent in a position Tthe power to use the rewards and
punishments and the organizations support of one’s decisions.

Directors of nursing, managers, and sometimes patient care coordinators have high position, or
be subjected to removal by peer group or subordinators.
Elected committee, chair persons, team leaders and staff nurses usually have low position

These theories suggest that the traits required of a leader differ according to varying situations. Among
the variables that determine the effectiveness of leadership such as;


Robert J House derived path-goal theory from expectancy theory.

 The expectancy theory argues that the people act as they do because they expect their behavior
to produce satisfactory results.
 In the path-goal relationship, the leader facilitates task accomplishment by minimizing
obstructions to the goals and by rewarding followers for completing their tasks.
 The leader helps the staff to assess the needs, explore alternatives.
 Helps them to make the most beneficial decisions
 Rewards personal for task achievements.
 Provides additional opportunities for satisfying goal accomplishments.

The path-goal theory intrinsically rests on the expectancy theory which states that an individual
cognitively determines his motivation based on amount of effort required, the rewards or returns of the
effort and the importance the individual gives to the rewards.

Leaders who practiced structured activities have more productive work groups and got higher
performance evaluations from the superiors. Structure includes planning, organizing, directing and
controlling through activities such as clarifying expectations, scheduling work, making assignments,
determining procedures and setting standards.

Path-Goal theory defines the role of a leader as one who defines the goal and lays down the path for the
subordinate that facilitates completion of goal.

• Clarifies the task scope, boundaries and the process.

• Clarifies the role and responsibilities of the subordinates.

• Clarifies the criteria on which both the task success and subordinates accomplishments will
be judged.

• Provides guidance and coaching.

• Removes obstacles that might affect the task completion.

• Provide psychological support and rewards as way to complement the work environment.

Components of Path-Goal Leadership:


• Leadership Style

• Subordinate Preference

• Task Structure

Here are 4 types of leadership behaviors as per the path-goal theory of leadership which effective
project leaders use time to time knowingly or unknowingly.

• Achievement-oriented Leadership – Such project leaders set challenging goals, expects them

to perform at highest level, Shows confidence in their ability to meet the expectation.

• Directive Leadership – Such project leaders let followers know what is expected and tells
them how to perform their tasks.

• Participative Leadership – Such project leaders consult the followers, asks for their

suggestions before making a decision.

• Supportive Leadership – Such project leaders are friendly and approachable and shows

concern for the follower’s well being.

Strengths of Path-Goal:

• It is the first attempt to provide an expanded framework which combines the previous works of
situational, contingent leadership and expectancy theory.

• It is also the first theory to emphasize the importance of motivational factors from the
subordinate perspective.

• It defines very practical and clear roles for a leader.

Criticism of Path-Goal:

• It is very complex theory since it considers more parameters and requires analysis of those
parameters to effectively choose leadership style.

• It is challenging to evaluate and analyze various components of the theory in real organizational

• It is also criticized for placing a great deal of responsibilities on the leader and less on the
subordinates, thus it might make the subordinates more dependent on leadership and inhibit
their independent growth.


Transactional leadership focuses on management tasks and trade-offs to meet tha goals. It is an
exchange posture that identifies the needs of followers and provides rewards to meet these needs in
exchange for expected performance. It is a contract for mutual benefits that has contingent rewards. The
leader or manager is a care taker who sets goals for employees, focuses on day-to-day operations, and
uses management by exception. It is a competitive, task focused approach that takes place in the

hierarchy. It tends to maintain the status quo through policies, procedures routinized performances, self
interest and interpersonal dependence.

Burns (1978) said that transactional leadership occurs when the leader takes the initiative in contacting
others for the exchange of valued things. Therefore transactional leadership is comparable to a bargain
or contract for mutual benefits that aids the individual differences of both the leader and the follower.
Key characteristics are contingent rewards and management by exception. Expected effort and expected
performance are the outcomes. The transactional leader works within the existing organizational culture
and is an essential component of effective leadership.

Eg. In Nursing, exchange of salary for the services of a nurse to provide care.



A transformational leader is defined as a leader who motivates followers to perform their full potential
over time by influencing a change in perceptions and by providing a sense of direction. They use
charisma, individualized consideration and individual stimulation to produce greater effort,
effectiveness and satisfaction in followers.

Transformational leadership occurs when person engages with others to higher levels f motivation and
ethical decision making. Instead of emphasising difference between the leader and followers,
transformational leadership focuses on collective purpose and mutual growth and development. This
type of leadership is used for higher order change and to change the organizations culture.

Eg. In Nursing, “magnet Hospitals” where the nursing organizations facilitates the best efforts in their

Transformational leadership I a concept that is useful dn applicable to nnursing. Organizations with a

transformational leader would exhibit characteristics such as pride and satisfaction in tej work,
enthusiasm, team spirit, a sense of accomplishment, and satisfaction.

Factors underlying the effectiveness o transformational leadership;

Individual consideration
Intellectual stimulation

Transformational leadership qualities appear to be better suited to the work of professionals.


During the human relations era, many behavioural and social scientists studying management also
studied leadership. As leadership theory developed, researchers moved away from studying ehat traits
the leader had and placed emphasis on what he or she did – the leader’s style of leadership. A major
breakthrough occurred when Lewin (1951) and White and zLippitt (1960) isolate common leadership

styles. The four styles of leadership based on the behavioural theory.

According to the theory, a leader bhaves according to the role expectations of the group. This theorists
believe that leadership style, like other behaviours can be learned., regulated and developed. The
effectiveness of each leadership style depends upon the situation. As the situation changes, the effective
manager adapts by changing leadership behaviour.


This theory was developed dby Elton Mayo and Fritz Roethlisberger after conducting series of studies
from 1924 to 1932 at Howthrone Western electric plan, Chicago to test several assumption of scientific
management. They believe that real power centres within the organization are the interpersonal
relationship established within the wok organization these studies aimed at finding out if changes in
illumination, rest period and lunch breaks can affect the productivity of the workers. It was found that
less light, shorter and fewer rest periods and shorter lunch breaks resulted in increased productivity.
Increased in productivity was attributed to the attitude of the workers towards each other and their
feeling of togetherness. In addition attention paid to the workers by researcher made them feel
important which resulted in improvement in their work performance. It suggest that organization should
be developed around human relationship including those between leaders, managers and employees.
These finding of the study concluded that a leader not only should plan, decide, organise and lead and
control but also consider the human element.


Dougla sMc Gregor (1960) categorised leadership style into two categories in his theory, ie. Theory X
and theory Y., having two different beliefs and assumptions about subordinates.

Manager, who believes in theory X and assumes that people inherently dislike work and will avoid it
when possible and the average individual prefers to be directed, wants to avoid responsibility and is
more interested in financial incentives than personal achievement. Therefore the style of leadership
exercises strong controls and directions and wherever necessary punish people if they do not do the
work of people do the work as desired, they may even get monetary or other rewards.

In contrast to the theory X, the theory Y provides a more accurate assessment of human nature, one
that encourages workers to develop their full potential. This theory Y assumes that employees can
enjoy physical and mental work just as they enjoy play and rest. employees are capable of self
motivation and job satisfaction, if they are happy in the organization and committed to its goals. Under
proper condition the average person learns both to seek and accept responsibility. The capacity to apply
creativity in solving organizational problems is widely, not narrowly distribute d among the workers.
Theory Y leader assumes that people will work hard and assume responsibility if they can satisfy their
personal needs and the objectives or goals of their organizations.

It is suggested that theory Y organization will satisfy higher human needs, resulting in greater
employee responsibility and in turn , higher productivity. An effective leader need to examine carefully
his own ideas about the motivation and behaviour of the subordinates and others, as well as situation,
before adapting any particular leadership.


 "Leaders manage and managers lead, but the two activities are not synonymous…. Management
functions can potentially provide leadership; leadership activities can contribute to managing.
Nevertheless, some managers do not lead, and some leaders do not manage".

 Leadership is setting a new direction or vision for a group that they follow, ie: a leader is the
spearhead for that new direction

 Management controls or directs people/resources in a group according to principles or values

that have already been established.

a) Managers have subordinates

By definition, managers have subordinates - unless their title is honorary and given as a mark of
seniority, in which case the title is a misnomer and their power over others is other than formal

Authoritarian, transactional style

Managers have a position of authority vested in them by the company, and their subordinates work for
them and largely do as they are told. Management style is transactional, in that the manager tells the
subordinate what to do, and the subordinate does this not because they are a blind robot, but because
they have been promised a reward (at minimum their salary) for doing so.

Work focus

Managers are paid to get things done (they are subordinates too), often within tight constraints of time
and money. They thus naturally pass on this work focus to their subordinates.

Seek comfort

An interesting research finding about managers is that they tend to come from stable home backgrounds
and led relatively normal and comfortable lives. This leads them to be relatively risk-averse and they
will seek to avoid conflict where possible. In terms of people, they generally like to run a 'happy ship'.

b) Leaders have followers

Leaders do not have subordinates - at least not when they are leading. Many organizational leaders do
have subordinates, but only because they are also managers. But when they want to lead, they have to
give up formal authoritarian control, because to lead is to have followers, and following is always a
voluntary activity.

Charismatic, transformational style

Telling people what to do does not inspire them to follow you. You have to appeal to them, showing
how following them will lead to their hearts' desire. They must want to follow you enough to stop what
they are doing and perhaps walk into danger and situations that they would not normally consider

Leaders with a stronger charisma find it easier to attract people to their cause. As a part of their
persuasion they typically promise transformational benefits, such that their followers will not just
receive extrinsic rewards but will somehow become better people.

People focus

Although many leaders have a charismatic style to some extent, this does not require a loud personality.
They are always good with people, and quiet styles that give credit to others (and takes blame on
themselves) are very effective at creating the loyalty that great leaders engender. Although leaders are
good with people, this does not mean they are friendly with them. In order to keep the mystique of
leadership, they often retain a degree of separation and aloofness.

This does not mean that leaders do not pay attention to tasks - in fact they are often very achievement-
focused. What they do realize, however, is the importance of enthusing others to work towards their

Seek risk

In the same study that showed managers as risk-averse, leaders appeared as risk-seeking, although they
are not blind thrill-seekers. When pursuing their vision, they consider it natural to encounter problems
and hurdles that must be overcome along the way. They are thus comfortable with risk and will see
routes that others avoid as potential opportunities for advantage and will happily break rules in order to
get things done.

A surprising number of these leaders had some form of handicap in their lives which they had to
overcome. Some had traumatic childhoods, some had problems such as dyslexia, others were shorter
than average. This perhaps taught them the independence of mind that is needed to go out on a limb and
not worry about what others are thinking about you.


Subject Leader Manager

Essence Change Stability

Focus Leading people Managing work

Have Followers Subordinates

Horizon Long-term Short-term

Seeks Vision Objectives

Approach Sets direction  Plans detail

Decision Facilitates Makes

Power Personal charisma Formal authority

Appeal to Heart Head

Energy Passion Control

Culture Shapes Enacts

Dynamic Proactive Reactive

Persuasion Sell Tell

Style Transformational Transactional

Exchange Excitement for work Money for work

Likes Striving Action

Wants Achievement Results

Risk Takes Minimizes

Rules Breaks Makes

Conflict Uses Avoids

Direction New roads Existing roads

Truth Seeks Establishes


Concern What is right Being right

Credit Gives Takes

Blame Takes Blames

Difference between managers and leaders: Leaders and Managers Do

Managers Leaders

Working in the system Working on the system

react Create oppurtunities
controlrisks Seek oppurtunities
Enforce organizational rules Change organizational rules

Seek and then follow direction Provide a vision to believe in and strategic

Control people by pushing them in the right Motivate people by satisfying basic human
direction needs

Coordinate effort Inspire achievement and energize people

Provide instructions Coach followers, create self-leaders, and

empower them

 The manager administers; the leader innovates.

 The manager maintains; the leader develops.
 The manager accepts reality; the leader investigates it.
 The manager focuses on systems and structures; the leader focuses on people.
 The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust.
 The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective.
 The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.
 The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line; the leader has his or her eye on
the horizon.
 The manager imitates; the leader originates.
 The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.
 The manager is the classic good soldier; the leader is his or her own person.


In examining leadership, it is clear that it is essential in influencing people to accomplish

their goals. It is a social relationship in which one party has greater ability to influence the behaviour of
another. The style of leadership depends upon the the type of power, relationship, profession, human
relations etc. there is no any type of leadership that dominates the other. While examining leadership
and management, it becomes cklear that these two concepts are having a symbolic or synergestic
relationship. Every nurse is a leader and manager at some level, ad the nursing role requires leadership
and management skills.


1. Bessie. L Marquis, Carol. J Huston. Leadership Roles And Management Functions In

Nursing. Lippincott Williams And Wilkins. 6th Edition. 2009.P:37-45
2. Janice Ridder Ellis,Celia Love Hartley. Nursing In Today’s World. Trends, Issues And
Management. Lippincott Williams And Wilkins. 9th Edition. 2008. P: 475-486
3. Diane L Huber. Leadership And Nursing Care Management. Elsevier Publications. 3 rd
Edition. 2000. P: 4-29
4. B T Basvanthappa. Nursing Administration. Jaypee Publications. 1st Edition, 2007. P:
5. Russell C Swansburg, Richard J Swansburg. Introductory Management And Leadership
Fornurses. Jones And Barlett Publications. 2nd Edition, 1998. P: 456-476
6. Barbara Cerry, Susan K Jacob. Textbook Of Contemporary Nursing. Mosby’s
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7. Sovenier 2010. XXIII TNAI Binneal Conference. P: 65-68
8. www.scribd .com

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