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Statement of Purpose

Applicants Name: Arafat Rahman Swan

Passport No: BF 0008821
Date Of Birth: 30/09/1998

My Name is Arafat Rahman Swan, living in Bangladesh. My permanent addressis Tumchar,

Muladi, Muladi, Barisal. Currently I am living in Mohammadpur Dhaka. My father is Md.
MajaburRahamanDulal is an Advocate by profession and my mother Rina Nasrin is a housewife. I
have a younger brother who is study in grade 11th at St. Joseph School and College, Dhaka.

I have completed my Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C) back in 2014 from Jagrany Secondary
School and Got GPA-3.94 out of 5.00. I was a candidate of HSC examination of 2016. But at time
of my examination my mother was sick. There are no other member in family to look after my
mother. As a result I had to take care my mother. For that reason I could not appear in HSC
examination. After that I tried to complete my further study from Russia. But unfortunately I did
not get visa. Then I completed my Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C) in 2017 from Govt. Syed
Hatem Ali College and got GPA-4.83 out of 5.00. Now I decide to complete my Bachelor of
Business from Federation University, Australia. My father is a Lawyer. He will bear my all
expenses during my entire study period of Australia.

Business activity affects the daily lives of all people, as they work, spend, save, invest, travel, and
play. Business influences jobs, incomes, and opportunities for personal enterprise and
development. Business has a significant effect not only on the standard of living and quality of life,
but also on the environment in which people live. Studying business involves not only involves
studying individuals, communities, and organizations, it involves assessing their needs and
problems, as well as generating solutions. This subject will build a strong foundation for those
students who wish to move on to further study and training in specialized areas such as
management, international business, marketing, accounting, information and communication
technology, or entrepreneurship. It will also provide practical skills for those who wish to move
directly into the workplace. Business studies also provides students with a new, practical context
for many of the subjects they have studied, including mathematics, science and technology,
language, and social studies. It will help students to recognize the relevance of these subjects as
they are applied in the world of business – for example, in helping people with their needs,
challenges, and problems; and in creating products and services that help to improve the quality of
life. Business studies demonstrate how a variety of areas of study can be combined in productive
activity. It provides an increased understanding of mutual dependence through business system, as
people becoming increasingly dependent on others. Finally, as the business environment is
dynamic and ever-changing, it can be an important tool to develop skills to cope with change.

Federation University is somewhat unique for many years Federation University has been in the
forefront of enterprise and innovation. It boasts up-to- date teaching and research facilities, library,
studio and lecture theatres and is known for its distinctive academic programs. A multitude of
students study a variety of 50 specialized areas in nine specialist schools. The University's five
campuses support its range of subjects with a personalized learning environment unrivalled by any
other tertiary institution in Australia. Postgraduate coursework and research degrees are offered at
FedUni. The coursework postgraduate courses offered at the University include graduate
certificates, graduate diplomas, postgraduate diplomas and masters. Research study areas on the
other hand include regional studies, community resilience, rural health and ageing, innovation in
coal, geotechnical and hydro geo technical engineering and agricultural, environmental and animal
science. FedUni supports all postgraduate students with services that focus on specific needs. The
university offers individual training and research assistance as well as group workshops.
Information librarians are available by appointment to work with students at all stages of their
course. Federation University rankings within Australia include being placed at number 29= on the
ERA scale (2012) and being a 3 Star AEN rated university. FedUni also has a student survey
satisfaction rating of 86% for business 86.2% for health 81.5% for arts 86.2% for science. Similar
course is offered by Macquarie University, UTS or La Trobe University but the tuition fee of
Federation University is lower than those universities.

As a student of Business Studies, I have found the course really interesting & it was the course that
I was always good at. So, I think, learning on this subject from such a renowned institution & in
Australia will help me become proficient & expert in this sector & at the same time pursue a better
future. Besides, this university will equip me with professional skills in accounting, finance,
economics, statistics & business law. The program will introduce me to the advanced research &
analysis skills that are highly sought in the professional area.

The things I particularly like about studying in Australia are the cultural diversity, the high
standard of education & the Australian’s way of living. Besides, Australian education is well
known for quality & advancement & the students all over the world are studying over there after
obtaining proper qualification they make their future bright. Moreover, some students from our
district are also studying there and even a few of my friends have suggested me to be there to
fulfill my ambition for higher study. It is a wonderful opportunity to pursue higher education in
Australia if one is really serious about his/her career. The free structure of the course in Australia
is cheaper than that of other countries like Canada & USA. The universities in my home country
also offer the course but I chose Australia as it will be of more demandable. Again, the course
makes use of case studies, seminar discussions, workshops & presentations which will help to
improve my skills better.

The plan for my future is linear. The main purpose of my going to Australia is for study. First of
all I like to complete the undergraduate on Bachelor of Business. Then I like to comeback in my
country and apply for a job in any multinational companies. Moreover, Bangladesh has been going
rapidly. According to the IMF, Bangladesh's economy is the second fastest growing major
economy of 2016, with a rate of 7.1%. GDP growth in fiscal 2017-18 is likely to be 7.65 percent,
up from 7.28 percent a year earlier, as per the estimate of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. As a
result job market is expanding due to increased foreign investment and great number of increased
organization. Therefore I am confident about that when I will return back to my country with the
prestigious degree I will be highly valued by the employers of Bangladesh.

I have all the properties in my country and my family also lives there, so at some point I have to
return to my country. I believe that if I get chance to study in Australia, then I can definitely
enhance my knowledge pool which will boost up my career towards my ultimate goal.

Arafat Rahman Swan

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